searchState.loadedDescShard("clap_builder", 0, "clap_builder\nEnables colored output regardless of whether or not the …\nParse a set of arguments into a user-defined container.\nEnables colored output only when the output is going to a …\nRepresents the color preferences for program output\nCreate a Command relevant for a user-defined container.\nCommand Line Argument Parser Error\nConverts an instance of ArgMatches to a user-defined …\nArg or ArgGroup identifier\nDisables colored output no matter if the output is going …\nParse command-line arguments into Self.\nParse a sub-command into a user-defined enum.\nParse arguments into enums.\nCreate an Arg from a usage string.\nGet the raw string of the Id\nAppend to Command so it can instantiate Self.\nAppend to Command so it can update self.\nAppend to Command so it can instantiate Self.\nAppend to Command so it can update self.\nDefine Command line arguments\nBuild a Command that can instantiate Self.\nRequires cargo feature flag to be enabled.\nBuild a Command that can update self.\nError reporting\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nInstantiate Self from ArgMatches, parsing the arguments as …\nInstantiate Self from ArgMatches, parsing the arguments as …\nInstantiate Self from ArgMatches, parsing the arguments as …\nParse an argument into Self.\nParse an argument into Self.\nReport the ArgGroup::id for this set of arguments\nReport the ArgGroup::id for this set of arguments\nTest whether Self can parse a specific subcommand\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nParse from std::env::args_os(), exit on error.\nParse from std::env::args_os(), exit on error.\nParse from iterator, exit on error.\nParse from iterator, exit on error.\nCommand line argument parser\nReport all possible_values\nThe canonical argument value.\nParse from std::env::args_os(), return Err on error.\nParse from std::env::args_os(), return Err on error.\nParse from iterator, return Err on error.\nParse from iterator, return Err on error.\nUpdate from iterator, return Err on error.\nUpdate from iterator, return Err on error.\nUpdate from iterator, exit on error.\nUpdate from iterator, exit on error.\nAssign values from ArgMatches to self.\nAssign values from ArgMatches to self.\nAssign values from ArgMatches to self.\nSelect a ValueParser implementation from the intended type\nAll possible argument values, in display order.\nAny existing path.\nWhen encountered, store the associated value(s) in …\nThe abstract representation of a command line argument. …\nBehavior of arguments when they are encountered while …\nFamily of related arguments.\nOperations to perform on argument values\nImplementation for ValueParser::bool\nParse bool-like string values, everything else is true\nBuild a command-line interface.\nName of a command, without arguments. May be relative to …\nA single string containing a command and its arguments.\nCapture the remaining arguments as a command name and …\nWhen encountered, increment a u8 counter starting from 0.\nPath to a directory.\nNor argument values, or a flag\nEmail address.\nParse an ValueEnum value.\nDoes the argument match the specified value?\nPath to an executable file.\nParse false-like string values, everything else is true\nPath to a file.\nWhen encountered, display Command::print_help\nWhen encountered, display Command::print_long_help\nWhen encountered, display Command::print_help\nHost name of a computer. Shells usually parse /etc/hosts …\nConvert to the intended resettable type\nIs the argument present?\nAdapt a TypedValueParser from one value to another\nParse non-empty string values\nA UTF-8-encoded fixed string\nImplementation for ValueParser::os_string\nNone of the hints below apply. Disables shell completion …\nGenerated parser, usually ValueParser.\nImplementation for ValueParser::path_buf\nA possible value of an argument.\nVerify the value is from an enumerated set of PossibleValue…\nParse number that fall within a range of values\nParse number that fall within a range of values\nReset builder value\nClearable builder value\nA single argument value, the most common case for options\nWhen encountered, store the associated value(s) in …\nWhen encountered, act as if "false" was encountered on the …\nWhen encountered, act as if "true" was encountered on the …\nA UTF-8-encoded fixed string\nImplementation for ValueParser::string\nTerminal-styling container\nAdapt a TypedValueParser from one value to another\nParse/validate argument values\nDefault value if hint is not specified. Follows shell …\nWhen encountered, report ErrorKind::UnknownArgument\nComplete web address.\nName of a local operating system user.\nOverwrite builder value\nArgument’s value type\nProvide shell with hint on how to complete an argument.\nParse/validate argument values\nRegister a type with value_parser!\nValues per occurrence for an argument\nWhen encountered, display Command::version\nSets the program’s description for the short help (-h).