2022-05-18 18:05:41 +02:00

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/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
Title: OS Abstraction
#include "detect.h"
#ifndef __USE_GNU
#define __USE_GNU
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <chrono>
extern "C" {
* @defgroup Debug
* Utilities for debugging.
* @ingroup Debug
* Breaks into the debugger based on a test.
* @param test Result of the test.
* @param msg Message that should be printed if the test fails.
* @remark Also works in release mode.
* @see dbg_break
#define dbg_assert(test, msg) dbg_assert_imp(__FILE__, __LINE__, test, msg)
void dbg_assert_imp(const char *filename, int line, int test, const char *msg);
#ifdef __clang_analyzer__
#include <assert.h>
#undef dbg_assert
#define dbg_assert(test, msg) assert(test)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define GNUC_ATTRIBUTE(x) __attribute__(x)
* Checks whether the program is currently shutting down due to a failed
* assert.
* @ingroup Debug
* @return indication whether the program is currently shutting down due to a
* failed assert.
bool dbg_assert_has_failed();
* Breaks into the debugger.
* @ingroup Debug
* @remark Also works in release mode.
* @see dbg_assert
#if defined(__cplusplus)
* Prints a debug message.
* @ingroup Debug
* @param sys A string that describes what system the message belongs to.
* @param fmt A printf styled format string.
* @remark Also works in release mode.
* @see dbg_assert
void dbg_msg(const char *sys, const char *fmt, ...)
GNUC_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 2, 3)));
* @defgroup Memory
* Memory management utilities.
* Copies a a memory block.
* @ingroup Memory
* @param dest Destination.
* @param source Source to copy.
* @param size Size of the block to copy.
* @remark This functions DOES NOT handle cases where the source and destination is overlapping.
* @see mem_move
void mem_copy(void *dest, const void *source, unsigned size);
* Copies a a memory block.
* @ingroup Memory
* @param dest Destination.
* @param source Source to copy.
* @param size Size of the block to copy.
* @remark This functions handles the cases where the source and destination is overlapping.
* @see mem_copy
void mem_move(void *dest, const void *source, unsigned size);
* Sets a complete memory block to 0.
* @ingroup Memory
* @param block Pointer to the block to zero out.
* @param size Size of the block.
void mem_zero(void *block, unsigned size);
* Compares two blocks of memory
* @ingroup Memory
* @param a First block of data
* @param b Second block of data
* @param size Size of the data to compare
* @return < 0 - Block a is less than block b.
* @return 0 - Block a is equal to block b.
* @return > 0 - Block a is greater than block b.
int mem_comp(const void *a, const void *b, int size);
* @defgroup File-IO
* I/O related operations.
* @ingroup File-IO
typedef struct IOINTERNAL *IOHANDLE;
* Opens a file.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param File to open.
* @param flags A set of IOFLAG flags.
* @return A handle to the file on success and 0 on failure.
IOHANDLE io_open(const char *filename, int flags);
* Reads data into a buffer from a file.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file to read data from.
* @param buffer Pointer to the buffer that will receive the data.
* @param size Number of bytes to read from the file.
* @return Number of bytes read.
unsigned io_read(IOHANDLE io, void *buffer, unsigned size);
* Skips data in a file.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @param size Number of bytes to skip.
* @return Number of bytes skipped.
unsigned io_skip(IOHANDLE io, int size);
* Writes data from a buffer to file.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @param buffer Pointer to the data that should be written.
* @param size Number of bytes to write.
* @return Number of bytes written.
unsigned io_write(IOHANDLE io, const void *buffer, unsigned size);
* Writes newline to file.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @return Number of bytes written.
unsigned io_write_newline(IOHANDLE io);
* Seeks to a specified offset in the file.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @param offset Offset from pos to stop.
* @param origin Position to start searching from.
* @return 0 on success.
int io_seek(IOHANDLE io, int offset, int origin);
* Gets the current position in the file.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @return The current position. @c -1L if an error occurred.
long int io_tell(IOHANDLE io);
* Gets the total length of the file. Resetting cursor to the beginning
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @return The total size. @c -1L if an error occurred.
long int io_length(IOHANDLE io);
* Closes a file.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @return 0 on success.
int io_close(IOHANDLE io);
* Empties all buffers and writes all pending data.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @return 0 on success.
int io_flush(IOHANDLE io);
* Synchronize file changes to disk.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @return 0 on success.
int io_sync(IOHANDLE io);
* Checks whether an error occurred during I/O with the file.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @return nonzero on error, 0 otherwise.
int io_error(IOHANDLE io);
* @ingroup File-IO
* @return An <IOHANDLE> to the standard input.
IOHANDLE io_stdin();
* @ingroup File-IO
* @return An <IOHANDLE> to the standard output.
IOHANDLE io_stdout();
* @ingroup File-IO
* @return An <IOHANDLE> to the standard error.
IOHANDLE io_stderr();
* @ingroup File-IO
* @return An <IOHANDLE> to the current executable.
IOHANDLE io_current_exe();
typedef struct ASYNCIO ASYNCIO;
* Wraps a @link IOHANDLE @endlink for asynchronous writing.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param io Handle to the file.
* @return The handle for asynchronous writing.
