2008-03-17 21:55:33 +00:00

429 lines
11 KiB

import sys, os
line_count = 0
class variable:
name = "unknown"
def __init__(self, args, name):
global line_count
self.name = name
self.line = line_count
def emit_declaration(self):
return ["\tint %s;" % self.name]
def linedef(self):
return "#line %d" % self.line
def emit_secure(self):
return []
def emit_unpack(self):
return ["msg.%s = msg_unpack_int();" % self.name]
def emit_unpack_check(self):
return []
def emit_pack(self):
return ["\t\tmsg_pack_int(%s);" % self.name]
class var_any(variable):
def __init__(self, args, name):
variable.__init__(self, args, name)
class var_range(variable):
def __init__(self, args, name):
variable.__init__(self, args, name)
self.min = args[0]
self.max = args[1]
def emit_unpack_check(self):
return ["if(msg.%s < %s || msg.%s > %s) { msg_failed_on = \"%s\"; return 0; }" % (self.name, self.min, self.name, self.max, self.name)]
def emit_secure(self):
return [self.linedef(), "obj->%s = netobj_clamp_int(obj->%s, %s, %s);" % (self.name, self.name, self.min, self.max)]
class var_string(variable):
def __init__(self, args, name):
variable.__init__(self, args, name)
class var_string(variable):
def __init__(self, args, name):
variable.__init__(self, args, name)
def emit_declaration(self):
return ["\tconst char *%s;" % self.name]
def emit_unpack(self):
return ["msg.%s = msg_unpack_string();" % self.name]
def emit_pack(self):
return ["\t\tmsg_pack_string(%s, -1);" % self.name]
class object:
def __init__(self, line):
fields = line.split()
self.name = fields[1]
self.extends = None
if len(fields) == 4 and fields[2] == "extends":
self.extends = fields[3]
self.enum_name = "NETOBJTYPE_%s" % self.name.upper()
self.struct_name = "NETOBJ_%s" % self.name.upper()
self.members = []
def parse(self, lines):
global line_count
for index in xrange(0, len(lines)):
line_count += 1
line = lines[index]
if not len(line):
if line == "end":
return lines[index+1:]
# check for argument
fields = line.split(")", 1)
if len(fields) == 2:
names = [line.strip() for line in fields[1].split(",")]
l = fields[0].split("(", 1)
type = l[0]
args = [line.strip() for line in l[1].split(",")]
l = fields[0].split(None, 1)
type = l[0]
args = []
names = [line.strip() for line in l[1].split(",")]
for name in names:
create_string = 'var_%s(%s, "%s")' % (type, args, name)
new_member = eval(create_string)
self.members += [new_member]
raise BaseException("Parse error")
def emit_declaration(self):
lines = []
if self.extends:
lines += ["struct %s : public NETOBJ_%s\n {" % (self.struct_name, self.extends.upper())]
lines += ["struct %s\n {" % self.struct_name]
for m in self.members:
lines += m.emit_declaration()
lines += ["};"]
return lines
def emit_secure(self):
lines = []
for m in self.members:
lines += m.emit_secure()
return lines
class message:
def __init__(self, line):
fields = line.split()
self.name = fields[1]
self.enum_name = "NETMSGTYPE_%s" % self.name.upper()
self.struct_name = "NETMSG_%s" % self.name.upper()
self.members = []
def parse(self, lines):
global line_count
for index in xrange(0, len(lines)):
line_count += 1
line = lines[index]
if not len(line):
if line == "end":
return lines[index+1:]
# check for argument
fields = line.split(")", 1)
if len(fields) == 2:
names = [line.strip() for line in fields[1].split(",")]
l = fields[0].split("(", 1)
type = l[0]
args = [line.strip() for line in l[1].split(",")]
l = fields[0].split(None, 1)
type = l[0]
args = []
names = [line.strip() for line in l[1].split(",")]
for name in names:
create_string = 'var_%s(%s, "%s")' % (type, args, name)
