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[<span class="kw">abstract</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">as</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">async</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[auto] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">await</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">become</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">box</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">break</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">const</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">continue</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">crate</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[default] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">do</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">dyn</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">else</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">enum</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">extern</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">final</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">fn</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">for</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">if</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">impl</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">in</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">let</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">loop</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">macro</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">match</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">mod</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">move</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw-2">mut</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">override</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">priv</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">pub</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw-2">ref</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">return</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="self">Self</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="self">self</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">static</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">struct</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">super</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">trait</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">try</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">type</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">typeof</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[union] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">unsafe</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">unsized</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">use</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">virtual</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">where</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">while</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">yield</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[&amp;&amp;] =&gt; { ... };
[&amp;=] =&gt; { ... };
[@] =&gt; { ... };
[^] =&gt; { ... };
[^=] =&gt; { ... };
[:] =&gt; { ... };
[,] =&gt; { ... };
[$] =&gt; { ... };
[.] =&gt; { ... };
[..] =&gt; { ... };
[...] =&gt; { ... };
[..=] =&gt; { ... };
[=] =&gt; { ... };
[==] =&gt; { ... };
[=&gt;] =&gt; { ... };
[&gt;=] =&gt; { ... };
[&gt;] =&gt; { ... };
[&lt;-] =&gt; { ... };
[&lt;=] =&gt; { ... };
[&lt;] =&gt; { ... };
[-] =&gt; { ... };
[-=] =&gt; { ... };
[!=] =&gt; { ... };
[!] =&gt; { ... };
[|] =&gt; { ... };
[|=] =&gt; { ... };
[||] =&gt; { ... };
[::] =&gt; { ... };
[%] =&gt; { ... };
[%=] =&gt; { ... };
[+] =&gt; { ... };
[+=] =&gt; { ... };
[#] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="question-mark">?</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[-&gt;] =&gt; { ... };
[;] =&gt; { ... };
[&lt;&lt;] =&gt; { ... };
[&lt;&lt;=] =&gt; { ... };
[&gt;&gt;] =&gt; { ... };
[&gt;&gt;=] =&gt; { ... };
[/] =&gt; { ... };
[/=] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw-2">*</span>] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw-2">*</span>=] =&gt; { ... };
[~] =&gt; { ... };
[<span class="kw">_</span>] =&gt; { ... };
}</pre><details class="toggle top-doc" open><summary class="hideme"><span>Expand description</span></summary><div class="docblock"><p>A type-macro that expands to the name of the Rust type representation of a
given token.</p>
<p>As a type, <code>Token!</code> is commonly used in the type of struct fields, the type
of a <code>let</code> statement, or in turbofish for a <code>parse</code> function.</p>
<div class="example-wrap"><pre class="rust rust-example-rendered"><code><span class="kw">use </span>syn::{Ident, Token};
<span class="kw">use </span>syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, <span class="prelude-ty">Result</span>};
<span class="comment">// `struct Foo;`
</span><span class="kw">pub struct </span>UnitStruct {
struct_token: <span class="macro">Token!</span>[<span class="kw">struct</span>],
ident: Ident,
semi_token: <span class="macro">Token!</span>[;],
<span class="kw">impl </span>Parse <span class="kw">for </span>UnitStruct {
<span class="kw">fn </span>parse(input: ParseStream) -&gt; <span class="prelude-ty">Result</span>&lt;<span class="self">Self</span>&gt; {
<span class="kw">let </span>struct_token: <span class="macro">Token!</span>[<span class="kw">struct</span>] = input.parse()<span class="question-mark">?</span>;
<span class="kw">let </span>ident: Ident = input.parse()<span class="question-mark">?</span>;
<span class="kw">let </span>semi_token = input.parse::&lt;<span class="macro">Token!</span>[;]&gt;()<span class="question-mark">?</span>;
<span class="prelude-val">Ok</span>(UnitStruct { struct_token, ident, semi_token })
<p>As an expression, <code>Token!</code> is used for peeking tokens or instantiating
tokens from a span.</p>
<div class="example-wrap"><pre class="rust rust-example-rendered"><code><span class="kw">fn </span>make_unit_struct(name: Ident) -&gt; UnitStruct {
<span class="kw">let </span>span = name.span();
UnitStruct {
struct_token: <span class="macro">Token!</span>[<span class="kw">struct</span>](span),
ident: name,
semi_token: <span class="macro">Token!</span>[;](span),
<span class="kw">if </span>input.peek(<span class="macro">Token!</span>[<span class="kw">struct</span>]) {
<span class="kw">let </span>unit_struct: UnitStruct = input.parse()<span class="question-mark">?</span>;
<span class="comment">/* ... */
<p>See the <a href="token/index.html" title="mod syn::token">token module</a> documentation for details and examples.</p>