d3fault ecf48a89e9 Add cl_dummy_resetonswitch 2
Idea by ChillerDragon:
Only resets the active tee. So if you hold right and switch your
dummy keeps walking. But if you switch back you don't have
to press right twice to walk again.

Fix #1854
2019-10-24 18:11:42 -07:00

174 lines
17 KiB

/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#undef GAME_VARIABLES_H // this file will be included several times
// client
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClPredict, cl_predict, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Predict client movements")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAntiPingLimit, cl_antiping_limit, 0, 0, 200, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Antiping limit (0 to disable)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAntiPing, cl_antiping, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Enable antiping, i. e. more aggressive prediction.")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAntiPingPlayers, cl_antiping_players, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Predict other player's movement more aggressively (only enabled if cl_antiping is set to 1)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAntiPingGrenade, cl_antiping_grenade, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Predict grenades (only enabled if cl_antiping is set to 1)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAntiPingWeapons, cl_antiping_weapons, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Predict weapon projectiles (only enabled if cl_antiping is set to 1)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAntiPingSmooth, cl_antiping_smooth, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Make the prediction of other player's movement smoother")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAntiPingGunfire, cl_antiping_gunfire, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Predict gunfire and show predicted weapon physics (with cl_antiping_grenade 1 and cl_antiping_weapons 1)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplates, cl_nameplates, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show name plates")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAfkEmote, cl_afk_emote, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show zzz emote next to afk players")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplatesAlways, cl_nameplates_always, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Always show name plates disregarding of distance")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplatesTeamcolors, cl_nameplates_teamcolors, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Use team colors for name plates")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplatesSize, cl_nameplates_size, 50, 0, 100, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Size of the name plates from 0 to 100%")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplatesClan, cl_nameplates_clan, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show clan in name plates")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplatesClanSize, cl_nameplates_clan_size, 30, 0, 100, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Size of the clan plates from 0 to 100%")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplatesOwn, cl_nameplates_own, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show own name plate (useful for demo recording)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClTextEntities, cl_text_entities, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Render textual entity data")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClTextEntitiesSize, cl_text_entities_size, 100, 0, 100, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Size of textual entity data from 0 to 100%")
MACRO_CONFIG_COL(ClAuthedPlayerColor, cl_authed_player_color, 5898211, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Color of name of authenticated player in scoreboard")
MACRO_CONFIG_COL(ClSameClanColor, cl_same_clan_color, 5898211, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Clan color of players with the same clan as you in scoreboard.")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClEnablePingColor, cl_enable_ping_color, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Whether ping is colored in scoreboard.")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAutoswitchWeapons, cl_autoswitch_weapons, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Auto switch weapon on pickup")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAutoswitchWeaponsOutOfAmmo, cl_autoswitch_weapons_out_of_ammo, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Auto switch weapon when out of ammo")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowhud, cl_showhud, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show ingame HUD")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowhudHealthAmmo, cl_showhud_healthammo, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show ingame HUD (Health + Ammo)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowhudScore, cl_showhud_score, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show ingame HUD (Score)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowRecord, cl_showrecord, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show old style DDRace client records")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowNotifications, cl_shownotifications, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Make the client notify when someone highlights you")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowEmotes, cl_showemotes, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show tee emotes")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowChat, cl_showchat, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show chat")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowChatFriends, cl_show_chat_friends, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show only chat messages from friends")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowChatSystem, cl_show_chat_system, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show chat messages from the server")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowKillMessages, cl_showkillmessages, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show kill messages")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowVotesAfterVoting, cl_show_votes_after_voting, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show votes window after voting")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowLocalTimeAlways, cl_show_local_time_always, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Always show local time")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowfps, cl_showfps, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show ingame FPS counter")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowpred, cl_showpred, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show ingame prediction time in milliseconds")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClEyeWheel, cl_eye_wheel, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show eye wheel along together with emotes")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClEyeDuration, cl_eye_duration, 999999, 1, 999999, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "How long the eyes emotes last")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAirjumpindicator, cl_airjumpindicator, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClThreadsoundloading, cl_threadsoundloading, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Load sound files threaded")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClWarningTeambalance, cl_warning_teambalance, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Warn