\nSpecify how to react to an argument when parsing it.\nFree-form help text for after auto-generated short help (-h…\nFree-form help text for after auto-generated long help (…\nAdd an alias, which functions as a hidden long flag.\nSets a hidden alias to this subcommand.\nSets a hidden alias for this argument value.\nAdd aliases, which function as hidden long flags.\nSets multiple hidden aliases to this subcommand.\nSets multiple hidden aliases for this argument value.\nAssume unexpected positional arguments are a subcommand.\nAllows values which start with a leading hyphen (-)\nAllows one to implement two styles of CLIs where …\nAllows negative numbers to pass as values.\nExtend the suggestions\nDisplay using ANSI Escape Code styling\nAdds an argument to this group by name\nAdds an argument to the list of valid possibilities.\nExit gracefully if no arguments are present (e.g. $ myprog…\nAdds multiple arguments to this group by name\nAdds multiple arguments to the list of valid possibilities.\nSpecifies that use of an argument prevents the use of …\nReplace prior occurrences of arguments rather than error\nGet the raw string as an std::ffi::OsStr\nGet the raw string of the Str\nSets the author(s) for the help message.\nFree-form help text for before auto-generated short help (…\nFree-form help text for before auto-generated long help (…\nOverrides the runtime-determined name of the binary for …\nbool parser for argument values\nPrepare for introspecting on all included Commands\nSets when to color output.\nThis argument is mutually exclusive with the specified …\nSpecify an argument or group that must not be present when …\nThis argument is mutually exclusive with the specified …\nSpecify arguments or groups that must not be present when …\nCatch problems earlier in the development cycle.\nValue for the argument when the flag is present but no …\nValue for the argument when the flag is present but no …\nValue for the argument when the flag is present but no …\nValue for the argument when the flag is present but no …\nValue for the argument when not present.\nSpecifies the value of the argument if arg has been used …\nSpecifies multiple values and conditions in the same …\nValue for the argument when not present.\nDelay initialization for parts of the Command\nDisables colorized help messages.\nDisables -h and --help flag.\nDisables the help subcommand.\nDisables -V and --version flag.\nOverrides the runtime-determined display name of the …\nAllows custom ordering of args within the help message.\nSet the placement of this subcommand within the help.\nDisables the automatic delimiting of values after -- or …\nCustom error message for post-parsing validation\nThis argument must be passed alone; it conflicts with all …\nSpecifies how to parse external subcommand arguments.\nFind subcommand such that its name or one of aliases …\nFind subcommand such that its name or one of aliases …\nFlatten subcommand help into the current command’s help\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nGet the help message specified via Command::about.\nBehavior when parsing the argument\nReturns the help heading for listing subcommands.\nReturns the help heading for listing subcommands.\nGet hidden aliases for this argument, if any\nIterate through the hidden aliases for this subcommand.\nGet all aliases for this argument, if any, both visible …\nIterate through the set of all the aliases for this …\nIterate through the set of all the long aliases for this …\nGet all short aliases for this argument, if any, both …\nIterate through the set of all the short aliases for this …\nGet a list of all arguments the given argument conflicts …\nGetters for all args. It will return a vector of Id\nIterate through the set of arguments.\nGet the authors of the cmd.\nReturns the help heading for listing subcommands.\nReturns the help heading for listing subcommands.\nGet the name of the binary.\nShould we color the output?\nGet the default values specified for this argument, if any\nGet the name of the binary.\nConfigured parser for values passed to an external …\nIterate through the set of groups.\nGet the help specified for this argument, if any\nGet the help specified for this argument, if any\nGet the help heading specified for this argument, if any\nGet the name of the argument\nGet the name of the group\nGet the index of this argument, if any\nGet the long option name for this argument, if any\nGet the help message specified via Command::long_about.\nGet the long option name and its visible aliases, if any\nGet the long flag of the subcommand.\nGet the long help specified for this argument, if any\nGet the long version of the cmd.\nParse env::args_os, exiting on failure.\nParse the specified arguments, exiting on failure.\nParse env::args_os, exiting on failure.\nGet the name of the cmd.\nGet the name of the argument value\nReturns all valid values of the argument value.