detect.h has manual litte/big endian definitions for some architectures
but many are missing.
Instead of adding more manual definitions it's better to use the
definitions of gcc when available.
* Add the following config variables :
* sv_vote_pause: Allow voting to pause players (instead of moving to spectators) (default: 1)
* sv_vote_pause_time: The time (in seconds) players have to wait in pause when paused by vote (default: 60)
* sv_vote_pause_auto: Automatically unpaused players after the force-pause delay or not (default: 0)
* Add the following functions :
* force_pause v?i : Force v to pause for i seconds
* force_unpause v : Force v to unpause
* Adding wrappers functions to modify character or pause data if player are in game or paused.
* Moved OnFinish() function to teams.cpp so it can also be called on paused players.
* Pause is now enabled for team players.
* Adding bool CPlayer::IsPlaying() function that return true if the player is either in game or in pause. (false if spectator/dead).
* Player go through a Checkpoint tile (29 in tele layer)
* He fall in a Check-Teleporter tile (31 in tele layer)
* Player is teleported to the check-TO (30 in tele layer) that have the same number as the last Checkpoint.
Thus players are teleported to the last checkpoint he passed, regardless of whether he made the map in the right direction or not.
Tele tileset may need some improvement.
Closes Pull Request #52
* Removing old unused DDRaceTunesReset() function.
* Adding ResetTuning() function to reset tunes.
* Adding ResetTuning() and some settings reset (sv_hit/sv_endless_drag/sv_old_laser) to CGameContext::OnInit() which is loaded on each map load.
Repositioned the new Functions