Use [cargo-ndk]( to configure cargo for building with the Android NDK. The output of `cargo ndk` is written to a subfolder for the target triplet, which cannot be changed by parameter. Therefore, the `CARGO_BUILD_DIR` is changed to this subfolder for the Android build, so the build process can find the output. Use `$HOME` instead of `~` because cargo-ndk cannot correctly access the folder otherwise (will fail with error message indicating it could not determine the NDK version). Add `DDNET_TEST_NO_LINK=ON` CMake argument, to fix Rust linking errors with tests. Add additional CMake arguments to specify system name, API version and NDK location. Upgrade to Android API 34. Use `nproc` instead of `32` threads for building. |
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Requirements for building:
- Android NDK (tested with NDK 23), must be in the same location in which Android studio would unpack it (~/Android/Sdk/ndk/) at least version 23
- Android SDK build tools version 30.0.3
- ddnet-libs with Android libs
- Java -- JDK 11+
- 7zip (for ddnet-libs building)
- ninja
- curl runtime
How to build:
run a terminal inside the source directory:
scripts/android/ <x86/x86_64/arm/arm64/all> <Game name> <Debug/Release>
where the first parameter is the arch (all for all arches), the second is the apk name, which must be equal to the library name (if you want to rename the APK do it after the build) and the third parameter which simply defines the build type -
if you build with a signing key for the APK Generate one with
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias my-alias
export environment variables for the scriptexport TW_KEY_NAME=<key name> export TW_KEY_PW=<key password> export TW_KEY_ALIAS=<key alias>
so for example:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore Teeworlds.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias Teeworlds-Key (it will prompt an input:) Input keystore-password: mypassword export TW_KEY_NAME=Teeworlds.jks export TW_KEY_PW=mypassword export TW_KEY_ALIAS=Teeworlds-Key scripts/android/ all DDNet Release
You can also specify the build version code and build version string before running the build script, e.g.:
export TW_VERSION_CODE=20210819 export TW_VERSION_NAME="1.0"
How to build the ddnet-libs for Android:
There is a script to automatically download and build all repositories, this requires an active internet connection:
scripts/compile_libs/ <directory to build in> android
Warning!: DO NOT CHOOSE A DIRECTORY INSIDE THE SOURCE TREEAfter the script finished executing it should have created a ddnet-libs directory which created all libs in the right directory format and can be merged with ddnet-libs in the source directory