about team balance")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClMouseDeadzone, cl_mouse_deadzone, 0, 0, 0, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClMouseFollowfactor, cl_mouse_followfactor, 0, 0, 200, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClMouseMaxDistance, cl_mouse_max_distance, 400, 0, 0, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClMouseMinDistance, cl_mouse_min_distance, 0, 0, 0, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDyncam, cl_dyncam, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Enable dyncam")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDyncamMaxDistance, cl_dyncam_max_distance, 1000, 0, 2000, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Maximum dynamic camera distance")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDyncamMinDistance, cl_dyncam_min_distance, 0, 0, 2000, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Minimum dynamic camera distance")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDyncamMousesens, cl_dyncam_mousesens, 0, 0, 100000, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Mouse sens used when dyncam is toggled on")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDyncamDeadzone, cl_dyncam_deadzone, 300, 1, 1300, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Dynamic camera dead zone")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDyncamFollowFactor, cl_dyncam_follow_factor, 60, 0, 200, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Dynamic camera follow factor")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(EdZoomTarget, ed_zoom_target, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Zoom to the current mouse target")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(EdShowkeys, ed_showkeys, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowWelcome, cl_show_welcome, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClMotdTime, cl_motd_time, 10, 0, 100, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "How long to show the server message of the day")
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClDDNetMapDownloadUrl, cl_ddnet_map_download_url, 100, "https://maps.ddnet.tw", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "URL to use to download maps (can start with http:// or https://)")
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClLanguagefile, cl_languagefile, 255, "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "What language file to use")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClVanillaSkinsOnly, cl_vanilla_skins_only, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Only show skins available in Vanilla Teeworlds")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAutoStatboardScreenshot, cl_auto_statboard_screenshot, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Automatically take game over statboard screenshot")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAutoStatboardScreenshotMax, cl_auto_statboard_screenshot_max, 10, 0, 1000, CFGFLAG_SAVE|CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Maximum number of automatically created statboard screenshots (0 = no limit)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDefaultZoom, cl_default_zoom, 10, 0, 20, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Default zoom level (10 default, min 0, max 20)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClPlayerUseCustomColor, player_use_custom_color, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Toggles usage of custom colors")
MACRO_CONFIG_COL(ClPlayerColorBody, player_color_body, 65408, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE|CFGFLAG_COLLIGHT, "Player body color")
MACRO_CONFIG_COL(ClPlayerColorFeet, player_color_feet, 65408, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE|CFGFLAG_COLLIGHT, "Player feet color")
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClPlayerSkin, player_skin, 24, "default", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Player skin")
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClSkinPrefix, cl_skin_prefix, 100, "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Replace the skins by skins with this prefix (e.g. kitty, coala, santa)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClFatSkins, cl_fat_skins, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Enable fat skins")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiPage, ui_page, 9, 0, 12, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Interface page")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiToolboxPage, ui_toolbox_page, 0, 0, 2, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Toolbox page")
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(UiServerAddress, ui_server_address, 64, "localhost:8303", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Interface server address")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiScale, ui_scale, 100, 50, 150, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Interface scale")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiMousesens, ui_mousesens, 200, 1, 100000, CFGFLAG_SAVE|CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Mouse sensitivity for menus/editor")
MACRO_CONFIG_COL(UiColor, ui_color, 0xE4A046AF, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE|CFGFLAG_COLALPHA, "Interface color") // 160 70 175 228 hasalpha
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiColorizePing, ui_colorize_ping, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Highlight ping")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiColorizeGametype, ui_colorize_gametype, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Highlight gametype")
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(UiDemoSelected, ui_demo_selected, 256, "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Selected demo file")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiCloseWindowAfterChangingSetting, ui_close_window_after_changing_setting, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Close window after changing setting")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(GfxNoclip, gfx_noclip, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Disable clipping")
// dummy
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClDummyName, dummy_name, 16, "brainless tee", CFGFLAG_SAVE|CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Name of the Dummy")
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClDummyClan, dummy_clan, 12, "", CFGFLAG_SAVE|CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Clan of the Dummy")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummyCountry, dummy_country, -1, -1, 1000, CFGFLAG_SAVE|CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Country of the Dummy")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummyUseCustomColor, dummy_use_custom_color, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Toggles usage of custom colors")
MACRO_CONFIG_COL(ClDummyColorBody, dummy_color_body, 65408, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE|CFGFLAG_COLLIGHT, "Dummy body color")
MACRO_CONFIG_COL(ClDummyColorFeet, dummy_color_feet, 65408, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE|CFGFLAG_COLLIGHT, "Dummy feet color")
