heinrich5991 17402cc43f Rename all variables for strict camel-casing of abbreviations
This is the strict version, ID → Id, UI → Ui, except DDNet which stays

This would fix #7750.

Done using a naive rename script (for bash, use `shopt -s globstar`):

sed -i \
	-e 's/\([a-z]_\?\)ID/\1Id/g' \
	-e 's/\([^ ]\)\<UI\>/\1Ui/g' \
	-e 's/UI()/Ui()/g' \
	-e 's/\<CUI\>/CUi/g' \
	-e 's/\([\ta-z.(&]\|[,=|] \)ID\>/\1Id/g' \
	-e 's/\<ID\>\([^ ").]\)/Id\1/g' \
	-e 's/\<ID\([0-9]\)/Id\1/g' \
	-e 's/\<ID\>\( [<=>:+*/-]\)/Id\1/g' \
	-e 's/int ID/int Id/g' \
	-e 's/\([a-z]_\?\)GPU/\1Gpu/g' \
	-e 's/\([a-z]_\?\)IP/\1Ip/g' \
	-e 's/\([a-z]_\?\)CID/\1Cid/g' \
	-e 's/\([a-z]_\?\)MySQL/\1Mysql/g' \
	-e 's/MySql/Mysql/g' \
	-e 's/\([a-xz]_\?\)SQL/\1Sql/g' \
	-e 's/DPMode/DpMode/g' \
	-e 's/TTWGraphics/TTwGraphics/g' \
	-e 's/Ipointer/IPointer/g' \
	-e 's/\.vendorId/.vendorID/g' \
	-e 's/\.windowId/.windowID/g' \
	-e 's/SDL_GetWindowFromId/SDL_GetWindowFromID/g' \
	-e 's/SDL_AudioDeviceId/SDL_AudioDeviceID/g' \
	-e 's/SDL_JoystickId/SDL_JoystickID/g' \
	-e 's/SDL_JoystickInstanceId/SDL_JoystickInstanceID/g' \
	-e 's/AVCodecId/AVCodecID/g' \
	src/**/*.cpp src/**/*.h {datasrc,scripts}/**/*.py
git checkout -- src/engine/external

I like this option because it presents clear rules.

Still needs fixups because of the naive replacement, I'd do this if we
want this merged.
2024-03-05 15:44:09 +01:00

2242 lines
79 KiB

#include "editor_server_settings.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include <engine/keys.h>
#include <engine/shared/config.h>
#include <engine/textrender.h>
#include <game/client/gameclient.h>
#include <game/client/lineinput.h>
#include <game/client/ui.h>
#include <game/client/ui_listbox.h>
#include <game/editor/editor_actions.h>
#include <game/editor/editor_history.h>
#include <base/color.h>
#include <base/system.h>
#include <iterator>
using namespace FontIcons;
static const int FONT_SIZE = 12.0f;
struct IMapSetting
enum EType
const char *m_pName;
const char *m_pHelp;
EType m_Type;
IMapSetting(const char *pName, const char *pHelp, EType Type) :
m_pName(pName), m_pHelp(pHelp), m_Type(Type) {}
struct SMapSettingInt : public IMapSetting
int m_Default;
int m_Min;
int m_Max;
SMapSettingInt(const char *pName, const char *pHelp, int Default, int Min, int Max) :
IMapSetting(pName, pHelp, IMapSetting::SETTING_INT), m_Default(Default), m_Min(Min), m_Max(Max) {}
struct SMapSettingCommand : public IMapSetting
const char *m_pArgs;
SMapSettingCommand(const char *pName, const char *pHelp, const char *pArgs) :
IMapSetting(pName, pHelp, IMapSetting::SETTING_COMMAND), m_pArgs(pArgs) {}
void CEditor::RenderServerSettingsEditor(CUIRect View, bool ShowServerSettingsEditorLast)
static int s_CommandSelectedIndex = -1;
static CListBox s_ListBox;
s_ListBox.SetActive(!m_MapSettingsCommandContext.m_DropdownContext.m_ListBox.Active() && m_Dialog == DIALOG_NONE && !Ui()->IsPopupOpen());
bool GotSelection = s_ListBox.Active() && s_CommandSelectedIndex >= 0 && (size_t)s_CommandSelectedIndex < m_Map.m_vSettings.size();
const bool CurrentInputValid = m_MapSettingsCommandContext.Valid(); // Use the context to validate the input
CUIRect ToolBar, Button, Label, List, DragBar;
View.HSplitTop(22.0f, &DragBar, nullptr);
DragBar.y -= 2.0f;
DragBar.w += 2.0f;
DragBar.h += 4.0f;
DoEditorDragBar(View, &DragBar, EDragSide::SIDE_TOP, &m_aExtraEditorSplits[EXTRAEDITOR_SERVER_SETTINGS]);
View.HSplitTop(20.0f, &ToolBar, &View);
View.HSplitTop(2.0f, nullptr, &List);
ToolBar.HMargin(2.0f, &ToolBar);
// delete button
ToolBar.VSplitRight(25.0f, &ToolBar, &Button);
ToolBar.VSplitRight(5.0f, &ToolBar, nullptr);
static int s_DeleteButton = 0;
if(DoButton_FontIcon(&s_DeleteButton, FONT_ICON_TRASH, GotSelection ? 0 : -1, &Button, 0, "[Delete] Delete the selected command from the command list.", IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 9.0f) == 1 || (GotSelection && CLineInput::GetActiveInput() == nullptr && m_Dialog == DIALOG_NONE && Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_DELETE)))
m_ServerSettingsHistory.RecordAction(std::make_shared<CEditorCommandAction>(this, CEditorCommandAction::EType::DELETE, &s_CommandSelectedIndex, s_CommandSelectedIndex, m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand));
m_Map.m_vSettings.erase(m_Map.m_vSettings.begin() + s_CommandSelectedIndex);
if(s_CommandSelectedIndex >= (int)m_Map.m_vSettings.size())
s_CommandSelectedIndex = m_Map.m_vSettings.size() - 1;
if(s_CommandSelectedIndex >= 0)
// move down button
ToolBar.VSplitRight(25.0f, &ToolBar, &Button);
const bool CanMoveDown = GotSelection && s_CommandSelectedIndex < (int)m_Map.m_vSettings.size() - 1;
static int s_DownButton = 0;
if(DoButton_FontIcon(&s_DownButton, FONT_ICON_SORT_DOWN, CanMoveDown ? 0 : -1, &Button, 0, "[Alt+Down] Move the selected command down.", IGraphics::CORNER_R, 11.0f) == 1 || (CanMoveDown && Input()->AltIsPressed() && Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_DOWN)))
m_ServerSettingsHistory.RecordAction(std::make_shared<CEditorCommandAction>(this, CEditorCommandAction::EType::MOVE_DOWN, &s_CommandSelectedIndex, s_CommandSelectedIndex));
std::swap(m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex], m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex + 1]);
// move up button
ToolBar.VSplitRight(25.0f, &ToolBar, &Button);
ToolBar.VSplitRight(5.0f, &ToolBar, nullptr);
const bool CanMoveUp = GotSelection && s_CommandSelectedIndex > 0;
static int s_UpButton = 0;
if(DoButton_FontIcon(&s_UpButton, FONT_ICON_SORT_UP, CanMoveUp ? 0 : -1, &Button, 0, "[Alt+Up] Move the selected command up.", IGraphics::CORNER_L, 11.0f) == 1 || (CanMoveUp && Input()->AltIsPressed() && Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_UP)))
m_ServerSettingsHistory.RecordAction(std::make_shared<CEditorCommandAction>(this, CEditorCommandAction::EType::MOVE_UP, &s_CommandSelectedIndex, s_CommandSelectedIndex));
std::swap(m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex], m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex - 1]);
// redo button
ToolBar.VSplitRight(25.0f, &ToolBar, &Button);
static int s_RedoButton = 0;
if(DoButton_FontIcon(&s_RedoButton, FONT_ICON_REDO, m_ServerSettingsHistory.CanRedo() ? 0 : -1, &Button, 0, "[Ctrl+Y] Redo command edit", IGraphics::CORNER_R, 11.0f) == 1 || (CanMoveDown && Input()->AltIsPressed() && Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_DOWN)))
// undo button
ToolBar.VSplitRight(25.0f, &ToolBar, &Button);
ToolBar.VSplitRight(5.0f, &ToolBar, nullptr);
static int s_UndoButton = 0;
if(DoButton_FontIcon(&s_UndoButton, FONT_ICON_UNDO, m_ServerSettingsHistory.CanUndo() ? 0 : -1, &Button, 0, "[Ctrl+Z] Undo command edit", IGraphics::CORNER_L, 11.0f) == 1 || (CanMoveUp && Input()->AltIsPressed() && Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_UP)))
GotSelection = s_ListBox.Active() && s_CommandSelectedIndex >= 0 && (size_t)s_CommandSelectedIndex < m_Map.m_vSettings.size();
int CollidingCommandIndex = -1;
ECollisionCheckResult CheckResult = ECollisionCheckResult::ERROR;
CollidingCommandIndex = m_MapSettingsCommandContext.CheckCollision(CheckResult);
// update button
ToolBar.VSplitRight(25.0f, &ToolBar, &Button);
const bool CanAdd = CheckResult == ECollisionCheckResult::ADD;
const bool CanReplace = CheckResult == ECollisionCheckResult::REPLACE;
const bool CanUpdate = GotSelection && CurrentInputValid && str_comp(m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand, m_SettingsCommandInput.GetString()) != 0;
static int s_UpdateButton = 0;
if(DoButton_FontIcon(&s_UpdateButton, FONT_ICON_PENCIL, CanUpdate ? 0 : -1, &Button, 0, "[Alt+Enter] Update the selected command based on the entered value.", IGraphics::CORNER_R, 9.0f) == 1 || (CanUpdate && Input()->AltIsPressed() && m_Dialog == DIALOG_NONE && Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_ENTER)))