ASYNCIO *aio_new(IOHANDLE io);
* Locks the ASYNCIO structure so it can't be written into by
* other threads.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param aio Handle to the file.
void aio_lock(ASYNCIO *aio);
* Unlocks the ASYNCIO structure after finishing the contiguous
* write.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param aio Handle to the file.
void aio_unlock(ASYNCIO *aio);
* Queues a chunk of data for writing.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param aio Handle to the file.
* @param buffer Pointer to the data that should be written.
* @param size Number of bytes to write.
void aio_write(ASYNCIO *aio, const void *buffer, unsigned size);
* Queues a newline for writing.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param aio Handle to the file.
void aio_write_newline(ASYNCIO *aio);
* Queues a chunk of data for writing. The ASYNCIO struct must be
* locked using @link aio_lock @endlink first.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param aio Handle to the file.
* @param buffer Pointer to the data that should be written.
* @param size Number of bytes to write.
void aio_write_unlocked(ASYNCIO *aio, const void *buffer, unsigned size);
* Queues a newline for writing. The ASYNCIO struct must be locked
* using @link aio_lock @endlink first.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param aio Handle to the file.
void aio_write_newline_unlocked(ASYNCIO *aio);
* Checks whether errors have occurred during the asynchronous
* writing.
* Call this function regularly to see if there are errors. Call
* this function after <aio_wait> to see if the process of writing
* to the file succeeded.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param aio Handle to the file.
* @eturn 0 if no error occurred, and nonzero on error.
int aio_error(ASYNCIO *aio);
* Queues file closing.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param aio Handle to the file.
void aio_close(ASYNCIO *aio);
* Wait for the asynchronous operations to complete.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param aio Handle to the file.
void aio_wait(ASYNCIO *aio);
* Frees the resources associated to the asynchronous file handle.
* @ingroup File-IO
* @param aio Handle to the file.
i */
void aio_free(ASYNCIO *aio);
* @defgroup Threads
* Threading related functions.
* @see Locks
* Creates a new thread.
* @ingroup Threads
* @param threadfunc Entry point for the new thread.
* @param user Pointer to pass to the thread.
* @param name name describing the use of the thread
void *thread_init(void (*threadfunc)(void *), void *user, const char *name);
* Waits for a thread to be done or destroyed.
* @ingroup Threads
* @param thread Thread to wait for.
void thread_wait(void *thread);
* Yield the current threads execution slice.
* @ingroup Threads
void thread_yield();
* Puts the thread in the detached thread, guaranteeing that
* resources of the thread will be freed immediately when the
* thread terminates.
* @ingroup Threads
* @param thread Thread to detach
void thread_detach(void *thread);
* Creates a new thread and if it succeeded detaches it.
* @ingroup Threads
* @param threadfunc Entry point for the new thread.
* @param user Pointer to pass to the thread.
* @param name Name describing the use of the thread
* @return The thread if no error occured, 0 on error.
void *thread_init_and_detach(void (*threadfunc)(void *), void *user, const char *name);
// Enable thread safety attributes only with clang.
// The attributes can be safely erased when compiling with other compilers.
#if defined(__clang__) && (!defined(SWIG))
#define THREAD_ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE__(x) __attribute__((x))
#define CAPABILITY(x) \
#define GUARDED_BY(x) \
#define PT_GUARDED_BY(x) \
#define ACQUIRED_BEFORE(...) \
#define ACQUIRED_AFTER(...) \
#define REQUIRES(...) \
#define REQUIRES_SHARED(...) \
#define ACQUIRE(...) \
#define ACQUIRE_SHARED(...) \
#define RELEASE(...) \
#define RELEASE_SHARED(...) \
#define RELEASE_GENERIC(...) \
#define TRY_ACQUIRE(...) \
#define TRY_ACQUIRE_SHARED(...) \
#define EXCLUDES(...) \
* @defgroup Locks
* Synchronization primitives.
* @see Threads
typedef CAPABILITY("mutex") void *LOCK;
* @ingroup Locks
LOCK lock_create();
* @ingroup Locks
void lock_destroy(LOCK lock);
* @ingroup Locks
int lock_trylock(LOCK lock) TRY_ACQUIRE(1, lock);
* @ingroup Locks
void lock_wait(LOCK lock) ACQUIRE(lock);
* @ingroup Locks
void lock_unlock(LOCK lock) RELEASE(lock);
/* Group: Semaphores */
typedef void *SEMAPHORE;
#elif defined(CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS)
#include <semaphore.h>
typedef sem_t *SEMAPHORE;
#elif defined(CONF_FAMILY_UNIX)
#include <semaphore.h>
typedef sem_t SEMAPHORE;
#error not implemented on this platform
* @ingroup Locks
void sphore_init(SEMAPHORE *sem);
* @ingroup Locks
void sphore_wait(SEMAPHORE *sem);
* @ingroup Locks
void sphore_signal(SEMAPHORE *sem);
* @ingroup Locks
void sphore_destroy(SEMAPHORE *sem);
* @defgroup Time
* Time utilities.
* @ingroup Time
void set_new_tick();
* Fetches a sample from a high resolution timer.
* @ingroup Time
* @return Current value of the timer.
* @remark To know how fast the timer is ticking, see @link time_freq @endlink.
* @see time_freq
int64_t time_get_impl();
* Fetches a sample from a high resolution timer.
* @ingroup Time
* @return Current value of the timer.
* @remark To know how fast the timer is ticking, see @link time_freq @endlink.
* @remark Uses @link time_get_impl @endlink to fetch the sample.
