
1935 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

##### authors #####
#translated to catalan by:
# Ryozuki
##### translated strings #####
%ds left
== %ds restants
%i minute left
== %i minuts restants
%i minutes left
== %i minuts restants
%i second left
== %i segons restants
%i seconds left
== %i segons restants
%s wins!
== ¡%s ha guanyat!
== Cancelar
== Afegir
Add Friend
== Afegir amic
== Direcció
== Tots
Are you sure that you want to quit?
== Estàs segur que vols sortir?
Automatically record demos
== Gravar repeticions automàticament
Automatically take game over screenshot
== Fer una foto de la pantalla al final de la partida automàticament
Blue team
== Equip blau
Blue team wins!
== El equip blau ha guanyat!
== Cos
Call vote
== Votar
Change settings
== Canviar la configuració
== Conversació
== Clan
== Client
Connecting to
== T'estàs unint a
Connection Problems…
== Problemes de connexió…
== Consola
== Controls
Count players only
== Només contar jugadors
== Actual
Custom colors
== Colors personalitzats
== Esborrar
Delete demo
== Esborrar repetició
Demofile: %s
== Fitxer de la repetició: %s
== Repeticions
== Desconnectar
== Desconnectat
Downloading map
== Descarregant mapa
== Empat!
Dynamic Camera
== Càmera dinàmica
== Emoticó
== Error
Error loading demo
== Error en carregar la repetició
== Preferit
== Preferits
== Peus
== Disparar
== Carpeta
Force vote
== Forçar la votació
== Vista lliure
== Pantalla completa
== Joc
Game info
== Informació de la partida
Game over
== Fi de la partida
Game paused
== Joc en pausa
Game type
== Mode de joc
Game types:
== Modes de joc:
== General
== Gràfics
== Granada
== Martell
Has people playing
== Hi ha gent jugant
High Detail
== Més detalls
== Ganxo
Invalid Demo
== Repetició invàlida
Join blue
== Unir-se al blau
Join red
== Unir-se al vermell
== Saltar
Kick player
== Expulsar el jugador
== Idioma
== Mapa
Move left
== Moure's a l'esquerra
Move player to spectators
== Moure el jugador als espectadors
Move right
== Moure's a la dreta
== Moviment
Mute when not active
== Silenciar si no està actiu
== Nom
Next weapon
== Arma següent
== Nom
== No
No password
== Sense contrasenya
No servers found
== Cap servidor trobat
No servers match your filter criteria
== Cap servidor correspon als criteris de filtratge
== Ok
Parent Folder
== Carpeta principal
== Contrasenya
Password incorrect
== Contrasenya incorrecta
== Ping
== Pistola
Play background music
== Reproduir música de fons
== Jugador
Player country:
== País del jugador
== Jugadors
Please balance teams!
== Si us plau, equilibreu els equips!
Prev. weapon
== Arma anterior
== Sortir
== Motiu:
Red team
== Equip vermell
Red team wins!
== El equip vermell guanya!
Remote console
== Consola remota
== Eliminar
Remove friend
== Eliminar amic
Rename demo
== Canviar de nom la repetició
Reset filter
== Reiniciar el filtre
== Punts
Score limit
== Límit de punts
== Puntuació
== Foto de pantalla
Server address:
== IP del servidor:
Server info
== Servidor
Server not full
== Servidor sense omplir
== Escopeta
Show chat
== Veure el xat
Show friends only
== Només veure els amics
Show ingame HUD
== Veure el HUD en el joc
Show name plates
== Veure els noms
Show only chat messages from friends
== Rebre només missatges d'amics
== So
Sound error
== Error de so
== Asistir
Spectate next
== Observar el següent
Spectate previous
== Observar l'anterior
Spectator mode
== Mode espectador
== Espectadors
Stop record
== Parar la grabació
Strict gametype filter
== Filtratge estricte del mode de joc
Sudden Death
== Mort sobtada
Switch weapon on pickup
== Canviar d'arma a l'agafar-la
== Equip
Team chat
== En equip
The audio device couldn't be initialised.
== El dispositiu d'àudio no pot ser inicialitzat.
The server is running a non-standard tuning on a pure game type.
