Robert Müller d642abd722 Add font index, support font family variants depending on language
Add `fonts/index.json` which specifies:

- List of all font files that should be loaded (filenames).
- Default font (specified by family name or by family and style name).
- Font variants for different languages, using the name of the language file as key.
- Fallback fonts.
- Icon font.

There are characters (e.g. all in `刃直海角骨入`) that look different depending on the language of the content being Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Hangul, because Unicode uses the same codepoint for characters regardless of the language. To render these characters correctly, the active variant font is switched depending on the selected language.

The `ITextRender` interface is changed so the current language variant can be set using `SetFontLanguageVariant` and the default and icon fonts can be toggled using `SetFontPreset`. The class `CFont` is removed entirely.

The text render is restructured: The font faces and font atlas are now managed by a separate class `CGlyphMap` like on upstream. As the text fill and outline textures always have the same size, the texture skyline only needs to be stored once and free positions in the atlas only need to be calculated once for each glyph instead of separately for the fill and outline textures.

The font files and their licenses are also updated:

- Update Source Han Sans to version 2.001.
- Update Glow Sans Japanese Compressed to version 0.93.
- Update Deja Vu Sans to version 2.37.
- Update Font Awesome icons font to March 2023 version.

Closes #6881.
2023-08-01 19:30:25 +02:00

344 lines
10 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#include "kernel.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include "message.h"
#include <base/hash.h>
#include <game/generated/protocol.h>
#include <engine/friends.h>
#include <functional>
struct SWarning;
typedef bool (*CLIENTFUNC_FILTER)(const void *pData, int DataSize, void *pUser);
struct CChecksumData;
class IClient : public IInterface
MACRO_INTERFACE("client", 0)
/* Constants: Client States
STATE_OFFLINE - The client is offline.
STATE_CONNECTING - The client is trying to connect to a server.
STATE_LOADING - The client has connected to a server and is loading resources.
STATE_ONLINE - The client is connected to a server and running the game.
STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK - The client is playing a demo
STATE_QUITTING - The client is quitting.
enum EClientState
* More precise state for @see STATE_LOADING
* Sets what is actually happening in the client right now
enum ELoadingStateDetail
typedef std::function<void()> TMapLoadingCallbackFunc;
// quick access to state of the client
EClientState m_State;
ELoadingStateDetail m_LoadingStateDetail;
int64_t m_StateStartTime;
// quick access to time variables
int m_aPrevGameTick[NUM_DUMMIES];
int m_aCurGameTick[NUM_DUMMIES];
float m_aGameIntraTick[NUM_DUMMIES];
float m_aGameTickTime[NUM_DUMMIES];
float m_aGameIntraTickSincePrev[NUM_DUMMIES];
int m_aPredTick[NUM_DUMMIES];
float m_aPredIntraTick[NUM_DUMMIES];
float m_LocalTime;
float m_GlobalTime;
float m_RenderFrameTime;
int m_GameTickSpeed;
float m_FrameTimeAvg;
TMapLoadingCallbackFunc m_MapLoadingCBFunc;
char m_aNews[3000];
char m_aMapDownloadUrl[256];
int m_Points;
int64_t m_ReconnectTime;
class CSnapItem
int m_Type;
int m_ID;
int m_DataSize;
// Different global IP address has been detected for UDP and
// TCP connections.
inline EClientState State() const { return m_State; }
