mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 01:58:19 +00:00
648 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
648 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
import sys
import struct
option_ptrsize = struct.calcsize("P")
option_intsize = struct.calcsize("l")
option_floatsize = struct.calcsize("f")
option_inttype = "long"
option_floattype = "float"
class node:
def __init__(self):
self.values = []
self.children = []
self.parent = 0
def name(self):
if len(self.values):
return self.values[0]
return ""
def debug_print(self, level):
print (" "*level) + " ".join(self.values),
if len(self.children):
print "{"
for c in self.children:
print (" "*level)+"}"
print ""
def debug_root(self):
for c in self.children:
# TODO: should return list of items in the tree,
def gather(self, str):
def recurse(parts, path, node):
if not len(parts):
r = {}
path = path + "." + node.values[0]
r = [node]
#print "found", path
return r
l = []
for c in node.children:
if parts[0] == "*" or c.values[0] == parts[0]:
if len(node.values):
if len(path):
l += recurse(parts[1:], path+"."+node.values[0], c)
l += recurse(parts[1:], node.values[0], c)
l += recurse(parts[1:], path, c)
return l
parts = str.split(".")
return recurse(parts, "", self)
def find_node(self, str):
parts = str.split(".")
node = self
for part in parts:
if len(part) == 0:
if part == "parent":
node = node.parent
found = 0
for c in node.children:
if part == c.values[0]:
node = c
found = 1
if node == self:
return node
def get_single(self, str):
parts = str.split("@")
index = -1
if len(parts) == 2:
index = int(parts[1])
node = self
if len(parts[0]):
node = self.find_node(parts[0])
if not node:
print "failed to get", str
return Null
if index == -1:
return node.get_path()[1:]
return node.values[index]
def get_path(self):
if self.parent == 0:
return ""
return self.parent.get_path() + "." + self.values[0]
def get_single_name(self, str):
return self.get_path()[1:] + "." + str
class parser:
lines = []
def parse_node(self, this_node):
while len(self.lines):
line = self.lines.pop(0) # grab line
fields = line.strip().split() # TODO: improve this to handle strings with spaces
if not len(fields):
if fields[-1] == '{':
new_node = node()
new_node.parent = this_node
new_node.values = fields[:-1]
this_node.children += [new_node]
elif fields[-1] == '}':
new_node = node()
new_node.parent = this_node
new_node.values = fields
this_node.children += [new_node]
def parse_file(self, filename):
self.lines = file(filename).readlines()
n = node()
return n
def parse_file(filename):
return parser().parse_file(filename)
class pointer:
def __init__(self, index, target):
self.index = index
self.target = target
class data_constructor:
def __init__(self):
self.data = ""
self.trans = 0
self.pointers = []
self.targets = {}
self.enums = {}
def get_type(self, s):
return self.trans.types[s]
def allocate(self, size):
index = len(self.data)
self.data += "\0"*size
return index
def add_pointer(self, index, target):
self.pointers += [pointer(index, target)]
def add_enum(self, name, value):
self.enums[name] = value
def get_enum_value(self, name):
if not name in self.enums:
print "ERROR: couldn't find enum '%s'" % (name)
return self.enums[name]
def add_target(self, target, index):
# TODO: warn about duplicates
#print "add_target(target='%s' index=%d)" % (target, index)
self.targets[target] = index
def write(self, index, size, data):
self.data = self.data[:index] + data + self.data[index+size:]
print "write error:"
print "\tself.data =", self.data
print "\tdata =", data
def patch_pointers(self):
for p in self.pointers:
if p.target in self.targets:
i = self.targets[p.target]
#print "ptr @ %d -> %s -> %d" % (p.index, p.target, i)
data = struct.pack("P", i)
self.write(p.index, len(data), data)
print "ERROR: couldn't find target '%s' for pointer at %d" % (p.target, p.index)
class type:
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
def size(self):
class structure:
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.members = []
def size(self):
s = 0
for m in self.members:
s += m.size()
return s
def emit_header_code(self, out):
print >>out, "struct", self.name
print >>out, "{"
for m in self.members:
for l in m.get_code():
print >>out, "\t" + l
print >>out, "};"
print >>out, ""
def emit_source_code(self, out):
print >>out, "static void patch_ptr_%s(%s *self, char *base)" % (self.name, self.name)
print >>out, "{"
for m in self.members:
for l in m.get_patch_code("self", "base"):
print >>out, "\t" + l
print >>out, "}"
print >>out, ""
def emit_data(self, cons, index, src_data):
#print self.name+":"
member_index = index
for m in self.members:
#print "\t" + m.name
m.emit_data(cons, member_index, src_data)
member_index += m.size()
class variable:
def __init__(self):
