Edgar edg-l
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8975/head at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
a266cd2f70 Save the config file when the app is minimized on Android
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8973/head at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
b475c67039 Various improvements to announcements
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8972/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
a2e0ab2dbe Merge pull request #8973 from furo321/improve-annoucements
255694c061 Merge pull request #8975 from furo321/android-save-minimized
b475c67039 Various improvements to announcements
a266cd2f70 Save the config file when the app is minimized on Android
Compare 7 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8971/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
2c77e79061 Merge pull request #8980 from ChillerDragon/pr_fix_team_colors_sixup
46c5344d71 Fix 0.7 client team colors (Closed #8977)
Compare 3 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8947/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
a2e0ab2dbe Merge pull request #8973 from furo321/improve-annoucements
255694c061 Merge pull request #8975 from furo321/android-save-minimized
b475c67039 Various improvements to announcements
a266cd2f70 Save the config file when the app is minimized on Android
Compare 11 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8925/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
a2e0ab2dbe Merge pull request #8973 from furo321/improve-annoucements
255694c061 Merge pull request #8975 from furo321/android-save-minimized
b475c67039 Various improvements to announcements
a266cd2f70 Save the config file when the app is minimized on Android
Compare 13 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8900/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
a2e0ab2dbe Merge pull request #8973 from furo321/improve-annoucements
255694c061 Merge pull request #8975 from furo321/android-save-minimized
b475c67039 Various improvements to announcements
a266cd2f70 Save the config file when the app is minimized on Android
Compare 7 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8969/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
a2e0ab2dbe Merge pull request #8973 from furo321/improve-annoucements
255694c061 Merge pull request #8975 from furo321/android-save-minimized
b475c67039 Various improvements to announcements
a266cd2f70 Save the config file when the app is minimized on Android
Compare 7 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8961/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
a2e0ab2dbe Merge pull request #8973 from furo321/improve-annoucements
255694c061 Merge pull request #8975 from furo321/android-save-minimized
b475c67039 Various improvements to announcements
a266cd2f70 Save the config file when the app is minimized on Android
Compare 11 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8698/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
d2348b2e06 Merge pull request #8986 from Robyt3/Client-Localize-Hz
45808841ac Localize Hz unit of refresh rate settings
78d702d3b7 Merge pull request #8981 from ChillerDragon/pr_qa_md
cbc21fab4a Merge pull request #8984 from ChillerDragon/pr_qa_afl
Compare 19 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/7886/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
a2e0ab2dbe Merge pull request #8973 from furo321/improve-annoucements
255694c061 Merge pull request #8975 from furo321/android-save-minimized
b475c67039 Various improvements to announcements
a266cd2f70 Save the config file when the app is minimized on Android
Compare 13 commits »
edg-l synced commits to master at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
5407db0236 Merge pull request #8987 from Robyt3/Client-Skins-Randomize-Function
d2348b2e06 Merge pull request #8986 from Robyt3/Client-Localize-Hz
96cc8c5830 Move CMenus::RandomSkin function to CSkins::RandomizeSkin
45808841ac Localize Hz unit of refresh rate settings
78d702d3b7 Merge pull request #8981 from ChillerDragon/pr_qa_md
Compare 14 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8632/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
78d702d3b7 Merge pull request #8981 from ChillerDragon/pr_qa_md
cbc21fab4a Merge pull request #8984 from ChillerDragon/pr_qa_afl
3781f95190 Add quick action "Add front layer"
32e8bb1f05 Add quick action "Map details"
Compare 11 commits »
edg-l synced and deleted reference refs/tags/refs/pull/8975/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
edg-l synced and deleted reference refs/tags/refs/pull/8973/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8432/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 16:52:18 +00:00
a2e0ab2dbe Merge pull request #8973 from furo321/improve-annoucements
255694c061 Merge pull request #8975 from furo321/android-save-minimized
b475c67039 Various improvements to announcements
a266cd2f70 Save the config file when the app is minimized on Android
Compare 13 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8972/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 08:42:20 +00:00
96ad30eb21 Merge pull request #8978 from ChillerDragon/pr_spamprot
b03245f7dd Merge pull request #8979 from ChillerDragon/pr_flag_sounds7
7192bbf397 Fix 0.7 client flag sounds being duplicated when dummy is connected
984845b2a9 Describe what sv_spamprotection covers
Compare 5 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8971/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 08:42:20 +00:00
96ad30eb21 Merge pull request #8978 from ChillerDragon/pr_spamprot
b03245f7dd Merge pull request #8979 from ChillerDragon/pr_flag_sounds7
7192bbf397 Fix 0.7 client flag sounds being duplicated when dummy is connected
984845b2a9 Describe what sv_spamprotection covers
Compare 5 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8969/merge at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 08:42:20 +00:00
df269215d0 Enable cl_sub_tick_aiming by default
96ad30eb21 Merge pull request #8978 from ChillerDragon/pr_spamprot
b03245f7dd Merge pull request #8979 from ChillerDragon/pr_flag_sounds7
7192bbf397 Fix 0.7 client flag sounds being duplicated when dummy is connected
Compare 8 commits »
edg-l synced commits to refs/pull/8969/head at edg-l/ddnet from mirror 2024-09-18 08:42:20 +00:00
df269215d0 Enable cl_sub_tick_aiming by default