* @see time_freq time_get_impl
int64_t time_get();
* @ingroup Time
* @return The frequency of the high resolution timer.
int64_t time_freq();
* Retrieves the current time as a UNIX timestamp
* @ingroup Time
* @return The time as a UNIX timestamp
int time_timestamp();
* Retrieves the hours since midnight (0..23)
* @ingroup Time
* @return The current hour of the day
int time_houroftheday();
* @ingroup Time
* Retrieves the current season of the year.
* @ingroup Time
* @return One of the SEASON_* enum literals
int time_season();
* Fetches a sample from a high resolution timer and converts it in nanoseconds.
* @ingroup Time
* @return Current value of the timer in nanoseconds.
int64_t time_get_nanoseconds();
* @defgroup Network-General
* @ingroup Network-General
* @ingroup Network-General
* @ingroup Network-General
typedef struct NETADDR
unsigned int type;
unsigned char ip[16];
unsigned short port;
* @ingroup Network-General
typedef int UNIXSOCKET;
* @ingroup Network-General
typedef struct sockaddr_un UNIXSOCKETADDR;
* Initiates network functionality.
* @ingroup Network-General
* @return 0 on success.
* @remark You must call this function before using any other network functions.
int net_init();
Function: net_host_lookup
Does a hostname lookup by name and fills out the passed
NETADDR struct with the received details.
0 on success.
int net_host_lookup(const char *hostname, NETADDR *addr, int types);
* Compares two network addresses.
* @ingroup Network-General
* @param a Address to compare
* @param b Address to compare to.
* @return `< 0` - Address a is less than address b
* @return `0` - Address a is equal to address b
* @return `> 0` - Address a is greater than address b
int net_addr_comp(const NETADDR *a, const NETADDR *b);
* Compares two network addresses ignoring port.
* @ingroup Network-General
* @param a Address to compare
* @param b Address to compare to.
* @return `< 0` - Address a is less than address b
* @return `0` - Address a is equal to address b
* @return `> 0` - Address a is greater than address b
int net_addr_comp_noport(const NETADDR *a, const NETADDR *b);
* Turns a network address into a representative string.
* @ingroup Network-General
* @param addr Address to turn into a string.
* @param string Buffer to fill with the string.
* @param max_length Maximum size of the string.
* @param add_port add port to string or not
* @remark The string will always be zero terminated
void net_addr_str(const NETADDR *addr, char *string, int max_length, int add_port);
* Turns string into a network address.
* @param addr Address to fill in.
* @param string String to parse.
* @return 0 on success
int net_addr_from_str(NETADDR *addr, const char *string);
* @defgroup Network-UDP
* @ingroup Network-General
Function: net_socket_type
Determine a socket's type.
sock - Socket whose type should be determined.
The socket type, a bitset of `NETTYPE_IPV4`, `NETTYPE_IPV6` and
int net_socket_type(NETSOCKET sock);
Function: net_udp_create
Creates a UDP socket and binds it to a port.
bindaddr - Address to bind the socket to.
On success it returns an handle to the socket. On failure it
NETSOCKET net_udp_create(NETADDR bindaddr);
* Sends a packet over an UDP socket.
* @ingroup Network-UDP
* @param sock Socket to use.
* @param addr Where to send the packet.
* @param data Pointer to the packet data to send.
* @param size Size of the packet.
* @return On success it returns the number of bytes sent. Returns -1
* on error.
int net_udp_send(NETSOCKET sock, const NETADDR *addr, const void *data, int size);
Function: net_udp_recv
Receives a packet over an UDP socket.
sock - Socket to use.
addr - Pointer to an NETADDR that will receive the address.
data - Received data. Will be invalidated when this function is
called again.
On success it returns the number of bytes received. Returns -1
on error.
int net_udp_recv(NETSOCKET sock, NETADDR *addr, unsigned char **data);
* Closes an UDP socket.
* @ingroup Network-UDP
* @param sock Socket to close.
* @return 0 on success. -1 on error.
int net_udp_close(NETSOCKET sock);
* @defgroup Network-TCP
* @ingroup Network-General
* Creates a TCP socket.
* @ingroup Network-TCP
* @param bindaddr Address to bind the socket to.
* @return On success it returns an handle to the socket. On failure it returns NETSOCKET_INVALID.
NETSOCKET net_tcp_create(NETADDR bindaddr);
* Makes the socket start listening for new connections.
* @ingroup Network-TCP
* @param sock Socket to start listen to.
* @param backlog Size of the queue of incoming connections to keep.
* @return 0 on success.
int net_tcp_listen(NETSOCKET sock, int backlog);
* Polls a listning socket for a new connection.
* @ingroup Network-TCP
* @param sock - Listning socket to poll.
* @param new_sock - Pointer to a socket to fill in with the new socket.
* @param addr - Pointer to an address that will be filled in the remote address (optional, can be NULL).
* @return A non-negative integer on success. Negative integer on failure.
int net_tcp_accept(NETSOCKET sock, NETSOCKET *new_sock, NETADDR *addr);
* Connects one socket to another.
* @ingroup Network-TCP
* @param sock Socket to connect.
* @param addr Address to connect to.
* @return 0 on success.
int net_tcp_connect(NETSOCKET sock, const NETADDR *addr);
* Sends data to a TCP stream.
* @ingroup Network-TCP
* @param sock Socket to send data to.