inline ELoadingStateDetail LoadingStateDetail() const { return m_LoadingStateDetail; }
inline int64_t StateStartTime() const { return m_StateStartTime; }
void SetLoadingStateDetail(ELoadingStateDetail LoadingStateDetail) { m_LoadingStateDetail = LoadingStateDetail; }
void SetMapLoadingCBFunc(TMapLoadingCallbackFunc &&Func) { m_MapLoadingCBFunc = std::move(Func); }
// tick time access
inline int PrevGameTick(int Conn) const { return m_aPrevGameTick[Conn]; }
inline int GameTick(int Conn) const { return m_aCurGameTick[Conn]; }
inline int PredGameTick(int Conn) const { return m_aPredTick[Conn]; }
inline float IntraGameTick(int Conn) const { return m_aGameIntraTick[Conn]; }
inline float PredIntraGameTick(int Conn) const { return m_aPredIntraTick[Conn]; }
inline float IntraGameTickSincePrev(int Conn) const { return m_aGameIntraTickSincePrev[Conn]; }
inline float GameTickTime(int Conn) const { return m_aGameTickTime[Conn]; }
inline int GameTickSpeed() const { return m_GameTickSpeed; }
// other time access
inline float RenderFrameTime() const { return m_RenderFrameTime; }
inline float LocalTime() const { return m_LocalTime; }
inline float GlobalTime() const { return m_GlobalTime; }
inline float FrameTimeAvg() const { return m_FrameTimeAvg; }
// actions
virtual void Connect(const char *pAddress, const char *pPassword = nullptr) = 0;
virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
// dummy
virtual void DummyDisconnect(const char *pReason) = 0;
virtual void DummyConnect() = 0;
virtual bool DummyConnected() = 0;
virtual bool DummyConnecting() = 0;
virtual bool DummyAllowed() = 0;
virtual void Restart() = 0;
virtual void Quit() = 0;
virtual const char *DemoPlayer_Play(const char *pFilename, int StorageType) = 0;
virtual const char *DemoPlayer_Render(const char *pFilename, int StorageType, const char *pVideoName, int SpeedIndex) = 0;
virtual void DemoRecorder_Start(const char *pFilename, bool WithTimestamp, int Recorder) = 0;
virtual void DemoRecorder_HandleAutoStart() = 0;
virtual void DemoRecorder_Stop(int Recorder, bool RemoveFile = false) = 0;
virtual class IDemoRecorder *DemoRecorder(int Recorder) = 0;
virtual void AutoScreenshot_Start() = 0;
virtual void AutoStatScreenshot_Start() = 0;
virtual void AutoCSV_Start() = 0;
virtual void ServerBrowserUpdate() = 0;
// gfx
virtual void SwitchWindowScreen(int Index) = 0;
virtual void SetWindowParams(int FullscreenMode, bool IsBorderless, bool AllowResizing) = 0;
virtual void ToggleWindowVSync() = 0;
virtual void Notify(const char *pTitle, const char *pMessage) = 0;
virtual void UpdateAndSwap() = 0;
// networking
virtual void EnterGame(int Conn) = 0;
virtual const NETADDR &ServerAddress() const = 0;
virtual int ConnectNetTypes() const = 0;
virtual const char *ConnectAddressString() const = 0;
virtual const char *MapDownloadName() const = 0;
virtual int MapDownloadAmount() const = 0;
virtual int MapDownloadTotalsize() const = 0;
// input
virtual int *GetInput(int Tick, int IsDummy = 0) const = 0;
// remote console
virtual void RconAuth(const char *pUsername, const char *pPassword) = 0;
virtual bool RconAuthed() const = 0;
virtual bool UseTempRconCommands() const = 0;
virtual void Rcon(const char *pLine) = 0;
// server info
virtual void GetServerInfo(class CServerInfo *pServerInfo) const = 0;
virtual int GetPredictionTime() = 0;
// snapshot interface
// TODO: Refactor: should redo this a bit i think, too many virtual calls
virtual int SnapNumItems(int SnapID) const = 0;