if(CollidingCommandIndex == -1)
bool Found = false;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < (int)m_Map.m_vSettings.size(); ++i)
if(i != s_CommandSelectedIndex && !str_comp(m_Map.m_vSettings[i].m_aCommand, m_SettingsCommandInput.GetString()))
Found = true;
m_ServerSettingsHistory.RecordAction(std::make_shared<CEditorCommandAction>(this, CEditorCommandAction::EType::DELETE, &s_CommandSelectedIndex, s_CommandSelectedIndex, m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand));
m_Map.m_vSettings.erase(m_Map.m_vSettings.begin() + s_CommandSelectedIndex);
s_CommandSelectedIndex = i > s_CommandSelectedIndex ? i - 1 : i;
const char *pStr = m_SettingsCommandInput.GetString();
m_ServerSettingsHistory.RecordAction(std::make_shared<CEditorCommandAction>(this, CEditorCommandAction::EType::EDIT, &s_CommandSelectedIndex, s_CommandSelectedIndex, m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand, pStr));
str_copy(m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand, pStr);
if(s_CommandSelectedIndex == CollidingCommandIndex)
{ // If we are editing the currently collinding line, then we can just call EDIT on it
const char *pStr = m_SettingsCommandInput.GetString();
m_ServerSettingsHistory.RecordAction(std::make_shared<CEditorCommandAction>(this, CEditorCommandAction::EType::EDIT, &s_CommandSelectedIndex, s_CommandSelectedIndex, m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand, pStr));
str_copy(m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand, pStr);
{ // If not, then editing the current selected line will result in the deletion of the colliding line, and the editing of the selected line
const char *pStr = m_SettingsCommandInput.GetString();
char aBuf[256];
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Delete command %d; Edit command %d", CollidingCommandIndex, s_CommandSelectedIndex);
// Delete the colliding command
m_ServerSettingsHistory.RecordAction(std::make_shared<CEditorCommandAction>(this, CEditorCommandAction::EType::DELETE, &s_CommandSelectedIndex, CollidingCommandIndex, m_Map.m_vSettings[CollidingCommandIndex].m_aCommand));
m_Map.m_vSettings.erase(m_Map.m_vSettings.begin() + CollidingCommandIndex);
// Edit the selected command
s_CommandSelectedIndex = s_CommandSelectedIndex > CollidingCommandIndex ? s_CommandSelectedIndex - 1 : s_CommandSelectedIndex;
m_ServerSettingsHistory.RecordAction(std::make_shared<CEditorCommandAction>(this, CEditorCommandAction::EType::EDIT, &s_CommandSelectedIndex, s_CommandSelectedIndex, m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand, pStr));
str_copy(m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand, pStr);
m_MapSettingsCommandContext.Reset(); // Reset context
// add button
ToolBar.VSplitRight(25.0f, &ToolBar, &Button);
ToolBar.VSplitRight(100.0f, &ToolBar, nullptr);
static int s_AddButton = 0;
if(DoButton_FontIcon(&s_AddButton, CanReplace ? FONT_ICON_ARROWS_ROTATE : FONT_ICON_PLUS, CanAdd || CanReplace ? 0 : -1, &Button, 0, CanReplace ? "[Enter] Replace the corresponding command in the command list." : "[Enter] Add a command to the command list.", IGraphics::CORNER_L) == 1 || ((CanAdd || CanReplace) && !Input()->AltIsPressed() && m_Dialog == DIALOG_NONE && Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_ENTER)))
dbg_assert(CollidingCommandIndex != -1, "Could not replace command");
s_CommandSelectedIndex = CollidingCommandIndex;
const char *pStr = m_SettingsCommandInput.GetString();
m_ServerSettingsHistory.RecordAction(std::make_shared<CEditorCommandAction>(this, CEditorCommandAction::EType::EDIT, &s_CommandSelectedIndex, s_CommandSelectedIndex, m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand, pStr));
str_copy(m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand, pStr);
else if(CanAdd)
s_CommandSelectedIndex = m_Map.m_vSettings.size() - 1;
m_ServerSettingsHistory.RecordAction(std::make_shared<CEditorCommandAction>(this, CEditorCommandAction::EType::ADD, &s_CommandSelectedIndex, s_CommandSelectedIndex, m_Map.m_vSettings[s_CommandSelectedIndex].m_aCommand));
m_MapSettingsCommandContext.Reset(); // Reset context
// command input (use remaining toolbar width)
if(!ShowServerSettingsEditorLast) // Just activated
// command list
s_ListBox.DoStart(15.0f, m_Map.m_vSettings.size(), 1, 3, s_CommandSelectedIndex, &List);
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_Map.m_vSettings.size(); i++)
const CListboxItem Item = s_ListBox.DoNextItem(&m_Map.m_vSettings[i], s_CommandSelectedIndex >= 0 && (size_t)s_CommandSelectedIndex == i);
Item.m_Rect.VMargin(5.0f, &Label);
SLabelProperties Props;
Props.m_MaxWidth = Label.w;
Props.m_EllipsisAtEnd = true;
Ui()->DoLabel(&Label, m_Map.m_vSettings[i].m_aCommand, 10.0f, TEXTALIGN_ML, Props);
const int NewSelected = s_ListBox.DoEnd();
if(s_CommandSelectedIndex != NewSelected || s_ListBox.WasItemSelected())
s_CommandSelectedIndex = NewSelected;
if(m_SettingsCommandInput.IsEmpty() || !Input()->ModifierIsPressed()) // Allow ctrl+click to only change selection
m_MapSettingsCommandContext.m_DropdownContext.m_ShouldHide = true;
// Map setting input
DoMapSettingsEditBox(&m_MapSettingsCommandContext, &ToolBar, FONT_SIZE, List.h);
void CEditor::DoMapSettingsEditBox(CMapSettingsBackend::CContext *pContext, const CUIRect *pRect, float FontSize, float DropdownMaxHeight, int Corners, const char *pToolTip)
// Main method to do the full featured map settings edit box
auto *pLineInput = pContext->LineInput();
auto &Context = *pContext;
// Set current active context if input is active
CMapSettingsBackend::ms_pActiveContext = pContext;
// Small utility to render a floating part above the input rect.
// Use to display either the error or the current argument name
const float PartMargin = 4.0f;
auto &&RenderFloatingPart = [&](CUIRect *pInputRect, float x, const char *pStr) {
CUIRect Background;
Background.x = x - PartMargin;
Background.y = pInputRect->y - pInputRect->h - 6.0f;
Background.w = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, pStr) + 2 * PartMargin;
Background.h = pInputRect->h;
Background.Draw(ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.9f), IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 3.0f);
CUIRect Label;
Background.VSplitLeft(PartMargin, nullptr, &Label);
TextRender()->TextColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f);
Ui()->DoLabel(&Label, pStr, FontSize, TEXTALIGN_ML);
// If we have a valid command, display the help in the tooltip
Context.GetCommandHelpText(m_aTooltip, sizeof(m_aTooltip));
CUIRect ToolBar = *pRect;
CUIRect Button;
ToolBar.VSplitRight(ToolBar.h, &ToolBar, &Button);
// Do the unknown command toggle button
if(DoButton_FontIcon(&Context.m_AllowUnknownCommands, FONT_ICON_QUESTION, Context.m_AllowUnknownCommands, &Button, 0, "Disallow/allow unknown commands", IGraphics::CORNER_R))
Context.m_AllowUnknownCommands = !Context.m_AllowUnknownCommands;
// Color the arguments
std::vector<STextColorSplit> vColorSplits;
// Do and render clearable edit box with the colors
if(DoClearableEditBox(pLineInput, &ToolBar, FontSize, IGraphics::CORNER_L, "Enter a server setting.", vColorSplits))
Context.Update(); // Update the context when contents change
Context.m_DropdownContext.m_ShouldHide = false;
// Update/track the cursor
Context.m_DropdownContext.m_ShouldHide = false;
// Calculate x position of the dropdown and the floating part
float x = ToolBar.x + Context.CurrentArgPos() - pLineInput->GetScrollOffset();
x = clamp(x, ToolBar.x + PartMargin, ToolBar.x + ToolBar.w);
// If line input is active, let's display a floating part for either the current argument name
// or for the error, if any. The error is only displayed when the cursor is at the end of the input.