* @param data Pointer to the data to send.
* @param size Size of the data to send.
* @return Number of bytes sent. Negative value on failure.
int net_tcp_send(NETSOCKET sock, const void *data, int size);
* Recvives data from a TCP stream.
* @ingroup Network-TCP
* @param sock Socket to recvive data from.
* @param data Pointer to a buffer to write the data to
* @param max_size Maximum of data to write to the buffer.
* @return Number of bytes recvived. Negative value on failure. When in
* non-blocking mode, it returns 0 when there is no more data to
* be fetched.
int net_tcp_recv(NETSOCKET sock, void *data, int maxsize);
* Closes a TCP socket.
* @ingroup Network-TCP
* @param sock Socket to close.
* @return 0 on success. Negative value on failure.
int net_tcp_close(NETSOCKET sock);
#if defined(CONF_FAMILY_UNIX)
* @defgroup Network-Unix-Sockets
* @ingroup Network-General
* Creates an unnamed unix datagram socket.
* @ingroup Network-Unix-Sockets
* @return On success it returns a handle to the socket. On failure it returns -1.
UNIXSOCKET net_unix_create_unnamed();
* Sends data to a Unix socket.
* @ingroup Network-Unix-Sockets
* @param sock Socket to use.
* @param addr Where to send the packet.
* @param data Pointer to the packet data to send.
* @param size Size of the packet.
* @return Number of bytes sent. Negative value on failure.
int net_unix_send(UNIXSOCKET sock, UNIXSOCKETADDR *addr, void *data, int size);
* Sets the unixsocketaddress for a path to a socket file.
* @ingroup Network-Unix-Sockets
* @param addr Pointer to the addressstruct to fill.
* @param path Path to the (named) unix socket.
void net_unix_set_addr(UNIXSOCKETADDR *addr, const char *path);
* Closes a Unix socket.
* @ingroup Network-Unix-Sockets
* @param sock Socket to close.
void net_unix_close(UNIXSOCKET sock);
* @defgroup Strings
* String related functions.
* Appends a string to another.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param dst Pointer to a buffer that contains a string.
* @param src String to append.
* @param dst_size Size of the buffer of the dst string.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
* @remark Guarantees that dst string will contain zero-termination.
void str_append(char *dst, const char *src, int dst_size);
* Copies a string to another.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param dst Pointer to a buffer that shall receive the string.
* @param src String to be copied.
* @param dst_size Size of the buffer dst.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
* @remark Guarantees that dst string will contain zero-termination.
void str_copy(char *dst, const char *src, int dst_size);
* Truncates a utf8 encoded string to a given length.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param dst Pointer to a buffer that shall receive the string.
* @param dst_size Size of the buffer dst.
* @param str String to be truncated.
* @param truncation_len Maximum codepoints in the returned string.
* @remark The strings are treated as utf8-encoded zero-terminated strings.
* @remark Guarantees that dst string will contain zero-termination.
void str_utf8_truncate(char *dst, int dst_size, const char *src, int truncation_len);
* Truncates a string to a given length.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param dst Pointer to a buffer that shall receive the string.
* @param dst_size Size of the buffer dst.
* @param src String to be truncated.
* @param truncation_len Maximum length of the returned string (not
* counting the zero termination).
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
* @remark Garantees that dst string will contain zero-termination.
void str_truncate(char *dst, int dst_size, const char *src, int truncation_len);
* Returns the length of a zero terminated string.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param str Pointer to the string.
* @return Length of string in bytes excluding the zero termination.
int str_length(const char *str);
* Performs printf formatting into a buffer.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param buffer Pointer to the buffer to receive the formatted string.
* @param buffer_size Size of the buffer.
* @param format printf formatting string.
* @param ... Parameters for the formatting.
* @return Length of written string, even if it has been truncated
* @remark See the C manual for syntax for the printf formatting string.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
* @remark Guarantees that dst string will contain zero-termination.
int str_format(char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format, ...)
GNUC_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 3, 4)));
* Trims specific number of words at the start of a string.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param str String to trim the words from.
* @param words Count of words to trim.
* @return Trimmed string
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
char *str_trim_words(char *str, int words);
* Replaces all characters below 32 with whitespace.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param str String to sanitize.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
void str_sanitize_cc(char *str);
* Replaces all characters below 32 with whitespace with
* exception to \t, \n and \r.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param str String to sanitize.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
void str_sanitize(char *str);
* Replaces all invalid filename characters with whitespace.
* @param str String to sanitize.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
void str_sanitize_filename(char *str);
* Removes leading and trailing spaces and limits the use of multiple spaces.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param str String to clean up
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-termineted strings.
void str_clean_whitespaces(char *str);
* Skips leading non-whitespace characters(all but ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r').
* @ingroup Strings
* @param str Pointer to the string.
* @return Pointer to the first whitespace character found
* within the string.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
char *str_skip_to_whitespace(char *str);
* @ingroup Strings
* @see str_skip_to_whitespace
const char *str_skip_to_whitespace_const(const char *str);
* Skips leading whitespace characters(' ', '\t', '\n', '\r').
* @ingroup Strings
* @param str Pointer to the string.
* Pointer to the first non-whitespace character found
* within the string.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
char *str_skip_whitespaces(char *str);
* @ingroup Strings
* @see str_skip_whitespaces
const char *str_skip_whitespaces_const(const char *str);
* Compares to strings case insensitively.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param a String to compare.
