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<td width="326"><p>TEEWARS 0.2.0 RELEASED</p>
<p>2007-08-04 21:49</p>
<p>The long sought-after update of Teewars has finally arrived! The highligts of version 0.2 include much improved network stability, time- and frag limits, the addition of a options screen and new death match maps. </p>
<p>Please note that Teewars 0.2 is not compatible with Teewars 0.1 or earlier, so make sure you get the update right away!</p>
<p>Any support-related questions or bug reports can be given either on IRC (#teewars at quakenet) or in the almighty forum.</p>
<p>Enjoy the new release!</p>
<p>The Teewars Team</p></td>
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<td width="701"><p>WHAT IS THIS, THEN?</p>
<p>Teewars is a multiplayer 2D shooter, drawing its inspiration not only from the old classics, but also incorporating the advancements that FPS games brought in when the torch was handed over.</p>
<p>The game features 3D-accelerated sprite graphics, mouse-aiming, a grappling hook, some rather weird weaponry and a built-in multiplayer server. You can play it on Windows, MacOS X and any Linux flavor that can draw stuff on a screen.<br />
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More info about the game can be found under the <a href="support.html" target="_self"><strong>support</strong></a> section.</p> </td>
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<p align="center"><span class="brod">Copyrighturu bauru the teewars teamuru. yay! </span></p></td>