\nGet all known names of the cmd (i.e. primary name and …\nGet the custom section heading specified via …\nGet the number of values for this argument.\nIterate through the options.\nIterate through the positionals arguments.\nGet the names of possible values for this argument. Only …\nGet the short option name for this argument, if any\nGet the short option name and its visible aliases, if any\nGet the short flag of the subcommand.\nReturn the current Styles for the Command\nReturns the help heading for listing subcommands.\nReturns the subcommand value name.\nIterate through the set of subcommands, getting a …\nIterate through the set of subcommands, getting a mutable …\nGet the delimiter between multiple values\nGet the value hint of this argument\nGet the names of values for this argument.\nConfigured parser for argument values\nGet the value terminator for this argument. The …\nGet the version of the cmd.\nGet visible aliases for this argument, if any\nIterate through the visible aliases for this subcommand.\nIterate through the visible long aliases for this …\nGet visible short aliases for this argument, if any\nIterate through the visible short aliases for this …\nSpecifies that an argument can be matched to all child …\nThe name of the ArgGroup the argument belongs to.\nAdds an ArgGroup to the application.\nThe names of ArgGroup’s the argument belongs to.\nAdds multiple ArgGroups to the Command at once.\nReturns true if this Command has subcommands.\nSets the description of the argument for short help (-h).\nSets the help description of the value.\nPanic if help descriptions are omitted.\nOverride the current help section.\nSets the help template to be used, overriding the default …\nDo not display the argument in help message.\nSpecifies that this subcommand should be hidden from help …\nHides this value from help and shell completions.\nDo not display the default value of the argument in the …\nHides an argument from long help (--help).\nDo not display the possible values in the help message.\nTells clap not to print possible values when displaying …\nHides an argument from short help (-h).\nSet the identifier used for referencing this argument in …\nSets the group name.\nMatch values against PossibleValuesParser without matching …\nTry not to fail on parse errors, like missing option …\nSpecifies the index of a positional argument starting at 1.\nAllow partial matches of long arguments or their aliases.\nAllow partial matches of subcommand names and their aliases…\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nConvert to the intended resettable type\nReport whether Command::allow_external_subcommands is set\nReport whether Arg::allow_hyphen_values is set\nReport whether Command::allow_missing_positional is set\nReport whether Arg::allow_negative_numbers is set\nReport whether Command::arg_required_else_help is set\nReport whether Command::args_conflicts_with_subcommands is …\nReport whether Command::disable_colored_help is set\nReport whether Command::disable_help_flag is set\nReport whether Command::disable_help_subcommand is set\nReport whether Command::disable_version_flag is set\nReport whether Command::dont_delimit_trailing_values is set\nReports whether Arg::exclusive is set\nGet the custom section heading specified via …\nReport whether Arg::global is set\nReport whether Arg::hide_default_value is set\nReport whether Arg::hide_long_help is set\nReport whether Arg::hide_possible_values is set\nReport whether Arg::hide is set\nReport whether Command::hide is set\nReport if PossibleValue::hide is set\nReport whether Arg::hide_short_help is set\nReports whether Arg::ignore_case is set\nReports whether Arg::last is set\nReport whether Command::multicall is set\nReturn true if the group allows more than one of the …\nReport whether Arg::next_line_help is set\nReport whether Command::next_line_help is set\nReport whether Command::no_binary_name is set\nChecks whether this argument is a positional or not.\nReport whether Command::propagate_version is set\nReport whether Arg::require_equals is set\nReports whether Arg::required is set\nReports whether ArgGroup::required is set\nReport whether Command::subcommand_negates_reqs is set\nReport whether Command::subcommand_precedence_over_arg is …\nReport whether Command::subcommand_required is set\nReport whether Arg::trailing_var_arg is set\nThis arg is the last, or final, positional argument (i.e. …\nSets the long version of the argument without the …\nSets the program’s description for the long help (--help…\nSets the long version of the subcommand flag without the …\nAdd an alias, which functions as a “hidden” long flag …\nAdd aliases, which function as “hidden” long flag …\nSets the description of the argument for long help (--help…\nSets the version for the long version (--version) and help …\nAdapt a TypedValueParser from one value to another\nAdapt a TypedValueParser from one value to another\nTests if the value is valid for this argument value\nLimit the line length for wrapping help when using the …\nMost number of values the argument accepts\nFewest number of values the argument accepts\nMultiple-personality program dispatched on the binary name …\nAllows more than one of the Args in this group to be used. …\nAllows one to mutate an Arg after it’s been added to a …\nAllows one to mutate all Args after they’ve been added …\nAllows one to mutate an ArgGroup after it’s been added …\nAllows one to mutate a Command after it’s been added as …\n(Re)Sets the program’s name.