* @param b String to compare.
* @return `< 0` - String a is less than string b
* @return `0` - String a is equal to string b
* @return `> 0` - String a is greater than string b
* @remark Only guaranteed to work with a-z/A-Z.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
int str_comp_nocase(const char *a, const char *b);
* Compares up to num characters of two strings case insensitively.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param a String to compare.
* @param b String to compare.
* @param num Maximum characters to compare
* @return `< 0` - String a is less than string b
* @return `0` - String a is equal to string b
* @return `> 0` - String a is greater than string b
* @remark Only guaranteed to work with a-z/A-Z.
* (use str_utf8_comp_nocase_num for unicode support)
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
int str_comp_nocase_num(const char *a, const char *b, int num);
* Compares two strings case sensitive.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param a String to compare.
* @param b String to compare.
* @return `< 0` - String a is less than string b
* @return `0` - String a is equal to string b
* @return `> 0` - String a is greater than string b
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
int str_comp(const char *a, const char *b);
* Compares up to num characters of two strings case sensitive.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param a String to compare.
* @param b String to compare.
* @param num Maximum characters to compare
* @return `< 0` - String a is less than string b
* @return `0` - String a is equal to string b
* @return `> 0` - String a is greater than string b
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
int str_comp_num(const char *a, const char *b, int num);
* Compares two strings case sensitive, digit chars will be compared as numbers.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param a String to compare.
* @param b String to compare.
* @return `< 0` - String a is less than string b
* @return `0` - String a is equal to string b
* @return `> 0` - String a is greater than string b
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
int str_comp_filenames(const char *a, const char *b);
Function: str_startswith_nocase
Checks case insensitive whether the string begins with a certain prefix.
str - String to check.
prefix - Prefix to look for.
A pointer to the string str after the string prefix, or 0 if
the string prefix isn't a prefix of the string str.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
const char *str_startswith_nocase(const char *str, const char *prefix);
* Checks case sensitive whether the string begins with a certain prefix.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param str String to check.
* @param prefix Prefix to look for.
* @return A pointer to the string str after the string prefix, or 0 if
* the string prefix isn't a prefix of the string str.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
const char *str_startswith(const char *str, const char *prefix);
Function: str_endswith_nocase
Checks case insensitive whether the string ends with a certain suffix.
str - String to check.
suffix - Suffix to look for.
A pointer to the beginning of the suffix in the string str, or
0 if the string suffix isn't a suffix of the string str.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
const char *str_endswith_nocase(const char *str, const char *suffix);
Function: str_endswith
Checks case sensitive whether the string ends with a certain suffix.
str - String to check.
suffix - Suffix to look for.
A pointer to the beginning of the suffix in the string str, or
0 if the string suffix isn't a suffix of the string str.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
const char *str_endswith(const char *str, const char *suffix);
* Computes the edit distance between two strings.
* @param a First string for the edit distance.
* @param b Second string for the edit distance.
* @return The edit distance between the both strings.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
int str_utf8_dist(const char *a, const char *b);
* Computes the edit distance between two strings, allows buffers
* to be passed in.
* @ingroup Strings
* @param a - First string for the edit distance.
* @param b - Second string for the edit distance.
* @param buf - Buffer for the function.
* @param buf_len Length of the buffer, must be at least as long as
* twice the length of both strings combined plus two.
* @return The edit distance between the both strings.
* @remark The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
int str_utf8_dist_buffer(const char *a, const char *b, int *buf, int buf_len);
Function: str_utf32_dist_buffer
Computes the edit distance between two strings, allows buffers
to be passed in.
a - First string for the edit distance.
a_len - Length of the first string.
b - Second string for the edit distance.
b_len - Length of the second string.
buf - Buffer for the function.
buf_len - Length of the buffer, must be at least as long as
the length of both strings combined plus two.
The edit distance between the both strings.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
int str_utf32_dist_buffer(const int *a, int a_len, const int *b, int b_len, int *buf, int buf_len);
Function: str_find_nocase
Finds a string inside another string case insensitively.
haystack - String to search in
needle - String to search for
A pointer into haystack where the needle was found.
Returns NULL if needle could not be found.
- Only guaranteed to work with a-z/A-Z.
(use str_utf8_find_nocase for unicode support)
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
const char *str_find_nocase(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
Function: str_find
Finds a string inside another string case sensitive.
haystack - String to search in
needle - String to search for
A pointer into haystack where the needle was found.
Returns NULL if needle could not be found.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
const char *str_find(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
Function: str_rchr
Finds the last occurance of a character
haystack - String to search in
needle - Character to search for
A pointer into haystack where the needle was found.
