Abort the Android CMake build immediately if any of the command line arguments is not specified, instead of assuming default values.
Add more log messages for different build steps to improve progress reporting and improve the existing log messages.
Improve and fix colors of log messages. Previously, some log message colors were not terminated properly, causing the output color of subsequent commands to change.
Avoid some error messages when the build script is executed for the first time, i.e. when cleanup of the previous build is not necessary because the files do not exist yet.
Make some related variable names more readable by removing the unnecessary underscore and `DEFAULT` prefixes.
Abort the build script when the CMake build fails for any of the selected architectures. Previously, the build may have continued and caused an APK without the respective library files to be built.
Ensure that the main game library is copied successfully. Remove unnecessary copies of library files that do not exist and are unused, which were causing error messages during the build.
Parse `GAME_RELEASE_VERSION` and `DDNET_VERSION_NUMBER` definitions from `src/game/version.h` by default, so specifying a version manually is usually not necessary.
Use [cargo-ndk](https://github.com/bbqsrc/cargo-ndk) to configure cargo for building with the Android NDK. The output of `cargo ndk` is written to a subfolder for the target triplet, which cannot be changed by parameter. Therefore, the `CARGO_BUILD_DIR` is changed to this subfolder for the Android build, so the build process can find the output.
Use `$HOME` instead of `~` because cargo-ndk cannot correctly access the folder otherwise (will fail with error message indicating it could not determine the NDK version).
Add `DDNET_TEST_NO_LINK=ON` CMake argument, to fix Rust linking errors with tests.
Add additional CMake arguments to specify system name, API version and NDK location. Upgrade to Android API 34.
Use `nproc` instead of `32` threads for building.