const bool IsAtEnd = pLineInput->GetCursorOffset() >= (m_MapSettingsCommandContext.CommentOffset() != -1 ? m_MapSettingsCommandContext.CommentOffset() : pLineInput->GetLength());
if(Context.CurrentArgName() && (!Context.HasError() || !IsAtEnd)) // Render argument name
RenderFloatingPart(&ToolBar, x, Context.CurrentArgName());
else if(Context.HasError() && IsAtEnd) // Render error
RenderFloatingPart(&ToolBar, ToolBar.x + PartMargin, Context.Error());
// If we have possible matches for the current argument, let's display an editbox suggestions dropdown
const auto &vPossibleCommands = Context.PossibleMatches();
int Selected = DoEditBoxDropdown<SPossibleValueMatch>(&Context.m_DropdownContext, pLineInput, &ToolBar, x - PartMargin, DropdownMaxHeight, Context.CurrentArg() >= 0, vPossibleCommands, MapSettingsDropdownRenderCallback);
// If the dropdown just became visible, update the context
// This is needed when input loses focus and then we click a command in the map settings list
// Check if the completion index has changed
if(Selected != pContext->m_CurrentCompletionIndex)
// If so, we should autocomplete the selected option
if(Selected != -1)
const char *pStr = vPossibleCommands[Selected].m_pValue;
int Len = pContext->m_CurrentCompletionIndex == -1 ? str_length(Context.CurrentArgValue()) : (pContext->m_CurrentCompletionIndex < (int)vPossibleCommands.size() ? str_length(vPossibleCommands[pContext->m_CurrentCompletionIndex].m_pValue) : 0);
size_t Start = Context.CurrentArgOffset();
size_t End = Start + Len;
pLineInput->SetRange(pStr, Start, End);
pContext->m_CurrentCompletionIndex = Selected;
template<typename T>
int CEditor::DoEditBoxDropdown(SEditBoxDropdownContext *pDropdown, CLineInput *pLineInput, const CUIRect *pEditBoxRect, int x, float MaxHeight, bool AutoWidth, const std::vector<T> &vData, const FDropdownRenderCallback<T> &fnMatchCallback)
// Do an edit box with a possible dropdown
// This is a generic method which can display any data we want
pDropdown->m_Selected = clamp(pDropdown->m_Selected, -1, (int)vData.size() - 1);
if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_SPACE) && Input()->ModifierIsPressed())
{ // Handle Ctrl+Space to show available options
pDropdown->m_ShortcutUsed = true;
// Remove inserted space
pLineInput->SetRange("", pLineInput->GetCursorOffset() - 1, pLineInput->GetCursorOffset());
if((!pDropdown->m_ShouldHide && !pLineInput->IsEmpty() && (pLineInput->IsActive() || pDropdown->m_MousePressedInside)) || pDropdown->m_ShortcutUsed)
pDropdown->m_DidBecomeVisible = true;
pDropdown->m_Visible = true;
else if(pDropdown->m_DidBecomeVisible)
pDropdown->m_DidBecomeVisible = false;
if(!pLineInput->IsEmpty() || !pLineInput->IsActive())
pDropdown->m_ShortcutUsed = false;
int CurrentSelected = pDropdown->m_Selected;
// Use tab to navigate through entries
if(Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_TAB) && !vData.empty())
int Direction = Input()->ShiftIsPressed() ? -1 : 1;
pDropdown->m_Selected += Direction;
if(pDropdown->m_Selected < 0)
pDropdown->m_Selected = (int)vData.size() - 1;
pDropdown->m_Selected %= vData.size();
int Selected = RenderEditBoxDropdown<T>(pDropdown, *pEditBoxRect, pLineInput, x, MaxHeight, AutoWidth, vData, fnMatchCallback);
if(Selected != -1)
pDropdown->m_Selected = Selected;
if(CurrentSelected != pDropdown->m_Selected)
return pDropdown->m_Selected;
pDropdown->m_ShortcutUsed = false;
pDropdown->m_Visible = false;
pDropdown->m_Selected = -1;
return -1;
template<typename T>
int CEditor::RenderEditBoxDropdown(SEditBoxDropdownContext *pDropdown, CUIRect View, CLineInput *pLineInput, int x, float MaxHeight, bool AutoWidth, const std::vector<T> &vData, const FDropdownRenderCallback<T> &fnMatchCallback)
// Render a dropdown tied to an edit box/line input
auto *pListBox = &pDropdown->m_ListBox;
pListBox->SetActive(m_Dialog == DIALOG_NONE && !Ui()->IsPopupOpen() && pLineInput->IsActive());
const int NumEntries = vData.size();
// Setup the rect
CUIRect CommandsDropdown = View;
CommandsDropdown.y += View.h + 0.1f;
CommandsDropdown.x = x;
CommandsDropdown.w = pDropdown->m_Width + pListBox->ScrollbarWidth();
pListBox->SetActive(NumEntries > 0);
if(NumEntries > 0)
// Draw the background
CommandsDropdown.h = minimum(NumEntries * 15.0f + 1.0f, MaxHeight);
CommandsDropdown.Draw(ColorRGBA(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.9f), IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 3.0f);
if(Ui()->MouseButton(0) && Ui()->MouseInside(&CommandsDropdown))
pDropdown->m_MousePressedInside = true;
// Do the list box
int Selected = pDropdown->m_Selected;
pListBox->DoStart(15.0f, NumEntries, 1, 3, Selected, &CommandsDropdown);
CUIRect Label;
int NewIndex = Selected;
float LargestWidth = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
const CListboxItem Item = pListBox->DoNextItem(&vData[i], Selected == i);
Item.m_Rect.VMargin(4.0f, &Label);
SLabelProperties Props;
Props.m_MaxWidth = Label.w;
Props.m_EllipsisAtEnd = true;
// Call the callback to fill the current line string
char aBuf[128];
fnMatchCallback(vData.at(i), aBuf, Props.m_vColorSplits);
LargestWidth = maximum(LargestWidth, TextRender()->TextWidth(12.0f, aBuf) + 10.0f);
Ui()->DoLabel(&Label, aBuf, 12.0f, TEXTALIGN_ML, Props);
if(Ui()->ActiveItem() == &vData[i])
// If we selected an item (by clicking on it for example), then set the active item back to the
// line input so we don't loose focus
NewIndex = i;
pDropdown->m_Width = LargestWidth;
int EndIndex = pListBox->DoEnd();
if(NewIndex == Selected)
NewIndex = EndIndex;
if(pDropdown->m_MousePressedInside && !Ui()->MouseButton(0))
pDropdown->m_MousePressedInside = false;
if(NewIndex != Selected)
return NewIndex;
return -1;
void CEditor::RenderMapSettingsErrorDialog()
auto &LoadedMapSettings = m_MapSettingsBackend.m_LoadedMapSettings;
auto &vSettingsInvalid = LoadedMapSettings.m_vSettingsInvalid;
auto &vSettingsValid = LoadedMapSettings.m_vSettingsValid;
auto &SettingsDuplicate = LoadedMapSettings.m_SettingsDuplicate;
CUIRect Overlay = *Ui()->Screen();
Overlay.Draw(ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.33f), IGraphics::CORNER_NONE, 0.0f);
CUIRect Background;
Overlay.VMargin(150.0f, &Background);
Background.HMargin(50.0f, &Background);
Background.Draw(ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.80f), IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 5.0f);
CUIRect View;
Background.Margin(10.0f, &View);
CUIRect Title, ButtonBar, Label;
View.HSplitTop(18.0f, &Title, &View);
View.HSplitTop(5.0f, nullptr, &View); // some spacing
View.HSplitBottom(18.0f, &View, &ButtonBar);
View.HSplitBottom(10.0f, &View, nullptr); // some spacing
// title bar
Title.Draw(ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.25f), IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 4.0f);
Title.VMargin(10.0f, &Title);
Ui()->DoLabel(&Title, "Map settings error", 12.0f, TEXTALIGN_ML);
// Render body
static CLineInputBuffered<256> s_Input;
static CMapSettingsBackend::CContext s_Context = m_MapSettingsBackend.NewContext(&s_Input);
// Some text
SLabelProperties Props;
CUIRect Text;
View.HSplitTop(30.0f, &Text, &View);
Props.m_MaxWidth = Text.w;
Ui()->DoLabel(&Text, "Below is a report of the invalid map settings found when loading the map. Please fix them before proceeding further.", 10.0f, TEXTALIGN_MC, Props);
// Mixed list
CUIRect List = View;
View.Draw(ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.25f), IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 3.0f);
const float RowHeight = 18.0f;
static CScrollRegion s_ScrollRegion;
vec2 ScrollOffset(0.0f, 0.0f);
CScrollRegionParams ScrollParams;
ScrollParams.m_ScrollUnit = 120.0f;
s_ScrollRegion.Begin(&List, &ScrollOffset, &ScrollParams);
const float EndY = List.y + List.h;
List.y += ScrollOffset.y;
List.HSplitTop(20.0f, nullptr, &List);
static int s_FixingCommandIndex = -1;
auto &&SetInput = [&](const char *pString) {
CUIRect FixInput;
bool DisplayFixInput = false;
float DropdownHeight = 110.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)m_Map.m_vSettings.size(); i++)
CUIRect Slot;
auto pInvalidSetting = std::find_if(vSettingsInvalid.begin(), vSettingsInvalid.end(), [i](const SInvalidSetting &Setting) { return Setting.m_Index == i; });
if(pInvalidSetting != vSettingsInvalid.end())
{ // This setting is invalid, only display it if its not a duplicate
if(!(pInvalidSetting->m_Type & SInvalidSetting::TYPE_DUPLICATE))
bool IsFixing = s_FixingCommandIndex == i;
List.HSplitTop(RowHeight, &Slot, &List);
// Draw a reddish background if setting is marked as deleted
Slot.Draw(ColorRGBA(0.85f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.15f), IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 3.0f);
Slot.VMargin(5.0f, &Slot);
Slot.HMargin(1.0f, &Slot);
if(!IsFixing && !pInvalidSetting->m_Context.m_Fixed)
{ // Display "Fix" and "delete" buttons if we're not fixing the command and the command has not been fixed
CUIRect FixBtn, DelBtn;
Slot.VSplitRight(30.0f, &Slot, &DelBtn);
Slot.VSplitRight(5.0f, &Slot, nullptr);
DelBtn.HMargin(1.0f, &DelBtn);
Slot.VSplitRight(30.0f, &Slot, &FixBtn);
Slot.VSplitRight(10.0f, &Slot, nullptr);
FixBtn.HMargin(1.0f, &FixBtn);
// Delete button
if(DoButton_FontIcon(&pInvalidSetting->m_Context.m_Deleted, FONT_ICON_TRASH, pInvalidSetting->m_Context.m_Deleted, &DelBtn, 0, "Delete this command", IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 10.0f))
pInvalidSetting->m_Context.m_Deleted = !pInvalidSetting->m_Context.m_Deleted;
// Fix button
if(DoButton_Editor(&pInvalidSetting->m_Context.m_Fixed, "Fix", !pInvalidSetting->m_Context.m_Deleted ? (s_FixingCommandIndex == -1 ? 0 : (IsFixing ? 1 : -1)) : -1, &FixBtn, 0, "Fix this command"))
s_FixingCommandIndex = i;
else if(IsFixing)
{ // If we're fixing this command, then display "Done" and "Cancel" buttons
// Also setup the input rect
CUIRect OkBtn, CancelBtn;
Slot.VSplitRight(50.0f, &Slot, &CancelBtn);
Slot.VSplitRight(5.0f, &Slot, nullptr);
CancelBtn.HMargin(1.0f, &CancelBtn);
Slot.VSplitRight(30.0f, &Slot, &OkBtn);
Slot.VSplitRight(10.0f, &Slot, nullptr);
OkBtn.HMargin(1.0f, &OkBtn);
// Buttons
static int s_Cancel = 0, s_Ok = 0;
if(DoButton_Editor(&s_Cancel, "Cancel", 0, &CancelBtn, 0, "Cancel fixing this command") || Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_ESCAPE))
s_FixingCommandIndex = -1;
// "Done" button only enabled if the fixed setting is valid
// For that we use a local CContext s_Context and use it to check
// that the setting is valid and that it is not a duplicate
ECollisionCheckResult Res = ECollisionCheckResult::ERROR;
s_Context.CheckCollision(vSettingsValid, Res);
bool Valid = s_Context.Valid() && Res == ECollisionCheckResult::ADD;
if(DoButton_Editor(&s_Ok, "Done", Valid ? 0 : -1, &OkBtn, 0, "Confirm editing of this command") || (s_Input.IsActive() && Valid && Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_ENTER)))
// Mark the setting is being fixed
pInvalidSetting->m_Context.m_Fixed = true;
str_copy(pInvalidSetting->m_aSetting, s_Input.GetString());
// Add it to the list for future collision checks
// Clear the input & fixing command index
s_FixingCommandIndex = -1;
Label = Slot;
Props.m_EllipsisAtEnd = true;
Props.m_MaxWidth = Label.w;
// Setup input rect, which will be used to draw the map settings input later
Label.HMargin(1.0, &FixInput);
DisplayFixInput = true;
DropdownHeight = minimum(DropdownHeight, EndY - FixInput.y - 16.0f);
// Draw label in case we're not fixing this setting.
