2020-05-28 10:09:29 +02:00

275 lines
6.1 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#include <base/math.h>
#include <engine/console.h>
#include <engine/graphics.h>
#include "editor.h"
#include <game/generated/client_data.h>
#include <game/client/render.h>
#include <game/localization.h>
m_aName[0] = '\0';
m_Image = -1;
void CLayerQuads::Render(bool QuadPicker)
if(m_Image >= 0 && m_Image < m_pEditor->m_Map.m_lImages.size())
m_pEditor->RenderTools()->ForceRenderQuads(m_lQuads.base_ptr(), m_lQuads.size(), LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE, m_pEditor->EnvelopeEval, m_pEditor);
m_pEditor->RenderTools()->ForceRenderQuads(m_lQuads.base_ptr(), m_lQuads.size(), LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT, m_pEditor->EnvelopeEval, m_pEditor);
CQuad *CLayerQuads::NewQuad(int x, int y, int Width, int Height)
m_pEditor->m_Map.m_Modified = true;
CQuad *q = &m_lQuads[m_lQuads.add(CQuad())];
q->m_PosEnv = -1;
q->m_ColorEnv = -1;
q->m_PosEnvOffset = 0;
q->m_ColorEnvOffset = 0;
Width /= 2;
Height /= 2;
q->m_aPoints[0].x = x - Width;
q->m_aPoints[0].y = y - Height;
q->m_aPoints[1].x = x + Width;
q->m_aPoints[1].y = y - Height;
q->m_aPoints[2].x = x - Width;
q->m_aPoints[2].y = y + Height;
q->m_aPoints[3].x = x + Width;
q->m_aPoints[3].y = y + Height;
q->m_aPoints[4].x = x; // pivot
q->m_aPoints[4].y = y;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
q->m_aPoints[i].x <<= 10;
q->m_aPoints[i].y <<= 10;
q->m_aTexcoords[0].x = 0;
q->m_aTexcoords[0].y = 0;
q->m_aTexcoords[1].x = 1<<10;
q->m_aTexcoords[1].y = 0;
q->m_aTexcoords[2].x = 0;
q->m_aTexcoords[2].y = 1<<10;
q->m_aTexcoords[3].x = 1<<10;
q->m_aTexcoords[3].y = 1<<10;
q->m_aColors[0].r = 255; q->m_aColors[0].g = 255; q->m_aColors[0].b = 255; q->m_aColors[0].a = 255;
q->m_aColors[1].r = 255; q->m_aColors[1].g = 255; q->m_aColors[1].b = 255; q->m_aColors[1].a = 255;
q->m_aColors[2].r = 255; q->m_aColors[2].g = 255; q->m_aColors[2].b = 255; q->m_aColors[2].a = 255;
q->m_aColors[3].r = 255; q->m_aColors[3].g = 255; q->m_aColors[3].b = 255; q->m_aColors[3].a = 255;
return q;
void CLayerQuads::BrushSelecting(CUIRect Rect)
// draw selection rectangle
IGraphics::CLineItem Array[4] = {
IGraphics::CLineItem(Rect.x, Rect.y, Rect.x+Rect.w, Rect.y),
IGraphics::CLineItem(Rect.x+Rect.w, Rect.y, Rect.x+Rect.w, Rect.y+Rect.h),
IGraphics::CLineItem(Rect.x+Rect.w, Rect.y+Rect.h, Rect.x, Rect.y+Rect.h),
IGraphics::CLineItem(Rect.x, Rect.y+Rect.h, Rect.x, Rect.y)};
Graphics()->LinesDraw(Array, 4);
int CLayerQuads::BrushGrab(CLayerGroup *pBrush, CUIRect Rect)
// create new layers
CLayerQuads *pGrabbed = new CLayerQuads();
pGrabbed->m_pEditor = m_pEditor;
pGrabbed->m_Image = m_Image;