== El servidor està utilitzant una modificació en un mode de joc estàndard
Time limit
== Temps límit
Time limit: %d min
== Temps límit: %d minuts
Try again
== Intenteu de nou
== Tipus
Unable to rename the demo
== No es pot reanomenar la repetició
Use sounds
== Utilitzar sons
Use team colors for name plates
== Fer servir els colors dels equips en els noms
== V-Sync
== Versió
Vote command:
== Ordre per la votació:
Vote description:
== Descripció de la votació:
Vote no
== Votar no
Vote yes
== Votar sí
== Votació
== Escalfament
== Arma
== Sí
You must restart the game for all settings to take effect.
== Has de reiniciar el joc perquè els canvis tinguin efecte.
== Repetició
== Làser
== Reiniciat
== Pantalla
New name:
== Nom nou:
== Saturació
== Miscel·lània
== Internet
Max demos
== Número màxim de repeticions
== Notícies
Join game
== Unir-se
FSAA samples
== Mostres FSAA
Sound volume
== Volum del so
Max Screenshots
== Número màxim de captures
== Tonalitat
Record demo
== Grabar repetició
Your skin
== La teva skin
Reset to defaults
== Restaurar als valors predeterminats
== Lluminositat
UI Color
== Color del menú
== Alfa
== LAN
Name plates size
== Mida de la lletra dels noms
== Proporció
== AntiPing
Show quads
== Mostrar els quads
Map sound volume
== Volum del so del mapa
== Països
Reconnect in %d sec
== Reconnectar-se en %d segons
== Agafa
Show kill messages
== Mostrar missatges de mort
Show ghost
== Mostrar el fantasma
== DDNet
No updates available
== No hi ha actualitzacions disponibles
Enable server message sound
== Activa el so del missatge del servidor
Show votes window after voting
== Mostrar la finestra de votacions després de votar
== HUD
Enable team chat sound
== Activar el so del xat d'equip
Show other players' hook collision lines
== Mostra les línies de col·lisió d'altres jugadors
== Morts
Enable game sounds
== Activar sons del joc
DDNet Client needs to be restarted to complete update!
== El client DDNet necessita reiniciar-se per completar l'actualització!
Show others
== Mostrar altres
== Joc
== Reiniciar
== Navegador
== Seguir
Enable gun sound
== Activar el so de la pistola
Team message
== Missatge d'equip
Automatically create statboard csv
== Crear un fitxer csv d'estadístiques automàticament
Save the best demo of each race
== Guardar la millor demo de cada carrera
Show tiles layers from BG map
== Mostrar les capes de rajoles del mapa de fons
Are you sure that you want to disconnect?
== Estàs segur que et vols desconnectar?
== Tipus
== Fantasma
Remove chat
== Eliminar el xat
Check now
== Comprova ara
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Morts causades
AntiPing: predict other players
== AntiPing: Predir altres jugadors
Show other players' key presses
== Mostrar les tecles premudes d'altres jugadors
Automatically take statboard screenshot
== Fer una foto de la taula d'estadístiques automàticament
System message
== Missatge del sistema
Enable long pain sound (used when shooting in freeze)
== Activar el so de dolor llarg (quan dispares congelat)
DDNet %s is available:
== DDNet %s està disponible:
== Actualitzant…
Overlay entities
== Entitats superposades
== Missatges
%.2f MiB
== %.2f MiB
Refresh Rate
== Freqüència d'actualització
New random timeout code
== Nou codi aleatori pel timeout
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Suïcidis
== Net
Loading DDNet Client
== Carregant el client DDNet
== FPM
Default zoom
== Zoom predeterminat
Show score
== Mostrar la puntuació
== Spree
Max CSVs
== CSVs màxims
%.2f KiB
== %.2f KiB
== Millor
Enable regular chat sound
== Activar el so de xat regular
Normal message
== Missatge normal
== Buscar
Connecting dummy
== Connectant el maniquí
Clan plates size
== Mida del clan
Update now
== Actualitza ara
Show clan above name plates
2021-11-23 17:02:38 +00:00
== Mostrar el clan a dalt dels noms
Save ghost
== Guardar el fantasma
== Excloure
Enable highlighted chat sound
== Activar el so del xat destacat
AntiPing: predict weapons
== AntiPing: predir armes
DDNet Client updated!