// Deleted settings are shown in gray with a red line through them
// Fixed settings are shown in green
// Invalid settings are shown in red
TextRender()->TextColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
TextRender()->TextColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Ui()->DoLabel(&Label, pInvalidSetting->m_aSetting, 10.0f, TEXTALIGN_ML, Props);
TextRender()->TextColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f);
Ui()->DoLabel(&Label, pInvalidSetting->m_aSetting, 10.0f, TEXTALIGN_ML, Props);
CUIRect Line = Label;
Line.y = Label.y + Label.h / 2;
Line.h = 1;
Line.Draw(ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0, 1), IGraphics::CORNER_NONE, 0.0f);
{ // This setting is valid
// Check for duplicates
const std::vector<int> &vDuplicates = SettingsDuplicate.at(i);
int Chosen = -1; // This is the chosen duplicate setting. -1 means the first valid setting that was found which was not a duplicate
for(int d = 0; d < (int)vDuplicates.size(); d++)
int DupIndex = vDuplicates[d];
Chosen = d;
List.HSplitTop(RowHeight * (vDuplicates.size() + 1) + 2.0f, &Slot, &List);
Slot.HMargin(1.0f, &Slot);
// Draw a background to highlight group of duplicates
Slot.Draw(ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.15f), IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 3.0f);
Slot.VMargin(5.0f, &Slot);
Slot.HSplitTop(RowHeight, &Label, &Slot);
Label.HMargin(1.0f, &Label);
// Draw a "choose" button next to the label in case we have duplicates for this line
CUIRect ChooseBtn;
Label.VSplitRight(50.0f, &Label, &ChooseBtn);
Label.VSplitRight(5.0f, &Label, nullptr);
ChooseBtn.HMargin(1.0f, &ChooseBtn);
if(DoButton_Editor(&vDuplicates, "Choose", Chosen == -1, &ChooseBtn, 0, "Choose this command"))
if(Chosen != -1)
vSettingsInvalid[vDuplicates[Chosen]].m_Context.m_Chosen = false;
Chosen = -1; // Choosing this means that we do not choose any of the duplicates
// Draw the label
Props.m_MaxWidth = Label.w;
Ui()->DoLabel(&Label, m_Map.m_vSettings[i].m_aCommand, 10.0f, TEXTALIGN_ML, Props);
// Draw the list of duplicates, with a "Choose" button for each duplicate
// In case a duplicate is also invalid, then we draw a "Fix" button which behaves like the fix button above
// Duplicate settings name are shown in light blue, or in purple if they are also invalid
Slot.VSplitLeft(10.0f, nullptr, &Slot);
for(int DuplicateIndex = 0; DuplicateIndex < (int)vDuplicates.size(); DuplicateIndex++)
auto &Duplicate = vSettingsInvalid.at(vDuplicates[DuplicateIndex]);
bool IsFixing = s_FixingCommandIndex == Duplicate.m_Index;
bool IsInvalid = Duplicate.m_Type & SInvalidSetting::TYPE_INVALID;
ColorRGBA Color(0.329f, 0.714f, 0.859f, 1.0f);
CUIRect SubSlot;
Slot.HSplitTop(RowHeight, &SubSlot, &Slot);
SubSlot.HMargin(1.0f, &SubSlot);
// If not fixing, then display "Choose" and maybe "Fix" buttons.
CUIRect ChooseBtn;
SubSlot.VSplitRight(50.0f, &SubSlot, &ChooseBtn);
SubSlot.VSplitRight(5.0f, &SubSlot, nullptr);
ChooseBtn.HMargin(1.0f, &ChooseBtn);
if(DoButton_Editor(&Duplicate.m_Context.m_Chosen, "Choose", IsInvalid && !Duplicate.m_Context.m_Fixed ? -1 : Duplicate.m_Context.m_Chosen, &ChooseBtn, 0, "Override with this command"))
Duplicate.m_Context.m_Chosen = !Duplicate.m_Context.m_Chosen;
if(Chosen != -1 && Chosen != DuplicateIndex)
vSettingsInvalid[vDuplicates[Chosen]].m_Context.m_Chosen = false;
Chosen = DuplicateIndex;
Color = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 1, 1);
CUIRect FixBtn;
SubSlot.VSplitRight(30.0f, &SubSlot, &FixBtn);
SubSlot.VSplitRight(10.0f, &SubSlot, nullptr);
FixBtn.HMargin(1.0f, &FixBtn);
if(DoButton_Editor(&Duplicate.m_Context.m_Fixed, "Fix", s_FixingCommandIndex == -1 ? 0 : (IsFixing ? 1 : -1), &FixBtn, 0, "Fix this command (needed before it can be chosen)"))
s_FixingCommandIndex = Duplicate.m_Index;
Color = ColorRGBA(0.329f, 0.714f, 0.859f, 1.0f);
// If we're fixing, display "Done" and "Cancel" buttons
CUIRect OkBtn, CancelBtn;
SubSlot.VSplitRight(50.0f, &SubSlot, &CancelBtn);
SubSlot.VSplitRight(5.0f, &SubSlot, nullptr);
CancelBtn.HMargin(1.0f, &CancelBtn);
SubSlot.VSplitRight(30.0f, &SubSlot, &OkBtn);
SubSlot.VSplitRight(10.0f, &SubSlot, nullptr);
OkBtn.HMargin(1.0f, &OkBtn);
static int s_Cancel = 0, s_Ok = 0;
if(DoButton_Editor(&s_Cancel, "Cancel", 0, &CancelBtn, 0, "Cancel fixing this command") || Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_ESCAPE))
s_FixingCommandIndex = -1;
// Use the local CContext s_Context to validate the input
// We also need to make sure the fixed setting matches the initial duplicate setting
// For example:
// sv_deepfly 0
// sv_deepfly 5 <- This is invalid and duplicate. We can only fix it by writing "sv_deepfly 0" or "sv_deepfly 1".
// If we write any other setting, like "sv_hit 1", it won't work as it does not match "sv_deepfly".
// To do that, we use the context and we check for collision with the current map setting
ECollisionCheckResult Res = ECollisionCheckResult::ERROR;
s_Context.CheckCollision({m_Map.m_vSettings[i]}, Res);
bool Valid = s_Context.Valid() && Res == ECollisionCheckResult::REPLACE;
if(DoButton_Editor(&s_Ok, "Done", Valid ? 0 : -1, &OkBtn, 0, "Confirm editing of this command") || (s_Input.IsActive() && Valid && Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_ENTER)))
if(Valid) // Just to make sure
// Mark the setting as fixed
Duplicate.m_Context.m_Fixed = true;
str_copy(Duplicate.m_aSetting, s_Input.GetString());
s_FixingCommandIndex = -1;
Label = SubSlot;
Props.m_MaxWidth = Label.w;
// Setup input rect in case we are fixing the setting
Label.HMargin(1.0, &FixInput);
DisplayFixInput = true;
DropdownHeight = minimum(DropdownHeight, EndY - FixInput.y - 16.0f);
// Otherwise, render the setting label
Ui()->DoLabel(&Label, Duplicate.m_aSetting, 10.0f, TEXTALIGN_ML, Props);
// Finally, add the slot to the scroll region
// Add some padding to the bottom so the dropdown can actually display some values in case we
// fix an invalid setting at the bottom of the list
CUIRect PaddingBottom;
List.HSplitTop(30.0f, &PaddingBottom, &List);
// Display the map settings edit box after having rendered all the lines, so the dropdown shows in
// front of everything, but is still being clipped by the scroll region.
DoMapSettingsEditBox(&s_Context, &FixInput, 10.0f, maximum(DropdownHeight, 30.0f));
// Confirm button
static int s_ConfirmButton = 0, s_CancelButton = 0, s_FixAllButton = 0;
CUIRect ConfimButton, CancelButton, FixAllUnknownButton;
ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(110.0f, &CancelButton, &ButtonBar);
ButtonBar.VSplitRight(110.0f, &ButtonBar, &ConfimButton);
ButtonBar.VSplitRight(5.0f, &ButtonBar, nullptr);
ButtonBar.VSplitRight(150.0f, &ButtonBar, &FixAllUnknownButton);
bool CanConfirm = true;
bool CanFixAllUnknown = false;
for(auto &InvalidSetting : vSettingsInvalid)
if(!InvalidSetting.m_Context.m_Fixed && !InvalidSetting.m_Context.m_Deleted && !(InvalidSetting.m_Type & SInvalidSetting::TYPE_DUPLICATE))
CanConfirm = false;
CanFixAllUnknown = true;
auto &&Execute = [&]() {
// Execute will modify the actual map settings according to the fixes that were just made within the dialog.
