# teeint A teeworlds variable integer packer/unpacker. ### Packing ```rust use std::io::Cursor; let mut buff = Cursor::new([0; 2]); teeint::pack(&mut buff, 64).unwrap(); let buff = buff.into_inner(); assert_eq!(buff[0], 0b1000_0000); assert_eq!(buff[1], 0b0000_0001); ``` Or using the trait [PackTwInt]: ```rust use std::io::Cursor; use teeint::PackTwInt; let mut buff = Cursor::new([0; 2]); 64.pack(&mut buff).unwrap(); let buff = buff.into_inner(); assert_eq!(buff[0], 0b1000_0000); assert_eq!(buff[1], 0b0000_0001); ``` Or ```rust use teeint::PackTwInt; let mut buff = [0; 2]; 64.pack(&mut buff.as_mut_slice()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buff[0], 0b1000_0000); assert_eq!(buff[1], 0b0000_0001); ``` ### Unpacking ```rust use std::io::Cursor; let mut buff = Cursor::new([0b1000_0000, 0b0000_0001]); let data = teeint::unpack(&mut buff).unwrap(); assert_eq!(data, 64); ``` Or using the trait [UnPackTwInt]: ```rust use teeint::UnPackTwInt; let buff = [0b1000_0000, 0b0000_0001]; let result = buff.as_slice().unpack().unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, 64); ``` License: MIT OR Apache-2.0