
237 lines
6 KiB

package protocol7
import (
type Player struct {
Info messages7.SvClientInfo
type Connection struct {
ClientToken [4]byte
ServerToken [4]byte
// The amount of vital chunks received
Ack int
// The amount of vital chunks sent
Sequence int
// The amount of vital chunks acknowledged by the peer
PeerAck int
Players []Player
func (connection *Connection) BuildResponse() *Packet {
return &Packet{
Header: PacketHeader{
Flags: PacketFlags{
Connless: false,
Compression: false,
Resend: false,
Control: false,
Ack: connection.Ack,
NumChunks: 0, // will be set in Packet.Pack()
Token: connection.ServerToken,
func (connection *Connection) CtrlToken() *Packet {
response := connection.BuildResponse()
response.Header.Flags.Control = true
response.Messages = append(
Token: connection.ClientToken,
return response
func (client *Connection) MsgStartInfo() messages7.ClStartInfo {
return messages7.ClStartInfo{
Name: "gopher",
Clan: "",
Country: 0,
Body: "greensward",
Marking: "duodonny",
Decoration: "",
Hands: "standard",
Feet: "standard",
Eyes: "standard",
CustomColorBody: false,
CustomColorMarking: false,
CustomColorDecoration: false,
CustomColorHands: false,
CustomColorFeet: false,
CustomColorEyes: false,
ColorBody: 0,
ColorMarking: 0,
ColorDecoration: 0,
ColorHands: 0,
ColorFeet: 0,
ColorEyes: 0,
func byteSliceToString(s []byte) string {
n := bytes.IndexByte(s, 0)
if n >= 0 {
s = s[:n]
return string(s)
func (connection *Connection) OnSystemMsg(msg int, chunk chunk7.Chunk, u *packer.Unpacker, response *Packet) {
if msg == network7.MsgSysMapChange {
fmt.Println("got map change")
response.Messages = append(response.Messages, messages7.Ready{})
} else if msg == network7.MsgSysConReady {
fmt.Println("got ready")
response.Messages = append(response.Messages, connection.MsgStartInfo())
} else if msg == network7.MsgSysSnapSingle {
// tick := u.GetInt()
// fmt.Printf("got snap single tick=%d\n", tick)
response.Messages = append(response.Messages, messages7.CtrlKeepAlive{})
} else {
fmt.Printf("unknown system message id=%d data=%x\n", msg, chunk.Data)
func (client *Connection) OnChatMessage(mode int, clientId int, targetId int, message string) {
name := client.Players[clientId].Info.Name
fmt.Printf("[chat] <%s> %s\n", name, message)
func (client *Connection) OnMotd(motd string) {
fmt.Printf("[motd] %s\n", motd)
func (client *Connection) OnGameMsg(msg int, chunk chunk7.Chunk, u *packer.Unpacker, response *Packet) {
if msg == network7.MsgGameReadyToEnter {
fmt.Println("got ready to enter")
response.Messages = append(response.Messages, messages7.EnterGame{})
} else if msg == network7.MsgGameSvMotd {
motd := u.GetString()
if motd != "" {
} else if msg == network7.MsgGameSvChat {
mode := u.GetInt()
clientId := u.GetInt()
targetId := u.GetInt()
message := u.GetString()
client.OnChatMessage(mode, clientId, targetId, message)
} else if msg == network7.MsgGameSvClientInfo {
clientId := packer.UnpackInt(chunk.Data[1:])
fmt.Printf("got client info id=%d name=%s\n", clientId, client.Players[clientId].Info.Name)
} else {
fmt.Printf("unknown game message id=%d data=%x\n", msg, chunk.Data)
func (client *Connection) OnMessage(chunk chunk7.Chunk, response *Packet) {
// fmt.Printf("got chunk size=%d data=%v\n", chunk.Header.Size, chunk.Data)
if chunk.Header.Flags.Vital {
u := packer.Unpacker{}
msg := u.GetInt()
sys := msg&1 != 0
msg >>= 1
if sys {
client.OnSystemMsg(msg, chunk, &u, response)
} else {
client.OnGameMsg(msg, chunk, &u, response)
func (connection *Connection) OnPacketPayload(header []byte, data []byte, response *Packet) (*Packet, error) {
chunks := chunk7.UnpackChunks(data)
for _, c := range chunks {
connection.OnMessage(c, response)
return response, nil
// the response packet might be nil even if there is no error
func (connection *Connection) OnPacket(data []byte) (*Packet, error) {
header := PacketHeader{}
headerRaw := data[:7]
payload := data[7:]
response := connection.BuildResponse()
if header.Flags.Control {
ctrlMsg := int(payload[0])
fmt.Printf("got ctrl msg %d\n", ctrlMsg)
if ctrlMsg == network7.MsgCtrlToken {
copy(connection.ServerToken[:], payload[1:5])
response.Header.Token = connection.ServerToken
fmt.Printf("got server token %x\n", connection.ServerToken)
response.Messages = append(
Token: connection.ClientToken,
} else if ctrlMsg == network7.MsgCtrlAccept {
fmt.Println("got accept")
// TODO: don't hardcode info
response.Messages = append(response.Messages, messages7.Info{})
} else if ctrlMsg == network7.MsgCtrlClose {
// TODO: get length from packet header to determine if a reason is set or not
// len(data) -> is 1400 (maxPacketLen)
reason := byteSliceToString(payload)
fmt.Printf("disconnected (%s)\n", reason)
} else {
fmt.Printf("unknown control message: %x\n", data)
if len(response.Messages) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return response, nil
if header.Flags.Compression {
huff := huffman.Huffman{}
var err error
payload, err = huff.Decompress(payload)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("huffman error: %v\n", err)
return nil, nil
response, err := connection.OnPacketPayload(headerRaw, payload, response)
return response, err