Robert Müller dde45f7a40 Add CImageInfo::PixelSize function, use enum EImageFormat
Use `enum EImageFormat` type for image format literals and variables.

Add `PixelSize` function to get the number of bytes/color channels per pixel for a specified image format.

Remove unused store format argument of texture loading functions. All textures are automatically being stored as RGBA, so the argument was unused. Also remove the therefore unused `FORMAT_AUTO`.

Rename variables consistently to `PixelSize` and use `size_t`, instead of mixing different names like `BPP` and `ColorChannelCount`.

Validate image format loaded from maps using `CImageInfo::ImageFormatFromInt`. Add `FORMAT_ERROR` to represent invalid formats.

Remove redundant `PixelSize` parameter from graphics backends and commands, which can be derived from the texture format.

Fix memory leak when RGB image data is being converted to RGBA format when saving map in editor.
2023-09-03 20:40:28 +02:00

571 lines
19 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#include "kernel.h"
#include "warning.h"
#include <base/color.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#define GRAPHICS_TYPE_INT 0x1404
#define GRAPHICS_TYPE_FLOAT 0x1406
struct SBufferContainerInfo
int m_Stride;
int m_VertBufferBindingIndex;
// the attributes of the container
struct SAttribute
int m_DataTypeCount;
unsigned int m_Type;
bool m_Normalized;
void *m_pOffset;
//0: float, 1:integer
unsigned int m_FuncType;
std::vector<SAttribute> m_vAttributes;
struct SQuadRenderInfo
ColorRGBA m_Color;
vec2 m_Offsets;
float m_Rotation;
// allows easier upload for uniform buffers because of the alignment requirements
float m_Padding;
struct SGraphicTile
vec2 m_TopLeft;
vec2 m_TopRight;
vec2 m_BottomRight;
vec2 m_BottomLeft;
struct SGraphicTileTexureCoords
vec3 m_TexCoordTopLeft;
vec3 m_TexCoordTopRight;
vec3 m_TexCoordBottomRight;
vec3 m_TexCoordBottomLeft;
class CImageInfo
enum EImageFormat
* Contains the width of the image
int m_Width = 0;
* Contains the height of the image
int m_Height = 0;
* Contains the format of the image.
* @see EImageFormat
EImageFormat m_Format = FORMAT_ERROR;
* Pointer to the image data.
void *m_pData = nullptr;
static size_t PixelSize(EImageFormat Format)
dbg_assert(Format != FORMAT_ERROR, "Format invalid");
static const size_t s_aSizes[] = {3, 4, 1};
return s_aSizes[(int)Format];
size_t PixelSize() const
return PixelSize(m_Format);
static EImageFormat ImageFormatFromInt(int Format)
if(Format < (int)FORMAT_RGB || Format > (int)FORMAT_SINGLE_COMPONENT)
return (EImageFormat)Format;
Structure: CVideoMode
class CVideoMode
int m_CanvasWidth, m_CanvasHeight;
int m_WindowWidth, m_WindowHeight;
int m_RefreshRate;
int m_Red, m_Green, m_Blue;
uint32_t m_Format;
typedef vec2 GL_SPoint;
typedef vec2 GL_STexCoord;
struct GL_STexCoord3D
GL_STexCoord3D &operator=(const GL_STexCoord &TexCoord)
u = TexCoord.u;
v = TexCoord.v;
return *this;
GL_STexCoord3D &operator=(const vec3 &TexCoord)
u = TexCoord.u;
v = TexCoord.v;
w = TexCoord.w;
return *this;
float u, v, w;
typedef ColorRGBA GL_SColorf;
//use normalized color values
typedef vector4_base<unsigned char> GL_SColor;
struct GL_SVertex
GL_SPoint m_Pos;
GL_STexCoord m_Tex;
GL_SColor m_Color;
struct GL_SVertexTex3D
GL_SPoint m_Pos;
GL_SColorf m_Color;
GL_STexCoord3D m_Tex;
struct GL_SVertexTex3DStream
GL_SPoint m_Pos;
GL_SColor m_Color;
GL_STexCoord3D m_Tex;
static constexpr size_t gs_GraphicsMaxQuadsRenderCount = 256;
static constexpr size_t gs_GraphicsMaxParticlesRenderCount = 512;
enum EGraphicsDriverAgeType
enum EBackendType
// special value to tell the backend to identify the current backend
struct STWGraphicGPU