new_member = eval(create_string)
self.members += [new_member]
raise BaseException("Parse error")
def emit_declaration(self):
lines = []
lines += ["struct %s\n {" % self.struct_name]
for m in self.members:
lines += m.emit_declaration()
lines += ["\tvoid pack(int flags)"]
lines += ["\t{"]
lines += ["\t\tmsg_pack_start(%s, flags);" % self.enum_name]
for m in self.members:
lines += m.emit_pack()
lines += ["\t\tmsg_pack_end();"]
lines += ["\t}"]
lines += ["};"]
return lines
def emit_unpack(self):
lines = []
for m in self.members:
lines += m.emit_unpack()
for m in self.members:
lines += m.emit_unpack_check()
return lines
def emit_pack(self):
lines = []
for m in self.members:
lines += m.emit_pack()
return lines
class event(object):
def __init__(self, line):
object.__init__(self, line)
self.enum_name = "NETEVENTTYPE_%s" % self.name.upper()
self.struct_name = "NETEVENT_%s" % self.name.upper()
class raw_reader:
def __init__(self):
self.raw_lines = []
def parse(self, lines):
global line_count
for index in xrange(0, len(lines)):
line_count += 1
line = lines[index]
if not len(line):
if line == "end":
return lines[index+1:]
self.raw_lines += [line]
raise BaseException("Parse error")
class proto:
def __init__(self):
self.objects = []
self.messages = []
self.source_raw = []
self.header_raw = []
def load(filename):
# read the file
global line_count
line_count = 0
lines = [line.strip() for line in file(filename).readlines()]
p = proto()
while len(lines):
line_count += 1
line = lines[0]
line = line.split("//", 2)[0] # strip comment
if not len(line):
del lines[0]
fields = line.split(None, 1)
del lines[0]
if fields[0] == "object":
new_obj = object(line)
lines = new_obj.parse(lines)
p.objects += [new_obj]
elif fields[0] == "message":
new_msg = message(line)
lines = new_msg.parse(lines)
p.messages += [new_msg]
elif fields[0] == "event":
new_obj = event(line)
lines = new_obj.parse(lines)
p.objects += [new_obj]
elif fields[0] == "raw_source":
raw = raw_reader()
lines = raw.parse(lines)
p.source_raw += raw.raw_lines
elif fields[0] == "raw_header":
raw = raw_reader()
lines = raw.parse(lines)
p.header_raw += raw.raw_lines
print "error, strange line:", line
return p
def emit_header_file(f, p):
for l in p.header_raw:
print >>f, l
if 1: # emit the enum table for objects
print >>f, "enum {"
print >>f, "\tNETOBJTYPE_INVALID=0,"
for obj in p.objects:
print >>f, "\t%s," % obj.enum_name
print >>f, "\tNUM_NETOBJTYPES"
print >>f, "};"
print >>f, ""
if 1: # emit the enum table for messages
print >>f, "enum {"
print >>f, "\tNETMSGTYPE_INVALID=0,"
for msg in p.messages:
print >>f, "\t%s," % msg.enum_name
print >>f, "\tNUM_NETMSGTYPES"
print >>f, "};"
print >>f, ""
print >>f, "int netobj_secure(int type, void *data, int size);"
print >>f, "const char *netobj_get_name(int type);"
print >>f, "int netobj_num_corrections();"
print >>f, ""
print >>f, "void *netmsg_secure_unpack(int type);"
print >>f, "const char *netmsg_get_name(int type);"
print >>f, "const char *netmsg_failed_on();"
print >>f, ""
for obj in p.objects:
for l in obj.emit_declaration():
print >>f, l
print >>f, ""
for msg in p.messages:
for l in msg.emit_declaration():
print >>f, l
print >>f, ""
def emit_source_file(f, p, protofilename):
print >>f, "#line 1 \"%s\"" % os.path.abspath(protofilename).replace("\\", "\\\\")
for l in p.source_raw:
print >>f, l
print >>f, "const char *msg_failed_on = \"\";"
print >>f, "static int num_corrections = 0;"
print >>f, "int netobj_num_corrections() { return num_corrections; }"