== El client DDNet s'ha actualitzat!
Highlighted message
== Missatge destacat
Switch weapon when out of ammo
== Canviar d'arma en quedar-se sense munició
AntiPing: predict grenade paths
== AntiPing: predir el camí de la granada
Friend message
== Missatge d'amics
Fat skins (DDFat)
== Skins Groses (DDFat)
Show names in chat in team colors
== Mostrar els noms en el xat amb colors
may cause delay
== pot causar retràs
Unfinished map
== Mapa inacabat
== Desactivar
Welcome to DDNet
== Benvingut a DDNet
== Activar
File already exists, do you want to overwrite it?
== L'arxiu ja existeix, vols reescriure'l?
Indicate map finish
== Indicar la finalització d'un mapa
== Guardar
Vanilla skins only
== Només Vanilla skins only
== Data
Show DDNet map finishes in server browser
== Mostrar finalitzacions de mapes en el buscador de servidors
2022-08-30 08:09:06 +00:00
transmits your player name to info.ddnet.org
== retransmet el teu nom de jugar a info.ddnet.org
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Successfully saved the replay!
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== S'ha guardat la repetició correctament!
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Replay feature is disabled!
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== La funció de reproducció està desactivada.
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Server best:
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Millor del servidor:
2020-06-26 16:19:29 +00:00
Personal best:
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Millor personal:
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Aprendre
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Render demo
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Renderitzar demo
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Replace video
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Substituir el video
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Disconnect Dummy
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Desconnectar dummy
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Are you sure that you want to disconnect your dummy?
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Estàs segur que vols desconnectar el teu dummy?
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
DDraceNetwork is a cooperative online game where the goal is for you and your group of tees to reach the finish line of the map. As a newcomer you should start on Novice servers, which host the easiest maps. Consider the ping to choose a server close to you.
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== DDraceNetwork és un videojoc cooperatiu en línia on l'objectiu és que tu i el teu grup de tees arribin a la meta final del mapa. Com a nouvingut hauries de començar en els servidors Novice, que contenen els mapes més fàcils. Considera el teu ping per escollir un servidor a prop teu.
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
It's recommended that you check the settings to adjust them to your liking before joining a server.
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== És recomanat que miris la configuració i ho canviïs al teu gust abans d'entrar a un servidor.
2020-11-05 08:32:14 +00:00
Please enter your nickname below.
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Si us plau, escriu el teu nom a sota.
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Video name:
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Nom del vídeo:
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Filter connecting players
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Filtrar els jugadors connectant-se
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
DDNet %s is out!
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== DDNet %s ja està disponible!
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Downloading %s:
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Descarregant %s:
Update failed! Check log…
== L'actualització ha fallat! Mira el registre…
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Marques
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Llargada
2020-06-26 16:19:29 +00:00
Fetch Info
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Obtenir informació
2020-06-26 16:19:29 +00:00
Connect Dummy
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Connectar el dummy
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Skin prefix
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Prefix de la skin
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Hook collisions
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Col·lisions del ganxo
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Pausa
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Matar
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Zoom in
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Fer zoom
2020-06-26 16:19:29 +00:00
Zoom out
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Disminuir zoom
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Show all
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Mostrar tots
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Toggle dyncam
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Commutar dyncam
2020-06-26 16:19:29 +00:00
Toggle dummy
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Commutar dummy
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Toggle ghost
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Commutar fantasma
2020-06-26 16:19:29 +00:00
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Dummy copy
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Dummy copia
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Hammerfly dummy
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Dummy hammerfly
2020-06-26 16:19:29 +00:00
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Conversar
2020-06-26 16:19:29 +00:00
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Taula d'estadístiques
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Lock team
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Bloquejar l'equip
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Show entities
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Mostrar entitats
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Show HUD
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Mostrar el HUD
2020-06-26 16:19:29 +00:00
Use high DPI
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Fer servir alt DPI
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
Default length
== Llargada predeterminada
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Enable replays
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Activar les repeticions
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Mida
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Show text entities
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Mostrar entitats de text
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
Show others (own team only)
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Mostar altres (només de l'equip)
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== Temps
2020-06-26 00:49:35 +00:00
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
1 new mention
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== 1 nova menció
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
%d new mentions
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== %d noves mencions
2020-06-28 08:48:47 +00:00
9+ new mentions
2020-07-07 08:58:55 +00:00
== 9+ noves mencions
2020-11-08 09:21:40 +00:00
== Manual
== Carrera
== Auto
== Repetició
2021-02-13 10:31:01 +00:00
The width of texture %s is not divisible by %d, or the height is not divisible by %d, which might cause visual bugs.