// Fix fixed settings, erase deleted settings
for(auto &FixedSetting : vSettingsInvalid)
str_copy(m_Map.m_vSettings[FixedSetting.m_Index].m_aCommand, FixedSetting.m_aSetting);
// Choose chosen settings
// => Erase settings that don't match
// => Erase settings that were not chosen
std::vector<CEditorMapSetting> vSettingsToErase;
for(auto &Setting : vSettingsInvalid)
if(Setting.m_Type & SInvalidSetting::TYPE_DUPLICATE)
// Erase deleted settings
for(auto &DeletedSetting : vSettingsInvalid)
std::remove_if(m_Map.m_vSettings.begin(), m_Map.m_vSettings.end(), [&](const CEditorMapSetting &MapSetting) {
return str_comp_nocase(MapSetting.m_aCommand, DeletedSetting.m_aSetting) == 0;
// Erase settings to erase
for(auto &Setting : vSettingsToErase)
std::remove_if(m_Map.m_vSettings.begin(), m_Map.m_vSettings.end(), [&](const CEditorMapSetting &MapSetting) {
return str_comp_nocase(MapSetting.m_aCommand, Setting.m_aCommand) == 0;
auto &&FixAllUnknown = [&] {
// Mark unknown settings as fixed
for(auto &InvalidSetting : vSettingsInvalid)
if(!InvalidSetting.m_Context.m_Fixed && !InvalidSetting.m_Context.m_Deleted && !(InvalidSetting.m_Type & SInvalidSetting::TYPE_DUPLICATE) && InvalidSetting.m_Unknown)
InvalidSetting.m_Context.m_Fixed = true;
// Fix all unknown settings
if(DoButton_Editor(&s_FixAllButton, "Allow all unknown settings", CanFixAllUnknown ? 0 : -1, &FixAllUnknownButton, 0, nullptr))
// Confirm - execute the fixes
if(DoButton_Editor(&s_ConfirmButton, "Confirm", CanConfirm ? 0 : -1, &ConfimButton, 0, nullptr) || (CanConfirm && Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_ENTER)))
m_Dialog = DIALOG_NONE;
// Cancel - we load a new empty map
if(DoButton_Editor(&s_CancelButton, "Cancel", 0, &CancelButton, 0, nullptr) || (Ui()->ConsumeHotkey(CUi::HOTKEY_ESCAPE)))
m_aFileName[0] = 0;
m_Dialog = DIALOG_NONE;
void CEditor::MapSettingsDropdownRenderCallback(const SPossibleValueMatch &Match, char (&aOutput)[128], std::vector<STextColorSplit> &vColorSplits)
// Check the match argument index.
// If it's -1, we're displaying the list of available map settings names
// If its >= 0, we're displaying the list of possible values matches for that argument
if(Match.m_ArgIndex == -1)
IMapSetting *pInfo = (IMapSetting *)Match.m_pData;
vColorSplits = {
{str_length(pInfo->m_pName) + 1, -1, ColorRGBA(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1)}, // Darker arguments
if(pInfo->m_Type == IMapSetting::SETTING_INT)
str_format(aOutput, sizeof(aOutput), "%s i[value]", pInfo->m_pName);
else if(pInfo->m_Type == IMapSetting::SETTING_COMMAND)
SMapSettingCommand *pCommand = (SMapSettingCommand *)pInfo;
str_format(aOutput, sizeof(aOutput), "%s %s", pCommand->m_pName, pCommand->m_pArgs);
str_copy(aOutput, Match.m_pValue);
// ----------------------------------------
CMapSettingsBackend::CContext *CMapSettingsBackend::ms_pActiveContext = nullptr;
void CMapSettingsBackend::Init(CEditor *pEditor)
// Register values loader
// Load settings/commands
CValuesBuilder Builder(&m_PossibleValuesPerCommand);
// Load and parse static map settings so we can use them here
for(auto &pSetting : m_vpMapSettings)
// We want to parse the arguments of each map setting so we can autocomplete them later
// But that depends on the type of the setting.
// If we have a INT setting, then we know we can only ever have 1 argument which is a integer value
// If we have a COMMAND setting, then we need to parse its arguments
if(pSetting->m_Type == IMapSetting::SETTING_INT)
else if(pSetting->m_Type == IMapSetting::SETTING_COMMAND)
LoadPossibleValues(Builder(pSetting->m_pName), pSetting);
// Init constraints
void CMapSettingsBackend::LoadAllMapSettings()
// Gather all config variables having the flag CFGFLAG_GAME
Editor()->ConfigManager()->PossibleConfigVariables("", CFGFLAG_GAME, PossibleConfigVariableCallback, this);
// Load list of commands
LoadCommand("tune", "s[tuning] f[value]", "Tune variable to value or show current value");
LoadCommand("tune_zone", "i[zone] s[tuning] f[value]", "Tune in zone a variable to value");
LoadCommand("tune_zone_enter", "i[zone] r[message]", "which message to display on zone enter; use 0 for normal area");
LoadCommand("tune_zone_leave", "i[zone] r[message]", "which message to display on zone leave; use 0 for normal area");
LoadCommand("mapbug", "s[mapbug]", "Enable map compatibility mode using the specified bug (example: grenade-doubleexplosion@ddnet.tw)");
LoadCommand("switch_open", "i[switch]", "Whether a switch is deactivated by default (otherwise activated)");
void CMapSettingsBackend::LoadCommand(const char *pName, const char *pArgs, const char *pHelp)
m_vpMapSettings.emplace_back(std::make_shared<SMapSettingCommand>(pName, pHelp, pArgs));
void CMapSettingsBackend::LoadSettingInt(const std::shared_ptr<SMapSettingInt> &pSetting)
// We load an int argument here
auto &Arg = m_ParsedCommandArgs[pSetting].back();
str_copy(Arg.m_aName, "value");
Arg.m_Type = 'i';
void CMapSettingsBackend::LoadSettingCommand(const std::shared_ptr<SMapSettingCommand> &pSetting)
// This method parses a setting into its arguments (name and type) so we can later
// use them to validate the current input as well as display the current argument value
// over the line input.
const char *pIterator = pSetting->m_pArgs;
char Type;
if(*pIterator == '?') // Skip optional values as a map setting should not have optional values
Type = *pIterator;
while(*pIterator && *pIterator != '[')
pIterator++; // skip '['
const char *pNameStart = pIterator;
while(*pIterator && *pIterator != ']')
size_t Len = pIterator - pNameStart;
pIterator++; // Skip ']'
dbg_assert(Len + 1 < sizeof(SParsedMapSettingArg::m_aName), "Length of server setting name exceeds limit.");
// Append parsed arg
auto &Arg = m_ParsedCommandArgs[pSetting].back();
str_copy(Arg.m_aName, pNameStart, Len + 1);
Arg.m_Type = Type;
pIterator = str_skip_whitespaces_const(pIterator);
void CMapSettingsBackend::LoadPossibleValues(const CSettingValuesBuilder &Builder, const std::shared_ptr<IMapSetting> &pSetting)
// Call the value loader for that setting
auto Iter = m_LoaderFunctions.find(pSetting->m_pName);
if(Iter == m_LoaderFunctions.end())
void CMapSettingsBackend::RegisterLoader(const char *pSettingName, const FLoaderFunction &pfnLoader)
// Registers a value loader function for a specific setting name
m_LoaderFunctions[pSettingName] = pfnLoader;
void CMapSettingsBackend::LoadConstraints()
// Make an instance of constraint builder
CCommandArgumentConstraintBuilder Command(&m_ArgConstraintsPerCommand);
// Define constraints like this
// This is still a bit sad as we have to do it manually here.
Command("tune", 2).Unique(0);
Command("tune_zone", 3).Multiple(0).Unique(1);
Command("tune_zone_enter", 2).Unique(0);
Command("tune_zone_leave", 2).Unique(0);
Command("switch_open", 1).Unique(0);
Command("mapbug", 1).Unique(0);
void CMapSettingsBackend::PossibleConfigVariableCallback(const SConfigVariable *pVariable, void *pUserData)
CMapSettingsBackend *pBackend = (CMapSettingsBackend *)pUserData;
if(pVariable->m_Type == SConfigVariable::VAR_INT)
SIntConfigVariable *pIntVariable = (SIntConfigVariable *)pVariable;
void CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::Reset()
m_LastCursorOffset = 0;
m_CursorArgIndex = -1;
m_pCurrentSetting = nullptr;
m_aCommand[0] = '\0';
m_DropdownContext.m_Selected = -1;
m_CurrentCompletionIndex = -1;
m_DropdownContext.m_ShortcutUsed = false;
m_DropdownContext.m_MousePressedInside = false;
m_DropdownContext.m_Visible = false;
m_DropdownContext.m_ShouldHide = false;
m_CommentOffset = -1;
void CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::Update()
void CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::UpdateFromString(const char *pStr)
// This is the main method that does all the argument parsing and validating.
// It fills pretty much all the context values, the arguments, their position,
// if they are valid or not, etc.
m_pCurrentSetting = nullptr;
m_CommentOffset = -1;
const char *pIterator = pStr;
// Check for comment
const char *pEnd = pStr;
int InString = 0;
if(*pEnd == '"')
InString ^= 1;
else if(*pEnd == '\\') // Escape sequences
if(pEnd[1] == '"')
else if(!InString)
if(*pEnd == '#') // Found comment
m_CommentOffset = pEnd - pStr;
if(m_CommentOffset == 0)
// End command at start of comment, if any
char aInputString[256];
str_copy(aInputString, pStr, m_CommentOffset != -1 ? m_CommentOffset + 1 : sizeof(aInputString));
pIterator = aInputString;
// Get the command/setting
m_aCommand[0] = '\0';
while(pIterator && *pIterator != ' ' && *pIterator != '\0')
str_copy(m_aCommand, aInputString, (pIterator - aInputString) + 1);
// Get the command if it is a recognized one
for(auto &pSetting : m_pBackend->m_vpMapSettings)
if(str_comp_nocase(m_aCommand, pSetting->m_pName) == 0)
m_pCurrentSetting = pSetting;
// Parse args
ParseArgs(aInputString, pIterator);
void CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::ParseArgs(const char *pLineInputStr, const char *pStr)
// This method parses the arguments of the current command, starting at pStr
const char *pIterator = pStr;
if(!pStr || *pStr == '\0')
return; // No arguments
// NextArg is used to get the contents of the current argument and go to the next argument position
// It outputs the length of the argument in pLength and returns a boolean indicating if the parsing
// of that argument is valid or not (only the case when using strings with quotes ("))
auto &&NextArg = [&](const char *pArg, int *pLength) {
if(*pIterator == '"')
bool Valid = true;
bool IsEscape = false;
if(pIterator[0] == '"' && !IsEscape)
else if(pIterator[0] == 0)
Valid = false;
if(pIterator[0] == '\\' && !IsEscape)
IsEscape = true;
else if(IsEscape)
IsEscape = false;
const char *pEnd = ++pIterator;
pIterator = str_skip_to_whitespace_const(pIterator);
// Make sure there are no other characters at the end, otherwise the string is invalid.
