Robert Müller 7eb5966f6f Implement FIFO on Windows using Named Pipes
Reimplement the Linux FIFO file server and client controls on Windows by using Named Pipes.

The DDNet server/client acts as a named pipe server and receives messages.
Messages can be posted to the named pipe server by connecting to it as a client.
The named pipe client can for instance be controlled from the command line with PowerShell.

The PowerShell script `scripts/send_named_pipe.ps1` is added for this purpose.
For example the PowerShell command `./send_named_pipe.ps1 "testpipe" "echo a"` sends the command `echo a` to the pipe named `testpipe`.
Multiple commands can be sent at the same time by separating them with semicolons or newlines.
2023-01-21 11:13:02 +01:00

34 lines
1 KiB

# This PowerShell script connects to a Named Pipe server,
# sends one message and then disconnects again.
# The first argument is the name of the pipe.
# The second argument is the message to send.
if ($args.length -lt 2) {
Write-Output "Usage: ./send_named_pipe.ps1 <pipename> <message> [message] ... [message]"
$Wrapper = [pscustomobject]@{
Pipe = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream(
Reader = $null
Writer = $null
if (!$?) {
$Wrapper.Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Wrapper.Pipe)
$Wrapper.Writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($Wrapper.Pipe)
$Wrapper.Writer.AutoFlush = $true
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $args.length; $i++) {
# We need to wait because the lines will not be written if we close the pipe immediately
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1.5