enum ETWGraphicsGPUType
// should stay at last position in this enum
struct STWGraphicGPUItem
char m_aName[256];
ETWGraphicsGPUType m_GPUType;
std::vector<STWGraphicGPUItem> m_vGPUs;
STWGraphicGPUItem m_AutoGPU;
typedef STWGraphicGPU TTWGraphicsGPUList;
typedef std::function<void()> WINDOW_RESIZE_FUNC;
typedef std::function<void()> WINDOW_PROPS_CHANGED_FUNC;
namespace client_data7 {
struct CDataSprite; // NOLINT(bugprone-forward-declaration-namespace)
typedef std::function<bool(uint32_t &Width, uint32_t &Height, CImageInfo::EImageFormat &Format, std::vector<uint8_t> &vDstData)> TGLBackendReadPresentedImageData;
class IGraphics : public IInterface
MACRO_INTERFACE("graphics", 0)
int m_ScreenWidth;
int m_ScreenHeight;
int m_ScreenRefreshRate;
float m_ScreenHiDPIScale;
class CTextureHandle
friend class IGraphics;
int m_Id;
CTextureHandle() :
bool IsValid() const { return Id() >= 0; }
int Id() const { return m_Id; }
void Invalidate() { m_Id = -1; }
int ScreenWidth() const { return m_ScreenWidth; }
int ScreenHeight() const { return m_ScreenHeight; }
float ScreenAspect() const { return (float)ScreenWidth() / (float)ScreenHeight(); }
float ScreenHiDPIScale() const { return m_ScreenHiDPIScale; }
int WindowWidth() const { return m_ScreenWidth / m_ScreenHiDPIScale; }
int WindowHeight() const { return m_ScreenHeight / m_ScreenHiDPIScale; }
virtual void WarnPngliteIncompatibleImages(bool Warn) = 0;
virtual void SetWindowParams(int FullscreenMode, bool IsBorderless, bool AllowResizing) = 0;
virtual bool SetWindowScreen(int Index) = 0;
virtual bool SetVSync(bool State) = 0;
virtual bool SetMultiSampling(uint32_t ReqMultiSamplingCount, uint32_t &MultiSamplingCountBackend) = 0;
virtual int GetWindowScreen() = 0;
virtual void Move(int x, int y) = 0;
virtual void Resize(int w, int h, int RefreshRate) = 0;
virtual void GotResized(int w, int h, int RefreshRate) = 0;
virtual void UpdateViewport(int X, int Y, int W, int H, bool ByResize) = 0;
* Listens to a resize event of the canvas, which is usually caused by a window resize.
* Will only be triggered if the actual size changed.
virtual void AddWindowResizeListener(WINDOW_RESIZE_FUNC pFunc) = 0;
* Listens to various window property changes, such as minimize, maximize, move, fullscreen mode
virtual void AddWindowPropChangeListener(WINDOW_PROPS_CHANGED_FUNC pFunc) = 0;
virtual void WindowDestroyNtf(uint32_t WindowID) = 0;
virtual void WindowCreateNtf(uint32_t WindowID) = 0;
// ForceClearNow forces the backend to trigger a clear, even at performance cost, else it might be delayed by one frame
virtual void Clear(float r, float g, float b, bool ForceClearNow = false) = 0;
virtual void ClipEnable(int x, int y, int w, int h) = 0;
virtual void ClipDisable() = 0;
virtual void MapScreen(float TopLeftX, float TopLeftY, float BottomRightX, float BottomRightY) = 0;
virtual void GetScreen(float *pTopLeftX, float *pTopLeftY, float *pBottomRightX, float *pBottomRightY) = 0;
// TODO: These should perhaps not be virtuals
virtual void BlendNone() = 0;
virtual void BlendNormal() = 0;
virtual void BlendAdditive() = 0;
virtual void WrapNormal() = 0;
virtual void WrapClamp() = 0;
virtual uint64_t TextureMemoryUsage() const = 0;
virtual uint64_t BufferMemoryUsage() const = 0;
virtual uint64_t StreamedMemoryUsage() const = 0;
virtual uint64_t StagingMemoryUsage() const = 0;
virtual const TTWGraphicsGPUList &GetGPUs() const = 0;
virtual int LoadPNG(CImageInfo *pImg, const char *pFilename, int StorageType) = 0;
virtual void FreePNG(CImageInfo *pImg) = 0;
virtual bool CheckImageDivisibility(const char *pFileName, CImageInfo &Img, int DivX, int DivY, bool AllowResize) = 0;