// E.g. "abcd"ef is invalid
Valid = Valid && pIterator == pEnd;
*pLength = pEnd - pArg;
return Valid;
pIterator = str_skip_to_whitespace_const(pIterator);
*pLength = pIterator - pArg;
return true;
// Simple validation of string. Checks that it does not contain unescaped " in the middle of it.
auto &&ValidateStr = [](const char *pString) -> bool {
const char *pIt = pString;
bool IsEscape = false;
if(pIt[0] == '"' && !IsEscape)
return false;
if(pIt[0] == '\\' && !IsEscape)
IsEscape = true;
else if(IsEscape)
IsEscape = false;
return true;
const int CommandArgCount = m_pCurrentSetting != nullptr ? m_pBackend->m_ParsedCommandArgs.at(m_pCurrentSetting).size() : 0;
int ArgIndex = 0;
SCommandParseError::EErrorType Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_NONE;
// Also keep track of the visual X position of each argument within the input
float PosX = 0;
const float WW = m_pBackend->TextRender()->TextWidth(m_FontSize, " ");
PosX += m_pBackend->TextRender()->TextWidth(m_FontSize, m_aCommand);
// Parsing beings
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_NONE;
pIterator++; // Skip whitespace
PosX += WW; // Add whitespace width
// Insert argument here
char Char = *pIterator;
const char *pArgStart = pIterator;
int Length;
bool Valid = NextArg(pArgStart, &Length); // Get contents and go to next argument position
size_t Offset = pArgStart - pLineInputStr; // Compute offset from the start of the input
// Add new argument, copy the argument contents
auto &NewArg = m_vCurrentArgs.back();
// Fill argument value, with a maximum length of 256
str_copy(NewArg.m_aValue, pArgStart, minimum((int)sizeof(SCurrentSettingArg::m_aValue), Length + 1));
// Validate argument from the parsed argument of the current setting.
// If current setting is not valid, then there are no arguments which results in an error.
char Type = 'u'; // u = unknown, only possible for unknown commands when m_AllowUnknownCommands is true.
if(ArgIndex < CommandArgCount)
SParsedMapSettingArg &Arg = m_pBackend->m_ParsedCommandArgs[m_pCurrentSetting].at(ArgIndex);
if(Arg.m_Type == 'r')
// Rest of string, should add all the string if there was no quotes
// Otherwise, only get the contents in the quotes, and consider content after that as other arguments
if(Char != '"')
Length = pIterator - pArgStart;
str_copy(NewArg.m_aValue, pArgStart, Length + 1);
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_INVALID_VALUE;
else if(Arg.m_Type == 'i')
// Validate int
if(!str_toint(NewArg.m_aValue, nullptr))
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_INVALID_VALUE;
else if(Arg.m_Type == 'f')
// Validate float
if(!str_tofloat(NewArg.m_aValue, nullptr))
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_INVALID_VALUE;
else if(Arg.m_Type == 's')
// Validate string
if(!Valid || (Char != '"' && !ValidateStr(NewArg.m_aValue)))
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_INVALID_VALUE;
// Extended argument validation:
// for int settings it checks that the value is in range
// for command settings, it checks that the value is one of the possible values if there are any
EValidationResult Result = ValidateArg(ArgIndex, NewArg.m_aValue);
if(Length && !Error && Result != EValidationResult::VALID)
if(Result == EValidationResult::ERROR)
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; // Invalid argument value (invalid int, invalid float)
else if(Result == EValidationResult::UNKNOWN)
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_UNKNOWN_VALUE; // Unknown argument value
else if(Result == EValidationResult::INCOMPLETE)
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_INCOMPLETE; // Incomplete argument in case of possible values
else if(Result == EValidationResult::OUT_OF_RANGE)
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; // Out of range argument value in case of int settings
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_UNKNOWN; // Unknown error
Type = Arg.m_Type;
// Error: too many arguments if no comment after
if(m_CommentOffset == -1)
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGS;
{ // Otherwise, check if there are any arguments left between this argument and the comment
const char *pSubIt = pArgStart;
pSubIt = str_skip_whitespaces_const(pSubIt);
if(*pSubIt != '\0')
{ // If there aren't only spaces between the last argument and the comment, then this is an error
Error = SCommandParseError::ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGS;
else // If there are, then just exit the loop to avoid getting an error
// Fill argument informations
NewArg.m_X = PosX;
NewArg.m_Start = Offset;
NewArg.m_End = Offset + Length;
NewArg.m_Error = Error != SCommandParseError::ERROR_NONE || Length == 0 || m_Error.m_Type != SCommandParseError::ERROR_NONE;
NewArg.m_ExpectedType = Type;
// Do not emit an error if we allow unknown commands and the current setting is invalid
if(m_AllowUnknownCommands && m_pCurrentSetting == nullptr)
NewArg.m_Error = false;
// Check error and fill the error field with different messages
if(Error == SCommandParseError::ERROR_INVALID_VALUE || Error == SCommandParseError::ERROR_UNKNOWN_VALUE || Error == SCommandParseError::ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE || Error == SCommandParseError::ERROR_INCOMPLETE)
// Only keep first error
int ErrorArgIndex = (int)m_vCurrentArgs.size() - 1;
SCurrentSettingArg &ErrorArg = m_vCurrentArgs.back();
SParsedMapSettingArg &SettingArg = m_pBackend->m_ParsedCommandArgs[m_pCurrentSetting].at(ArgIndex);
char aFormattedValue[256];
FormatDisplayValue(ErrorArg.m_aValue, aFormattedValue);
if(Error == SCommandParseError::ERROR_INVALID_VALUE || Error == SCommandParseError::ERROR_UNKNOWN_VALUE || Error == SCommandParseError::ERROR_INCOMPLETE)
static const std::map<int, const char *> s_Names = {
{SCommandParseError::ERROR_INVALID_VALUE, "Invalid"},
{SCommandParseError::ERROR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "Unknown"},
{SCommandParseError::ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "Incomplete"},
str_format(m_Error.m_aMessage, sizeof(m_Error.m_aMessage), "%s argument value: %s at position %d for argument '%s'", s_Names.at(Error), aFormattedValue, (int)ErrorArg.m_Start, SettingArg.m_aName);
std::shared_ptr<SMapSettingInt> pSettingInt = std::static_pointer_cast<SMapSettingInt>(m_pCurrentSetting);
str_format(m_Error.m_aMessage, sizeof(m_Error.m_aMessage), "Invalid argument value: %s at position %d for argument '%s': out of range [%d, %d]", aFormattedValue, (int)ErrorArg.m_Start, SettingArg.m_aName, pSettingInt->m_Min, pSettingInt->m_Max);
m_Error.m_ArgIndex = ErrorArgIndex;
m_Error.m_Type = Error;
else if(Error == SCommandParseError::ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGS)
// Only keep first error
if(m_pCurrentSetting != nullptr)
str_copy(m_Error.m_aMessage, "Too many arguments");
m_Error.m_ArgIndex = ArgIndex;
else if(!m_AllowUnknownCommands)
char aFormattedValue[256];
FormatDisplayValue(m_aCommand, aFormattedValue);
str_format(m_Error.m_aMessage, sizeof(m_Error.m_aMessage), "Unknown server setting: %s", aFormattedValue);
m_Error.m_ArgIndex = -1;
m_Error.m_Type = Error;
PosX += m_pBackend->TextRender()->TextWidth(m_FontSize, pArgStart, Length); // Advance argument position
void CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::ClearError()
m_Error.m_aMessage[0] = '\0';
m_Error.m_Type = SCommandParseError::ERROR_NONE;
bool CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::UpdateCursor(bool Force)
// This method updates the cursor offset in this class from
// the cursor offset of the line input.
// It also updates the argument index where the cursor is at
// and the possible values matches if the argument index changes.
// Returns true in case the cursor changed position
return false;
size_t Offset = m_pLineInput->GetCursorOffset();
if(Offset == m_LastCursorOffset && !Force)
return false;
m_LastCursorOffset = Offset;
int NewArg = m_CursorArgIndex;
// Update current argument under cursor
if(m_CommentOffset != -1 && Offset >= (size_t)m_CommentOffset)
NewArg = (int)m_vCurrentArgs.size();
bool FoundArg = false;
for(int i = (int)m_vCurrentArgs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if(Offset >= m_vCurrentArgs[i].m_Start)
NewArg = i;
FoundArg = true;
NewArg = -1;
bool ShouldUpdate = NewArg != m_CursorArgIndex;
m_CursorArgIndex = NewArg;
// Do not show error if current argument is incomplete, as we are editing it
if(m_pLineInput != nullptr)
if(Offset == m_pLineInput->GetLength() && m_Error.m_aMessage[0] && m_Error.m_ArgIndex == m_CursorArgIndex && m_Error.m_Type == SCommandParseError::ERROR_INCOMPLETE)
if(m_DropdownContext.m_Selected == -1 || ShouldUpdate || Force)
// Update possible commands from cursor
return true;
EValidationResult CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::ValidateArg(int Index, const char *pArg)
return EValidationResult::ERROR;
// Check if this argument is valid against current argument
if(m_pCurrentSetting->m_Type == IMapSetting::SETTING_INT)
std::shared_ptr<SMapSettingInt> pSetting = std::static_pointer_cast<SMapSettingInt>(m_pCurrentSetting);
if(Index > 0)
return EValidationResult::ERROR;
int Value;
if(!str_toint(pArg, &Value)) // Try parse the integer
return EValidationResult::ERROR;
return Value >= pSetting->m_Min && Value <= pSetting->m_Max ? EValidationResult::VALID : EValidationResult::OUT_OF_RANGE;
else if(m_pCurrentSetting->m_Type == IMapSetting::SETTING_COMMAND)
auto &vArgs = m_pBackend->m_ParsedCommandArgs.at(m_pCurrentSetting);
if(Index < (int)vArgs.size())
auto It = m_pBackend->m_PossibleValuesPerCommand.find(m_pCurrentSetting->m_pName);
if(It != m_pBackend->m_PossibleValuesPerCommand.end())
auto ValuesIt = It->second.find(Index);
if(ValuesIt != It->second.end())
// This means that we have possible values for this argument for this setting
// In order to validate such arg, we have to check if it maches any of the possible values
const bool EqualsAny = std::any_of(ValuesIt->second.begin(), ValuesIt->second.end(), [pArg](auto *pValue) { return str_comp_nocase(pArg, pValue) == 0; });
// If equals, then argument is valid
return EValidationResult::VALID;
// Here we check if argument is incomplete
const bool StartsAny = std::any_of(ValuesIt->second.begin(), ValuesIt->second.end(), [pArg](auto *pValue) { return str_startswith_nocase(pValue, pArg) != nullptr; });
return EValidationResult::INCOMPLETE;
return EValidationResult::UNKNOWN;
// If we get here, it means there are no posssible values for that specific argument.