virtual const void *SnapFindItem(int SnapID, int Type, int ID) const = 0;
virtual void *SnapGetItem(int SnapID, int Index, CSnapItem *pItem) const = 0;
virtual int SnapItemSize(int SnapID, int Index) const = 0;
virtual void SnapSetStaticsize(int ItemType, int Size) = 0;
virtual int SendMsg(int Conn, CMsgPacker *pMsg, int Flags) = 0;
virtual int SendMsgActive(CMsgPacker *pMsg, int Flags) = 0;
template<class T>
int SendPackMsgActive(T *pMsg, int Flags)
CMsgPacker Packer(T::ms_MsgID, false);
return -1;
return SendMsgActive(&Packer, Flags);
virtual const char *PlayerName() const = 0;
virtual const char *DummyName() const = 0;
virtual const char *ErrorString() const = 0;
virtual const char *LatestVersion() const = 0;
virtual bool ConnectionProblems() const = 0;
virtual bool SoundInitFailed() const = 0;
virtual IGraphics::CTextureHandle GetDebugFont() const = 0; // TODO: remove this function
virtual const char *GetCurrentMap() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetCurrentMapPath() const = 0;
virtual SHA256_DIGEST GetCurrentMapSha256() const = 0;
virtual unsigned GetCurrentMapCrc() const = 0;
virtual int GetCurrentRaceTime() = 0;
virtual void RaceRecord_Start(const char *pFilename) = 0;
virtual void RaceRecord_Stop() = 0;
virtual bool RaceRecord_IsRecording() = 0;
virtual void DemoSliceBegin() = 0;
virtual void DemoSliceEnd() = 0;
virtual void DemoSlice(const char *pDstPath, CLIENTFUNC_FILTER pfnFilter, void *pUser) = 0;
virtual void RequestDDNetInfo() = 0;
virtual bool EditorHasUnsavedData() const = 0;
virtual void GenerateTimeoutSeed() = 0;
virtual IFriends *Foes() = 0;
virtual void GetSmoothTick(int *pSmoothTick, float *pSmoothIntraTick, float MixAmount) = 0;
virtual SWarning *GetCurWarning() = 0;
virtual CChecksumData *ChecksumData() = 0;
virtual bool InfoTaskRunning() = 0;
virtual int UdpConnectivity(int NetType) = 0;
virtual void ShellRegister() = 0;
virtual void ShellUnregister() = 0;
enum EMessageBoxType
virtual void ShowMessageBox(const char *pTitle, const char *pMessage, EMessageBoxType Type = MESSAGE_BOX_TYPE_ERROR) = 0;
virtual void GetGPUInfoString(char (&aGPUInfo)[256]) = 0;
class IGameClient : public IInterface
MACRO_INTERFACE("gameclient", 0)
virtual void OnConsoleInit() = 0;
virtual void OnRconType(bool UsernameReq) = 0;
virtual void OnRconLine(const char *pLine) = 0;
virtual void OnInit() = 0;
virtual void InvalidateSnapshot() = 0;
virtual void OnNewSnapshot() = 0;
virtual void OnEnterGame() = 0;
virtual void OnShutdown() = 0;
virtual void OnRender() = 0;
virtual void OnUpdate() = 0;
virtual void OnStateChange(int NewState, int OldState) = 0;
virtual void OnConnected() = 0;
virtual void OnMessage(int MsgID, CUnpacker *pUnpacker, int Conn, bool Dummy) = 0;
virtual void OnPredict() = 0;
virtual void OnActivateEditor() = 0;
virtual int OnSnapInput(int *pData, bool Dummy, bool Force) = 0;
virtual void OnDummySwap() = 0;
virtual void SendDummyInfo(bool Start) = 0;
virtual int GetLastRaceTick() = 0;
virtual const char *GetItemName(int Type) const = 0;
virtual const char *Version() const = 0;
virtual const char *NetVersion() const = 0;
virtual int DDNetVersion() const = 0;
virtual const char *DDNetVersionStr() const = 0;
virtual void OnDummyDisconnect() = 0;
virtual void DummyResetInput() = 0;
virtual void Echo(const char *pString) = 0;
virtual bool CanDisplayWarning() = 0;
virtual bool IsDisplayingWarning() = 0;
virtual CNetObjHandler *GetNetObjHandler() = 0;
void SnapshotRemoveExtraProjectileInfo(unsigned char *pData);
extern IGameClient *CreateGameClient();