Robert Müller dde45f7a40 Add CImageInfo::PixelSize function, use enum EImageFormat
Use `enum EImageFormat` type for image format literals and variables.

Add `PixelSize` function to get the number of bytes/color channels per pixel for a specified image format.

Remove unused store format argument of texture loading functions. All textures are automatically being stored as RGBA, so the argument was unused. Also remove the therefore unused `FORMAT_AUTO`.

Rename variables consistently to `PixelSize` and use `size_t`, instead of mixing different names like `BPP` and `ColorChannelCount`.

Validate image format loaded from maps using `CImageInfo::ImageFormatFromInt`. Add `FORMAT_ERROR` to represent invalid formats.

Remove redundant `PixelSize` parameter from graphics backends and commands, which can be derived from the texture format.

Fix memory leak when RGB image data is being converted to RGBA format when saving map in editor.
2023-09-03 20:40:28 +02:00

399 lines
14 KiB

#include <base/logger.h>
#include <base/system.h>
#include <engine/gfx/image_loader.h>
#include <engine/graphics.h>
#include <engine/shared/datafile.h>
#include <engine/storage.h>
#include <game/mapitems.h>
bool CreatePixelArt(const char[3][64], const int[2], const int[2], int[2], const bool[2]);
void InsertCurrentQuads(CDataFileReader &, CMapItemLayerQuads *, CQuad *);
int InsertPixelArtQuads(CQuad *, int &, const CImageInfo &, const int[2], const int[2], const bool[2]);
bool LoadPNG(CImageInfo *, const char *);
bool OpenMaps(const char[2][64], CDataFileReader &, CDataFileWriter &);
void SaveOutputMap(CDataFileReader &, CDataFileWriter &, CMapItemLayerQuads *, int, CQuad *, int);
CMapItemLayerQuads *GetQuadLayer(CDataFileReader &, const int[2], int *);
CQuad CreateNewQuad(float, float, int, int, const uint8_t[4], const int[2]);
bool GetPixelClamped(const CImageInfo &, int, int, uint8_t[4]);
bool ComparePixel(const uint8_t[4], const uint8_t[4]);
bool IsPixelOptimizable(const CImageInfo &, int, int, const uint8_t[4], const bool[]);
void SetVisitedPixels(const CImageInfo &, int, int, int, int, bool[]);
int GetImagePixelSize(const CImageInfo &);
int FindSuperPixelSize(const CImageInfo &, const uint8_t[4], int, int, int, bool[]);
void GetOptimizedQuadSize(const CImageInfo &, int, const uint8_t[4], int, int, int &, int &, bool[]);
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
CCmdlineFix CmdlineFix(&argc, &argv);
if(argc < 9 || argc > 12)
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "Invalid arguments");
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "Usage: %s <image.png> <img_pixelsize> <input_map> <layergroup_id> <layer_id> <pos_x> <pos_y> <quad_pixelsize> <output_map> [optimize=0|1] [centralize=0|1]", argv[0]);
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "Note: use destination layer tiles as a reference for positions and pixels for sizes.");
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "Note: set img_pixelsize to 0 to consider the largest possible size.");
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "Note: set quad_pixelsize to 0 to consider the same value of img_pixelsize.");
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "Note: if image.png has not a perfect pixelart grid, result might be unexpected, manually fix img_pixelsize to get it better.");
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "Options: optimize tries to reduce the total number of quads (default: 1).");
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "Options: centralize places all pivots at the same position (default: 0).");
return -1;
char aFilenames[3][64];
str_copy(aFilenames[0], argv[3]); //input_map
str_copy(aFilenames[1], argv[9]); //output_map
str_copy(aFilenames[2], argv[1]); //image_file