virtual bool IsImageFormatRGBA(const char *pFileName, CImageInfo &Img) = 0;
// destination and source buffer require to have the same width and height
virtual void CopyTextureBufferSub(uint8_t *pDestBuffer, uint8_t *pSourceBuffer, size_t FullWidth, size_t FullHeight, size_t PixelSize, size_t SubOffsetX, size_t SubOffsetY, size_t SubCopyWidth, size_t SubCopyHeight) = 0;
// destination width must be equal to the subwidth of the source
virtual void CopyTextureFromTextureBufferSub(uint8_t *pDestBuffer, size_t DestWidth, size_t DestHeight, uint8_t *pSourceBuffer, size_t SrcWidth, size_t SrcHeight, size_t PixelSize, size_t SrcSubOffsetX, size_t SrcSubOffsetY, size_t SrcSubCopyWidth, size_t SrcSubCopyHeight) = 0;
virtual int UnloadTexture(CTextureHandle *pIndex) = 0;
virtual CTextureHandle LoadTextureRaw(size_t Width, size_t Height, CImageInfo::EImageFormat Format, const void *pData, int Flags, const char *pTexName = nullptr) = 0;
virtual int LoadTextureRawSub(CTextureHandle TextureID, int x, int y, size_t Width, size_t Height, CImageInfo::EImageFormat Format, const void *pData) = 0;
virtual CTextureHandle LoadTexture(const char *pFilename, int StorageType, int Flags = 0) = 0;
virtual CTextureHandle InvalidTexture() const = 0;
virtual void TextureSet(CTextureHandle Texture) = 0;
void TextureClear() { TextureSet(CTextureHandle()); }
// pTextData & pTextOutlineData are automatically free'd
virtual bool LoadTextTextures(size_t Width, size_t Height, CTextureHandle &TextTexture, CTextureHandle &TextOutlineTexture, void *pTextData, void *pTextOutlineData) = 0;
virtual bool UnloadTextTextures(CTextureHandle &TextTexture, CTextureHandle &TextOutlineTexture) = 0;
virtual bool UpdateTextTexture(CTextureHandle TextureID, int x, int y, size_t Width, size_t Height, const void *pData) = 0;
virtual CTextureHandle LoadSpriteTexture(CImageInfo &FromImageInfo, struct CDataSprite *pSprite) = 0;
virtual CTextureHandle LoadSpriteTexture(CImageInfo &FromImageInfo, struct client_data7::CDataSprite *pSprite) = 0;
virtual bool IsImageSubFullyTransparent(CImageInfo &FromImageInfo, int x, int y, int w, int h) = 0;
virtual bool IsSpriteTextureFullyTransparent(CImageInfo &FromImageInfo, struct client_data7::CDataSprite *pSprite) = 0;
virtual void FlushVertices(bool KeepVertices = false) = 0;
virtual void FlushVerticesTex3D() = 0;
// specific render functions
virtual void RenderTileLayer(int BufferContainerIndex, const ColorRGBA &Color, char **pOffsets, unsigned int *pIndicedVertexDrawNum, size_t NumIndicesOffset) = 0;
virtual void RenderBorderTiles(int BufferContainerIndex, const ColorRGBA &Color, char *pIndexBufferOffset, const vec2 &Offset, const vec2 &Dir, int JumpIndex, unsigned int DrawNum) = 0;
virtual void RenderBorderTileLines(int BufferContainerIndex, const ColorRGBA &Color, char *pIndexBufferOffset, const vec2 &Offset, const vec2 &Dir, unsigned int IndexDrawNum, unsigned int RedrawNum) = 0;
virtual void RenderQuadLayer(int BufferContainerIndex, SQuadRenderInfo *pQuadInfo, size_t QuadNum, int QuadOffset) = 0;
virtual void RenderText(int BufferContainerIndex, int TextQuadNum, int TextureSize, int TextureTextIndex, int TextureTextOutlineIndex, const ColorRGBA &TextColor, const ColorRGBA &TextOutlineColor) = 0;
// opengl 3.3 functions
enum EBufferObjectCreateFlags
// tell the backend that the buffer only needs to be valid for the span of one frame. Buffer size is not allowed to be bigger than GL_SVertex * MAX_VERTICES
// if a pointer is passed as moved pointer, it requires to be allocated with malloc()
virtual int CreateBufferObject(size_t UploadDataSize, void *pUploadData, int CreateFlags, bool IsMovedPointer = false) = 0;
