2022-05-12 09:58:36 +02:00

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//! The paypal api wrapper client, which holds the http request client.
use reqwest::header::{self, HeaderMap};
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use crate::{
errors::{PaypalError, ResponseError},
AuthAssertionClaims, HeaderParams, LIVE_ENDPOINT, SANDBOX_ENDPOINT,
/// Represents the access token returned by the OAuth2 authentication.
/// <>
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct AccessToken {
/// The OAuth2 scopes.
pub scope: String,
/// The access token.
pub access_token: String,
/// The token type.
pub token_type: String,
/// The app id.
pub app_id: String,
/// Seconds until it expires.
pub expires_in: u64,
/// The nonce.
pub nonce: String,
/// Stores OAuth2 information.
pub struct Auth {
/// Your client id.
pub client_id: String,
/// The secret.
pub secret: String,
/// The access token returned by oauth2 authentication.
pub access_token: Option<AccessToken>,
/// Used to check when the token expires.
pub expires: Option<(Instant, Duration)>,
/// Represents a client used to interact with the paypal api.
pub struct Client {
/// Internal http client
pub(crate) client: reqwest::Client,
/// Whether you are or not in a sandbox enviroment.
pub sandbox: bool,
/// Api Auth information
pub auth: Auth,
impl Client {
/// Returns a new client, you must get_access_token afterwards to interact with the api.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use paypal_rs::Client;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// # dotenv::dotenv().ok();
/// let clientid = std::env::var("PAYPAL_CLIENTID").unwrap();
/// let secret = std::env::var("PAYPAL_SECRET").unwrap();
/// let mut client = Client::new(
/// clientid,
/// secret,
/// true,
/// );
/// client.get_access_token().await.unwrap();
/// }
/// ```
pub fn new(client_id: String, secret: String, sandbox: bool) -> Client {
Client {
client: reqwest::Client::new(),
auth: Auth {
access_token: None,
expires: None,
fn endpoint(&self) -> &str {
if self.sandbox {
} else {
/// Sets up the request headers as required on
async fn setup_headers(
builder: reqwest::RequestBuilder,
header_params: HeaderParams,
) -> Result<reqwest::RequestBuilder, ResponseError> {
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
headers.append(header::ACCEPT, "application/json".parse().unwrap());
if let Some(token) = &self.auth.access_token {
format!("Bearer {}", token.access_token).parse().unwrap(),
if let Some(merchant_payer_id) = header_params.merchant_payer_id {
let claims = AuthAssertionClaims {
iss: self.auth.client_id.clone(),
payer_id: merchant_payer_id,
let jwt_header = jsonwebtoken::Header::new(jsonwebtoken::Algorithm::HS256);
let token = jsonwebtoken::encode(
let encoded_token = base64::encode(token);
headers.append("PayPal-Auth-Assertion", encoded_token.parse().unwrap());
if let Some(client_metadata_id) = header_params.client_metadata_id {
headers.append("PayPal-Client-Metadata-Id", client_metadata_id.parse().unwrap());
if let Some(partner_attribution_id) = header_params.partner_attribution_id {
headers.append("PayPal-Partner-Attribution-Id", partner_attribution_id.parse().unwrap());
if let Some(request_id) = header_params.request_id {
headers.append("PayPal-Request-Id", request_id.parse().unwrap());
headers.append("Prefer", "return=representation".parse().unwrap());
if let Some(content_type) = header_params.content_type {
headers.append(header::CONTENT_TYPE, content_type.parse().unwrap());
/// Gets a access token used in all the api calls.
pub async fn get_access_token(&mut self) -> Result<(), ResponseError> {
if !self.access_token_expired() {
return Ok(());
let res = self
.post(format!("{}/v1/oauth2/token", self.endpoint()).as_str())
.basic_auth(&self.auth.client_id, Some(&self.auth.secret))
.header("Content-Type", "x-www-form-urlencoded")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
if res.status().is_success() {
let token = res.json::<AccessToken>().await.map_err(ResponseError::HttpError)?;
self.auth.expires = Some((Instant::now(), Duration::new(token.expires_in, 0)));
self.auth.access_token = Some(token);
} else {
/// Checks if the access token expired.
pub fn access_token_expired(&self) -> bool {
if let Some(expires) = self.auth.expires {
expires.0.elapsed() >= expires.1
} else {
/// Executes the given endpoint with the given headers.
pub async fn execute_ext<E>(&self, endpoint: &E, headers: HeaderParams) -> Result<E::Response, ResponseError>
E: Endpoint,
let mut url = endpoint.full_path(self.sandbox);
if let Some(query) = endpoint.query() {
let query_string = serde_qs::to_string(&query).expect("serialize the query correctly");
let mut request = self.client.request(endpoint.method(), url);
request = self.setup_headers(request, headers).await?;
if let Some(body) = endpoint.body() {
request = request.json(&body);
let res = request.send().await?;
if res.status().is_success() {
// code to debug responses when parse fails.
//let resp_text = res.text().await?;
//let mut f = std::fs::File::create("output.txt").unwrap();
//let response_body: E::Response = serde_json::from_str(&resp_text).unwrap();
let response_body = res.json::<E::Response>().await?;
} else {
/// Executes the given endpoints with the default headers.
/// You must remember to call [Client::get_access_token] first or this may fail due to not being authed.
pub async fn execute<E>(&self, endpoint: &E) -> Result<E::Response, ResponseError>
E: Endpoint,
self.execute_ext(endpoint, HeaderParams::default()).await