Robert Müller 751343c846 Fix client crash on maps with invalid image and sound indices
Limit number of sounds being loaded in the client to 64, instead of writing sample indices out of bounds.

Check if sound indices are out of bounds. It was only checked whether the sound index is -1 but no other bounds checking was performed.

Check if image indices are out of bounds. It was not checked for all negative image indices, only -1 was considered.

Add popup message in the editor when trying to add more than 64 sounds, same as for images.

Limit number of images in `map_convert_07` tool, instead of writing out of bounds.
2023-10-29 17:55:20 +01:00

320 lines
8 KiB

#include <algorithm>
#include <base/logger.h>
#include <base/system.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <engine/gfx/image_manipulation.h>
#include <engine/shared/datafile.h>
#include <engine/storage.h>
#include <game/mapitems.h>
#include <vector>
void ClearTransparentPixels(uint8_t *pImg, int Width, int Height)
for(int y = 0; y < Height; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < Width; ++x)
int Index = y * Width * 4 + x * 4;
if(pImg[Index + 3] == 0)
pImg[Index + 0] = 0;
pImg[Index + 1] = 0;
pImg[Index + 2] = 0;
void CopyOpaquePixels(uint8_t *pDestImg, uint8_t *pSrcImg, int Width, int Height)
for(int y = 0; y < Height; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < Width; ++x)
int Index = y * Width * 4 + x * 4;
if(pSrcImg[Index + 3] > 0)
mem_copy(&pDestImg[Index], &pSrcImg[Index], sizeof(uint8_t) * 4);
mem_zero(&pDestImg[Index], sizeof(uint8_t) * 4);
void ClearPixelsTile(uint8_t *pImg, int Width, int Height, int TileIndex)
int WTile = Width / 16;
int HTile = Height / 16;
int xi = (TileIndex % 16) * WTile;
int yi = (TileIndex / 16) * HTile;
for(int y = yi; y < yi + HTile; ++y)
for(int x = xi; x < xi + WTile; ++x)
int Index = y * Width * 4 + x * 4;
pImg[Index + 0] = 0;
pImg[Index + 1] = 0;
pImg[Index + 2] = 0;
pImg[Index + 3] = 0;
void GetImageSHA256(uint8_t *pImgBuff, int ImgSize, int Width, int Height, char *pSHA256Str, size_t SHA256StrSize)
uint8_t *pNewImgBuff = (uint8_t *)malloc(ImgSize);
// Clear fully transparent pixels, so the SHA is easier to identify with the original image
CopyOpaquePixels(pNewImgBuff, pImgBuff, Width, Height);
SHA256_DIGEST SHAStr = sha256(pNewImgBuff, (size_t)ImgSize);
sha256_str(SHAStr, pSHA256Str, SHA256StrSize);
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
CCmdlineFix CmdlineFix(&argc, &argv);
IStorage *pStorage = CreateStorage(IStorage::STORAGETYPE_BASIC, argc, argv);
if(!pStorage || argc <= 1 || argc > 3)
dbg_msg("map_optimize", "Invalid parameters or other unknown error.");
dbg_msg("map_optimize", "Usage: map_optimize <source map filepath> [<dest map filepath>]");
return -1;
char aFileName[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
if(argc == 3)
str_format(aFileName, sizeof(aFileName), "out/%s", argv[2]);
IStorage::StripPathAndExtension(argv[1], aBuff, sizeof(aBuff));
str_format(aFileName, sizeof(aFileName), "out/%s.map", aBuff);
CDataFileReader Reader;
if(!Reader.Open(pStorage, argv[1], IStorage::TYPE_ABSOLUTE))
dbg_msg("map_optimize", "Failed to open source file.");
return -1;
CDataFileWriter Writer;
if(!Writer.Open(pStorage, aFileName, IStorage::TYPE_ABSOLUTE))
dbg_msg("map_optimize", "Failed to open target file.");
return -1;
int aImageFlags[MAX_MAPIMAGES] = {
bool aaImageTiles[MAX_MAPIMAGES][256]{
struct SMapOptimizeItem
CMapItemImage *m_pImage;
int m_Index;
int m_Data;
int m_Text;
std::vector<SMapOptimizeItem> vDataFindHelper;
// add all items
for(int Index = 0, i = 0; Index < Reader.NumItems(); Index++)
int Type, ID;
void *pPtr = Reader.GetItem(Index, &Type, &ID);
int Size = Reader.GetItemSize(Index);
// filter ITEMTYPE_EX items, they will be automatically added again
if(Type == ITEMTYPE_EX)
// for all layers, check if it uses a image and set the corresponding flag
