package messages7 import ( "slices" "" "" "" ) type Info struct { ChunkHeader *chunk7.ChunkHeader // The official name is "NetVersion" but a more fitting name in my opinion would be "Protocol Version". // The variable C++ implementations GAME_NETVERSION always expands to "0.7 802f1be60a05665f" // If the server gets another string it actually rejects the connection. This is what prohibits 0.6 clients to join 0.7 servers. // // Recommended value is network7.NetVersion Version string // Password to enter password protected servers // If the server does not require a password it will ignore this string // // Recommended value is "" Password string // Another version field which does not have to match the servers version to establish a connection. // The first version field makes sure that client and server use the same major protocol and are compatible. // This "Client Version" field then informs the server about the clients minor version. // The server can use it to activate some non protocol breaking features that were introduced in minor releases. // // The official teeworlds 0.7.5 client sends the value 0x0705 // So the recommended value is network7.ClientVersion ClientVersion int } func (msg *Info) MsgId() int { return network7.MsgSysInfo } func (info Info) MsgType() network7.MsgType { return network7.TypeNet } func (msg *Info) System() bool { return true } func (msg *Info) Vital() bool { return true } func (msg *Info) Pack() []byte { return slices.Concat( packer.PackStr(msg.Version), packer.PackStr(msg.Password), packer.PackInt(msg.ClientVersion), ) } func (msg *Info) Unpack(u *packer.Unpacker) error { msg.Version, _ = u.GetString() msg.Password, _ = u.GetString() msg.ClientVersion = u.GetInt() return nil } func (msg *Info) Header() *chunk7.ChunkHeader { return msg.ChunkHeader } func (msg *Info) SetHeader(header *chunk7.ChunkHeader) { msg.ChunkHeader = header }