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== La mida de la textura %s no es divisible per %d, o l'altura no es divisible per %d, el qual pot resultar en errors visuals.
2020-09-11 08:00:09 +00:00
2022-05-24 22:12:38 +00:00
== Advertència
2020-09-11 08:00:09 +00:00
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
Debug mode enabled. Press Ctrl+Shift+D to disable debug mode.
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Mode de depuració activat. Utilitza Ctrl+Shift+D per desactivar-lo.
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
2020-08-18 08:33:29 +00:00
Use k key to kill (restart), q to pause and watch other players. See settings for other key binds.
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Utilitza la tecla k per morir (reiniciar). Veure la configuració per més key binds.
2020-08-18 08:33:29 +00:00
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
Existing Player
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Jugador Existent
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
2020-11-05 08:32:14 +00:00
Your nickname '%s' is already used (%d points). Do you still want to use it?
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== El teu sobrenom '%s' ja esta en ús (té %d punts). Vols continuar utilitzant-lo?
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
Checking for existing player with your name
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Comprovant si existeix un jugador amb el teu nom
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
2021-10-26 13:14:14 +00:00
Are you sure that you want to disconnect and switch to a different server?
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Estàs segur que et vols desconnectar i entrar a un servidor diferent?
2021-10-26 13:14:14 +00:00
2020-09-11 08:00:09 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Velocitat
2020-09-11 08:00:09 +00:00
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Tema
2020-09-17 18:56:01 +00:00
2021-05-27 07:04:49 +00:00
Getting server list from master server
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Obtenint la llista de servidors
2021-05-27 07:04:49 +00:00
2020-09-17 18:56:01 +00:00
%d of %d servers
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== %d de %d servidors
2020-09-17 18:56:01 +00:00
%d of %d server
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== %d de %d servidor
2020-09-17 18:56:01 +00:00
%d players
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== %d jugadors
2020-09-17 18:56:01 +00:00
%d player
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== %d jugador
2020-09-17 18:56:01 +00:00
2021-05-27 07:04:49 +00:00
Leak IP
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Fer la teva ip pública
2021-05-27 07:04:49 +00:00
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
Demos directory
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Directori de demos
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
2020-11-07 10:37:57 +00:00
Smooth Dynamic Camera
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Camera dinàmica suau
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
2020-09-05 21:24:24 +00:00
Skip the main menu
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Saltar el menu principal
2020-09-05 21:24:24 +00:00
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
Themes directory
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Directori de temes
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
Download skins
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Descargar skins
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
Skin Database
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Base de dades de skins
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
Skins directory
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Directori de skins
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
2021-03-03 14:21:02 +00:00
Chat command
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Comanda de xat
2021-02-13 10:31:01 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Dummy
2021-02-13 10:31:01 +00:00
2021-05-27 07:04:49 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Finestra
2021-05-27 07:04:49 +00:00
Windowed borderless
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Finestra sense vores
2021-05-27 07:04:49 +00:00
Desktop fullscreen
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Pantalla completa d'escriptori
2021-05-27 07:04:49 +00:00
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
Game sound volume
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Volum del so del joc
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
Chat sound volume
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Volum del so de xat
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
Background music volume
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Volum de música de fons
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Arxius
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
2021-02-13 10:31:01 +00:00
Use old chat style
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Utilitzar l'estil antic del xat
2020-11-05 07:58:48 +00:00
