Ensure that the main game library is copied successfully. Remove unnecessary copies of library files that do not exist and are unused, which were causing error messages during the build.
Extract `build_gradle` function to reduce duplicate code for running the Gradle build. Remove the initial invocation of Gradle without a build target, which has no effect and was causing an error message during the build.
Parse `GAME_RELEASE_VERSION` and `DDNET_VERSION_NUMBER` definitions from `src/game/version.h` by default, so specifying a version manually is usually not necessary.
Upgrade to Gradle 8.5 and Gradle Plugin 8.3.0 for compatibility with Java 21. Explicity set Java version 21 in `build.gradle`. Increment compile and target SDK version to 34 accordingly.
Remove the explicitly defined, obsolete `buildToolsVersion` property in `build.gradle`, as it is now automatically derived by Gradle.
Replace the deprecated property `android:extractNativeLibs` in `AndroidMainfest.xml` with `useLegacyPackaging` in `build.gradle`.
Replace the deprecated package definition `package="tw.DDNet"` in `AndroidMainfest.xml` with `namespace("tw.DDNet")` in `build.gradle`.
Add the required property `android:exported="true"` to the main activity in `AndroidMainfest.xml`.
Use [cargo-ndk](https://github.com/bbqsrc/cargo-ndk) to configure cargo for building with the Android NDK. The output of `cargo ndk` is written to a subfolder for the target triplet, which cannot be changed by parameter. Therefore, the `CARGO_BUILD_DIR` is changed to this subfolder for the Android build, so the build process can find the output.
Use `$HOME` instead of `~` because cargo-ndk cannot correctly access the folder otherwise (will fail with error message indicating it could not determine the NDK version).
Add `DDNET_TEST_NO_LINK=ON` CMake argument, to fix Rust linking errors with tests.
Add additional CMake arguments to specify system name, API version and NDK location. Upgrade to Android API 34.
Use `nproc` instead of `32` threads for building.
Always force landscape orientation to be used for the game on Android.
Hide the title bar so it is not shown when starting the game. There is also a bug with SDL currently that leads to the title bar and status bar being shown permanently after minimizing and reopening the app, which is alleviated by hiding the title bar.
In ./scripts/android/files/build.sh line 3:
[ x"$1" == x ] && {
^---^ SC2268 (style): Avoid x-prefix in comparisons as it no longer serves a purpose.
Did you mean:
[ "$1" == "" ] && {