Robert Müller 98706d79d4 Mark parameters as const when possible
According to cppchecker's `constParameter` error:

src\engine\gfx\image_manipulation.cpp:7:58: style: Parameter 'pSrc' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
static void Dilate(int w, int h, int BPP, unsigned char *pSrc, unsigned char *pDest, unsigned char AlphaThreshold = TW_DILATE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD)
src\engine\gfx\image_manipulation.cpp:58:67: style: Parameter 'pSrc' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
static void CopyColorValues(int w, int h, int BPP, unsigned char *pSrc, unsigned char *pDest)

src\engine\shared\network_conn.cpp:241:42: style: Parameter 'Addr' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
void CNetConnection::DirectInit(NETADDR &Addr, SECURITY_TOKEN SecurityToken, SECURITY_TOKEN Token, bool Sixup)

src\base\system.cpp:4060:71: style: Parameter 'random' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void generate_password(char *buffer, unsigned length, unsigned short *random, unsigned random_length)

src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:263:38: style: Parameter 'AllocatedMemory' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
  void Free(SMemoryHeapQueueElement &AllocatedMemory)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:1708:47: style: Parameter 'ImgExtent' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
 static size_t ImageMipLevelCount(VkExtent3D &ImgExtent)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:2801:29: style: Parameter 'Image' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
 void ImageBarrier(VkImage &Image, size_t MipMapBase, size_t MipMapCount, size_t LayerBase, size_t LayerCount, VkFormat Format, VkImageLayout OldLayout, VkImageLayout NewLayout)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:6495:46: style: Parameter 'ExecBuffer' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
 void Cmd_Clear(SRenderCommandExecuteBuffer &ExecBuffer, const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Clear *pCommand)

src\game\client\components\skins.cpp:83:72: style: Parameter 'pImg' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
static void CheckMetrics(CSkin::SSkinMetricVariable &Metrics, uint8_t *pImg, int ImgWidth, int ImgX, int ImgY, int CheckWidth, int CheckHeight)

src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.h:106:37: style: Parameter 'pNewInput' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
 void SetInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput)

src\game\client\prediction\gameworld.cpp:245:106: style: Parameter 'pNotThis' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CCharacter *CGameWorld::IntersectCharacter(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, vec2 &NewPos, CCharacter *pNotThis, int CollideWith, class CCharacter *pThisOnly)
src\game\client\prediction\gameworld.cpp:245:151: style: Parameter 'pThisOnly' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CCharacter *CGameWorld::IntersectCharacter(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, vec2 &NewPos, CCharacter *pNotThis, int CollideWith, class CCharacter *pThisOnly)
src\game\client\prediction\gameworld.cpp:283:116: style: Parameter 'pNotThis' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
std::list<class CCharacter *> CGameWorld::IntersectedCharacters(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, class CEntity *pNotThis)

src\game\client\ui.cpp:522:180: style: Parameter 'pReadCursor' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void CUI::DoLabel(CUIElement::SUIElementRect &RectEl, const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pText, float Size, int Align, const SLabelProperties &LabelProps, int StrLen, CTextCursor *pReadCursor)

src\game\client\ui_scrollregion.cpp:23:86: style: Parameter 'pParams' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void CScrollRegion::Begin(CUIRect *pClipRect, vec2 *pOutOffset, CScrollRegionParams *pParams)

src\game\server\scoreworker.h:239:29: style: Parameter 'aTimeCp' can be declared as const array [constParameter]
 void Set(float Time, float aTimeCp[NUM_CHECKPOINTS])

src\game\server\score.cpp:135:80: style: Parameter 'aTimeCp' can be declared as const array [constParameter]
void CScore::SaveScore(int ClientID, float Time, const char *pTimestamp, float aTimeCp[NUM_CHECKPOINTS], bool NotEligible)

src\game\server\teeinfo.cpp:40:57: style: Parameter 'pUseCustomColors' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CTeeInfo::CTeeInfo(const char *apSkinPartNames[6], int *pUseCustomColors, int *pSkinPartColors)
src\game\server\teeinfo.cpp:40:80: style: Parameter 'pSkinPartColors' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CTeeInfo::CTeeInfo(const char *apSkinPartNames[6], int *pUseCustomColors, int *pSkinPartColors)
2022-11-29 23:32:31 +01:00

76 lines
2.3 KiB

#include <game/prng.h>
#include "scoreworker.h"
class CDbConnectionPool;
class CGameContext;
class IDbConnection;
class IServer;
struct ISqlData;
class CScore
CPlayerData m_aPlayerData[MAX_CLIENTS];
CDbConnectionPool *m_pPool;
CGameContext *GameServer() const { return m_pGameServer; }
IServer *Server() const { return m_pServer; }
CGameContext *m_pGameServer;
IServer *m_pServer;
std::vector<std::string> m_vWordlist;
CPrng m_Prng;
void GeneratePassphrase(char *pBuf, int BufSize);
// returns new SqlResult bound to the player, if no current Thread is active for this player
std::shared_ptr<CScorePlayerResult> NewSqlPlayerResult(int ClientID);
// Creates for player database requests
void ExecPlayerThread(
bool (*pFuncPtr)(IDbConnection *, const ISqlData *, char *pError, int ErrorSize),
const char *pThreadName,
int ClientID,
const char *pName,
int Offset);
// returns true if the player should be rate limited
bool RateLimitPlayer(int ClientID);
CScore(CGameContext *pGameServer, CDbConnectionPool *pPool);
~CScore() {}
CPlayerData *PlayerData(int ID) { return &m_aPlayerData[ID]; }
void MapInfo(int ClientID, const char *pMapName);
void MapVote(int ClientID, const char *pMapName);
void LoadPlayerData(int ClientID, const char *pName = "");
void SaveScore(int ClientID, float Time, const char *pTimestamp, const float aTimeCp[NUM_CHECKPOINTS], bool NotEligible);
void SaveTeamScore(int *pClientIDs, unsigned int Size, float Time, const char *pTimestamp);
void ShowTop(int ClientID, int Offset = 1);
void ShowRank(int ClientID, const char *pName);
void ShowTeamTop5(int ClientID, int Offset = 1);
void ShowPlayerTeamTop5(int ClientID, const char *pName, int Offset = 1);
void ShowTeamRank(int ClientID, const char *pName);
void ShowTopPoints(int ClientID, int Offset = 1);
void ShowPoints(int ClientID, const char *pName);
void ShowTimes(int ClientID, const char *pName, int Offset = 1);
void ShowTimes(int ClientID, int Offset = 1);
void RandomMap(int ClientID, int Stars);
void RandomUnfinishedMap(int ClientID, int Stars);
void SaveTeam(int ClientID, const char *pCode, const char *pServer);
void LoadTeam(const char *pCode, int ClientID);
void GetSaves(int ClientID);