Client message
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Missatge del client
2020-09-05 21:24:24 +00:00
2021-02-13 10:31:01 +00:00
2022-05-24 22:12:38 +00:00
== Vista prèvia
2021-02-13 10:31:01 +00:00
2021-10-26 13:14:14 +00:00
Show local player's key presses
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Mostrar les tecles premudes del jugador local
2021-10-26 13:14:14 +00:00
2021-02-13 10:31:01 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Fons
2021-02-13 10:31:01 +00:00
2020-10-02 18:22:29 +00:00
Use current map as background
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Utilitzar el mapa actual com a fons
2020-10-02 18:22:29 +00:00
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Entitats
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Emoticons
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Partícules
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
Assets directory
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Directori d'arxius del joc
2020-10-02 17:04:39 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Discord
2022-08-30 08:09:06 +00:00
== https://ddnet.org/discord
2022-08-30 08:09:06 +00:00
== https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Main_Page/ca
2020-09-11 08:00:09 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Página Web
2020-09-11 08:00:09 +00:00
2020-09-05 21:24:24 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Configuració
2020-09-05 21:24:24 +00:00
2020-09-06 09:11:59 +00:00
Stop server
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Apagar servidor
2020-09-05 21:24:24 +00:00
2020-09-06 09:11:59 +00:00
Run server
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Engegar servidor
2020-09-05 21:24:24 +00:00
2020-09-11 08:00:09 +00:00
Server executable not found, can't run server
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== L'executable del servidor no s'ha trobat, no es pot engegar el servidor
2020-09-05 21:24:24 +00:00
2021-10-26 15:12:41 +00:00
== Editor
2020-09-15 08:28:15 +00:00
[Start menu]
2022-05-24 22:12:38 +00:00
== Jugar
2021-11-23 17:02:38 +00:00
== AFR
2021-11-23 17:02:38 +00:00
== ASI
2021-11-23 17:02:38 +00:00
== AUS
2021-11-23 17:02:38 +00:00
== EUR
2021-11-23 17:02:38 +00:00
== NA
2021-11-23 17:02:38 +00:00
== SA
2021-11-23 17:02:38 +00:00
== CHN
2021-12-20 17:18:08 +00:00
2022-03-04 08:29:58 +00:00
The format of texture %s is not RGBA which will cause visual bugs.
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== El format de la textura %s no és RGBA i pot causar errors visuals.
2022-03-04 08:29:58 +00:00
Join Tutorial Server
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== Entrar al tutorial
Skip Tutorial
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== Saltar el Tutorial
2021-12-20 17:18:08 +00:00
Settings file
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== Arxiu de configuració
2021-12-20 17:18:08 +00:00
Config directory
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== Directori amb la configuració
2021-12-20 17:18:08 +00:00
2022-02-06 09:33:06 +00:00
Windowed fullscreen
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== Windowed fullscreen
2022-02-06 09:33:06 +00:00
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== Renderitzador
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== predeterminat
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== personalitzat
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== auto
2021-12-20 17:18:08 +00:00
Run on join
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== Córrer en unir-se
Chat command (e.g. showall 1)
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== Commanda del xat (e.g showall 1)
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== Tutorial
2022-03-25 16:15:11 +00:00
Can't find a Tutorial server
2022-03-29 07:44:59 +00:00
== No s'ha pogut trobar un servidor del tutorial
2022-04-28 14:46:18 +00:00
2023-01-03 16:03:41 +00:00
[Graphics error]
Failed during initialization. Try to change gfx_backend to OpenGL or Vulkan in settings_ddnet.cfg in the config directory and try again.
[Graphics error]
Out of VRAM. Try removing custom assets (skins, entities, etc.), especially those with high resolution.
[Graphics error]
An error during command recording occurred. Try to update your GPU drivers.
[Graphics error]
A render command failed. Try to update your GPU drivers.
[Graphics error]
Submitting the render commands failed. Try to update your GPU drivers.
[Graphics error]
Failed to swap framebuffers. Try to update your GPU drivers.
[Graphics error]
Unknown error. Try to change gfx_backend to OpenGL or Vulkan in settings_ddnet.cfg in the config directory and try again.
[Graphics error]
Could not initialize the given graphics backend, reverting to the default backend now.
[Graphics error]
Could not initialize the given graphics backend, this is probably because you didn't install the driver of the integrated graphics card.
Could not resolve connect address '%s'. See local console for details.
Connect address error
Could not save downloaded map. Try manually deleting this file: %s
Could not connect dummy
Error playing demo
2024-03-02 13:07:21 +00:00
Failed saving the replay!