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClDummySkin, dummy_skin, 24, "default", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Dummy skin")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummy, cl_dummy, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "0 - player / 1 - dummy")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummyHammer, cl_dummy_hammer, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Whether dummy is hammering for a hammerfly")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummyResetOnSwitch, cl_dummy_resetonswitch, 0, 0, 2, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Whether dummy or player should stop pressing keys when you switch. 0 = off, 1 = dummy, 2 = player")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummyRestoreWeapon, cl_dummy_restore_weapon, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Whether dummy should switch to last weapon after hammerfly")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummyCopyMoves, cl_dummy_copy_moves, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Whether dummy should copy your moves")
// more controlable dummy command
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummyControl, cl_dummy_control, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Whether can you control dummy at the same time")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummyJump, cl_dummy_jump, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Whether dummy is jumping")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummyFire, cl_dummy_fire, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Whether dummy is firing")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDummyHook, cl_dummy_hook, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Whether dummy is hooking")
// curl http download
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClHTTPConnectTimeoutMs, cl_http_connect_timeout_ms, 2000, 0, 100000, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "HTTP downloads: timeout for the connect phase in milliseconds (0 to disable)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClHTTPLowSpeedLimit, cl_http_low_speed_limit, 500, 0, 100000, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "HTTP downloads: Set low speed limit in bytes per second (0 to disable)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClHTTPLowSpeedTime, cl_http_low_speed_time, 5, 0, 100000, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "HTTP downloads: Set low speed limit time period (0 to disable)")
// server
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvWarmup, sv_warmup, 0, 0, 0, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Number of seconds to do warmup before round starts")
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(SvMotd, sv_motd, 900, "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Message of the day to display for the clients")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTournamentMode, sv_tournament_mode, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Tournament mode. When enabled, players joins the server as spectator")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvSpamprotection, sv_spamprotection, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Spam protection")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvSpectatorSlots, sv_spectator_slots, 0, 0, MAX_CLIENTS, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Number of slots to reserve for spectators")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvInactiveKickTime, sv_inactivekick_time, 0, 0, 1000, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "How many minutes to wait before taking care of inactive players")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvInactiveKick, sv_inactivekick, 0, 0, 2, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "How to deal with inactive players (0=move to spectator, 1=move to free spectator slot/kick, 2=kick)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvStrictSpectateMode, sv_strict_spectate_mode, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Restricts information in spectator mode")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvVoteSpectate, sv_vote_spectate, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Allow voting to move players to spectators")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvVoteSpectateRejoindelay, sv_vote_spectate_rejoindelay, 3, 0, 1000, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "How many minutes to wait before a player can rejoin after being moved to spectators by vote")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvVoteKick, sv_vote_kick, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Allow voting to kick players")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvVoteKickMin, sv_vote_kick_min, 0, 0, MAX_CLIENTS, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Minimum number of players required to start a kick vote")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvVoteKickBantime, sv_vote_kick_bantime, 5, 0, 1440, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "The time in seconds to ban a player if kicked by vote. 0 makes it just use kick")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvJoinVoteDelay, sv_join_vote_delay, 300, 0, 1000, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Add a delay before recently joined players can call any vote or participate in a kick/spec vote (in seconds)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvOldTeleportWeapons, sv_old_teleport_weapons, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER|CFGFLAG_GAME, "Teleporting of all weapons (deprecated, use special entities instead)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvOldTeleportHook, sv_old_teleport_hook, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER|CFGFLAG_GAME, "Hook through teleporter (deprecated, use special entities instead)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTeleportHoldHook, sv_teleport_hold_hook, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER|CFGFLAG_GAME, "Hold hook when teleported")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTeleportLoseWeapons, sv_teleport_lose_weapons, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER|CFGFLAG_GAME, "Lose weapons when teleported (useful for some race maps)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvDeepfly, sv_deepfly, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER|CFGFLAG_GAME, "Allow fire non auto weapons when deep")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvDestroyBulletsOnDeath, sv_destroy_bullets_on_death, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER|CFGFLAG_GAME, "Destroy bullets when their owner dies")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvDestroyLasersOnDeath, sv_destroy_lasers_on_death, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER|CFGFLAG_GAME, "Destroy lasers when their owner dies")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvMapUpdateRate, sv_mapupdaterate, 5, 1, 100, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "64 player id <-> vanilla id players map update rate")
MACRO_CONFIG_STR(SvServerType, sv_server_type, 64, "none", CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Type of the server (novice, moderate, ...)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvSendVotesPerTick, sv_send_votes_per_tick, 5, 1, 15, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Number of vote options being send per tick")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvRescue, sv_rescue, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Allow /rescue command so players can teleport themselves out of freeze")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvRescueDelay, sv_rescue_delay, 5, 0, 1000, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Number of seconds between two rescues")
// debug
#ifdef CONF_DEBUG // this one can crash the server if not used correctly
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(DbgDummies, dbg_dummies, 0, 0, 15, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(DbgFocus, dbg_focus, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(DbgTuning, dbg_tuning, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "")