Robert Müller 01a995e5ec Track country/type filters separately for internet/favorites tabs
For the internet/favorite tabs, instead of combining the country/type filters of all communities in one view, track the country/type filters separately for these tabs using the new, reserved community name `all`. This should make the filters less confusing to use, as changing the country/type filters in one tab will not influence the other tabs anymore. Though the country/type filters of the internet and favorite tabs are still combined, as this is also the case for the community filter.

However, this made it possible to select country/type filters that exclude all servers, by first excluding some countries/types and then changing the selected communities so all selectable countries/types are excluded. To prevent this, the filters will now include all countries/types, if they would otherwise exclude all selectable countries/types.

To do this more efficiently, the community cache is moved from the menus to the engine serverbrowser. To avoid using the UI page in the engine serverbrowser, the serverbrowser type is instead used to detect if the community cache should be updated. This required additional changes in the menus to ensure that the UI page and the serverbrowser type stay in sync with each other, which would otherwise cause incorrect server entries to be shown for one frame when switching tabs. The serverbrowser type is now refreshed immediately when the menu page is changed with the `CMenus::SetMenuPage` function, which allowed removing duplicate code for the server browser tab buttons. The `CMenus::RefreshBrowserTab` function does not take the page to be refreshed as argument anymore, as it always was only used to refresh the current page. Instead, a `bool` argument is used to specify whether the refresh should be forced even if the server browser type has not changed.

Closes #8158.
2024-04-10 21:40:02 +02:00

421 lines
14 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#include <base/hash.h>
#include <base/system.h>
#include <engine/console.h>
#include <engine/serverbrowser.h>
#include <engine/shared/memheap.h>
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
typedef struct _json_value json_value;
class CNetClient;
class IConfigManager;
class IConsole;
class IEngine;
class IFavorites;
class IFriends;
class IServerBrowserHttp;
class IServerBrowserPingCache;
class IStorage;
class IHttp;
class CCommunityId
char m_aId[CServerInfo::MAX_COMMUNITY_ID_LENGTH];
CCommunityId(const char *pCommunityId)
str_copy(m_aId, pCommunityId);
const char *Id() const { return m_aId; }
bool operator==(const CCommunityId &Other) const
return str_comp(Id(), Other.Id()) == 0;
struct std::hash<CCommunityId>
size_t operator()(const CCommunityId &Elem) const noexcept
return str_quickhash(Elem.Id());
class CCommunityCountryName
CCommunityCountryName(const char *pCountryName)
str_copy(m_aName, pCountryName);
const char *Name() const { return m_aName; }
bool operator==(const CCommunityCountryName &Other) const
return str_comp(Name(), Other.Name()) == 0;
struct std::hash<CCommunityCountryName>
size_t operator()(const CCommunityCountryName &Elem) const noexcept
return str_quickhash(Elem.Name());
class CCommunityTypeName
char m_aName[CServerInfo::MAX_COMMUNITY_TYPE_LENGTH];
CCommunityTypeName(const char *pTypeName)
str_copy(m_aName, pTypeName);
const char *Name() const { return m_aName; }
bool operator==(const CCommunityTypeName &Other) const
return str_comp(Name(), Other.Name()) == 0;
struct std::hash<CCommunityTypeName>
size_t operator()(const CCommunityTypeName &Elem) const noexcept
return str_quickhash(Elem.Name());
class CCommunityServer
char m_aCommunityId[CServerInfo::MAX_COMMUNITY_ID_LENGTH];