Returns NULL if needle could not be found.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
const char *str_rchr(const char *haystack, char needle);
Function: str_hex
Takes a datablock and generates a hex string of it, with spaces
between bytes.
dst - Buffer to fill with hex data
dst_size - size of the buffer
data - Data to turn into hex
data - Size of the data
- The destination buffer will be zero-terminated
void str_hex(char *dst, int dst_size, const void *data, int data_size);
Function: str_hex_decode
Takes a hex string *without spaces between bytes* and returns a
byte array.
dst - Buffer for the byte array
dst_size - size of the buffer
data - String to decode
2 - String doesn't exactly fit the buffer
1 - Invalid character in string
0 - Success
- The contents of the buffer is only valid on success
int str_hex_decode(void *dst, int dst_size, const char *src);
Function: str_base64
Takes a datablock and generates the base64 encoding of it.
dst - Buffer to fill with base64 data
dst_size - Size of the buffer
data - Data to turn into base64
data - Size of the data
- The destination buffer will be zero-terminated
void str_base64(char *dst, int dst_size, const void *data, int data_size);
Function: str_base64_decode
Takes a base64 string without any whitespace and correct
padding and returns a byte array.
dst - Buffer for the byte array
dst_size - Size of the buffer
data - String to decode
<0 - Error
>= 0 - Success, length of the resulting byte buffer
- The contents of the buffer is only valid on success
int str_base64_decode(void *dst, int dst_size, const char *data);
Function: str_timestamp
Copies a time stamp in the format year-month-day_hour-minute-second to the string.
buffer - Pointer to a buffer that shall receive the time stamp string.
buffer_size - Size of the buffer.
- Guarantees that buffer string will contain zero-termination.
void str_timestamp(char *buffer, int buffer_size);
void str_timestamp_format(char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format)
GNUC_ATTRIBUTE((format(strftime, 3, 0)));
void str_timestamp_ex(time_t time, char *buffer, int buffer_size, const char *format)
GNUC_ATTRIBUTE((format(strftime, 4, 0)));
#define FORMAT_TIME "%H:%M:%S"
#define FORMAT_SPACE "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
#define FORMAT_NOSPACE "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"
Function: str_times
Formats a time string.
centisecs - Time in centiseconds, minimum value clamped to 0
format - Format of the time string, see enum above, for example TIME_DAYS
buffer - Pointer to a buffer that shall receive the time stamp string.
buffer_size - Size of the buffer.
Number of bytes written, -1 on invalid format or buffer_size <= 0
- Guarantees that buffer string will contain zero-termination, assuming
buffer_size > 0.
int str_time(int64_t centisecs, int format, char *buffer, int buffer_size);
int str_time_float(float secs, int format, char *buffer, int buffer_size);
Function: str_escape
Escapes \ and " characters in a string.
dst - Destination array pointer, gets increased, will point to
the terminating null.
src - Source array
end - End of destination array
void str_escape(char **dst, const char *src, const char *end);
/* Group: Filesystem */
Function: fs_listdir
Lists the files in a directory
dir - Directory to list
cb - Callback function to call for each entry
type - Type of the directory
user - Pointer to give to the callback
typedef int (*FS_LISTDIR_CALLBACK)(const char *name, int is_dir, int dir_type, void *user);
void fs_listdir(const char *dir, FS_LISTDIR_CALLBACK cb, int type, void *user);
typedef struct
const char *m_pName;
time_t m_TimeCreated; // seconds since UNIX Epoch
time_t m_TimeModified; // seconds since UNIX Epoch
} CFsFileInfo;
Function: fs_listdir_fileinfo
Lists the files in a directory and gets additional file information
dir - Directory to list
cb - Callback function to call for each entry
type - Type of the directory
user - Pointer to give to the callback
typedef int (*FS_LISTDIR_CALLBACK_FILEINFO)(const CFsFileInfo *info, int is_dir, int dir_type, void *user);
void fs_listdir_fileinfo(const char *dir, FS_LISTDIR_CALLBACK_FILEINFO cb, int type, void *user);
Function: fs_makedir
Creates a directory
path - Directory to create
Returns 0 on success. Negative value on failure.
Does not create several directories if needed. "a/b/c" will result
in a failure if b or a does not exist.
int fs_makedir(const char *path);
Function: fs_removedir
Removes a directory
path - Directory to remove
Returns 0 on success. Negative value on failure.
Cannot remove a non-empty directory.
int fs_removedir(const char *path);
Function: fs_makedir_rec_for
Recursively create directories for a file
path - File for which to create directories
Returns 0 on success. Negative value on failure.
int fs_makedir_rec_for(const char *path);
Function: fs_storage_path
Fetches per user configuration directory.
Returns 0 on success. Negative value on failure.
- Returns ~/.appname on UNIX based systems
- Returns ~/Library/Applications Support/appname on macOS
- Returns %APPDATA%/Appname on Windows based systems
int fs_storage_path(const char *appname, char *path, int max);
Function: fs_is_dir
Checks if directory exists
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
int fs_is_dir(const char *path);
Function: fs_chdir
Changes current working directory
Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
int fs_chdir(const char *path);
Function: fs_getcwd
Gets the current working directory.
Returns a pointer to the buffer on success, 0 on failure.
char *fs_getcwd(char *buffer, int buffer_size);
Function: fs_parent_dir
Get the parent directory of a directory
path - The directory string
Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- The string is treated as zero-terminated string.
int fs_parent_dir(char *path);
Function: fs_remove
Deletes the file with the specified name.
filename - The file to delete
Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
- Returns an error if the path specifies a directory name.
int fs_remove(const char *filename);
Function: fs_rename
Renames the file or directory. If the paths differ the file will be moved.
oldname - The current name
newname - The new name
Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
int fs_rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname);
Function: fs_file_time
Gets the creation and the last modification date of a file.
name - The filename.