int aLayerID[2] = {str_toint(argv[4]), str_toint(argv[5])}; //layergroup_id, layer_id
int aStartingPos[2] = {str_toint(argv[6]) * 32, str_toint(argv[7]) * 32}; //pos_x, pos_y
int aPixelSizes[2] = {str_toint(argv[2]), str_toint(argv[8])}; //quad_pixelsize, img_pixelsize
bool aArtOptions[3];
aArtOptions[0] = argc >= 10 ? str_toint(argv[10]) : true; //optimize
aArtOptions[1] = argc >= 11 ? str_toint(argv[11]) : false; //centralize
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "image_file='%s'; image_pixelsize='%dpx'; input_map='%s'; layergroup_id='#%d'; layer_id='#%d'; pos_x='#%dpx'; pos_y='%dpx'; quad_pixelsize='%dpx'; output_map='%s'; optimize='%d'; centralize='%d'",
aFilenames[2], aPixelSizes[0], aFilenames[1], aLayerID[0], aLayerID[1], aStartingPos[0], aStartingPos[1], aPixelSizes[1], aFilenames[2], aArtOptions[0], aArtOptions[1]);
return !CreatePixelArt(aFilenames, aLayerID, aStartingPos, aPixelSizes, aArtOptions);
bool CreatePixelArt(const char aFilenames[3][64], const int aLayerID[2], const int aStartingPos[2], int aPixelSizes[2], const bool aArtOptions[2])
CImageInfo Img;
if(!LoadPNG(&Img, aFilenames[2]))
return false;
aPixelSizes[0] = aPixelSizes[0] ? aPixelSizes[0] : GetImagePixelSize(Img);
aPixelSizes[1] = aPixelSizes[1] ? aPixelSizes[1] : aPixelSizes[0];
CDataFileReader InputMap;
CDataFileWriter OutputMap;
if(!OpenMaps(aFilenames, InputMap, OutputMap))
return false;
int ItemNumber = 0;
CMapItemLayerQuads *pQuadLayer = GetQuadLayer(InputMap, aLayerID, &ItemNumber);
return false;
int MaxNewQuads = std::ceil((Img.m_Width * Img.m_Height) / aPixelSizes[0]);
CQuad *pQuads = new CQuad[pQuadLayer->m_NumQuads + MaxNewQuads];
InsertCurrentQuads(InputMap, pQuadLayer, pQuads);
int QuadsCounter = InsertPixelArtQuads(pQuads, pQuadLayer->m_NumQuads, Img, aStartingPos, aPixelSizes, aArtOptions);
SaveOutputMap(InputMap, OutputMap, pQuadLayer, ItemNumber, pQuads, ((int)sizeof(CQuad)) * (pQuadLayer->m_NumQuads + 1));
delete[] pQuads;
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "INFO: successfully added %d new pixelart quads.", QuadsCounter);
return true;
void InsertCurrentQuads(CDataFileReader &InputMap, CMapItemLayerQuads *pQuadLayer, CQuad *pNewQuads)
CQuad *pCurrentQuads = (CQuad *)InputMap.GetDataSwapped(pQuadLayer->m_Data);
for(int i = 0; i < pQuadLayer->m_NumQuads; i++)
pNewQuads[i] = pCurrentQuads[i];
int InsertPixelArtQuads(CQuad *pQuads, int &NumQuads, const CImageInfo &Img, const int aStartingPos[2], const int aPixelSizes[2], const bool aArtOptions[2])
int ImgPixelSize = aPixelSizes[0], QuadPixelSize = aPixelSizes[1], OriginalNumQuads = NumQuads;
int aForcedPivot[2] = {std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max()};
bool *aVisitedPixels = new bool[Img.m_Height * Img.m_Width];
mem_zero(aVisitedPixels, sizeof(bool) * Img.m_Height * Img.m_Width);
for(int y = 0; y < Img.m_Height; y += ImgPixelSize)
for(int x = 0; x < Img.m_Width; x += ImgPixelSize)
uint8_t aPixel[4];
if(aVisitedPixels[x + y * Img.m_Width] || !GetPixelClamped(Img, x, y, aPixel))
int Width = 1, Height = 1;
GetOptimizedQuadSize(Img, ImgPixelSize, aPixel, x, y, Width, Height, aVisitedPixels);
float Posx = aStartingPos[0] + ((x / (float)ImgPixelSize) + (Width / 2.f)) * QuadPixelSize;
float Posy = aStartingPos[1] + ((y / (float)ImgPixelSize) + (Height / 2.f)) * QuadPixelSize;
if(aArtOptions[1] && aForcedPivot[0] == std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
aForcedPivot[0] = Posx;
aForcedPivot[1] = Posy;
pQuads[NumQuads] = CreateNewQuad(Posx, Posy, QuadPixelSize * Width, QuadPixelSize * Height, aPixel, aArtOptions[1] ? aForcedPivot : 0x0);
delete[] aVisitedPixels;
return NumQuads - OriginalNumQuads;
void GetOptimizedQuadSize(const CImageInfo &Img, const int ImgPixelSize, const uint8_t aPixel[4], const int PosX, const int PosY, int &Width, int &Height, bool aVisitedPixels[])