Saving settings to '%s' failed
2024-03-02 13:07:21 +00:00
Error saving settings
Preparing demo playback
Loading map file from storage
2024-04-20 01:02:45 +00:00
Loading demo file from storage
2024-07-16 16:30:08 +00:00
Initializing components
2022-08-08 14:37:17 +00:00
2024-07-16 16:30:08 +00:00
Why are you slowmo replaying to read this?
Initializing assets
Initializing map logic
Sending initial client info
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
Quitting. Please wait…
Restarting. Please wait…
2024-03-02 13:07:21 +00:00
Loading skin files
Enter Username
Enter Password
Match %d of %d
No results
Lines %d - %d (%s)
2024-03-02 13:07:21 +00:00
Loading commands…
2022-06-14 18:29:21 +00:00
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
2024-07-16 16:30:08 +00:00
Following %s
Team %d
Some map images could not be loaded. Check the local console for details.
Uploading map data to GPU
Some map sounds could not be loaded. Check the local console for details.
Loading menu themes
Press a key…
2024-03-02 13:07:21 +00:00
Main menu
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
Rename folder
Render complete
Are you sure that you want to restart?
2024-09-29 09:34:37 +00:00
Save skin
Are you sure you want to save your skin? If a skin with this name already exists, it will be replaced.
There's an unsaved map in the editor, you might want to save it.
Continue anyway?
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
A demo with this name already exists
2022-12-05 16:47:48 +00:00
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
A folder with this name already exists
Unable to rename the folder
2022-12-05 16:47:48 +00:00
File '%s' already exists, do you want to overwrite it?
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
Videos directory
Video was saved to '%s'
2024-09-29 09:34:37 +00:00
Unable to save the skin
Unable to save the skin with a reserved name
Trying to determine UDP connectivity…
2024-04-20 01:02:45 +00:00
UDP seems to be filtered.
UDP and TCP IP addresses seem to be different. Try disabling VPN, proxy or network accelerators.
No answer from server yet.
2024-06-08 01:01:55 +00:00
%d/%d KiB (%.1f KiB/s)
2024-04-20 01:02:45 +00:00
Getting game info
Requesting to join the game
Loading menu images
2024-09-29 09:34:37 +00:00
No local servers found (ports %d-%d)
2024-07-16 16:30:08 +00:00
Example of usage
2024-04-20 01:02:45 +00:00
No login required
Copy info
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
No server selected
Online players (%d)
Online clanmates (%d)
[friends (server browser)]
Offline (%d)
Click to select server. Double click to join your friend.
Click to remove this player from your friends list.
Click to remove this clan from your friends list.
2022-12-05 16:47:48 +00:00
Are you sure that you want to remove the player '%s' from your friends list?
Are you sure that you want to remove the clan '%s' from your friends list?
Add Clan
2024-03-02 13:07:21 +00:00
Server filter
Play the current demo
Pause the current demo
Stop the current demo
2023-09-17 14:23:20 +00:00
Go back the specified duration
[Demo player duration]
%d min.
[Demo player duration]
%d sec.
Change the skip duration
Go forward the specified duration
2022-12-05 16:47:48 +00:00
Go back one tick
Go forward one tick
2023-09-17 14:23:20 +00:00
Go back one marker
Go forward one marker
Slow down the demo
Speed up the demo
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
Mark the beginning of a cut (right click to reset)
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
Mark the end of a cut (right click to reset)
2022-09-29 16:54:04 +00:00
Export cut as a separate demo
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
Close the demo player
Toggle keyboard shortcuts
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
Export demo cut
Cut interval
Cut length
2023-09-06 19:03:51 +00:00
Render cut to video
Please use a different filename
Loading demo files
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
All combined
No demo selected
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
Folder Link
[Demo details]
map not included
2023-01-03 16:03:41 +00:00
Open the directory that contains the demo files
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
Are you sure that you want to delete the folder '%s'?
2022-12-05 16:47:48 +00:00
Are you sure that you want to delete the demo '%s'?
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
Delete folder
2022-12-05 16:47:48 +00:00
Unable to delete the demo '%s'
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
Unable to delete the folder '%s'. Make sure it's empty first.
Dummy is not allowed on this server
Please wait…
2024-03-02 13:07:21 +00:00
Loading ghost files
Ghosts directory
Activate all
Deactivate all
2022-12-05 16:47:48 +00:00
Menu opened. Press Esc key again to close menu.