\nCustom parser for argument values\nCreate a new Arg with a unique name.\nCreate a ArgGroup using a unique name.\nCreates a new instance of an Command.\nCreate a PossibleValue with its name.\nCreate a range\nCreate an empty buffer\nImplementation for ValueParser::string\nImplementation for ValueParser::os_string\nImplementation for ValueParser::path_buf\nParse an ValueEnum\nVerify the value is from an enumerated set of PossibleValue…\nSelect full range of i64\nSelect full range of u64\nImplementation for ValueParser::bool\nParse false-like string values, everything else is true\nParse bool-like string values, everything else is an error.\nParse non-empty string values\nChange the starting value for assigning future display …\nSet the default section heading for future args.\nRender the help on the line after the argument.\nPlaces the help string for all arguments and subcommands …\nSpecifies that the parser should not assume the first …\nSpecifies the number of arguments parsed per occurrence\nOsString parser for argument values\nOverrides the clap generated help message (both -h and …\nOverrides the clap generated usage string for help and …\nSets an overridable argument.\nSets multiple mutually overridable arguments by name.\nParse the argument value\nParse the argument value\nParse the argument value\nParse the argument value\nParse the argument value\nParse the argument value\nParse the argument value\nPathBuf parser for argument values\nReflect on enumerated value properties\nReflect on enumerated value properties\nReflect on enumerated value properties\nPrints the short help message (-h) to io::stdout().\nPrints the long help message (--help) to io::stdout().\nSpecifies to use the version of the current command for …\nNarrow the supported range\nNarrow the supported range\nConsume all following arguments.\nRender the short help message (-h) to a StyledStr\nRender the long help message (--help) to a StyledStr.\nVersion message rendered as if the user ran --version.\nUsage statement\nVersion message rendered as if the user ran -V.\nRequires that options use the --option=val syntax\nSpecifies that the argument must be present.\nRequire an argument from the group to be present when …\nThis argument is required only if the specified arg is …\nSpecify this argument is required based on multiple …\nSpecify this argument is required based on multiple …\nSet this arg as required as long as the specified argument …\nSets this arg as required unless all of the specified …\nSets this arg as required unless any of the specified …\nSets an argument that is required when this one is present\nSpecify an argument or group that must be present when …\nSpecify arguments or groups that must be present when this …\nRequire another argument if this arg matches the …\nAllows multiple conditional requirements.\nSet binary name. Uses &mut self instead of self.\nSets the short version of the argument without the …\nAdd an alias, which functions as a hidden short flag.\nAdd aliases, which functions as a hidden short flag.\nSets the short version of the subcommand flag without the …\nAdd an alias, which functions as “hidden” short flag …\nAdd aliases, which function as “hidden” short flag …\nString parser for argument values\nSets the Styles for terminal output\nTerminal Styles for help and error output\nAdds a subcommand to the list of valid possibilities.\nSets the help heading used for subcommands when printing …\nAllows subcommands to override all requirements of the …\nPrevent subcommands from being consumed as an arguments …\nIf no subcommand is present at runtime, error and exit …\nSets the value name used for subcommands when printing …\nAdds multiple subcommands to the list of valid …\nProvide a general suggestion\nSuggest an alternative argument\nReturns whether this action accepts values on the …\nReport whether the argument takes any values (ie is a flag)\nSets the terminal width at which to wrap help messages.\nGet the raw string as an OsString\nThis is a “var arg” and everything that follows should …\nParse env::args_os, returning a clap::Result on failure.\nParse the specified arguments, returning a clap::Result on …\nParse the specified arguments, returning a clap::Result on …\nAdapt a TypedValueParser from one value to another\nAdapt a TypedValueParser from one value to another\nDescribes the content of AnyValue\nAllow grouping of multiple values via a delimiter.