N | |
net_addr_comp | |
net_addr_str | |
net_errno | |
net_host_lookup | |
net_init | |
net_tcp_accept | |
net_tcp_close | |
net_tcp_connect | |
net_tcp_connect_non_blocking | |
net_tcp_create | |
net_tcp_listen | |
net_tcp_recv | |
net_tcp_send | |
net_tcp_set_non_blocking | |
net_udp_close | |
net_udp_create | |
net_udp_recv | |
net_udp_send | |
net_would_block | |
Network General | |
Network TCP | |
Network UDP | |
Network(Server) | |
O | |
on_character_death, Game Controller | |
on_character_spawn, Game Controller | |
on_entity, Game Controller | |
OS Abstraction | |
Other | |
Overview | |
P | |
pos, Entity | |
Prediction | |
proximity_radius, Entity | |
Q | |
Quads | |
R | |
Reinit | |
remove_entity, Game World | |
Rendering | |
reset, Entity | |
Running |
Compares two network addresses.
int net_addr_comp( const NETADDR * a, const NETADDR * b )
Turns a network address into a representive string.
int net_addr_str( const NETADDR * addr, char * string, int max_length )
int net_errno()
Does a hostname lookup by name and fills out the passed NETADDR struct with the recieved details.
int net_host_lookup( const char * hostname, NETADDR * addr, int types )
Initiates network functionallity.
int net_init()
Polls a listning socket for a new connection.
int net_tcp_accept( NETSOCKET sock, NETSOCKET * new_sock, NETADDR * addr )
Closes a TCP socket.
int net_tcp_close( NETSOCKET sock )
Connects one socket to another.
int net_tcp_connect( NETSOCKET sock, const NETADDR * addr )
int net_tcp_connect_non_blocking( NETSOCKET sock, const NETADDR * a )
Creates a TCP socket.
NETSOCKET net_tcp_create( const NETADDR * a )
Makes the socket start listening for new connections.
int net_tcp_listen( NETSOCKET sock, int backlog )
Recvives data from a TCP stream.
int net_tcp_recv( NETSOCKET sock, void * data, int maxsize )
Sends data to a TCP stream.
int net_tcp_send( NETSOCKET sock, const void * data, int size )
int net_tcp_set_non_blocking( NETSOCKET sock )
Closes an UDP socket.
int net_udp_close( NETSOCKET sock )
Creates a UDP socket and binds it to a port.
NETSOCKET net_udp_create( NETADDR bindaddr )
Recives a packet over an UDP socket.
int net_udp_recv( NETSOCKET sock, NETADDR * addr, void * data, int maxsize )
Sends a packet over an UDP socket.
int net_udp_send( NETSOCKET sock, const NETADDR * addr, const void * data, int size )
int net_would_block()
Called when a character in the world dies.
virtual int on_character_death( class CHARACTER * victim, class PLAYER * killer, int weapon )
Called when a character spawns into the game world.
virtual void on_character_spawn( class CHARACTER * chr )
Called when the map is loaded to process an entity in the map.
virtual bool on_entity( int index, vec2 pos )
Contains the current posititon of the entity.
vec2 pos
Contains the physical size of the entity.
float proximity_radius
Removes an entity from the world.
void remove_entity( ENTITY * entity )
Called when the game resets the map.
virtual void reset()