// The validation for specific types such as int and floats were done earlier so if we get here
// we know the argument is valid.
// String and "rest of string" types are valid by default.
return EValidationResult::VALID;
return EValidationResult::ERROR;
void CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::UpdatePossibleMatches()
// This method updates the possible values matches based on the cursor position within the current argument in the line input.
// For example ("|" is the cursor):
// - Typing "sv_deep|" will show "sv_deepfly" as a possible match in the dropdown
// Moving the cursor: "sv_|deep" will show all possible commands starting with "sv_"
// - Typing "tune ground_frict|" will show "ground_friction" as possible match
// Moving the cursor: "tune ground_|frict" will show all possible values starting with "ground_" for that argument (argument 0 of "tune" setting)
m_DropdownContext.m_Selected = -1;
if(m_CommentOffset == 0)
// First case: argument index under cursor is -1 => we're on the command/setting name
if(m_CursorArgIndex == -1)
// Use a substring from the start of the input to the cursor offset
char aSubString[128];
str_copy(aSubString, m_aCommand, minimum(m_LastCursorOffset + 1, sizeof(aSubString)));
// Iterate through available map settings and find those which the beginning matches with the command/setting name we are writing
for(auto &pSetting : m_pBackend->m_vpMapSettings)
if(str_startswith_nocase(pSetting->m_pName, aSubString))
// If there are no matches, then the command is unknown
if(m_vPossibleMatches.empty() && !m_AllowUnknownCommands)
// Fill the error if we do not allow unknown commands
char aFormattedValue[256];
FormatDisplayValue(m_aCommand, aFormattedValue);
str_format(m_Error.m_aMessage, sizeof(m_Error.m_aMessage), "Unknown server setting: %s", aFormattedValue);
m_Error.m_ArgIndex = -1;
// Second case: we are on an argument
if(!m_pCurrentSetting) // If we are on an argument of an unknown setting, we can't handle it => no possible values, ever.
if(m_pCurrentSetting->m_Type == IMapSetting::SETTING_INT)
// No possible values for int settings.
// Maybe we can add "0" and "1" as possible values for settings that are binary.
// Get the parsed arguments for the current setting
auto &vArgs = m_pBackend->m_ParsedCommandArgs.at(m_pCurrentSetting);
// Make sure we are not out of bounds
if(m_CursorArgIndex < (int)vArgs.size() && m_CursorArgIndex < (int)m_vCurrentArgs.size())
// Check if there are possible values for this command
auto It = m_pBackend->m_PossibleValuesPerCommand.find(m_pCurrentSetting->m_pName);
if(It != m_pBackend->m_PossibleValuesPerCommand.end())
// If that's the case, then check if there are possible values for the current argument index the cursor is on
auto ValuesIt = It->second.find(m_CursorArgIndex);
if(ValuesIt != It->second.end())
// If that's the case, then do the same as previously, we check for each value if they match
// with the current argument value
auto &CurrentArg = m_vCurrentArgs.at(m_CursorArgIndex);
int SubstringLength = minimum(m_LastCursorOffset, CurrentArg.m_End) - CurrentArg.m_Start;
// Substring based on the cursor position inside that argument
char aSubString[256];
str_copy(aSubString, CurrentArg.m_aValue, SubstringLength + 1);
for(auto &pValue : ValuesIt->second)
if(str_startswith_nocase(pValue, aSubString))
bool CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::OnInput(const IInput::CEvent &Event)
return false;
return false;
if(Event.m_Flags & (IInput::FLAG_PRESS | IInput::FLAG_TEXT) && !m_pBackend->Input()->ModifierIsPressed() && !m_pBackend->Input()->AltIsPressed())
// How to make this better?
// This checks when we press any key that is not handled by the dropdown
// When that's the case, it means we confirm the completion if we have a valid completion index
if(Event.m_Key != KEY_TAB && Event.m_Key != KEY_LSHIFT && Event.m_Key != KEY_RSHIFT && Event.m_Key != KEY_UP && Event.m_Key != KEY_DOWN && !(Event.m_Key >= KEY_MOUSE_1 && Event.m_Key <= KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_RIGHT))
if(m_CurrentCompletionIndex != -1)
m_CurrentCompletionIndex = -1;
m_DropdownContext.m_Selected = -1;
return false;
const char *CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::InputString() const
return nullptr;
return m_pBackend->Input()->HasComposition() ? m_CompositionStringBuffer.c_str() : m_pLineInput->GetString();
const ColorRGBA CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::ms_ArgumentStringColor = ColorRGBA(84 / 255.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
const ColorRGBA CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::ms_ArgumentNumberColor = ColorRGBA(0.1f, 0.9f, 0.05f, 1.0f);
const ColorRGBA CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::ms_ArgumentUnknownColor = ColorRGBA(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f);
const ColorRGBA CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::ms_CommentColor = ColorRGBA(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
const ColorRGBA CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::ms_ErrorColor = ColorRGBA(240 / 255.0f, 70 / 255.0f, 70 / 255.0f, 1.0f);
void CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::ColorArguments(std::vector<STextColorSplit> &vColorSplits) const
// Get argument color based on its type
auto &&GetArgumentColor = [](char Type) -> ColorRGBA {
if(Type == 'u')
return ms_ArgumentUnknownColor;
else if(Type == 's' || Type == 'r')
return ms_ArgumentStringColor;
else if(Type == 'i' || Type == 'f')
return ms_ArgumentNumberColor;
return ms_ErrorColor; // Invalid arg type
// Iterate through all the current arguments and color them
for(int i = 0; i < ArgCount(); i++)
const auto &Argument = Arg(i);
// Color is based on the error flag and the type of the argument
auto Color = Argument.m_Error ? ms_ErrorColor : GetArgumentColor(Argument.m_ExpectedType);
vColorSplits.emplace_back(Argument.m_Start, Argument.m_End - Argument.m_Start, Color);
if(m_pLineInput && !m_pLineInput->IsEmpty())
if(!CommandIsValid() && !m_AllowUnknownCommands && m_CommentOffset != 0)
// If command is invalid, override color splits with red, but not comment
int ErrorLength = m_CommentOffset == -1 ? -1 : m_CommentOffset;
vColorSplits = {{0, ErrorLength, ms_ErrorColor}};
else if(HasError())
// If there is an error, then color the wrong part of the input, excluding comment
int ErrorLength = m_CommentOffset == -1 ? -1 : m_CommentOffset - ErrorOffset();
vColorSplits.emplace_back(ErrorOffset(), ErrorLength, ms_ErrorColor);
if(m_CommentOffset != -1)
{ // Color comment if there is one
vColorSplits.emplace_back(m_CommentOffset, -1, ms_CommentColor);
std::sort(vColorSplits.begin(), vColorSplits.end(), [](const STextColorSplit &a, const STextColorSplit &b) {
return a.m_CharIndex < b.m_CharIndex;
int CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::CheckCollision(ECollisionCheckResult &Result) const
return CheckCollision(m_pBackend->Editor()->m_Map.m_vSettings, Result);
int CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::CheckCollision(const std::vector<CEditorMapSetting> &vSettings, ECollisionCheckResult &Result) const
return CheckCollision(InputString(), vSettings, Result);
int CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::CheckCollision(const char *pInputString, const std::vector<CEditorMapSetting> &vSettings, ECollisionCheckResult &Result) const
// Checks for a collision with the current map settings.
// A collision is when a setting with the same arguments already exists and that it can't be added multiple times.
// For this, we use argument constraints that we define in CMapSettingsCommandObject::LoadConstraints().
// For example, the "tune" command can be added multiple times, but only if the actual tune argument is different, thus
// the tune argument must be defined as UNIQUE.
// This method CheckCollision(ECollisionCheckResult&) returns an integer which is the index of the colliding line. If no
// colliding line was found, then it returns -1.
if(m_CommentOffset == 0)
{ // Ignore comments
Result = ECollisionCheckResult::ADD;
return -1;
const int InputLength = str_length(pInputString);
struct SArgument
char m_aValue[128];
SArgument(const char *pStr)
str_copy(m_aValue, pStr);
struct SLineArgs
int m_Index;
std::vector<SArgument> m_vArgs;
// For now we split each map setting corresponding to the setting we want to add by spaces
auto &&SplitSetting = [](const char *pStr) {
std::vector<SArgument> vaArgs;
const char *pIt = pStr;
char aBuffer[128];
while((pIt = str_next_token(pIt, " ", aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer))))
return vaArgs;
// Define the result of the check
Result = ECollisionCheckResult::ERROR;
// First case: the command is not a valid (recognized) command.
// If we don't allow unknown commands, then we know there is no collision
// and the check results in an error.
return -1;
if(InputLength == 0)
return -1;
// If we get here, it means we allow unknown commands.
// For them, we need to check if a similar exact command exists or not in the settings list.
