The `.demo` extension is supposed to be removed from the target filename when slicing demos, but anything after the last dot was being removed instead, e.g. `` was incorrectly replaced with ``.
Remove separate handling of UI mouse position and delta in the editor and use the UI directly for this like in the gameclient. Raw cursor movements are redirected to the UI with the `CUi::OnCursorMove` function. The editor separately updates its world positions and delta after the mouse position was changed. The mouse world position for the editor is passed to the UI with the `CUi::Update` funtion as before, whereas the world position is unused in the gameclient.
Use `vec2`s for mouse positions and deltas instead of two separate floats.
Add `IInput::ConsumeEvents` function accepting a consumer `std::function` to replace the duplicate usage of the `IInput::NumEvents`, `IInput::GetEvent` and `IInput::IsEventValid` functions.
Use an `std::vector` to store the current input events to support any number of input events per client update instead of at most 32.
Use full `uint32_t` range for input counter instead of only using the range 0..0xFFFF. If the range is artificially reduced, then this can result in inputs being handled multiple times with high refresh rates, so the increased range should add future proofing for extremely fast devices.
Split `CInput::AddEvent` function into `CInput::AddKeyEvent` and `CInput::AddTextEvent` functions for readability and to make it easier to add additional input events (i.e. touch events).
Ensure double-click state is cleared at the end of each frame to prevent the double-click from being stored when no UI element consumes it.
Move member variables from `IInput` interface to `CInput` implementation.
Remove separate `CEditor::DispatchInputEvents` function.
Currently the per tee demos are only stopped when a character dies.
But the Reset() method in the gameworld destroys characters without
killing them.
This allows to do world resets without calling gamecontext shutdown
while sv_player_demo_record is active. Which is nice for round based
game modes.
void CGameWorld::Reset()
// reset all entities
for(auto *pEnt : m_apFirstEntityTypes)
for(; pEnt;)
m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity;
pEnt = m_pNextTraverseEntity;
m_ResetRequested = false;
With some languages the buffers for the scoreboard recording notification were not large enough when recording all 4 types of demos at the same time.
Reduce duplicate code. Avoid unnecessary, slow `str_format` for concatenation. Use UI functions for drawing the background and text.
Fix crash when reading a translation file that ends unexpectedly after a context line.
Make error messages about malformed translation files more detailed.
Fix incorrect line numbers in the error message because context lines were not counted.
Use `log_error` for error messages.
Ignore language file config variable being set initially in the conchain (i.e. when `GlobalTime` still returns zero) and check whether the value changed before reloading the language.