int w = 0, h = 0, OptimizedWidth = 0, OptimizedHeight = 0;
while(IsPixelOptimizable(Img, PosX + w, PosY + h, aPixel, aVisitedPixels))
while(IsPixelOptimizable(Img, PosX + w, PosY + h, aPixel, aVisitedPixels) && (!OptimizedHeight || h < OptimizedHeight))
h += ImgPixelSize;
if(!OptimizedHeight || h < OptimizedHeight)
OptimizedHeight = h;
h = 0;
w += ImgPixelSize;
OptimizedWidth = w;
SetVisitedPixels(Img, PosX, PosY, OptimizedWidth, OptimizedHeight, aVisitedPixels);
Width = OptimizedWidth / ImgPixelSize;
Height = OptimizedHeight / ImgPixelSize;
int GetImagePixelSize(const CImageInfo &Img)
int ImgPixelSize = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
bool *aVisitedPixels = new bool[Img.m_Height * Img.m_Width];
mem_zero(aVisitedPixels, sizeof(bool) * Img.m_Height * Img.m_Width);
for(int y = 0; y < Img.m_Height && ImgPixelSize > 1; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < Img.m_Width && ImgPixelSize > 1; x++)
uint8_t aPixel[4];
if(aVisitedPixels[x + y * Img.m_Width])
GetPixelClamped(Img, x, y, aPixel);
int SuperPixelSize = FindSuperPixelSize(Img, aPixel, x, y, 1, aVisitedPixels);
if(SuperPixelSize < ImgPixelSize)
ImgPixelSize = SuperPixelSize;
delete[] aVisitedPixels;
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "INFO: automatically detected img_pixelsize of %dpx", ImgPixelSize);
return ImgPixelSize;
int FindSuperPixelSize(const CImageInfo &Img, const uint8_t aPixel[4], const int PosX, const int PosY, const int CurrentSize, bool aVisitedPixels[])
if(PosX + CurrentSize >= Img.m_Width || PosY + CurrentSize >= Img.m_Height)
SetVisitedPixels(Img, PosX, PosY, CurrentSize, CurrentSize, aVisitedPixels);
return CurrentSize;
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < CurrentSize + 1; j++)
uint8_t aCheckPixel[4];
int x = PosX, y = PosY;
x += i == 0 ? j : CurrentSize;
y += i == 0 ? CurrentSize : j;
GetPixelClamped(Img, x, y, aCheckPixel);
if(x >= Img.m_Width || y >= Img.m_Height || !ComparePixel(aPixel, aCheckPixel))
SetVisitedPixels(Img, PosX, PosY, CurrentSize, CurrentSize, aVisitedPixels);
return CurrentSize;
return FindSuperPixelSize(Img, aPixel, PosX, PosY, CurrentSize + 1, aVisitedPixels);
bool GetPixelClamped(const CImageInfo &Img, int x, int y, uint8_t aPixel[4])
x = clamp<int>(x, 0, (int)Img.m_Width - 1);
y = clamp<int>(y, 0, (int)Img.m_Height - 1);
aPixel[0] = 255;
aPixel[1] = 255;
aPixel[2] = 255;
aPixel[3] = 255;
const size_t PixelSize = Img.PixelSize();
for(size_t i = 0; i < PixelSize; i++)
aPixel[i] = ((uint8_t *)Img.m_pData)[x * PixelSize + (Img.m_Width * PixelSize * y) + i];
return aPixel[3] > 0;
bool ComparePixel(const uint8_t aPixel1[4], const uint8_t aPixel2[4])
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if(aPixel1[i] != aPixel2[i])
return false;
return true;
bool IsPixelOptimizable(const CImageInfo &Img, const int PosX, const int PosY, const uint8_t aPixel[4], const bool aVisitedPixels[])
uint8_t aCheckPixel[4];
return PosX < Img.m_Width && PosY < Img.m_Height && !aVisitedPixels[PosX + PosY * Img.m_Width] && GetPixelClamped(Img, PosX, PosY, aCheckPixel) && ComparePixel(aPixel, aCheckPixel);
void SetVisitedPixels(const CImageInfo &Img, int PosX, int PosY, int Width, int Height, bool aVisitedPixels[])
for(int y = PosY; y < PosY + Height; y++)
for(int x = PosX; x < PosX + Width; x++)
aVisitedPixels[x + y * Img.m_Width] = true;
CMapItemLayerQuads *GetQuadLayer(CDataFileReader &InputMap, const int aLayerID[2], int *pItemNumber)
int Start, Num;
InputMap.GetType(MAPITEMTYPE_GROUP, &Start, &Num);
CMapItemGroup *pGroupItem = aLayerID[0] >= Num ? 0x0 : (CMapItemGroup *)InputMap.GetItem(Start + aLayerID[0]);
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "ERROR: unable to find layergroup '#%d'", aLayerID[0]);
