2022-03-30 18:55:04 +02:00

167 lines
5.9 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#include <engine/graphics.h>
#include <engine/shared/config.h>
#include <engine/textrender.h>
#include <game/generated/client_data.h>
#include <game/generated/protocol.h>
#include <game/layers.h>
#include <game/client/animstate.h>
#include <game/client/gameclient.h>
#include <game/client/render.h>
//#include "controls.h"
//#include "camera.h"
#include "debughud.h"
void CDebugHud::RenderNetCorrections()
if(!g_Config.m_Debug || g_Config.m_DbgGraphs || !m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter || !m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter)
float Width = 300 * Graphics()->ScreenAspect();
Graphics()->MapScreen(0, 0, Width, 300);
/*float speed = distance(vec2(netobjects.local_prev_character->x, netobjects.local_prev_character->y),
vec2(netobjects.local_character->x, netobjects.local_character->y));*/
float Velspeed = length(vec2(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_VelX / 256.0f, m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_VelY / 256.0f)) * 50;
float Ramp = VelocityRamp(Velspeed, m_pClient->m_Tuning[g_Config.m_ClDummy].m_VelrampStart, m_pClient->m_Tuning[g_Config.m_ClDummy].m_VelrampRange, m_pClient->m_Tuning[g_Config.m_ClDummy].m_VelrampCurvature);
const char *paStrings[] = {"velspeed:", "velspeed*ramp:", "ramp:", "checkpoint:", "Pos", " x:", " y:", "angle:", "netobj corrections", " num:", " on:"};
const int Num = std::size(paStrings);
const float LineHeight = 6.0f;
const float Fontsize = 5.0f;
float x = Width - 100.0f, y = 50.0f;
for(int i = 0; i < Num; ++i)
TextRender()->Text(0, x, y + i * LineHeight, Fontsize, paStrings[i], -1.0f);
x = Width - 10.0f;
char aBuf[128];
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.0f", Velspeed / 32);
float w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0, x - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f);
y += LineHeight;
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.0f", Velspeed / 32 * Ramp);
w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0, x - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f);
y += LineHeight;
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", Ramp);
w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0, x - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f);
y += LineHeight;
const CCharacter *pCharacter = m_pClient->m_GameWorld.GetCharacterByID(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID);
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", pCharacter->m_TeleCheckpoint);
str_copy(aBuf, "-1", sizeof(aBuf));
w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0, x - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f);
y += 2 * LineHeight;
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_X / 32.0f);
w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0, x - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f);
y += LineHeight;
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_Y / 32.0f);
w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0, x - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f);
y += LineHeight;
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_Angle);
w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0, x - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f);
y += 2 * LineHeight;
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", m_pClient->NetobjNumCorrections());
w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0, x - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f);
y += LineHeight;
w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, m_pClient->NetobjCorrectedOn(), -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0, x - w, y, Fontsize, m_pClient->NetobjCorrectedOn(), -1.0f);
void CDebugHud::RenderTuning()
// render tuning debugging
CTuningParams StandardTuning;
Graphics()->MapScreen(0, 0, 300 * Graphics()->ScreenAspect(), 300);
float y = 27.0f;
int Count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < CTuningParams::Num(); i++)
char aBuf[128];
float Current, Standard;
m_pClient->m_Tuning[g_Config.m_ClDummy].Get(i, &Current);
StandardTuning.Get(i, &Standard);
if(Standard == Current)
TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1.0f);
TextRender()->TextColor(1, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f);
float w;
float x = 5.0f;
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", Standard);
x += 20.0f;
w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 5, aBuf, -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0x0, x - w, y + Count * 6, 5, aBuf, -1.0f);
str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", Current);
x += 20.0f;
w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 5, aBuf, -1, -1.0f);
TextRender()->Text(0x0, x - w, y + Count * 6, 5, aBuf, -1.0f);
x += 5.0f;
TextRender()->Text(0x0, x, y + Count * 6, 5, CTuningParams::ms_apNames[i], -1.0f);
y = y + Count * 6;
float Height = 50.0f;
float pv = 1;
IGraphics::CLineItem Array[100];
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
float Speed = i / 100.0f * 3000;
float Ramp = VelocityRamp(Speed, m_pClient->m_Tuning[g_Config.m_ClDummy].m_VelrampStart, m_pClient->m_Tuning[g_Config.m_ClDummy].m_VelrampRange, m_pClient->m_Tuning[g_Config.m_ClDummy].m_VelrampCurvature);
float RampedSpeed = (Speed * Ramp) / 1000.0f;
Array[i] = IGraphics::CLineItem((i - 1) * 2, y + Height - pv * Height, i * 2, y + Height - RampedSpeed * Height);
//Graphics()->LinesDraw((i-1)*2, 200, i*2, 200);
pv = RampedSpeed;
Graphics()->LinesDraw(Array, 100);
TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
void CDebugHud::RenderHint()
float Width = 300 * Graphics()->ScreenAspect();
Graphics()->MapScreen(0, 0, Width, 300);
TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
TextRender()->Text(0x0, 5, 290, 5, Localize("Debug mode enabled. Press Ctrl+Shift+D to disable debug mode."), -1.0f);
void CDebugHud::OnRender()