char m_aCountryName[CServerInfo::MAX_COMMUNITY_COUNTRY_LENGTH];
char m_aTypeName[CServerInfo::MAX_COMMUNITY_TYPE_LENGTH];
CCommunityServer(const char *pCommunityId, const char *pCountryName, const char *pTypeName)
str_copy(m_aCommunityId, pCommunityId);
str_copy(m_aCountryName, pCountryName);
str_copy(m_aTypeName, pTypeName);
const char *CommunityId() const { return m_aCommunityId; }
const char *CountryName() const { return m_aCountryName; }
const char *TypeName() const { return m_aTypeName; }
class CFavoriteCommunityFilterList : public IFilterList
void Add(const char *pCommunityId) override;
void Remove(const char *pCommunityId) override;
void Clear() override;
bool Filtered(const char *pCommunityId) const override;
bool Empty() const override;
void Clean(const std::vector<CCommunity> &vAllowedCommunities);
void Save(IConfigManager *pConfigManager) const;
const std::vector<CCommunityId> &Entries() const;
std::vector<CCommunityId> m_vEntries;
class CExcludedCommunityFilterList : public IFilterList
void Add(const char *pCommunityId) override;
void Remove(const char *pCommunityId) override;
void Clear() override;
bool Filtered(const char *pCommunityId) const override;
bool Empty() const override;
void Clean(const std::vector<CCommunity> &vAllowedCommunities);
void Save(IConfigManager *pConfigManager) const;
std::unordered_set<CCommunityId> m_Entries;
class CExcludedCommunityCountryFilterList : public IFilterList
CExcludedCommunityCountryFilterList(const ICommunityCache *pCommunityCache) :
void Add(const char *pCountryName) override;
void Add(const char *pCommunityId, const char *pCountryName);
void Remove(const char *pCountryName) override;
void Remove(const char *pCommunityId, const char *pCountryName);
void Clear() override;
bool Filtered(const char *pCountryName) const override;
bool Empty() const override;
void Clean(const std::vector<CCommunity> &vAllowedCommunities);
void Save(IConfigManager *pConfigManager) const;
const ICommunityCache *m_pCommunityCache;
std::unordered_map<CCommunityId, std::unordered_set<CCommunityCountryName>> m_Entries;
class CExcludedCommunityTypeFilterList : public IFilterList
CExcludedCommunityTypeFilterList(const ICommunityCache *pCommunityCache) :
void Add(const char *pTypeName) override;
void Add(const char *pCommunityId, const char *pTypeName);
void Remove(const char *pTypeName) override;
void Remove(const char *pCommunityId, const char *pTypeName);
void Clear() override;
bool Filtered(const char *pTypeName) const override;
bool Empty() const override;
void Clean(const std::vector<CCommunity> &vAllowedCommunities);
void Save(IConfigManager *pConfigManager) const;
const ICommunityCache *m_pCommunityCache;
std::unordered_map<CCommunityId, std::unordered_set<CCommunityTypeName>> m_Entries;
class CCommunityCache : public ICommunityCache
IServerBrowser *m_pServerBrowser;
SHA256_DIGEST m_InfoSha256 = SHA256_ZEROED;
int m_LastType = IServerBrowser::NUM_TYPES; // initial value does not appear normally, marking uninitialized cache
unsigned m_SelectedCommunitiesHash = 0;
std::vector<const CCommunity *> m_vpSelectedCommunities;
std::vector<const CCommunityCountry *> m_vpSelectableCountries;
std::vector<const CCommunityType *> m_vpSelectableTypes;
bool m_AnyRanksAvailable = false;
bool m_CountryTypesFilterAvailable = false;
const char *m_pCountryTypeFilterKey = IServerBrowser::COMMUNITY_ALL;
CCommunityCache(IServerBrowser *pServerBrowser) :
void Update(bool Force) override;
const std::vector<const CCommunity *> &SelectedCommunities() const override { return m_vpSelectedCommunities; }
const std::vector<const CCommunityCountry *> &SelectableCountries() const override { return m_vpSelectableCountries; }
