def 3be8a592e5 Run clang-format
Purely automatic change. In case of conflict with this change, apply the
other change and rerun the formatting to restore it:

$ python scripts/fix_style.py
2020-09-26 21:50:15 +02:00

185 lines
6.3 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
class CUIRect
// TODO: Refactor: Redo UI scaling
float Scale() const;
float x, y, w, h;
* Splits 2 CUIRect inside *this* CUIRect horizontally. You can pass null pointers.
* @param pTop This rect will end up taking the top half of this CUIRect
* @param pBottom This rect will end up taking the bottom half of this CUIRect
void HSplitMid(CUIRect *pTop, CUIRect *pBottom) const;
* Splits 2 CUIRect inside *this* CUIRect.
* The cut parameter determines the height of the top rect, so it allows more customization than HSplitMid.
* This method doesn't check if Cut is bigger than *this* rect height.
* @param Cut The height of the pTop rect.
* @param pTop The rect that ends up at the top with a height equal to Cut.
* @param pBottom The rect that ends up at the bottom with a height equal to *this* rect minus the Cut.
void HSplitTop(float Cut, CUIRect *pTop, CUIRect *pBottom) const;
* Splits 2 CUIRect inside *this* CUIRect.
* The cut parameter determines the height of the bottom rect, so it allows more customization than HSplitMid.
* This method doesn't check if Cut is bigger than *this* rect height.
* @param Cut The height of the pBottom rect.
* @param pTop The rect that ends up at the top with a height equal to *this* CUIRect height minus Cut.
* @param pBottom The rect that ends up at the bottom with a height equal to Cut.
void HSplitBottom(float Cut, CUIRect *pTop, CUIRect *pBottom) const;
* Splits 2 CUIRect inside *this* CUIRect vertically. You can pass null pointers.
* @param pLeft This rect will take up the left half of *this* CUIRect.
* @param pRight This rect will take up the right half of *this* CUIRect.
void VSplitMid(CUIRect *pLeft, CUIRect *pRight) const;
* Splits 2 CUIRect inside *this* CUIRect.
* The cut parameter determines the width of the left rect, so it allows more customization than VSplitMid.
* This method doesn't check if Cut is bigger than *this* rect width.
* @param Cut The width of the pLeft rect.
* @param pLeft The rect that ends up at the left with a width equal to Cut.
* @param pRight The rect that ends up at the right with a width equal to *this* rect minus the Cut.
void VSplitLeft(float Cut, CUIRect *pLeft, CUIRect *pRight) const;
* Splits 2 CUIRect inside *this* CUIRect.
* The cut parameter determines the width of the right rect, so it allows more customization than VSplitMid.
* This method doesn't check if Cut is bigger than *this* rect width.
* @param Cut The width of the pRight rect.
* @param pLeft The rect that ends up at the left with a width equal to *this* CUIRect width minus Cut.
* @param pRight The rect that ends up at the right with a width equal to Cut.
void VSplitRight(float Cut, CUIRect *pLeft, CUIRect *pRight) const;
* Places pOtherRect inside *this* CUIRect with Cut as the margin.
* @param Cut The margin.
* @param pOtherRect The CUIRect to place inside *this* CUIRect.
void Margin(float Cut, CUIRect *pOtherRect) const;
* Places pOtherRect inside *this* CUIRect applying Cut as the margin only on the vertical axis.
* @param Cut The margin.
* @param pOtherRect The CUIRect to place inside *this* CUIRect
void VMargin(float Cut, CUIRect *pOtherRect) const;
* Places pOtherRect inside *this* CUIRect applying Cut as the margin only on the horizontal axis.
* @param Cut The margin.
* @param pOtherRect The CUIRect to place inside *this* CUIRect
void HMargin(float Cut, CUIRect *pOtherRect) const;
class CUI
const void *m_pHotItem;
const void *m_pActiveItem;
const void *m_pLastActiveItem;
const void *m_pBecommingHotItem;
float m_MouseX, m_MouseY; // in gui space
float m_MouseWorldX, m_MouseWorldY; // in world space
unsigned m_MouseButtons;
unsigned m_LastMouseButtons;
CUIRect m_Screen;
class IGraphics *m_pGraphics;
class ITextRender *m_pTextRender;
// TODO: Refactor: Fill this in
void SetGraphics(class IGraphics *pGraphics, class ITextRender *pTextRender)
m_pGraphics = pGraphics;
m_pTextRender = pTextRender;
class IGraphics *Graphics() { return m_pGraphics; }
class ITextRender *TextRender() { return m_pTextRender; }
int Update(float mx, float my, float Mwx, float Mwy, int m_Buttons);
float MouseX() const { return m_MouseX; }
float MouseY() const { return m_MouseY; }
float MouseWorldX() const { return m_MouseWorldX; }
float MouseWorldY() const { return m_MouseWorldY; }
int MouseButton(int Index) const { return (m_MouseButtons >> Index) & 1; }
int MouseButtonClicked(int Index) { return MouseButton(Index) && !((m_LastMouseButtons >> Index) & 1); }
void SetHotItem(const void *pID) { m_pBecommingHotItem = pID; }
void SetActiveItem(const void *pID)
m_pActiveItem = pID;
m_pLastActiveItem = pID;
void ClearLastActiveItem() { m_pLastActiveItem = 0; }
const void *HotItem() const { return m_pHotItem; }
const void *NextHotItem() const { return m_pBecommingHotItem; }
const void *ActiveItem() const { return m_pActiveItem; }
const void *LastActiveItem() const { return m_pLastActiveItem; }
int MouseInside(const CUIRect *pRect);
void ConvertMouseMove(float *x, float *y);
CUIRect *Screen();
float PixelSize();
void ClipEnable(const CUIRect *pRect);
void ClipDisable();
// TODO: Refactor: Redo UI scaling
void SetScale(float s);
float Scale();
int DoButtonLogic(const void *pID, const char *pText /* TODO: Refactor: Remove */, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect);
int DoPickerLogic(const void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, float *pX, float *pY);
// TODO: Refactor: Remove this?
void DoLabel(const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pText, float Size, int Align, int MaxWidth = -1);
void DoLabelScaled(const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pText, float Size, int Align, int MaxWidth = -1);