use std::ops::Range;
use crate::error::Error;
use ariadne::{ColorGenerator, Label, Report, ReportKind, Source};
use itertools::Itertools;
use lalrpop_util::ParseError;
use lexer::{Lexer, LexicalError};
use tokens::Token;
pub mod error;
pub mod lexer;
pub mod tokens;
pub mod grammar {
#![allow(dead_code, unused_imports, unused_variables)]
pub use self::grammar::*;
use lalrpop_util::lalrpop_mod;
lalrpop_mod!(pub grammar);
pub fn parse_ast(
source: &str,
) -> Result<edlang_ast::Module, ParseError<usize, Token, LexicalError>> {
let lexer = Lexer::new(source);
let parser = grammar::ModuleParser::new();
pub fn print_report<'a>(
path: &'a str,
source: &'a str,
report: Report<'static, (&'a str, Range<usize>)>,
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let source = Source::from(source);
report.eprint((path, source))
pub fn error_to_report<'a>(
path: &'a str,
error: &Error,
) -> Result<Report<'static, (&'a str, Range<usize>)>, std::io::Error> {
let mut colors = ColorGenerator::new();
let report = match error {
ParseError::InvalidToken { location } => {
let loc = *location;
Report::build(ReportKind::Error, path, loc)
Label::new((path, loc..(loc + 1)))
.with_message("invalid token"),
ParseError::UnrecognizedEof { location, expected } => {
let loc = *location;
Report::build(ReportKind::Error, path, loc)
Label::new((path, loc..(loc + 1)))
"unrecognized eof, expected one of the following: {}",
expected.iter().join(", ")
ParseError::UnrecognizedToken { token, expected } => {
Report::build(ReportKind::Error, path, token.0)
Label::new((path, token.0..token.2))
"unrecognized token {:?}, expected one of the following: {}",
expected.iter().join(", ")
ParseError::ExtraToken { token } => Report::build(ReportKind::Error, path, token.0)
.with_message("Extra token")
Label::new((path, token.0..token.2))
.with_message(format!("unexpected extra token {:?}", token.1)),
ParseError::User { error } => match error {
LexicalError::InvalidToken(err, range) => match err {
tokens::LexingError::NumberParseError => {
Report::build(ReportKind::Error, path, range.start)
.with_message("Error parsing literal number")
Label::new((path, range.start..range.end))
.with_message("error parsing literal number")
tokens::LexingError::Other => Report::build(ReportKind::Error, path, range.start)
.with_message("Other error")
Label::new((path, range.start..range.end))
.with_message("other error")
mod test {}