See also Jupeyy's explanation in for why we want to ignore
> sadly components have no OnDestruct on anything like that
> so aslong it doesn't actually leak it's just non destructed memory
So it's something we allocate once for the entire client lifetime from
my understanding.
==421461==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks
Direct leak of 411760 byte(s) in 10 object(s) allocated from:
#0 0x55eaf0c08a29 in malloc (/media/ddnet/integration_test/DDNet+0x736a29)
#1 0x55eaf0de9f72 in CCommandProcessorFragment_OpenGL2::Cmd_CreateBufferObject(CCommandBuffer::SCommand_CreateBufferObject const*) /media/ddnet/src/engine/client/backend/opengl/backend_opengl.cpp:1898:25
#2 0x55eaf0dd82f5 in CCommandProcessorFragment_OpenGL::RunCommand(CCommandBuffer::SCommand const*) /media/ddnet/src/engine/client/backend/opengl/backend_opengl.cpp
#3 0x55eaf0f73229 in CCommandProcessor_SDL_GL::RunBuffer(CCommandBuffer*) /media/ddnet/src/engine/client/backend_sdl.cpp:246:20
#4 0x55eaf0f70568 in CGraphicsBackend_Threaded::ThreadFunc(void*) /media/ddnet/src/engine/client/backend_sdl.cpp:75:25
#5 0x55eaf0d679d7 in thread_run(void*) /media/ddnet/src/base/system.cpp:686:2
#6 0x7f08b788c54c (/usr/lib/
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 411760 byte(s) leaked in 10 allocation(s).
As described in #5295, the integration test script waits for the client
to close before launching the next one. I don't know what causes this,
but disabling full-screen mode works around the issue.
I don't know if this is okay. @ChillerDragon?