const std::vector<const CCommunityType *> &SelectableTypes() const override { return m_vpSelectableTypes; }
bool AnyRanksAvailable() const override { return m_AnyRanksAvailable; }
bool CountriesTypesFilterAvailable() const override { return m_CountryTypesFilterAvailable; }
const char *CountryTypeFilterKey() const override { return m_pCountryTypeFilterKey; }
class CServerBrowser : public IServerBrowser
class CServerEntry
int64_t m_RequestTime;
bool m_RequestIgnoreInfo;
int m_GotInfo;
CServerInfo m_Info;
CServerEntry *m_pPrevReq; // request list
CServerEntry *m_pNextReq;
virtual ~CServerBrowser();
// interface functions
void Refresh(int Type, bool Force = false) override;
bool IsRefreshing() const override;
bool IsGettingServerlist() const override;
int LoadingProgression() const override;
void RequestResort() { m_NeedResort = true; }
int NumServers() const override { return m_NumServers; }
int Players(const CServerInfo &Item) const override;
int Max(const CServerInfo &Item) const override;
int NumSortedServers() const override { return m_NumSortedServers; }
int NumSortedPlayers() const override { return m_NumSortedPlayers; }
const CServerInfo *SortedGet(int Index) const override;
const json_value *LoadDDNetInfo();
void LoadDDNetInfoJson();
void LoadDDNetLocation();
void LoadDDNetServers();
void UpdateServerFilteredPlayers(CServerInfo *pInfo) const;
void UpdateServerFriends(CServerInfo *pInfo) const;
void UpdateServerCommunity(CServerInfo *pInfo) const;
void UpdateServerRank(CServerInfo *pInfo) const;
const char *GetTutorialServer() override;
const std::vector<CCommunity> &Communities() const override;
const CCommunity *Community(const char *pCommunityId) const override;
std::vector<const CCommunity *> SelectedCommunities() const override;
std::vector<const CCommunity *> FavoriteCommunities() const override;
std::vector<const CCommunity *> CurrentCommunities() const override;
unsigned CurrentCommunitiesHash() const override;
bool DDNetInfoAvailable() const override { return m_pDDNetInfo != nullptr; }
SHA256_DIGEST DDNetInfoSha256() const override { return m_DDNetInfoSha256; }
ICommunityCache &CommunityCache() override { return m_CommunityCache; }
const ICommunityCache &CommunityCache() const override { return m_CommunityCache; }
CFavoriteCommunityFilterList &FavoriteCommunitiesFilter() override { return m_FavoriteCommunitiesFilter; }
CExcludedCommunityFilterList &CommunitiesFilter() override { return m_CommunitiesFilter; }
CExcludedCommunityCountryFilterList &CountriesFilter() override { return m_CountriesFilter; }
CExcludedCommunityTypeFilterList &TypesFilter() override { return m_TypesFilter; }
const CFavoriteCommunityFilterList &FavoriteCommunitiesFilter() const override { return m_FavoriteCommunitiesFilter; }
const CExcludedCommunityFilterList &CommunitiesFilter() const override { return m_CommunitiesFilter; }
const CExcludedCommunityCountryFilterList &CountriesFilter() const override { return m_CountriesFilter; }
const CExcludedCommunityTypeFilterList &TypesFilter() const override { return m_TypesFilter; }
void CleanFilters() override;
void Update();
void OnServerInfoUpdate(const NETADDR &Addr, int Token, const CServerInfo *pInfo);
void SetHttpInfo(const CServerInfo *pInfo);
void RequestCurrentServer(const NETADDR &Addr) const;
void RequestCurrentServerWithRandomToken(const NETADDR &Addr, int *pBasicToken, int *pToken) const;
void SetCurrentServerPing(const NETADDR &Addr, int Ping);
void SetBaseInfo(class CNetClient *pClient, const char *pNetVersion);
void OnInit();
void QueueRequest(CServerEntry *pEntry);
CServerEntry *Find(const NETADDR &Addr);
int GetCurrentType() override { return m_ServerlistType; }
bool IsRegistered(const NETADDR &Addr);
CNetClient *m_pNetClient = nullptr;
IConfigManager *m_pConfigManager = nullptr;
