package teeworlds7 import ( "fmt" "" "" "" ) // ---------------------------- // low level access for experts // ---------------------------- func (client *Client) SendPacket(packet *protocol7.Packet) error { if packet.Header.Flags.Resend == false && len(packet.Messages) == 0 && len(client.QueuedMessages) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to send packet: payload is empty.") } gotNet := false numCtrlMsgs := 0 for _, msg := range packet.Messages { if msg.MsgType() == network7.TypeControl { numCtrlMsgs++ } else if msg.MsgType() == network7.TypeNet { gotNet = true } else { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to send packet: only game, system and control messages are supported.") } } if gotNet && numCtrlMsgs > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to send packet: can not mix control messages with others.") } if numCtrlMsgs > 1 { // TODO: should this automatically split it up into multiple packets? return fmt.Errorf("Failed to send packet: can only send one control message at a time.") } // If the user queued a game message and then sends a control message // before the queue got processed we send two packets in the correct order // For example in this case: // // client.SendChat("bye") // queue game chunk // client.Disconnect() // SendPacket(ctrl) -> first flush out the game chunk packet then send the control packet // if numCtrlMsgs > 0 && len(client.QueuedMessages) > 0 { // TODO: we could apply compression here // flushPacket.Header.Flags.Compression = true flushPacket := client.Session.BuildResponse() client.SendPacket(flushPacket) } for _, queuedChunk := range client.QueuedMessages { // TODO: check if we exceed packet size and only put in as many chunks as we can // also use a more performant queue implementation then if we unshift it partially // popping of one element from the queue should not reallocate the entire queued messages slice packet.Messages = append(packet.Messages, queuedChunk) } client.QueuedMessages = nil for _, callback := range client.Callbacks.PacketOut { if callback(packet) == false { return nil } } client.Conn.Write(packet.Pack(&client.Session)) return nil } // WARNING! this is does not send chat messages // this sends a network chunk and is for expert users // // if you want to send a chat message use SendChat() func (client *Client) SendMessage(msg messages7.NetMessage) { if msg.MsgType() == network7.TypeControl { packet := client.Session.BuildResponse() packet.Header.Flags.Control = true packet.Messages = append(packet.Messages, msg) client.SendPacket(packet) return } if msg.MsgType() == network7.TypeConnless { // TODO: connless panic("connless messages are not supported yet") } client.QueuedMessages = append(client.QueuedMessages, msg) } // ---------------------------- // high level actions // ---------------------------- // see also SendWhisper() // see also SendChatTeam() func (client *Client) SendChat(msg string) { client.SendMessage( &messages7.ClSay{ Mode: network7.ChatAll, Message: msg, TargetId: -1, }, ) } // see also SendWhisper() // see also SendChat() func (client *Client) SendChatTeam(msg string) { client.SendMessage( &messages7.ClSay{ Mode: network7.ChatTeam, Message: msg, TargetId: -1, }, ) } // see also SendChat() // see also SendChatTeam() func (client *Client) SendWhisper(targetId int, msg string) { client.SendMessage( &messages7.ClSay{ Mode: network7.ChatWhisper, Message: msg, TargetId: targetId, }, ) }