self.expr = ""
self.type = ""
self.subtype = ""
def get_code(self):
return []
def get_patch_code(self, ptrname, basename):
return []
def emit_data(self, cons, index, src_data):
class variable_int(variable):
def get_code(self):
return ["%s %s;" % (option_inttype, self.name)]
def size(self):
return option_intsize
def emit_data(self, cons, index, src_data):
value = int(self.expr)
value = int(src_data.get_single(self.expr))
#print "int", self.name, "=", value, "@", index
data = struct.pack("l", value)
cons.write(index, len(data), data)
class variable_float(variable):
def get_code(self):
return ["%s %s;" % (option_floattype, self.name)]
def size(self):
return option_floatsize
def emit_data(self, cons, index, src_data):
value = float(self.expr)
value = float(src_data.get_single(self.expr))
#print "int", self.name, "=", value, "@", index
data = struct.pack("f", value)
cons.write(index, len(data), data)
class variable_string(variable):
def get_code(self):
return ["char *%s;" % (self.name)]
def get_patch_code(self, ptrname, basename):
return ["patch_ptr((char **)&(%s->%s), %s);" % (ptrname, self.name, basename)]
def size(self):
return option_ptrsize
def emit_data(self, cons, index, src_data):
string = src_data.get_single(self.expr)
string = string.strip()[1:-1] # skip " and "
string_index = cons.allocate(len(string)+1)
cons.write(string_index, len(string), string)
data = struct.pack("P", string_index) # TODO: solve this
cons.write(index, len(data), data)
class variable_ptr(variable):
def get_code(self):
return ["%s *%s;" % (self.subtype, self.name)]
def get_patch_code(self, ptrname, basename):
return ["patch_ptr((char**)&(%s->%s), %s);" % (ptrname, self.name, basename)]
def size(self):
return option_ptrsize
def emit_data(self, cons, index, src_data):
target = src_data.get_single(self.expr)
cons.add_pointer(index, target)
class variable_enum(variable):
def get_code(self):
return ["long *%s;" % (self.name)]
def size(self):
return option_intsize
def emit_data(self, cons, index, src_data):
target = src_data.get_single(self.expr)
data = struct.pack("l", cons.get_enum_value(target))
cons.write(index, len(data), data)
class variable_instance(variable):
def get_code(self):
return ["%s %s;" % (self.subtype, self.name)]
def get_patch_code(self, ptrname, basename):
return ["patch_ptr_%s(&(%s->%s), %s);" % (self.subtype, ptrname, self.name, basename)]
def size(self):
return self.translator.types[self.subtype].size()
def emit_data(self, cons, index, src_data):
target = src_data.find_node(self.expr)
translator.types[self.subtype].emit_data(cons, index, target)
#target =
#cons.add_pointer(index, target)
class variable_array(variable):
def get_code(self):
return ["long num_%s;" % self.name,
"%s *%s;" % (self.subtype, self.name)]
def get_patch_code(self, ptrname, baseptr):
code = []
code += ["patch_ptr((char**)&(%s->%s), %s);" % (ptrname, self.name, baseptr)]
code += ["for(int i = 0; i < %s->num_%s; i++)" % (ptrname, self.name)]
code += ["\tpatch_ptr_%s(%s->%s+i, %s);" % (self.subtype, ptrname, self.name, baseptr)]
return code
def emit_data(self, cons, index, src_data):
array_data = src_data.gather(self.expr)
array_type = cons.get_type(self.subtype)
size = array_type.size()*len(array_data)
#print "packing array", self.name
#print "\ttype =", array_type.name
#print "\tsize =", array_type.size()
array_index = cons.allocate(size)
data = struct.pack("lP", len(array_data), array_index) # TODO: solve this
cons.write(index, len(data), data)
member_index = array_index
for node in array_data:
cons.add_target(node.get_path()[1:], member_index)
array_type.emit_data(cons, member_index, node)
member_index += array_type.size()
#print "array", member_index
def size(self):
return option_ptrsize+option_intsize
class const_arrayint:
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.values = []
def emit_header_code(self, out):
print >>out, "enum"
print >>out, "{"
for i in xrange(0, len(self.values)):
print >>out, "\t%s_%s = %d," % (self.name.upper(), self.values[i].upper(), i)
print >>out, "\tNUM_%sS = %d" % (self.name.upper(), len(self.values))
print >>out, "};"
print >>out, ""
class translator:
def __init__(self):
self.types = {}
self.structs = []
self.constants = []
self.data = 0
self.srcdata = 0
self.types["int"] = variable_int()
self.types["float"] = variable_float()
self.types["string"] = variable_string()
self.types["ptr"] = variable_ptr()
self.types["array"] = variable_array()
def parse_variable(self, node):
if len(node.values) != 4:
print node.values
raise "error parsing variable"
type = node.values[0]
subtype = ""
if type == "int":
v = variable_int()
elif type == "enum":
v = variable_enum()
elif type == "float":
v = variable_float()
elif type == "string":
v = variable_string()