print >>f, "const char *netmsg_failed_on() { return msg_failed_on; }"
print >>f, ""
print >>f, "static int netobj_clamp_int(int v, int min, int max)"
print >>f, "{"
print >>f, "\tif(v<min) { num_corrections++; return min; }"
print >>f, "\tif(v>max) { num_corrections++; return max; }"
print >>f, "\treturn v;"
print >>f, "}"
print >>f, ""
if 1: # names
print >>f, "static const char *object_names[] = {"
print >>f, "\t" + '"invalid",'
for obj in p.objects:
print >>f, '\t"%s",' % obj.name
print >>f, '\t""'
print >>f, "};"
print >>f, ""
if 1: # secure functions
print >>f, "static int secure_object_invalid(void *data, int size) { return 0; }"
for obj in p.objects:
print >>f, "static int secure_%s(void *data, int size)" % obj.name
print >>f, "{"
print >>f, "\t%s *obj = (%s *)data;" % (obj.struct_name, obj.struct_name)
print >>f, "\t(void)obj;" # to get rid of "unused variable" warning
print >>f, "\tif(size != sizeof(%s)) return -1;" % obj.struct_name
if obj.extends:
print >>f, "\tif(secure_%s(data, sizeof(NETOBJ_%s)) != 0) return -1;" % (obj.extends, obj.extends.upper())
for l in obj.emit_secure():
print >>f, "\t" + l
print >>f, "\treturn 0;";
print >>f, "}"
print >>f, ""
if 1: # secure function table
print >>f, "typedef int(*SECUREFUNC)(void *data, int size);"
print >>f, "static SECUREFUNC secure_funcs[] = {"
print >>f, "\t" + 'secure_object_invalid,'
for obj in p.objects:
print >>f, "\tsecure_%s," % obj.name
print >>f, "\t" + '0x0'
print >>f, "};"
print >>f, ""
if 1:
print >>f, "int netobj_secure(int type, void *data, int size)"
print >>f, "{"
print >>f, "\tif(type < 0 || type >= NUM_NETOBJTYPES) return -1;"
print >>f, "\treturn secure_funcs[type](data, size);"
print >>f, "};"
print >>f, ""
if 1:
print >>f, "const char *netobj_get_name(int type)"
print >>f, "{"
print >>f, "\tif(type < 0 || type >= NUM_NETOBJTYPES) return \"(invalid)\";"
print >>f, "\treturn object_names[type];"
print >>f, "};"
print >>f, ""
if 1: # names
print >>f, "static const char *message_names[] = {"
print >>f, "\t" + '"invalid",'
for msg in p.messages:
print >>f, '\t"%s",' % msg.name
print >>f, '\t""'
print >>f, "};"
print >>f, ""
if 1: # secure functions
print >>f, "static void *secure_unpack_invalid() { return 0; }"
for msg in p.messages:
print >>f, "static void *secure_unpack_%s()" % msg.name
print >>f, "{"
print >>f, "\tstatic %s msg;" % msg.struct_name
for l in msg.emit_unpack():
print >>f, "\t" + l
print >>f, "\treturn &msg;";
print >>f, "}"
print >>f, ""
if 1: # secure function table
print >>f, "typedef void *(*SECUREUNPACKFUNC)();"
print >>f, "static SECUREUNPACKFUNC secure_unpack_funcs[] = {"
print >>f, "\t" + 'secure_unpack_invalid,'
for msg in p.messages:
print >>f, "\tsecure_unpack_%s," % msg.name
print >>f, "\t" + '0x0'
print >>f, "};"
print >>f, ""
if 1:
print >>f, "void *netmsg_secure_unpack(int type)"
print >>f, "{"
print >>f, "\tvoid *msg;"
print >>f, "\tmsg_failed_on = \"\";"
print >>f, "\tif(type < 0 || type >= NUM_NETMSGTYPES) return 0;"
print >>f, "\tmsg = secure_unpack_funcs[type]();"
print >>f, "\tif(msg_unpack_error()) return 0;"
print >>f, "\treturn msg;"
print >>f, "};"
print >>f, ""
if 1:
print >>f, "const char *netmsg_get_name(int type)"
print >>f, "{"
print >>f, "\tif(type < 0 || type >= NUM_NETMSGTYPES) return \"(invalid)\";"
print >>f, "\treturn message_names[type];"
print >>f, "};"
print >>f, ""
if sys.argv[1] == "header":
p = load(sys.argv[2])
emit_header_file(file(sys.argv[3], "w"), p)
elif sys.argv[1] == "source":
p = load(sys.argv[2])
emit_source_file(file(sys.argv[3], "w"), p, sys.argv[2])
print "invalid command"