2008-08-02 08:21:29 +00:00

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# Class: NaturalDocs::Languages::Advanced::Scope
# A class used to store a scope level.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under the GPL
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::Languages::Advanced::Scope;
# Constants: Implementation
# The object is implemented as a blessed arrayref. The constants below are used as indexes.
# CLOSING_SYMBOL - The closing symbol character of the scope.
# PACKAGE - The package <SymbolString> of the scope.
# USING - An arrayref of <SymbolStrings> for using statements, or undef if none.
use NaturalDocs::DefineMembers 'CLOSING_SYMBOL', 'PACKAGE', 'USING';
# Dependency: New() depends on the order of these constants as well as that there is no inherited members.
# Function: New
# Creates and returns a new object.
# Parameters:
# closingSymbol - The closing symbol character of the scope.
# package - The package <SymbolString> of the scope.
# using - An arrayref of using <SymbolStrings>, or undef if none. The contents of the array will be duplicated.
# If package is set to undef, it is assumed that it inherits the value of the previous scope on the stack.
sub New #(closingSymbol, package, using)
# Dependency: This depends on the order of the parameters matching the constants, and that there are no inherited
# members.
my $package = shift;
my $object = [ @_ ];
bless $object, $package;
if (defined $object->[USING])
{ $object->[USING] = [ @{$object->[USING]} ]; };
return $object;
# Function: ClosingSymbol
# Returns the closing symbol character of the scope.
sub ClosingSymbol
{ return $_[0]->[CLOSING_SYMBOL]; };
# Function: Package
# Returns the package <SymbolString> of the scope, or undef if none.
sub Package
{ return $_[0]->[PACKAGE]; };
# Function: SetPackage
# Sets the package <SymbolString> of the scope.
sub SetPackage #(package)
{ $_[0]->[PACKAGE] = $_[1]; };
# Function: Using
# Returns an arrayref of <SymbolStrings> for using statements, or undef if none
sub Using
{ return $_[0]->[USING]; };
# Function: AddUsing
# Adds a <SymbolString> to the <Using()> array.
sub AddUsing #(using)
my ($self, $using) = @_;
if (!defined $self->[USING])
{ $self->[USING] = [ ]; };
push @{$self->[USING]}, $using;