ChillerDragon 0988cff4c9 Refactor to prepare proper msg unpacking
Rename `name` -> `message_name`
Replaced `GameMessage` and `SysMessage` with duck typed `NetMessage`
Split up in multiple files
2023-03-25 14:22:45 +01:00

2.9 KiB

A teeworlds network protocol library, designed according to sans I/O ( principles


Do not get bamboozled by the mature looking readme! This project is not in a very usable state yet. It is in very early development! APIs might change and many essential features are missing!


pip install twnet_parser

sample usage

import twnet_parser.packet
packet = twnet_parser.packet.parse7(b'\x04\x0a\x00\xcf\x2e\xde\x1d\04') # 0.7 close

print(packet) # => <class: 'TwPacket'>: {'version': '0.7', 'header': <class: 'Header'>, 'messages': [<class: 'CtrlMessage'>]}
print(packet.header) # => <class: 'Header'>: {'flags': <class: 'PacketFlags7, 'size': 0, 'ack': 10, 'token': b'\xcf.\xde\x1d', 'num_chunks': 0}
print(packet.header.flags) # => <class: 'PacketFlags7'>: {'control': True, 'resend': False, 'compression': False, 'connless': False}
for msg in packet.messages:
    print(msg.message_name) # => close


Feature Status
Deserialize 0.7 packet headers ✔️
Deserialize 0.7 chunk headers
Deserialize 0.7 messages
Serialize 0.7 packet headers
Serialize 0.7 chunk headers
Serialize 0.7 messages
Deserialize 0.6 packet headers
Deserialize 0.6 chunk headers
Deserialize 0.6 messages
Serialize 0.6 packet headers
Serialize 0.6 chunk headers
Serialize 0.6 messages

Non-Features (also not planned for this library)

Feature Status Where to find it
Networking TODO: link if someone implemented it on top
Protocol version detection TODO: link if someone implemented it on top

Look elsewhere for these features. Or use this library to implement them on top.

development setup

git clone
cd twnet_parser
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

tests and linting

# dev dependencies
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

# run unit tests
pytest .

# run style linter
pylint src/

# run type checker
mypy src/

package and release

# manual
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
sed "s/^version =.*/version = $version/" setup.cfg
python -m build
git tag -a "v$version" -m "# version $version"
python -m twine upload dist/*

# or use the interactive convience script