CMapItemLayer *pLayer = (CMapItemLayer *)pPtr;
if(pLayer->m_Type == LAYERTYPE_TILES)
CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTLayer = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer;
if(pTLayer->m_Image >= 0 && pTLayer->m_Image < (int)MAX_MAPIMAGES && pTLayer->m_Flags == 0)
aImageFlags[pTLayer->m_Image] |= 1;
// check tiles that are used in this image
unsigned int DataSize = Reader.GetDataSize(pTLayer->m_Data);
void *pTiles = Reader.GetData(pTLayer->m_Data);
if(DataSize >= (size_t)pTLayer->m_Width * pTLayer->m_Height * sizeof(CTile))
for(int y = 0; y < pTLayer->m_Height; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < pTLayer->m_Width; ++x)
int TileIndex = ((CTile *)pTiles)[y * pTLayer->m_Width + x].m_Index;
if(TileIndex > 0)
aaImageTiles[pTLayer->m_Image][TileIndex] = true;
else if(pLayer->m_Type == LAYERTYPE_QUADS)
CMapItemLayerQuads *pQLayer = (CMapItemLayerQuads *)pLayer;
if(pQLayer->m_Image >= 0 && pQLayer->m_Image < (int)MAX_MAPIMAGES)
aImageFlags[pQLayer->m_Image] |= 2;
else if(Type == MAPITEMTYPE_IMAGE)
CMapItemImage_v2 *pImg = (CMapItemImage_v2 *)pPtr;
if(!pImg->m_External && pImg->m_Version < CMapItemImage_v2::CURRENT_VERSION)
SMapOptimizeItem Item;
Item.m_pImage = pImg;
Item.m_Index = i;
Item.m_Data = pImg->m_ImageData;
Item.m_Text = pImg->m_ImageName;
// found an image
Writer.AddItem(Type, ID, Size, pPtr);
// add all data
for(int Index = 0; Index < Reader.NumData(); Index++)
bool DeletePtr = false;
void *pPtr = Reader.GetData(Index);
int Size = Reader.GetDataSize(Index);
auto it = std::find_if(vDataFindHelper.begin(), vDataFindHelper.end(), [Index](const SMapOptimizeItem &Other) -> bool { return Other.m_Data == Index || Other.m_Text == Index; });
if(it != vDataFindHelper.end())
int Width = it->m_pImage->m_Width;
int Height = it->m_pImage->m_Height;
int ImageIndex = it->m_Index;
if(it->m_Data == Index)
DeletePtr = true;
// optimize embedded images
// use a new pointer, to be safe, when using the original image data
void *pNewPtr = malloc(Size);
mem_copy(pNewPtr, pPtr, Size);
pPtr = pNewPtr;
uint8_t *pImgBuff = (uint8_t *)pPtr;
bool DoClearTransparentPixels = false;
bool DilateAs2DArray = false;
bool DoDilate = false;
// all tiles that aren't used are cleared(if image was only used by tilemap)
if(aImageFlags[ImageIndex] == 1)
for(int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
ClearPixelsTile(pImgBuff, Width, Height, i);
DoClearTransparentPixels = true;
DilateAs2DArray = true;
DoDilate = true;
else if(aImageFlags[ImageIndex] == 0)
mem_zero(pImgBuff, (size_t)Width * Height * 4);
DoClearTransparentPixels = true;
DoDilate = true;
// clear unused pixels and make a clean dilate for the compressor
ClearTransparentPixels(pImgBuff, Width, Height);
for(int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
int ImgTileW = Width / 16;
int ImgTileH = Height / 16;
int x = (i % 16) * ImgTileW;
int y = (i / 16) * ImgTileH;
DilateImageSub(pImgBuff, Width, Height, x, y, ImgTileW, ImgTileH);
DilateImage(pImgBuff, Width, Height);
else if(it->m_Text == Index)
char *pImgName = (char *)pPtr;
uint8_t *pImgBuff = (uint8_t *)Reader.GetData(it->m_Data);
int ImgSize = Reader.GetDataSize(it->m_Data);
char aSHA256Str[SHA256_MAXSTRSIZE];
// This is the important function, that calculates the SHA256 in a special way
// Please read the comments inside the functions to understand it
GetImageSHA256(pImgBuff, ImgSize, Width, Height, aSHA256Str, sizeof(aSHA256Str));
char aNewName[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
int StrLen = str_format(aNewName, std::size(aNewName), "%s_cut_%s", pImgName, aSHA256Str);
DeletePtr = true;
// make the new name ready
char *pNewPtr = (char *)malloc(StrLen + 1);
str_copy(pNewPtr, aNewName, StrLen + 1);
pPtr = pNewPtr;
Size = StrLen + 1;
Writer.AddData(Size, pPtr, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
return 0;