heinrich5991 17402cc43f Rename all variables for strict camel-casing of abbreviations
This is the strict version, ID → Id, UI → Ui, except DDNet which stays

This would fix #7750.

Done using a naive rename script (for bash, use `shopt -s globstar`):

sed -i \
	-e 's/\([a-z]_\?\)ID/\1Id/g' \
	-e 's/\([^ ]\)\<UI\>/\1Ui/g' \
	-e 's/UI()/Ui()/g' \
	-e 's/\<CUI\>/CUi/g' \
	-e 's/\([\ta-z.(&]\|[,=|] \)ID\>/\1Id/g' \
	-e 's/\<ID\>\([^ ").]\)/Id\1/g' \
	-e 's/\<ID\([0-9]\)/Id\1/g' \
	-e 's/\<ID\>\( [<=>:+*/-]\)/Id\1/g' \
	-e 's/int ID/int Id/g' \
	-e 's/\([a-z]_\?\)GPU/\1Gpu/g' \
	-e 's/\([a-z]_\?\)IP/\1Ip/g' \
	-e 's/\([a-z]_\?\)CID/\1Cid/g' \
	-e 's/\([a-z]_\?\)MySQL/\1Mysql/g' \
	-e 's/MySql/Mysql/g' \
	-e 's/\([a-xz]_\?\)SQL/\1Sql/g' \
	-e 's/DPMode/DpMode/g' \
	-e 's/TTWGraphics/TTwGraphics/g' \
	-e 's/Ipointer/IPointer/g' \
	-e 's/\.vendorId/.vendorID/g' \
	-e 's/\.windowId/.windowID/g' \
	-e 's/SDL_GetWindowFromId/SDL_GetWindowFromID/g' \
	-e 's/SDL_AudioDeviceId/SDL_AudioDeviceID/g' \
	-e 's/SDL_JoystickId/SDL_JoystickID/g' \
	-e 's/SDL_JoystickInstanceId/SDL_JoystickInstanceID/g' \
	-e 's/AVCodecId/AVCodecID/g' \
	src/**/*.cpp src/**/*.h {datasrc,scripts}/**/*.py
git checkout -- src/engine/external

I like this option because it presents clear rules.

Still needs fixups because of the naive replacement, I'd do this if we
want this merged.
2024-03-05 15:44:09 +01:00

