noother 901859a494 fixed all known bugs in racedemos & ghosts, including "ghost is shown when playing a demo", "ghost doesn't reset when crossing the startline
again" (this conflicts with racemod however, where the time isn't reset on crossing the start tiles again. This should be removed in
DDRace.), "ghost sometimes doesn't save"  (this was because of kill tiles right next to finish tiles, and it just wasn't quick enough when
going through them fast), "demos contain a lot of garbage before the actual run (prior attempts)" ghosts and racedemos should now work 100%
2011-02-16 10:39:26 +02:00

256 lines
6.2 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#include <base/vmath.h>
#include <engine/client.h>
#include <engine/console.h>
#include <game/layers.h>
#include <game/gamecore.h>
#include <game/teamscore.h>
#include "render.h"
class CGameClient : public IGameClient
class CStack
void Add(class CComponent *pComponent);
class CComponent *m_paComponents[MAX_COMPONENTS];
int m_Num;
CStack m_All;
CStack m_Input;
CNetObjHandler m_NetObjHandler;
class IInput *m_pInput;
class IGraphics *m_pGraphics;
class ITextRender *m_pTextRender;
class IClient *m_pClient;
class ISound *m_pSound;
class IConsole *m_pConsole;
class IStorage *m_pStorage;
class IDemoPlayer *m_pDemoPlayer;
class IDemoRecorder *m_pDemoRecorder;
class IServerBrowser *m_pServerBrowser;
CLayers m_Layers;
class CCollision m_Collision;
class CTeamsCore m_Teams;
void DispatchInput();
void ProcessEvents();
void UpdateLocalCharacterPos();
int m_PredictedTick;
int m_LastNewPredictedTick;
int64 m_LastSendInfo;
bool m_DDRaceMsgSent;
static void ConTeam(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID);
static void ConKill(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID);
static void ConchainSpecialInfoupdate(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData);
IKernel *Kernel() { return IInterface::Kernel(); }
class IGraphics *Graphics() const { return m_pGraphics; }
class IClient *Client() const { return m_pClient; }
class CUI *UI() { return &m_UI; }
class ISound *Sound() const { return m_pSound; }
class IInput *Input() const { return m_pInput; }
class IStorage *Storage() const { return m_pStorage; }
class IConsole *Console() { return m_pConsole; }
class ITextRender *TextRender() const { return m_pTextRender; }
class IDemoPlayer *DemoPlayer() const { return m_pDemoPlayer; }
class IDemoRecorder *DemoRecorder() const { return m_pDemoRecorder; }
class IServerBrowser *ServerBrowser() const { return m_pServerBrowser; }
class CRenderTools *RenderTools() { return &m_RenderTools; }
class CLayers *Layers() { return &m_Layers; };
class CCollision *Collision() { return &m_Collision; };
int NetobjNumCorrections() { return m_NetObjHandler.NumObjCorrections(); }
const char *NetobjCorrectedOn() { return m_NetObjHandler.CorrectedObjOn(); }
bool m_SuppressEvents;
bool m_NewTick;
bool m_NewPredictedTick;
// TODO: move this
CTuningParams m_Tuning;
int m_ServerMode;
vec2 m_LocalCharacterPos;
// predicted players
CCharacterCore m_PredictedPrevChar;
CCharacterCore m_PredictedChar;
// snap pointers
struct CSnapState
const CNetObj_Character *m_pLocalCharacter;
const CNetObj_Character *m_pLocalPrevCharacter;
const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *m_pLocalInfo;
const CNetObj_Flag *m_paFlags[2];
const CNetObj_Game *m_pGameobj;
const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *m_paPlayerInfos[MAX_CLIENTS];
const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *m_paInfoByScore[MAX_CLIENTS];
int m_LocalClientID;
int m_NumPlayers;
int m_aTeamSize[2];
bool m_Spectate;
struct CCharacterInfo
bool m_Active;
// snapshots
CNetObj_Character m_Prev;
CNetObj_Character m_Cur;
// interpolated position
vec2 m_Position;
CCharacterInfo m_aCharacters[MAX_CLIENTS];
CSnapState m_Snap;
// client data
struct CClientData
int m_UseCustomColor;
int m_ColorBody;
int m_ColorFeet;
char m_aName[64];
char m_aSkinName[64];
int m_SkinID;
int m_SkinColor;
int m_Team;
int m_Emoticon;
int m_EmoticonStart;
CCharacterCore m_Predicted;
int m_Score;
CTeeRenderInfo m_SkinInfo; // this is what the server reports
CTeeRenderInfo m_RenderInfo; // this is what we use
float m_Angle;
void UpdateRenderInfo();
CClientData m_aClients[MAX_CLIENTS];
CRenderTools m_RenderTools;
void OnReset();
// hooks
virtual void OnConnected();
virtual void OnRender();
virtual void OnRelease();
virtual void OnInit();
virtual void OnConsoleInit();
virtual void OnStateChange(int NewState, int OldState);
virtual void OnMessage(int MsgId, CUnpacker *pUnpacker);
virtual void OnNewSnapshot();
virtual void OnPredict();
virtual void OnActivateEditor();
virtual int OnSnapInput(int *pData);
virtual void OnShutdown();
virtual void OnEnterGame();
virtual void OnRconLine(const char *pLine);
virtual void OnGameOver();
virtual void OnStartGame();
virtual const char *GetItemName(int Type);
virtual const char *Version();
virtual const char *NetVersion();
// actions
// TODO: move these
void SendSwitchTeam(int Team);
void SendInfo(bool Start);
void SendKill(int ClientID);
// pointers to all systems
class CGameConsole *m_pGameConsole;
class CBinds *m_pBinds;
class CParticles *m_pParticles;
class CMenus *m_pMenus;
class CSkins *m_pSkins;
class CFlow *m_pFlow;
class CChat *m_pChat;
class CDamageInd *m_pDamageind;
class CCamera *m_pCamera;
class CControls *m_pControls;
class CEffects *m_pEffects;
class CSounds *m_pSounds;
class CMotd *m_pMotd;
class CMapImages *m_pMapimages;
class CVoting *m_pVoting;
class CScoreboard *m_pScoreboard;
//TODO: This is ugly
class CRaceDemo *m_pRaceDemo;
class CGhost *m_pGhost;
inline float HueToRgb(float v1, float v2, float h)
if(h < 0.0f) h += 1;
if(h > 1.0f) h -= 1;
if((6.0f * h) < 1.0f) return v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6.0f * h;
if((2.0f * h) < 1.0f) return v2;
if((3.0f * h) < 2.0f) return v1 + (v2 - v1) * ((2.0f/3.0f) - h) * 6.0f;
return v1;
inline vec3 HslToRgb(vec3 HSL)
if(HSL.s == 0.0f)
return vec3(HSL.l, HSL.l, HSL.l);
float v2 = HSL.l < 0.5f ? HSL.l * (1.0f + HSL.s) : (HSL.l+HSL.s) - (HSL.s*HSL.l);
float v1 = 2.0f * HSL.l - v2;
return vec3(HueToRgb(v1, v2, HSL.h + (1.0f/3.0f)), HueToRgb(v1, v2, HSL.h), HueToRgb(v1, v2, HSL.h - (1.0f/3.0f)));
extern const char *Localize(const char *Str);