\nProvide the shell a hint about how to complete this …\nPlaceholder for the argument’s value in the help message …\nPlaceholders for the argument’s values in the help …\nCreate the specified Self::Parser\nSpecify the typed behavior of the argument.\nSentinel to stop parsing multiple values of a given …\nSets the version for the short version (-V) and help …\nAdd an alias, which functions as a visible long flag.\nSets a visible alias to this subcommand.\nAdd aliases, which function as visible long flags.\nSets multiple visible aliases to this subcommand.\nAdd an alias, which functions as a “visible” long flag …\nAdd aliases, which function as visible long flag …\nAdd an alias, which functions as a visible short flag.\nAdd aliases, which function as visible short flags.\nAdd an alias, which functions as “visible” short flag …\nAdd aliases, which function as visible short flag …\nAvailable 4-bit ANSI color palette codes\n256 (8-bit) color support\n256 (8-bit) color support\nAvailable 4-bit ANSI color palette codes\nBlack: #0 (foreground code 30, background code 40).\nBlue: #4 (foreground code 34, background code 44).\nBright black: #0 (foreground code 90, background code 100).\nBright blue: #4 (foreground code 94, background code 104).\nBright cyan: #6 (foreground code 96, background code 106).\nBright green: #2 (foreground code 92, background code 102).\nBright magenta: #5 (foreground code 95, background code 105…\nBright red: #1 (foreground code 91, background code 101).\nBright white: #7 (foreground code 97, background code 107).\nBright yellow: #3 (foreground code 93, background code 103…\nAny ANSI color code scheme\nCyan: #6 (foreground code 36, background code 46).\nEnumerate each enabled value in Effects\nA set of text effects\nGreen: #2 (foreground code 32, background code 42).\nSwap foreground and background colors; inconsistent …\nNot widely supported. Sometimes treated as inverse or blink\nMagenta: #5 (foreground code 35, background code 45).\nRed: #1 (foreground code 31, background code 41).\nReset terminal formatting\n24-bit ANSI RGB color codes\n24-bit ANSI RGB color codes\nCharacters legible but marked as if for deletion. Not …\nANSI Text styling\nTerminal styling definitions\nStyle extensions exist for Kitty, VTE, mintty and iTerm2.\nWhite: #7 (foreground code 37, background code 47).\nYellow: #3 (foreground code 33, background code 43).\nBlue\nSet background color\nApply blink effect\nApply bold effect\nChange the color to/from bright\nReset all effects in-place\nReturns true if all of the effects in other are contained …\nApply dimmed effect\nSet text effects\nError heading\nSet foreground color\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nLosslessly convert from AnsiColor\nGreen\nGet the background color\nError heading\nGet the foreground color\nGeneral Heading style, e.g. help_heading\nHighlight invalid usage\nLiteral command-line syntax, e.g. --help\nDescriptions within command-line syntax, e.g. value_name\nUsage heading\nHighlight suggested usage\nGeneral Heading style, e.g. help_heading\nApply hidden effect\nGet the raw value\nInserts the specified effects in-place.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nConvert to AnsiColor when there is a 1:1 mapping\nHighlight invalid usage\nApply invert effect\nReport whether the color is bright\nCheck if no effects are enabled\nCheck if no styling is enabled\nApply italic effect\nIterate over enabled effects\nLiteral command-line syntax, e.g. --help\nNo effects enabled\nNo effects enabled\nCreate a Style with this as the foreground\nCreate a Style with this as the foreground\nCreate a Style with this as the foreground\nCreate a Style with this as the foreground\nCreate a Style with this as the foreground\nCreate a Style with this as the foreground\nCreate a Style with this as the foreground\nCreate a Style with this as the foreground\nDescriptions within command-line syntax, e.g. value_name\nNo terminal styling\nRed\nRemoves the specified effects in-place.\nRender the ANSI code\nRender the ANSI code\nRender the ANSI code\nRender the ANSI code for a background color\nRender the ANSI code for a background color\nRender the ANSI code for a background color\nRender the ANSI code for a background color\nRender the ANSI code for a foreground color\nRender the ANSI code for a foreground color\nRender the ANSI code for a foreground color\nRender the ANSI code for a foreground color\nRenders the relevant Reset code\nEnable or disable the specified effects depending on the …\nApply strikethrough effect\nDefault terminal styling\nApply underline effect\nSet underline color\nUsage heading\nHighlight suggested usage\nWrite the relevant Reset code\nWrite the ANSI code\nNumber of values present\nOccurs when the user provides two values which conflict …\nA single value\nSemantics for a piece of