GreYFoXGTi 7f8fb7a5a7 Merging the client manually into the server
but i can't get the client to accept the console class of the server -.-" yet..

Signed-off-by: GreYFoXGTi <GreYFoXGTi@GMaiL.CoM>
2010-08-25 17:31:49 +02:00

73 lines
2 KiB

// Parts derived from:
// Opacity Displayer, Version 1.0
// Copyright Michael Lovitt, 6/2002.
// Distribute freely, but please leave this notice intact.
// http://www.alistapart.com/articles/pngopacity/
// Parts derived from:
// Natural Docs
// Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Greg Valure
// http://www.naturaldocs.org/
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