created - Pointer to time_t
modified - Pointer to time_t
0 on success, non-zero on failure
- Returned time is in seconds since UNIX Epoch
int fs_file_time(const char *name, time_t *created, time_t *modified);
Group: Undocumented
Function: net_tcp_connect_non_blocking
int net_tcp_connect_non_blocking(NETSOCKET sock, NETADDR bindaddr);
Function: net_set_non_blocking
int net_set_non_blocking(NETSOCKET sock);
Function: net_set_non_blocking
int net_set_blocking(NETSOCKET sock);
Function: net_errno
int net_errno();
Function: net_would_block
int net_would_block();
int net_socket_read_wait(NETSOCKET sock, int time);
Function: open_link
Opens a link in the browser.
link - The link to open in a browser.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
This may not be called with untrusted input or it'll result in arbitrary code execution, especially on Windows.
int open_link(const char *link);
Function: open_file
Opens a file or directory with default program.
path - The path to open.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
This may not be called with untrusted input or it'll result in arbitrary code execution, especially on Windows.
int open_file(const char *path);
void swap_endian(void *data, unsigned elem_size, unsigned num);
typedef struct
uint64_t sent_packets;
uint64_t sent_bytes;
uint64_t recv_packets;
uint64_t recv_bytes;
void net_stats(NETSTATS *stats);
int str_toint(const char *str);
int str_toint_base(const char *str, int base);
unsigned long str_toulong_base(const char *str, int base);
float str_tofloat(const char *str);
int str_isspace(char c);
char str_uppercase(char c);
int str_isallnum(const char *str);
unsigned str_quickhash(const char *str);
struct SKELETON;
void str_utf8_skeleton_begin(struct SKELETON *skel, const char *str);
int str_utf8_skeleton_next(struct SKELETON *skel);
int str_utf8_to_skeleton(const char *str, int *buf, int buf_len);
Function: str_utf8_comp_confusable
Compares two strings for visual appearance.
str1 - String to compare.
str2 - String to compare.
0 if the strings are confusable.
!=0 otherwise.
int str_utf8_comp_confusable(const char *str1, const char *str2);
Function: str_utf8_tolower
Converts the given Unicode codepoint to lowercase (locale insensitive).
code - Unicode codepoint to convert.
Lowercase codepoint
int str_utf8_tolower(int code);
Function: str_utf8_comp_nocase
Compares two utf8 strings case insensitively.
a - String to compare.
b - String to compare.
<0 - String a is less than string b
0 - String a is equal to string b
>0 - String a is greater than string b
int str_utf8_comp_nocase(const char *a, const char *b);
Function: str_utf8_comp_nocase_num
Compares up to num bytes of two utf8 strings case insensitively.
a - String to compare.
b - String to compare.
num - Maximum bytes to compare
<0 - String a is less than string b
0 - String a is equal to string b
>0 - String a is greater than string b
int str_utf8_comp_nocase_num(const char *a, const char *b, int num);
Function: str_utf8_find_nocase
Finds a utf8 string inside another utf8 string case insensitively.
haystack - String to search in
needle - String to search for
A pointer into haystack where the needle was found.
Returns NULL if needle could not be found.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
const char *str_utf8_find_nocase(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
Function: str_utf8_isspace
Checks whether the given Unicode codepoint renders as space.
code - Unicode codepoint to check.
0 if the codepoint does not render as space, != 0 if it does.
int str_utf8_isspace(int code);
int str_utf8_isstart(char c);
Function: str_utf8_skip_whitespaces
Skips leading characters that render as spaces.
str - Pointer to the string.
Pointer to the first non-whitespace character found
within the string.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
const char *str_utf8_skip_whitespaces(const char *str);
Function: str_utf8_trim_right
Removes trailing characters that render as spaces by modifying
the string in-place.
param - Pointer to the string.
- The strings are treated as zero-terminated strings.
- The string is modified in-place.
void str_utf8_trim_right(char *param);
Function: str_utf8_rewind
Moves a cursor backwards in an utf8 string
str - utf8 string
cursor - position in the string
New cursor position.
- Won't move the cursor less then 0
int str_utf8_rewind(const char *str, int cursor);
Function: str_utf8_fix_truncation
Fixes truncation of a Unicode character at the end of a UTF-8
The new string length.
str - utf8 string
int str_utf8_fix_truncation(char *str);
Function: str_utf8_forward
Moves a cursor forwards in an utf8 string
str - utf8 string
cursor - position in the string
New cursor position.
- Won't move the cursor beyond the zero termination marker
int str_utf8_forward(const char *str, int cursor);
Function: str_utf8_decode
Decodes a utf8 codepoint
ptr - Pointer to a utf8 string. This pointer will be moved forward.
The Unicode codepoint. -1 for invalid input and 0 for end of string.
- This function will also move the pointer forward.
- You may call this function again after an error occurred.
int str_utf8_decode(const char **ptr);
Function: str_utf8_encode
Encode an utf8 character
ptr - Pointer to a buffer that should receive the data. Should be able to hold at least 4 bytes.
Number of bytes put into the buffer.
- Does not do zero termination of the string.
int str_utf8_encode(char *ptr, int chr);
Function: str_utf16le_encode
Encode an utf8 character
ptr - Pointer to a buffer that should receive the data. Should be able to hold at least 4 bytes.
Number of bytes put into the buffer.
- Does not do zero termination of the string.
int str_utf16le_encode(char *ptr, int chr);
Function: str_utf8_check
Checks if a strings contains just valid utf8 characters.
str - Pointer to a possible utf8 string.
0 - invalid characters found.
1 - only valid characters found.