error information\nA piece of error information\nAn opaque message to the user\nNot a true “error” as it means --help or similar was …\nOccurs when either an argument or a Subcommand is …\nNot a true “error” as it means --version or similar …\nContains the error value\nCommand Line Argument Parser Error\nDefines how to format an error for displaying to the user\nCommand line argument parser kind of error\nNumber of allowed values\nRepresents a Format error (which is a part of Display). …\nThe cause of the error\nThe cause of the error\nOccurs when the user provides an unrecognized Subcommand …\nOccurs when the user provides a value containing invalid …\nRejected values\nOccurs when an Arg has a set of possible values, and the …\nRepresents an I/O error. Can occur when writing to stderr …\nReport ErrorKind\nMinimum number of allowed values\nOccurs when the user does not provide one or more required …\nOccurs when a subcommand is required (as defined by …\nOccurs when the user doesn’t use equals for an option …\nContextKind is self-sufficient, no additional information …\nA single value\nContains the success value\nExisting arguments\nShort hand for Result type\nRichly formatted error context\nA single value\nMany values\nA single value\nmany value\nPotential fix for the user\nPotential fix for the user\nPotential fix for the user\nPotential fix for the user\nPotential fix for the user\nOccurs when the user provides fewer values for an argument …\nOccurs when a user provides more values for an argument …\nTrailing argument\nOccurs when a user provides a flag, option, argument or …\nA usage string\nAccepted subcommands\nAccepted values\nOccurs when the user provides a value for an argument with …\nOccurs when the user provides a different number of values …\nApply an alternative formatter to the error\nEnd-user description of the error case, where relevant\nEnd-user description of the error case, where relevant\nAdditional information to further qualify the error\nPrints the error and exits.\nReturns the exit code that .exit will exit the process …\nFormat the existing message with the Command’s context\nStylize the error for the terminal\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nLookup a piece of context\nInsert a piece of context\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nType of error for programmatic processing\nCreate an error with a pre-defined message\nPrints formatted and colored error to stdout or stderr …\nCreate an unformatted error\nRender the error message to a StyledStr.\nShould the message be written to stdout or not?\nApply Command’s formatting to the error\nContainer for parse results.\nValue was passed in on the command-line\nValue came Arg::default_value\nFailed to downcast AnyValue to the specified type\nValue came [Arg::env][crate::Arg::env]\nIterate over Arg and ArgGroup Ids via ArgMatches::ids.\nIterate over indices for where an argument appeared when …\nViolation of ArgMatches assumptions\nIterate over raw argument values via ArgMatches::get_raw.\nArgument not defined in Command\nOrigin of the argument’s value\nIterate over multiple values for an argument via …\nIterate over multiple values for an argument via …\nCheck if any args were present on the command line\nCheck if values are present for the argument or group id\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nReturns the argument unchanged.\nGets the value of a specific ArgAction::Count flag\nGets the value of a specific ArgAction::SetTrue or …\nIterate over values of a specific option or positional …\nIterate over the values passed to each occurrence of an …\nGets the value of a specific option or positional argument.\nIterate over the original argument values.\nIterate over the original values for each occurrence of an …\nIterate over Arg and ArgGroup Ids via ArgMatches::ids.\nThe first index of that an argument showed up.\nAll indices an argument appeared at when parsing.\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nCalls U::from(self).\nReturn values of a specific option or positional argument.\nReturn values for each occurrence of an option.\nReturns the value of a specific option or positional …\nReturn the name and ArgMatches of the current subcommand.\nThe name and ArgMatches of the current subcommand.\nThe ArgMatches for the current subcommand.\nThe name of the current subcommand.\nNon-panicking version of ArgMatches::contains_id\nNon-panicking version of ArgMatches::get_many\nNon-panicking version of ArgMatches::get_occurrences\nNon-panicking version of ArgMatches::get_one\nNon-panicking version of ArgMatches::get_raw\nNon-panicking version of ArgMatches::get_raw_occurrences\nNon-panicking version of ArgMatches::remove_many\nNon-panicking version of ArgMatches::remove_occurrences\nNon-panicking version of ArgMatches::remove_one\nReport where argument value came from\nType for value stored in ArgMatches\nThe target type to downcast to")