157 lines
5.3 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#include <SDL_events.h>
#include <SDL_joystick.h>
#include <engine/input.h>
#include <engine/keys.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class IEngineGraphics;
class CInput : public IEngineInput
class CJoystick : public IJoystick
friend class CInput;
CInput *m_pInput;
int m_Index;
char m_aName[64];
char m_aGUID[34];
SDL_JoystickID m_InstanceId;
int m_NumAxes;
int m_NumButtons;
int m_NumBalls;
int m_NumHats;
SDL_Joystick *m_pDelegate;
CInput *Input() { return m_pInput; }
CJoystick() {}
CJoystick(CInput *pInput, int Index, SDL_Joystick *pDelegate);
virtual ~CJoystick() = default;
int GetIndex() const override { return m_Index; }
const char *GetName() const override { return m_aName; }
const char *GetGUID() const { return m_aGUID; }
SDL_JoystickID GetInstanceId() const { return m_InstanceId; }
int GetNumAxes() const override { return m_NumAxes; }
int GetNumButtons() const override { return m_NumButtons; }
int GetNumBalls() const override { return m_NumBalls; }
int GetNumHats() const override { return m_NumHats; }
float GetAxisValue(int Axis) override;
void GetHatValue(int Hat, int (&HatKeys)[2]) override;
bool Relative(float *pX, float *pY) override;
bool Absolute(float *pX, float *pY) override;
static void GetJoystickHatKeys(int Hat, int HatValue, int (&HatKeys)[2]);
IEngineGraphics *m_pGraphics;
IConsole *m_pConsole;
IEngineGraphics *Graphics() { return m_pGraphics; }
IConsole *Console() { return m_pConsole; }
// joystick
std::vector<CJoystick> m_vJoysticks;
CJoystick *m_pActiveJoystick = nullptr;
void InitJoysticks();
bool OpenJoystick(int JoystickIndex);
void CloseJoysticks();
void UpdateActiveJoystick();
static void ConchainJoystickGuidChanged(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData);
float GetJoystickDeadzone();
bool m_InputGrabbed;
char *m_pClipboardText;
bool m_MouseFocus;
bool m_MouseDoubleClick;
#if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID) // No relative mouse on Android
ivec2 m_LastMousePos = ivec2(0, 0);
// IME support
char m_aComposition[MAX_COMPOSITION_ARRAY_SIZE];
int m_CompositionCursor;
int m_CompositionLength;
std::vector<std::string> m_vCandidates;
int m_CandidateSelectedIndex;
void AddEvent(char *pText, int Key, int Flags);
void Clear() override;
bool IsEventValid(const CEvent &Event) const override { return Event.m_InputCount == m_InputCounter; }
// quick access to input
unsigned short m_aInputCount[g_MaxKeys]; // tw-KEY
unsigned char m_aInputState[g_MaxKeys]; // SDL_SCANCODE
int m_InputCounter;
void UpdateMouseState();
void UpdateJoystickState();
void HandleJoystickAxisMotionEvent(const SDL_JoyAxisEvent &Event);
void HandleJoystickButtonEvent(const SDL_JoyButtonEvent &Event);
void HandleJoystickHatMotionEvent(const SDL_JoyHatEvent &Event);
void HandleJoystickAddedEvent(const SDL_JoyDeviceEvent &Event);
void HandleJoystickRemovedEvent(const SDL_JoyDeviceEvent &Event);
char m_aDropFile[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
bool KeyState(int Key) const;
void ProcessSystemMessage(SDL_SysWMmsg *pMsg);
void Init() override;
int Update() override;
void Shutdown() override;
bool ModifierIsPressed() const override { return KeyState(KEY_LCTRL) || KeyState(KEY_RCTRL) || KeyState(KEY_LGUI) || KeyState(KEY_RGUI); }
bool ShiftIsPressed() const override { return KeyState(KEY_LSHIFT) || KeyState(KEY_RSHIFT); }
bool AltIsPressed() const override { return KeyState(KEY_LALT) || KeyState(KEY_RALT); }
bool KeyIsPressed(int Key) const override { return KeyState(Key); }
bool KeyPress(int Key, bool CheckCounter) const override { return CheckCounter ? (m_aInputCount[Key] == m_InputCounter) : m_aInputCount[Key]; }
size_t NumJoysticks() const override { return m_vJoysticks.size(); }
CJoystick *GetJoystick(size_t Index) override { return &m_vJoysticks[Index]; }
CJoystick *GetActiveJoystick() override { return m_pActiveJoystick; }
void SetActiveJoystick(size_t Index) override;
bool MouseRelative(float *pX, float *pY) override;
void MouseModeAbsolute() override;
void MouseModeRelative() override;
void NativeMousePos(int *pX, int *pY) const override;
bool NativeMousePressed(int Index) override;
bool MouseDoubleClick() override;
const char *GetClipboardText() override;
void SetClipboardText(const char *pText) override;
void StartTextInput() override;
void StopTextInput() override;
const char *GetComposition() const override { return m_aComposition; }
bool HasComposition() const override { return m_CompositionLength != COMP_LENGTH_INACTIVE; }
int GetCompositionCursor() const override { return m_CompositionCursor; }
int GetCompositionLength() const override { return m_CompositionLength; }
const char *GetCandidate(int Index) const override { return m_vCandidates[Index].c_str(); }
int GetCandidateCount() const override { return m_vCandidates.size(); }
int GetCandidateSelectedIndex() const override { return m_CandidateSelectedIndex; }
void SetCompositionWindowPosition(float X, float Y, float H) override;
bool GetDropFile(char *aBuf, int Len) override;