virtual void RecreateBufferObject(int BufferIndex, size_t UploadDataSize, void *pUploadData, int CreateFlags, bool IsMovedPointer = false) = 0;
virtual void DeleteBufferObject(int BufferIndex) = 0;
virtual int CreateBufferContainer(struct SBufferContainerInfo *pContainerInfo) = 0;
// destroying all buffer objects means, that all referenced VBOs are destroyed automatically, so the user does not need to save references to them
virtual void DeleteBufferContainer(int &ContainerIndex, bool DestroyAllBO = true) = 0;
virtual void IndicesNumRequiredNotify(unsigned int RequiredIndicesCount) = 0;
// returns true if the driver age type is supported, passing BACKEND_TYPE_AUTO for BackendType will query the values for the currently used backend
virtual bool GetDriverVersion(EGraphicsDriverAgeType DriverAgeType, int &Major, int &Minor, int &Patch, const char *&pName, EBackendType BackendType) = 0;
virtual bool IsConfigModernAPI() = 0;
virtual bool IsTileBufferingEnabled() = 0;
virtual bool IsQuadBufferingEnabled() = 0;
virtual bool IsTextBufferingEnabled() = 0;
virtual bool IsQuadContainerBufferingEnabled() = 0;
virtual bool HasTextureArrays() = 0;
virtual const char *GetVendorString() = 0;
virtual const char *GetVersionString() = 0;
virtual const char *GetRendererString() = 0;
struct CLineItem
float m_X0, m_Y0, m_X1, m_Y1;
CLineItem() {}
CLineItem(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) :
m_X0(x0), m_Y0(y0), m_X1(x1), m_Y1(y1) {}
virtual void LinesBegin() = 0;
virtual void LinesEnd() = 0;
virtual void LinesDraw(const CLineItem *pArray, int Num) = 0;
virtual void QuadsBegin() = 0;
virtual void QuadsEnd() = 0;
virtual void QuadsTex3DBegin() = 0;
virtual void QuadsTex3DEnd() = 0;
virtual void TrianglesBegin() = 0;
virtual void TrianglesEnd() = 0;
virtual void QuadsEndKeepVertices() = 0;
virtual void QuadsDrawCurrentVertices(bool KeepVertices = true) = 0;
virtual void QuadsSetRotation(float Angle) = 0;
virtual void QuadsSetSubset(float TopLeftU, float TopLeftV, float BottomRightU, float BottomRightV) = 0;
virtual void QuadsSetSubsetFree(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, int Index = -1) = 0;
struct CFreeformItem
float m_X0, m_Y0, m_X1, m_Y1, m_X2, m_Y2, m_X3, m_Y3;
CFreeformItem() {}
CFreeformItem(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) :
m_X0(x0), m_Y0(y0), m_X1(x1), m_Y1(y1), m_X2(x2), m_Y2(y2), m_X3(x3), m_Y3(y3) {}
struct CQuadItem
float m_X, m_Y, m_Width, m_Height;
CQuadItem() {}
CQuadItem(float x, float y, float w, float h) :
m_X(x), m_Y(y), m_Width(w), m_Height(h) {}
void Set(float x, float y, float w, float h)
m_X = x;
m_Y = y;
m_Width = w;
m_Height = h;
CFreeformItem ToFreeForm() const
return CFreeformItem(m_X, m_Y, m_X + m_Width, m_Y, m_X, m_Y + m_Height, m_X + m_Width, m_Y + m_Height);
virtual void QuadsDraw(CQuadItem *pArray, int Num) = 0;
virtual void QuadsDrawTL(const CQuadItem *pArray, int Num) = 0;
virtual void QuadsTex3DDrawTL(const CQuadItem *pArray, int Num) = 0;
virtual const GL_STexCoord *GetCurTextureCoordinates() = 0;
virtual const GL_SColor *GetCurColor() = 0;
virtual int CreateQuadContainer(bool AutomaticUpload = true) = 0;
virtual void QuadContainerChangeAutomaticUpload(int ContainerIndex, bool AutomaticUpload) = 0;
virtual void QuadContainerUpload(int ContainerIndex) = 0;
virtual int QuadContainerAddQuads(int ContainerIndex, CQuadItem *pArray, int Num) = 0;
virtual int QuadContainerAddQuads(int ContainerIndex, CFreeformItem *pArray, int Num) = 0;
virtual void QuadContainerReset(int ContainerIndex) = 0;
virtual void DeleteQuadContainer(int &ContainerIndex) = 0;
virtual void RenderQuadContainer(int ContainerIndex, int QuadDrawNum) = 0;
