Function yansi::whenever

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pub fn whenever(condition: Condition)
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Dynamically enables and disables styling globally based on condition.

condition is expected to be fast: it is checked dynamically, each time a Painted value is displayed.


use yansi::Condition;


// On each styling, check if we have TTYs.

// Check `NO_COLOR`, `CLICOLOR`, and if we have TTYs.
const HAVE_COLOR: Condition = Condition(|| {
        && (Condition::CLICOLOR_LIVE)()
        && Condition::stdouterr_are_tty_live()

// This will call `HAVE_COLOR` every time styling is needed. In this
// example, this means that env vars will be checked on each styling.

// This instead caches the value (checking `env()` exactly once, now).

// Is identical to this:
match (HAVE_COLOR)() {
    true => yansi::enable(),
    false => yansi::disable(),