- The string is treated as zero-terminated utf8 string.
int str_utf8_check(const char *str);
Function: str_utf8_stats
Determines the byte size and utf8 character count of a utf8 string.
str - Pointer to the string.
max_size - Maximum number of bytes to count.
max_count - Maximum number of utf8 characters to count.
size - Pointer to store size (number of non-zero bytes) of the string.
count - Pointer to store count of utf8 characters of the string.
- The string is treated as zero-terminated utf8 string.
- It's the user's responsibility to make sure the bounds are aligned.
void str_utf8_stats(const char *str, int max_size, int max_count, int *size, int *count);
Function: str_next_token
Writes the next token after str into buf, returns the rest of the string.
str - Pointer to string.
delim - Delimiter for tokenization.
buffer - Buffer to store token in.
buffer_size - Size of the buffer.
Pointer to rest of the string.
- The token is always null-terminated.
const char *str_next_token(const char *str, const char *delim, char *buffer, int buffer_size);
Function: str_in_list
Checks if needle is in list delimited by delim
list - List
delim - List delimiter.
needle - Item that is being looked for.
1 - Item is in list.
0 - Item isn't in list.
int str_in_list(const char *list, const char *delim, const char *needle);
Function: bytes_be_to_int
Packs 4 big endian bytes into an int
The packed int
- Assumes the passed array is 4 bytes
- Assumes int is 4 bytes
int bytes_be_to_int(const unsigned char *bytes);
Function: int_to_bytes_be
Packs an int into 4 big endian bytes
- Assumes the passed array is 4 bytes
- Assumes int is 4 bytes
void int_to_bytes_be(unsigned char *bytes, int value);
Function: bytes_be_to_uint
Packs 4 big endian bytes into an unsigned
The packed unsigned
- Assumes the passed array is 4 bytes
- Assumes unsigned is 4 bytes
unsigned bytes_be_to_uint(const unsigned char *bytes);
Function: uint_to_bytes_be
Packs an unsigned into 4 big endian bytes
- Assumes the passed array is 4 bytes
- Assumes unsigned is 4 bytes
void uint_to_bytes_be(unsigned char *bytes, unsigned value);
Function: pid
Returns the pid of the current process.
pid of the current process
int pid();
Function: cmdline_fix
Fixes the command line arguments to be encoded in UTF-8 on all
argc - A pointer to the argc parameter that was passed to the main function.
argv - A pointer to the argv parameter that was passed to the main function.
- You need to call cmdline_free once you're no longer using the
void cmdline_fix(int *argc, const char ***argv);
Function: cmdline_free
Frees memory that was allocated by cmdline_fix.
argc - The argc obtained from cmdline_fix.
argv - The argv obtained from cmdline_fix.
void cmdline_free(int argc, const char **argv);
typedef void *PROCESS;
typedef pid_t PROCESS;
Function: shell_execute
Executes a given file.
handle/pid of the new process
PROCESS shell_execute(const char *file);
Function: kill_process
Sends kill signal to a process.
process - handle/pid of the process
0 - Error
1 - Success
int kill_process(PROCESS process);
Function: generate_password
Generates a null-terminated password of length `2 *
buffer - Pointer to the start of the output buffer.
length - Length of the buffer.
random - Pointer to a randomly-initialized array of shorts.
random_length - Length of the short array.
void generate_password(char *buffer, unsigned length, unsigned short *random, unsigned random_length);
Function: secure_random_init
Initializes the secure random module.
You *MUST* check the return value of this function.
0 - Initialization succeeded.
1 - Initialization failed.
int secure_random_init();
Function: secure_random_uninit
Uninitializes the secure random module.
0 - Uninitialization succeeded.
1 - Uninitialization failed.
int secure_random_uninit();
Function: secure_random_password
Fills the buffer with the specified amount of random password
The desired password length must be greater or equal to 6, even
and smaller or equal to 128.
buffer - Pointer to the start of the buffer.
length - Length of the buffer.
pw_length - Length of the desired password.
void secure_random_password(char *buffer, unsigned length, unsigned pw_length);
Function: secure_random_fill
Fills the buffer with the specified amount of random bytes.
buffer - Pointer to the start of the buffer.
length - Length of the buffer.
void secure_random_fill(void *bytes, unsigned length);
Function: secure_rand
Returns random int (replacement for rand()).
int secure_rand();
Function: secure_rand_below
Returns a random nonnegative integer below the given number,
with a uniform distribution.
below - Upper limit (exclusive) of integers to return.
int secure_rand_below(int below);
Function: set_console_msg_color
Sets the console color.
rgb - If NULL it will reset the console color to default, else it will transform the rgb color to a console color
void set_console_msg_color(const void *rgbvoid);
Function: os_version_str
Returns a human-readable version string of the operating system
version - Buffer to use for the output.
length - Length of the output buffer.
0 - Success in getting the version.
1 - Failure in getting the version.
int os_version_str(char *version, int length);
void init_exception_handler();
void set_exception_handler_log_file(const char *log_file_path);
Type safe wrappers for the c system
namespace tw {
* Fetches a sample from a high resolution timer and converts it in nanoseconds.
* @ingroup Time
* @return Current value of the timer in nanoseconds.
std::chrono::nanoseconds time_get();
int net_socket_read_wait(NETSOCKET sock, std::chrono::nanoseconds nanoseconds);
} // namespace tw