This is the part 2 of my series of articles about coding in DDraceNetwork, you can find the previous one [here](/blog/intro-to-ddnet).
## What are coding conventions?
They are a set of rules that dictate how the code should be written, so that the code style is consistent among the codebase.
## DDNet naming conventions
*Note: There is an ongoing discussion about variable naming, find out more [here](*
Currently, this is how we name things:
## Classes and structs
They are prefixed with `C` and followed by a capital letter, like `CController`, if the class is meant to be an interface it is prefixed by `I`.
## Enum constants
They must be all screaming snake case like: `MAX_PLAYERS`.
## Variable naming
The name is divided in 3 parts: qualifier, prefix and name.
Common qualifiers: `m` for member variables, `s` for static variables.
There is also `g` for global variables with external linkage.
If, the qualifier is not empty it is followed by an underscore.
Example: `ms_YourVariable`.
There are 2 common type prefixes: `p` for pointers, `a` for arrays and `fn` for functions, note that you can stack the prefixes for example in the case of a pointer to a pointer.