return 0x0;
InputMap.GetType(MAPITEMTYPE_LAYER, &Start, &Num);
*pItemNumber = Start + pGroupItem->m_StartLayer + aLayerID[1];
CMapItemLayer *pLayerItem = aLayerID[1] >= pGroupItem->m_NumLayers ? 0x0 : (CMapItemLayer *)InputMap.GetItem(*pItemNumber);
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "ERROR: unable to find layer '#%d' in group '#%d'", aLayerID[1], aLayerID[0]);
return 0x0;
if(pLayerItem->m_Type != LAYERTYPE_QUADS)
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "ERROR: layer '#%d' in group '#%d' is not a quad layer", aLayerID[1], aLayerID[0]);
return 0x0;
return (CMapItemLayerQuads *)pLayerItem;
CQuad CreateNewQuad(const float PosX, const float PosY, const int Width, const int Height, const uint8_t aColor[4], const int aForcedPivot[2] = 0x0)
CQuad Quad;
Quad.m_PosEnv = Quad.m_ColorEnv = -1;
Quad.m_PosEnvOffset = Quad.m_ColorEnvOffset = 0;
float x = f2fx(PosX), y = f2fx(PosY), w = f2fx(Width / 2.f), h = f2fx(Height / 2.f);
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
Quad.m_aPoints[i].y = y - h;
Quad.m_aPoints[i + 2].y = y + h;
Quad.m_aPoints[i * 2].x = x - w;
Quad.m_aPoints[i * 2 + 1].x = x + w;
for(auto &QuadColor : Quad.m_aColors)
QuadColor.r = aColor[0];
QuadColor.g = aColor[1];
QuadColor.b = aColor[2];
QuadColor.a = aColor[3];
Quad.m_aPoints[4].x = aForcedPivot ? f2fx(aForcedPivot[0]) : x;
Quad.m_aPoints[4].y = aForcedPivot ? f2fx(aForcedPivot[1]) : y;
return Quad;
bool LoadPNG(CImageInfo *pImg, const char *pFilename)
IOHANDLE File = io_open(pFilename, IOFLAG_READ);
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "ERROR: Unable to open file %s", pFilename);
return false;
io_seek(File, 0, IOSEEK_END);
unsigned int FileSize = io_tell(File);
io_seek(File, 0, IOSEEK_START);
TImageByteBuffer ByteBuffer;
SImageByteBuffer ImageByteBuffer(&ByteBuffer);
io_read(File, &ByteBuffer.front(), FileSize);
uint8_t *pImgBuffer = NULL;
EImageFormat ImageFormat;
int PngliteIncompatible;
if(!LoadPNG(ImageByteBuffer, pFilename, PngliteIncompatible, pImg->m_Width, pImg->m_Height, pImgBuffer, ImageFormat))
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "ERROR: Unable to load a valid PNG from file %s", pFilename);
return false;
if(ImageFormat != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA && ImageFormat != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB)
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "ERROR: only RGB and RGBA PNG images are supported");
return false;
pImg->m_pData = pImgBuffer;
pImg->m_Format = ImageFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB ? CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGB : CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGBA;
return true;
bool OpenMaps(const char pMapNames[2][64], CDataFileReader &InputMap, CDataFileWriter &OutputMap)
IStorage *pStorage = CreateLocalStorage();
if(!InputMap.Open(pStorage, pMapNames[0], IStorage::TYPE_ABSOLUTE))
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "ERROR: unable to open map '%s'", pMapNames[0]);
return false;
if(!OutputMap.Open(pStorage, pMapNames[1], IStorage::TYPE_ABSOLUTE))
dbg_msg("map_create_pixelart", "ERROR: unable to open map '%s'", pMapNames[1]);
return false;
return true;
void SaveOutputMap(CDataFileReader &InputMap, CDataFileWriter &OutputMap, CMapItemLayerQuads *pNewItem, const int NewItemNumber, CQuad *pNewData, const int NewDataSize)
for(int i = 0; i < InputMap.NumItems(); i++)
int ID, Type;
void *pItem = InputMap.GetItem(i, &Type, &ID);
if(Type == ITEMTYPE_EX)
if(i == NewItemNumber)
pItem = pNewItem;
int Size = InputMap.GetItemSize(i);
OutputMap.AddItem(Type, ID, Size, pItem);
for(int i = 0; i < InputMap.NumData(); i++)
if(i == pNewItem->m_Data)
OutputMap.AddData(NewDataSize, pNewData);
OutputMap.AddData(InputMap.GetDataSize(i), InputMap.GetData(i));