2024-09-29 09:34:37 +00:00
2023-01-03 16:03:41 +00:00
Save power by lowering refresh rate (higher input latency)
Open the settings file
Open the directory that contains the configuration and user files
Open the directory to add custom themes
2024-04-20 01:02:45 +00:00
Player info change cooldown
2022-06-14 18:29:21 +00:00
Download community skins
Create a random skin
2022-04-28 14:46:18 +00:00
Choose default eyes when joining a server
2023-03-26 14:23:45 +00:00
2023-01-03 16:03:41 +00:00
Open the directory to add custom skins
2022-06-14 18:29:21 +00:00
Enable controller
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
2022-06-14 18:29:21 +00:00
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
Ingame controller mode
2022-06-14 18:29:21 +00:00
[Ingame controller mode]
[Ingame controller mode]
Ingame controller sens.
UI controller sens.
Controller jitter tolerance
2023-01-03 16:03:41 +00:00
No controller found. Plug in a controller.
2022-06-14 18:29:21 +00:00
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
2022-06-14 18:29:21 +00:00
Aim bind
Ingame mouse sens.
UI mouse sens.
2022-12-05 16:47:48 +00:00
Reset controls
Are you sure that you want to reset the controls to their defaults?
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
2022-04-28 14:46:18 +00:00
Allows maps to render with more detail
2023-06-30 07:50:21 +00:00
Graphics card
2024-06-08 01:01:55 +00:00
Name Plate
Hook Collisions
Info Messages
Show health, shields and ammo
2022-06-14 18:29:21 +00:00
Show local time always
Show client IDs (scoreboard, chat, spectator)
Show DDRace HUD
Show jumps indicator
Show dummy actions
2022-06-14 18:29:21 +00:00
Show player position
Show player speed
Show player target angle
2022-06-26 10:06:45 +00:00
Show freeze bars
Opacity of freeze bars inside freeze
2024-04-20 01:02:45 +00:00
Always show chat
2024-06-08 01:01:55 +00:00
Show only chat messages from team members
Chat font size
Chat width
2024-04-20 01:02:45 +00:00
Show friend mark (♥) in name plates
Show hook strength icon indicator
Show hook strength number indicator
Authed name color in scoreboard
Same clan color in scoreboard
Hook collision line
2024-04-20 01:02:45 +00:00
Show own player's hook collision line
Always show own player's hook collision line
Always show other players' hook collision lines
Hook collision line width
Hook collision line opacity
Colors of the hook collision line, in case of a possible collision with:
Your movements are not taken into account when calculating the line colors
Nothing hookable
Something hookable
A Tee
Show finish messages
2022-06-26 10:06:45 +00:00
Normal Color
Highlight Color
Rifle Laser Outline Color
Rifle Laser Inner Color
Shotgun Laser Outline Color
Shotgun Laser Inner Color
Door Laser Outline Color
Door Laser Inner Color
Freeze Laser Outline Color
Freeze Laser Inner Color
Set all to Rifle
Enable ghost
2022-04-28 14:46:18 +00:00
When you cross the start line, show a ghost tee replicating the movements of your best time
Only save improvements
Adjust the opacity of entities belonging to other teams, such as tees and nameplates
2022-04-28 14:46:18 +00:00
Quads are used for background decoration
Tries to predict other entities to give a feel of low latency
Regular background color
Entities background color
2023-01-03 16:03:41 +00:00
Unregister protocol and file extensions
2024-09-29 09:34:37 +00:00
2024-09-29 09:34:37 +00:00
Are you sure that you want to delete '%s'?
Delete skin
Unable to delete skin
2022-06-26 10:06:45 +00:00
Loading assets
2023-01-03 16:03:41 +00:00
Open the directory to add custom assets
Loading race demo files
2024-07-16 16:30:08 +00:00
Round %d/%d
%d others…
2022-04-28 14:46:18 +00:00
2024-07-16 16:30:08 +00:00
[Team and size]
Team %d (%d/%d)
2024-09-29 09:34:37 +00:00
Loading sound files
2023-08-06 13:33:52 +00:00
Moved ingame
2024-07-16 16:30:08 +00:00