// If it does, then we found a collision, and the result is REPLACE.
for(int i = 0; i < (int)vSettings.size(); i++)
if(str_comp_nocase(vSettings[i].m_aCommand, pInputString) == 0)
Result = ECollisionCheckResult::REPLACE;
return i;
// If nothing was found, then we must ensure that the command, although unknown, is somewhat valid
// by checking if the command contains a space and that there is at least one non-empty argument.
const char *pSpace = str_find(pInputString, " ");
if(!pSpace || !*(pSpace + 1))
Result = ECollisionCheckResult::ERROR;
Result = ECollisionCheckResult::ADD;
return -1; // No collision
// Second case: the command is valid.
// In this case, we know we have a valid setting name, which means we can use everything we have in this class which are
// related to valid map settings, such as parsed command arguments, etc.
const std::shared_ptr<IMapSetting> &pSetting = Setting();
if(pSetting->m_Type == IMapSetting::SETTING_INT)
// For integer settings, the check is quite simple as we know
// we can only ever have 1 argument.
// The integer setting cannot be added multiple times, which means if a collision was found, then the only result we
// can have is REPLACE.
// In this case, the collision is found only by checking the command name for every setting in the current map settings.
char aBuffer[256];
auto It = std::find_if(vSettings.begin(), vSettings.end(), [&](const CEditorMapSetting &Setting) {
const char *pLineSettingValue = Setting.m_aCommand; // Get the map setting command
pLineSettingValue = str_next_token(pLineSettingValue, " ", aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer)); // Get the first token before the first space
return str_comp_nocase(aBuffer, pSetting->m_pName) == 0; // Check if that equals our current command
if(It == vSettings.end())
// If nothing was found, then there is no collision and we can add that command to the list
Result = ECollisionCheckResult::ADD;
return -1;
// Otherwise, we can only replace it
Result = ECollisionCheckResult::REPLACE;
return It - vSettings.begin(); // This is the index of the colliding line
else if(pSetting->m_Type == IMapSetting::SETTING_COMMAND)
// For "command" settings, this is a bit more complex as we have to use argument constraints.
// The general idea is to split every map setting in their arguments separated by spaces.
// Then, for each argument, we check if it collides with any of the map settings. When that's the case,
// we need to check the constraint of the argument. If set to UNIQUE, then that's a collision and we can only
// replace the command in the list.
// If set to anything else, we consider that it is not a collision and we move to the next argument.
// This system is simple and somewhat flexible as we only need to declare the constraints, the rest should be
// handled automatically.
std::shared_ptr<SMapSettingCommand> pSettingCommand = std::static_pointer_cast<SMapSettingCommand>(pSetting);
// Get matching lines for that command
std::vector<SLineArgs> vLineArgs;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)vSettings.size(); i++)
const auto &Setting = vSettings.at(i);
// Split this setting into its arguments
std::vector<SArgument> vArgs = SplitSetting(Setting.m_aCommand);
// Only keep settings that match with the current input setting name
if(!vArgs.empty() && str_comp_nocase(vArgs[0].m_aValue, pSettingCommand->m_pName) == 0)
// When that's the case, we save them
// Here is the simple algorithm to check for collisions according to argument constraints
bool Error = false;
int CollidingLineIndex = -1;
for(int ArgIndex = 0; ArgIndex < ArgCount(); ArgIndex++)
bool Collide = false;
const char *pValue = Arg(ArgIndex).m_aValue;
for(auto &Line : vLineArgs)
// Check first colliding line
if(str_comp_nocase(pValue, Line.m_vArgs[ArgIndex].m_aValue) == 0)
Collide = true;
CollidingLineIndex = Line.m_Index;
Error = m_pBackend->ArgConstraint(pSetting->m_pName, ArgIndex) == CMapSettingsBackend::EArgConstraint::UNIQUE;
// If we did not collide with any of the lines for that argument, we're good to go
// (or if we had an error)
if(!Collide || Error)
// Otherwise, remove non-colliding args from the list
std::remove_if(vLineArgs.begin(), vLineArgs.end(), [&](const SLineArgs &Line) {
return str_comp_nocase(pValue, Line.m_vArgs[ArgIndex].m_aValue) != 0;
// The result is either REPLACE when we found a collision, or ADD
Result = Error ? ECollisionCheckResult::REPLACE : ECollisionCheckResult::ADD;
return CollidingLineIndex;
return -1;
bool CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::Valid() const
// Check if the entire setting is valid or not
if(m_CommentOffset == 0)
return true; // A "comment" setting is considered valid.
// Check if command is valid
// Check if all arguments are valid
const bool ArgumentsValid = std::all_of(m_vCurrentArgs.begin(), m_vCurrentArgs.end(), [](const SCurrentSettingArg &Arg) {
return !Arg.m_Error;
return false;
// Check that we have the same number of arguments
return m_vCurrentArgs.size() == m_pBackend->m_ParsedCommandArgs.at(m_pCurrentSetting).size();
// If we have an invalid setting, then we consider the entire setting as valid if we allow unknown commands
// as we cannot handle them.
return m_AllowUnknownCommands;
void CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::GetCommandHelpText(char *pStr, int Length) const
str_copy(pStr, m_pCurrentSetting->m_pHelp, Length);
void CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::UpdateCompositionString()
const bool HasComposition = m_pBackend->Input()->HasComposition();
const size_t CursorOffset = m_pLineInput->GetCursorOffset();
const size_t DisplayCursorOffset = m_pLineInput->OffsetFromActualToDisplay(CursorOffset);
const std::string DisplayStr = std::string(m_pLineInput->GetString());
std::string CompositionBuffer = DisplayStr.substr(0, DisplayCursorOffset) + m_pBackend->Input()->GetComposition() + DisplayStr.substr(DisplayCursorOffset);
if(CompositionBuffer != m_CompositionStringBuffer)
m_CompositionStringBuffer = CompositionBuffer;
template<int N>
void CMapSettingsBackend::CContext::FormatDisplayValue(const char *pValue, char (&aOut)[N])
const int MaxLength = 32;
if(str_length(pValue) > MaxLength)
str_copy(aOut, pValue, MaxLength);
str_append(aOut, "...");
str_copy(aOut, pValue);
bool CMapSettingsBackend::OnInput(const IInput::CEvent &Event)
return ms_pActiveContext->OnInput(Event);
return false;
void CMapSettingsBackend::OnUpdate()
if(ms_pActiveContext && ms_pActiveContext->m_pLineInput && ms_pActiveContext->m_pLineInput->IsActive())
void CMapSettingsBackend::OnMapLoad()
// Load & validate all map settings
auto &vLoadedMapSettings = Editor()->m_Map.m_vSettings;
// Keep a vector of valid map settings, to check collision against: m_vValidLoadedMapSettings
// Create a local context with no lineinput, only used to parse the commands
CContext LocalContext = NewContext(nullptr);
// Iterate through map settings
// Two steps:
// 1. Save valid and invalid settings
// 2. Check for duplicates
std::vector<std::tuple<int, bool, CEditorMapSetting>> vSettingsInvalid;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)vLoadedMapSettings.size(); i++)
CEditorMapSetting &Setting = vLoadedMapSettings.at(i);
// Parse the setting using the context
bool Valid = LocalContext.Valid();
ECollisionCheckResult Result = ECollisionCheckResult::ERROR;
LocalContext.CheckCollision(Setting.m_aCommand, m_LoadedMapSettings.m_vSettingsValid, Result);
if(Valid && Result == ECollisionCheckResult::ADD)
vSettingsInvalid.emplace_back(i, Valid, Setting);
// Empty duplicates for this line, might be filled later
m_LoadedMapSettings.m_SettingsDuplicate.insert({i, {}});
for(const auto &[Index, Valid, Setting] : vSettingsInvalid)
ECollisionCheckResult Result = ECollisionCheckResult::ERROR;
int CollidingLineIndex = LocalContext.CheckCollision(Setting.m_aCommand, m_LoadedMapSettings.m_vSettingsValid, Result);
int RealCollidingLineIndex = CollidingLineIndex;
if(CollidingLineIndex != -1)
RealCollidingLineIndex = std::find_if(vLoadedMapSettings.begin(), vLoadedMapSettings.end(), [&](const CEditorMapSetting &MapSetting) {
return str_comp_nocase(MapSetting.m_aCommand, m_LoadedMapSettings.m_vSettingsValid.at(CollidingLineIndex).m_aCommand) == 0;
}) - vLoadedMapSettings.begin();
int Type = 0;
Type |= SInvalidSetting::TYPE_INVALID;
if(Result == ECollisionCheckResult::REPLACE)
Type |= SInvalidSetting::TYPE_DUPLICATE;
m_LoadedMapSettings.m_vSettingsInvalid.emplace_back(Index, Setting.m_aCommand, Type, RealCollidingLineIndex, !LocalContext.CommandIsValid());
if(Type & SInvalidSetting::TYPE_DUPLICATE)
m_LoadedMapSettings.m_SettingsDuplicate[RealCollidingLineIndex].emplace_back(m_LoadedMapSettings.m_vSettingsInvalid.size() - 1);
// ------ loaders
void CMapSettingsBackend::InitValueLoaders()
// Load the different possible values for some specific settings
RegisterLoader("tune", SValueLoader::LoadTuneValues);
RegisterLoader("tune_zone", SValueLoader::LoadTuneZoneValues);
RegisterLoader("mapbug", SValueLoader::LoadMapBugs);
void SValueLoader::LoadTuneValues(const CSettingValuesBuilder &TuneBuilder)
// Add available tuning names to argument 0 of setting "tune"
void SValueLoader::LoadTuneZoneValues(const CSettingValuesBuilder &TuneZoneBuilder)
// Add available tuning names to argument 1 of setting "tune_zone"
void SValueLoader::LoadMapBugs(const CSettingValuesBuilder &BugBuilder)
// Get argument 0 of setting "mapbug"
auto ArgBuilder = BugBuilder.Argument(0);
// Add available map bugs options
void SValueLoader::LoadArgumentTuneValues(CArgumentValuesListBuilder &&ArgBuilder)
// Iterate through available tunings add their name to the list
for(int i = 0; i < CTuningParams::Num(); i++)