IConsole *m_pConsole = nullptr;
IEngine *m_pEngine = nullptr;
IFriends *m_pFriends = nullptr;
IFavorites *m_pFavorites = nullptr;
IStorage *m_pStorage = nullptr;
IHttp *m_pHttpClient = nullptr;
char m_aNetVersion[128];
bool m_RefreshingHttp = false;
IServerBrowserHttp *m_pHttp = nullptr;
IServerBrowserPingCache *m_pPingCache = nullptr;
const char *m_pHttpPrevBestUrl = nullptr;
CHeap m_ServerlistHeap;
CServerEntry **m_ppServerlist;
int *m_pSortedServerlist;
std::unordered_map<NETADDR, int> m_ByAddr;
std::vector<CCommunity> m_vCommunities;
std::unordered_map<NETADDR, CCommunityServer> m_CommunityServersByAddr;
int m_OwnLocation = CServerInfo::LOC_UNKNOWN;
CCommunityCache m_CommunityCache;
CFavoriteCommunityFilterList m_FavoriteCommunitiesFilter;
CExcludedCommunityFilterList m_CommunitiesFilter;
CExcludedCommunityCountryFilterList m_CountriesFilter;
CExcludedCommunityTypeFilterList m_TypesFilter;
json_value *m_pDDNetInfo = nullptr;
SHA256_DIGEST m_DDNetInfoSha256 = SHA256_ZEROED;
CServerEntry *m_pFirstReqServer; // request list
CServerEntry *m_pLastReqServer;
int m_NumRequests;
bool m_NeedResort;
int m_Sorthash;
// used instead of g_Config.br_max_requests to get more servers
int m_CurrentMaxRequests;
int m_NumSortedServers;
int m_NumSortedServersCapacity;
int m_NumSortedPlayers;
int m_NumServers;
int m_NumServerCapacity;
int m_ServerlistType;
int64_t m_BroadcastTime;
unsigned char m_aTokenSeed[16];
int GenerateToken(const NETADDR &Addr) const;
static int GetBasicToken(int Token);
static int GetExtraToken(int Token);
// sorting criteria
bool SortCompareName(int Index1, int Index2) const;
bool SortCompareMap(int Index1, int Index2) const;
bool SortComparePing(int Index1, int Index2) const;
bool SortCompareGametype(int Index1, int Index2) const;
bool SortCompareNumPlayers(int Index1, int Index2) const;
bool SortCompareNumClients(int Index1, int Index2) const;
bool SortCompareNumFriends(int Index1, int Index2) const;
bool SortCompareNumPlayersAndPing(int Index1, int Index2) const;
void Filter();
void Sort();
int SortHash() const;
void CleanUp();
void UpdateFromHttp();
CServerEntry *Add(const NETADDR *pAddrs, int NumAddrs);
void RemoveRequest(CServerEntry *pEntry);
void RequestImpl(const NETADDR &Addr, CServerEntry *pEntry, int *pBasicToken, int *pToken, bool RandomToken) const;
void RegisterCommands();
static void ConfigSaveCallback(IConfigManager *pConfigManager, void *pUserData);
static void Con_AddFavoriteCommunity(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData);
static void Con_RemoveFavoriteCommunity(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData);
static void Con_AddExcludedCommunity(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData);
static void Con_RemoveExcludedCommunity(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData);
static void Con_AddExcludedCountry(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData);
static void Con_RemoveExcludedCountry(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData);
static void Con_AddExcludedType(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData);
static void Con_RemoveExcludedType(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData);
static void Con_LeakIpAddress(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData);
bool ValidateCommunityId(const char *pCommunityId) const;
bool ValidateCountryName(const char *pCountryName) const;
bool ValidateTypeName(const char *pTypeName) const;
void SetInfo(CServerEntry *pEntry, const CServerInfo &Info) const;
void SetLatency(NETADDR Addr, int Latency);
static bool ParseCommunityFinishes(CCommunity *pCommunity, const json_value &Finishes);
static bool ParseCommunityServers(CCommunity *pCommunity, const json_value &Servers);