//dbg_msg("", "%f %f %f %f", rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
for(int i = 0; i < m_lQuads.size(); i++)
CQuad *q = &m_lQuads[i];
float px = fx2f(q->m_aPoints[4].x);
float py = fx2f(q->m_aPoints[4].y);
if(px > Rect.x && px < Rect.x+Rect.w && py > Rect.y && py < Rect.y+Rect.h)
CQuad n;
n = *q;
for(int p = 0; p < 5; p++)
n.m_aPoints[p].x -= f2fx(Rect.x);
n.m_aPoints[p].y -= f2fx(Rect.y);
return pGrabbed->m_lQuads.size()?1:0;
void CLayerQuads::BrushPlace(CLayer *pBrush, float wx, float wy)
CLayerQuads *l = (CLayerQuads *)pBrush;
for(int i = 0; i < l->m_lQuads.size(); i++)
CQuad n = l->m_lQuads[i];
for(int p = 0; p < 5; p++)
n.m_aPoints[p].x += f2fx(wx);
n.m_aPoints[p].y += f2fx(wy);
m_pEditor->m_Map.m_Modified = true;
void Swap(CPoint& a, CPoint& b)
CPoint Tmp;
Tmp.x = a.x;
Tmp.y = a.y;
a.x = b.x;
a.y = b.y;
b.x = Tmp.x;
b.y = Tmp.y;
void CLayerQuads::BrushFlipX()
for(int i = 0; i < m_lQuads.size(); i++)
CQuad *q = &m_lQuads[i];
Swap(q->m_aPoints[0], q->m_aPoints[1]);
Swap(q->m_aPoints[2], q->m_aPoints[3]);
m_pEditor->m_Map.m_Modified = true;
void CLayerQuads::BrushFlipY()
for(int i = 0; i < m_lQuads.size(); i++)
CQuad *q = &m_lQuads[i];
Swap(q->m_aPoints[0], q->m_aPoints[2]);
Swap(q->m_aPoints[1], q->m_aPoints[3]);
m_pEditor->m_Map.m_Modified = true;
void Rotate(vec2 *pCenter, vec2 *pPoint, float Rotation)
float x = pPoint->x - pCenter->x;
float y = pPoint->y - pCenter->y;
pPoint->x = x * cosf(Rotation) - y * sinf(Rotation) + pCenter->x;
pPoint->y = x * sinf(Rotation) + y * cosf(Rotation) + pCenter->y;
void CLayerQuads::BrushRotate(float Amount)
vec2 Center;
GetSize(&Center.x, &Center.y);
Center.x /= 2;
Center.y /= 2;
for(int i = 0; i < m_lQuads.size(); i++)
CQuad *q = &m_lQuads[i];
for(int p = 0; p < 5; p++)
vec2 Pos(fx2f(q->m_aPoints[p].x), fx2f(q->m_aPoints[p].y));
Rotate(&Center, &Pos, Amount);
q->m_aPoints[p].x = f2fx(Pos.x);
q->m_aPoints[p].y = f2fx(Pos.y);
void CLayerQuads::GetSize(float *w, float *h)
*w = 0; *h = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < m_lQuads.size(); i++)
for(int p = 0; p < 5; p++)
*w = maximum(*w, fx2f(m_lQuads[i].m_aPoints[p].x));
*h = maximum(*h, fx2f(m_lQuads[i].m_aPoints[p].y));
int CLayerQuads::RenderProperties(CUIRect *pToolBox)
// layer props
CProperty aProps[] = {
{"Image", m_Image, PROPTYPE_IMAGE, -1, m_pEditor->m_Map.m_lImages.size()},
static int s_aIds[NUM_PROPS] = {0};
int NewVal = 0;
int Prop = m_pEditor->DoProperties(pToolBox, aProps, s_aIds, &NewVal);
if(Prop != -1)
m_pEditor->m_Map.m_Modified = true;
if(Prop == PROP_IMAGE)
m_Image = NewVal;
return 0;
void CLayerQuads::ModifyImageIndex(INDEX_MODIFY_FUNC Func)
void CLayerQuads::ModifyEnvelopeIndex(INDEX_MODIFY_FUNC Func)
for(int i = 0; i < m_lQuads.size(); i++)