Robert Müller 661339cc64 Optimize allocation of sound sample indices
Replace linear search for free sample index with free list. This brings sound sample index allocation down to constant complexity independent of the number of allocated sounds. On average the time to allocate sound samples is reduced by around 75% (843µs down to 223µs). For perspective, the time to load all default sounds on client launch is reduced by around 15ms (although this does not significantly affect launch time due to threaded loading).
2023-12-29 13:07:04 +01:00

140 lines
4.1 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#include <base/lock.h>
#include <engine/sound.h>
#include <SDL_audio.h>
#include <atomic>
struct CSample
int m_Index;
int m_NextFreeSampleIndex;
short *m_pData;
int m_NumFrames;
int m_Rate;
int m_Channels;
int m_LoopStart;
int m_LoopEnd;
int m_PausedAt;
float TotalTime() const
return m_NumFrames / (float)m_Rate;
struct CChannel
int m_Vol;
int m_Pan;
struct CVoice
CSample *m_pSample;
CChannel *m_pChannel;
int m_Age; // increases when reused
int m_Tick;
int m_Vol; // 0 - 255
int m_Flags;
int m_X, m_Y;
float m_Falloff; // [0.0, 1.0]
int m_Shape;
ISound::CVoiceShapeCircle m_Circle;
ISound::CVoiceShapeRectangle m_Rectangle;
class CSound : public IEngineSound
bool m_SoundEnabled = false;
SDL_AudioDeviceID m_Device = 0;
CLock m_SoundLock;
CSample m_aSamples[NUM_SAMPLES] = {{0}};
int m_FirstFreeSampleIndex = 0;
CVoice m_aVoices[NUM_VOICES] = {{0}};
CChannel m_aChannels[NUM_CHANNELS] = {{255, 0}};
int m_NextVoice = 0;
uint32_t m_MaxFrames = 0;
std::atomic<int> m_CenterX = 0;
std::atomic<int> m_CenterY = 0;
std::atomic<int> m_SoundVolume = 100;
int m_MixingRate = 48000;
class IEngineGraphics *m_pGraphics = nullptr;
IStorage *m_pStorage = nullptr;
int *m_pMixBuffer = nullptr;
CSample *AllocSample();
void RateConvert(CSample &Sample) const;
bool DecodeOpus(CSample &Sample, const void *pData, unsigned DataSize) const;
bool DecodeWV(CSample &Sample, const void *pData, unsigned DataSize) const;
void UpdateVolume();
int Init() override;
int Update() override;
void Shutdown() override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
bool IsSoundEnabled() override { return m_SoundEnabled; }
int LoadOpus(const char *pFilename, int StorageType = IStorage::TYPE_ALL) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
int LoadWV(const char *pFilename, int StorageType = IStorage::TYPE_ALL) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
int LoadOpusFromMem(const void *pData, unsigned DataSize, bool FromEditor) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
int LoadWVFromMem(const void *pData, unsigned DataSize, bool FromEditor) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void UnloadSample(int SampleID) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
float GetSampleTotalTime(int SampleID) override; // in s
float GetSampleCurrentTime(int SampleID) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock); // in s
void SetSampleCurrentTime(int SampleID, float Time) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void SetChannel(int ChannelID, float Vol, float Pan) override;
void SetListenerPos(float x, float y) override;
void SetVoiceVolume(CVoiceHandle Voice, float Volume) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void SetVoiceFalloff(CVoiceHandle Voice, float Falloff) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void SetVoiceLocation(CVoiceHandle Voice, float x, float y) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void SetVoiceTimeOffset(CVoiceHandle Voice, float TimeOffset) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock); // in s
void SetVoiceCircle(CVoiceHandle Voice, float Radius) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void SetVoiceRectangle(CVoiceHandle Voice, float Width, float Height) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
CVoiceHandle Play(int ChannelID, int SampleID, int Flags, float x, float y) REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
CVoiceHandle PlayAt(int ChannelID, int SampleID, int Flags, float x, float y) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
CVoiceHandle Play(int ChannelID, int SampleID, int Flags) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void Pause(int SampleID) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void Stop(int SampleID) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void StopAll() override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void StopVoice(CVoiceHandle Voice) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
bool IsPlaying(int SampleID) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void Mix(short *pFinalOut, unsigned Frames) override REQUIRES(!m_SoundLock);
void PauseAudioDevice() override;
void UnpauseAudioDevice() override;