virtual void RenderQuadContainer(int ContainerIndex, int QuadOffset, int QuadDrawNum, bool ChangeWrapMode = true) = 0;
virtual void RenderQuadContainerEx(int ContainerIndex, int QuadOffset, int QuadDrawNum, float X, float Y, float ScaleX = 1.f, float ScaleY = 1.f) = 0;
virtual void RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(int ContainerIndex, int QuadOffset, float X, float Y, float ScaleX = 1.f, float ScaleY = 1.f) = 0;
struct SRenderSpriteInfo
vec2 m_Pos;
float m_Scale;
float m_Rotation;
virtual void RenderQuadContainerAsSpriteMultiple(int ContainerIndex, int QuadOffset, int DrawCount, SRenderSpriteInfo *pRenderInfo) = 0;
virtual void QuadsDrawFreeform(const CFreeformItem *pArray, int Num) = 0;
virtual void QuadsText(float x, float y, float Size, const char *pText) = 0;
virtual void DrawRectExt(float x, float y, float w, float h, float r, int Corners) = 0;
virtual void DrawRectExt4(float x, float y, float w, float h, ColorRGBA ColorTopLeft, ColorRGBA ColorTopRight, ColorRGBA ColorBottomLeft, ColorRGBA ColorBottomRight, float r, int Corners) = 0;
virtual int CreateRectQuadContainer(float x, float y, float w, float h, float r, int Corners) = 0;
virtual void DrawRect(float x, float y, float w, float h, ColorRGBA Color, int Corners, float Rounding) = 0;
virtual void DrawRect4(float x, float y, float w, float h, ColorRGBA ColorTopLeft, ColorRGBA ColorTopRight, ColorRGBA ColorBottomLeft, ColorRGBA ColorBottomRight, int Corners, float Rounding) = 0;
virtual void DrawCircle(float CenterX, float CenterY, float Radius, int Segments) = 0;
struct CColorVertex
int m_Index;
float m_R, m_G, m_B, m_A;
CColorVertex() {}
CColorVertex(int i, float r, float g, float b, float a) :
m_Index(i), m_R(r), m_G(g), m_B(b), m_A(a) {}
virtual void SetColorVertex(const CColorVertex *pArray, int Num) = 0;
virtual void SetColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) = 0;
virtual void SetColor(ColorRGBA Color) = 0;
virtual void SetColor4(ColorRGBA TopLeft, ColorRGBA TopRight, ColorRGBA BottomLeft, ColorRGBA BottomRight) = 0;
virtual void ChangeColorOfCurrentQuadVertices(float r, float g, float b, float a) = 0;
virtual void ChangeColorOfQuadVertices(int QuadOffset, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) = 0;
virtual void TakeScreenshot(const char *pFilename) = 0;
virtual void TakeCustomScreenshot(const char *pFilename) = 0;
virtual int GetVideoModes(CVideoMode *pModes, int MaxModes, int Screen) = 0;
virtual void Swap() = 0;
virtual int GetNumScreens() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetScreenName(int Screen) const = 0;
// synchronization
virtual void InsertSignal(class CSemaphore *pSemaphore) = 0;
virtual bool IsIdle() const = 0;
virtual void WaitForIdle() = 0;
virtual void SetWindowGrab(bool Grab) = 0;
virtual void NotifyWindow() = 0;
// be aware that this function should only be called from the graphics thread, and even then you should really know what you are doing
// this function always returns the pixels in RGB
virtual TGLBackendReadPresentedImageData &GetReadPresentedImageDataFuncUnsafe() = 0;
virtual SWarning *GetCurWarning() = 0;
// returns true if the error msg was shown
virtual bool ShowMessageBox(unsigned Type, const char *pTitle, const char *pMsg) = 0;
virtual bool IsBackendInitialized() = 0;
inline CTextureHandle CreateTextureHandle(int Index)
CTextureHandle Tex;
Tex.m_Id = Index;
return Tex;
class IEngineGraphics : public IGraphics
MACRO_INTERFACE("enginegraphics", 0)
virtual int Init() = 0;
virtual void Shutdown() override = 0;
virtual void Minimize() = 0;
virtual void Maximize() = 0;
virtual int WindowActive() = 0;
virtual int WindowOpen() = 0;
extern IEngineGraphics *CreateEngineGraphicsThreaded();