# complex type
parts = type.split(":")
if len(parts) != 2:
raise "can't emit code for variable %s of type %s" % (self.name, self.type)
elif parts[0] == "ptr":
subtype = parts[1]
v = variable_ptr()
elif parts[0] == "instance":
subtype = parts[1]
v = variable_instance()
elif parts[0] == "array":
subtype = parts[1]
v = variable_array()
raise "can't emit code for variable %s of type %s" % (self.name, self.type)
v.translator = self
v.type = node.values[0]
v.subtype = subtype
v.name = node.values[1]
assignment = node.values[2]
v.expr = node.values[3]
if assignment != "=":
raise "error parsing variable. expected ="
return v
def parse_struct(self, node):
if len(node.values) != 2:
raise "error parsing struct"
s = structure()
s.name = node.values[1]
for statement in node.children:
s.members += [self.parse_variable(statement)]
return s
def parse_constant(self, node):
if len(node.values) != 5:
print node.values
raise "error parsing constant"
type = node.values[1]
name = node.values[2]
assignment = node.values[3]
expression = node.values[4]
if assignment != "=":
print node.values
raise "error parsing constant"
ints = const_arrayint()
ints.name = name
items = self.srcdata.gather(expression)
for c in items:
ints.values += [c.name()]
self.constants += [ints]
def parse(self, script, srcdata):
self.srcdata = srcdata
for statement in script.children:
if statement.values[0] == "struct":
s = self.parse_struct(statement)
self.structs += [s]
self.types[s.name] = s
elif statement.values[0] == "const":
raise "unknown statement:" + statement
def emit_header_code(self, out):
for c in self.constants:
for s in self.structs:
print >>out, ""
print >>out, "data_container *load_data_from_file(const char *filename);"
print >>out, "data_container *load_data_from_memory(unsigned char *filename);"
print >>out, ""
def emit_source_code(self, out):
print >>out, '''
#include "../data.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static void patch_ptr(char **ptr, char *base)
*ptr = base+(size_t)(*ptr);
for s in self.structs:
print >>out, '''
data_container *load_data_from_memory(unsigned char *mem)
/* patch all pointers */
data_container *con = (data_container*)mem;
patch_ptr_data_container(con, (char *)con);
return con;
data_container *load_data_from_file(const char *filename)
unsigned char *data = 0;
int size;
/* open file */
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb");
/* get size */
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(f);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
/* allocate, read data and close file */
data = (unsigned char *)malloc(size);
fread(data, 1, size, f);
return load_data_from_memory(data);
def emit_data(self):
for s in self.structs:
if s.name == "data_container":
#print "found data_container"
cons = data_constructor()
cons.trans = self
i = cons.allocate(s.size())
s.emit_data(cons, i, self.srcdata)
return cons.data
def create_translator(script, srcdata):
t = translator()
t.parse(script, srcdata)
return t
def validate(script, validator):
def validate_values(values, check):
if not len(check) or check[0] == "*":
print "too many values"
p = check[0].split(":")
type = p[0]
name = p[1]
# TODO: check type and stuff
# recurse
if len(values) > 1:
if not len(check):
print "unexpected value"
validate_values(values[1:], check[1:])
if len(check) > 1 and check[1] != "*":
print "to few values"
if len(script.values):
validate_values(script.values, validator.values)
for child in script.children:
tag = child.values[0]
n = validator.find_node("tag:"+tag)
if not n:
found = 0
for vc in validator.children:
if "ident:" in vc.values[0]:
validate(child, vc)
print vc.values[0]
found = 1
if not found:
print "error:", tag, "not found"
print "tag:"+tag
validate(child, n)
input_filename = sys.argv[1]
script_filename = sys.argv[2]
output_filename = 0
coutput_filename = 0
header_filename = 0
source_filename = 0
if sys.argv[3] == '-h':
header_filename = sys.argv[4]
elif sys.argv[3] == '-s':
source_filename = sys.argv[4]
elif sys.argv[3] == '-d':
output_filename = sys.argv[4]
elif sys.argv[3] == '-c':
coutput_filename = sys.argv[4]
srcdata = parse_file(input_filename)
script = parse_file(script_filename)
translator = create_translator(script, srcdata)
if header_filename:
translator.emit_header_code(file(header_filename, "w"))
if source_filename:
translator.emit_source_code(file(source_filename, "w"))
if output_filename:
rawdata = translator.emit_data()
file(output_filename, "wb").write(rawdata)
if coutput_filename:
i = 0
rawdata = translator.emit_data()
f = file(coutput_filename, "w")
print >>f,"unsigned char internal_data[] = {"
print >>f,str(ord(rawdata[0])),
for d in rawdata[1:]:
s = ","+str(ord(d))
print >>f,s,
i += len(s)+1
if i >= 70:
print >>f,""
i = 0
print >>f,""
print >>f,"};"
print >>f,""