2019-09-30 20:54:19 +08:00

248 lines
6.9 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#include "kernel.h"
#include "message.h"
#include <engine/friends.h>
#include <engine/shared/config.h>
typedef bool (*CLIENTFUNC_FILTER)(const void *pData, int DataSize, void *pUser);
class IClient : public IInterface
MACRO_INTERFACE("client", 0)
// quick access to state of the client
int m_State;
// quick access to time variables
int m_PrevGameTick[2];
int m_CurGameTick[2];
float m_GameIntraTick[2];
float m_GameTickTime[2];
int m_PredTick[2];
float m_PredIntraTick[2];
float m_LocalTime;
float m_RenderFrameTime;
int m_GameTickSpeed;
float m_FrameTimeAvg;
char m_aNews[3000];
int64 m_ReconnectTime;
class CSnapItem
int m_Type;
int m_ID;
int m_DataSize;
/* Constants: Client States
STATE_OFFLINE - The client is offline.
STATE_CONNECTING - The client is trying to connect to a server.
STATE_LOADING - The client has connected to a server and is loading resources.
STATE_ONLINE - The client is connected to a server and running the game.
STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK - The client is playing a demo
STATE_QUITING - The client is quitting.
inline int State() const { return m_State; }
// tick time access
inline int PrevGameTick() const { return m_PrevGameTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy]; }
inline int GameTick() const { return m_CurGameTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy]; }
inline int PredGameTick() const { return m_PredTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy]; }
inline float IntraGameTick() const { return m_GameIntraTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy]; }
inline float PredIntraGameTick() const { return m_PredIntraTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy]; }
inline float GameTickTime() const { return m_GameTickTime[g_Config.m_ClDummy]; }
inline int GameTickSpeed() const { return m_GameTickSpeed; }
// other time access
inline float RenderFrameTime() const { return m_RenderFrameTime; }
inline float LocalTime() const { return m_LocalTime; }
inline float FrameTimeAvg() const { return m_FrameTimeAvg; }
// actions
virtual void Connect(const char *pAddress, const char *pPassword = NULL) = 0;
virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
// dummy
virtual void DummyDisconnect(const char *pReason) = 0;
virtual void DummyConnect() = 0;
virtual bool DummyConnected() = 0;
virtual bool DummyConnecting() = 0;
virtual void Restart() = 0;
virtual void Quit() = 0;
virtual const char *DemoPlayer_Play(const char *pFilename, int StorageType) = 0;
virtual const char *DemoPlayer_Render(const char *pFilename, int StorageType, const char *pVideoName) = 0;
virtual void DemoRecorder_Start(const char *pFilename, bool WithTimestamp, int Recorder) = 0;
virtual void DemoRecorder_HandleAutoStart() = 0;
virtual void DemoRecorder_Stop(int Recorder, bool RemoveFile = false) = 0;
virtual class IDemoRecorder *DemoRecorder(int Recorder) = 0;
virtual void AutoScreenshot_Start() = 0;
virtual void AutoStatScreenshot_Start() = 0;
virtual void AutoCSV_Start() = 0;
virtual void ServerBrowserUpdate() = 0;
// gfx
virtual void SwitchWindowScreen(int Index) = 0;
virtual void ToggleFullscreen() = 0;
virtual void ToggleWindowBordered() = 0;
virtual void ToggleWindowVSync() = 0;
virtual void LoadFont() = 0;
// networking
virtual void EnterGame() = 0;
virtual const char *MapDownloadName() = 0;
virtual int MapDownloadAmount() = 0;
virtual int MapDownloadTotalsize() = 0;
// input
virtual int *GetInput(int Tick) = 0;
virtual int *GetDirectInput(int Tick) = 0;
// remote console
virtual void RconAuth(const char *pUsername, const char *pPassword) = 0;
virtual bool RconAuthed() = 0;
virtual bool UseTempRconCommands() = 0;
virtual void Rcon(const char *pLine) = 0;
// server info
virtual void GetServerInfo(class CServerInfo *pServerInfo) = 0;
virtual int GetPredictionTime() = 0;
// snapshot interface
// TODO: Refactor: should redo this a bit i think, too many virtual calls
virtual int SnapNumItems(int SnapID) = 0;
virtual void *SnapFindItem(int SnapID, int Type, int ID) = 0;
virtual void *SnapGetItem(int SnapID, int Index, CSnapItem *pItem) = 0;
virtual int SnapItemSize(int SnapID, int Index) = 0;
virtual void SnapInvalidateItem(int SnapID, int Index) = 0;
virtual void SnapSetStaticsize(int ItemType, int Size) = 0;
virtual int SendMsg(CMsgPacker *pMsg, int Flags) = 0;
virtual int SendMsgExY(CMsgPacker *pMsg, int Flags, bool System=true, int NetClient=1) = 0;
template<class T>
int SendPackMsg(T *pMsg, int Flags)
CMsgPacker Packer(pMsg->MsgID());
return -1;
return SendMsg(&Packer, Flags);
virtual const char *ErrorString() = 0;
virtual const char *LatestVersion() = 0;
virtual bool ConnectionProblems() = 0;
virtual bool SoundInitFailed() = 0;
virtual int GetDebugFont() = 0;
virtual const char *GetCurrentMap() = 0;
virtual const char *GetCurrentMapPath() = 0;
virtual unsigned GetMapCrc() = 0;
virtual int GetCurrentRaceTime() = 0;
virtual void RaceRecord_Start(const char *pFilename) = 0;
virtual void RaceRecord_Stop() = 0;
virtual bool RaceRecord_IsRecording() = 0;
virtual void DemoSliceBegin() = 0;
virtual void DemoSliceEnd() = 0;
virtual void DemoSlice(const char *pDstPath, CLIENTFUNC_FILTER pfnFilter, void *pUser) = 0;
virtual void RequestDDNetInfo() = 0;
virtual bool EditorHasUnsavedData() = 0;
virtual void GenerateTimeoutSeed() = 0;
virtual IFriends* Foes() = 0;
virtual void GetSmoothTick(int *pSmoothTick, float *pSmoothIntraTick, float MixAmount) = 0;
class IGameClient : public IInterface
MACRO_INTERFACE("gameclient", 0)
virtual void OnConsoleInit() = 0;
virtual void OnRconType(bool UsernameReq) = 0;
virtual void OnRconLine(const char *pLine) = 0;
virtual void OnInit() = 0;
virtual void OnNewSnapshot() = 0;
virtual void OnEnterGame() = 0;
virtual void OnShutdown() = 0;
virtual void OnRender() = 0;
virtual void OnUpdate() = 0;
virtual void OnStateChange(int NewState, int OldState) = 0;
virtual void OnConnected() = 0;
virtual void OnMessage(int MsgID, CUnpacker *pUnpacker, bool IsDummy = 0) = 0;
virtual void OnPredict() = 0;
virtual void OnActivateEditor() = 0;
virtual int OnSnapInput(int *pData, bool Dummy, bool Force) = 0;
virtual void OnDummySwap() = 0;
virtual void SendDummyInfo(bool Start) = 0;
virtual int GetLastRaceTick() = 0;
virtual const char *GetItemName(int Type) = 0;
virtual const char *Version() = 0;
virtual const char *NetVersion() = 0;
virtual void OnDummyDisconnect() = 0;
virtual void Echo(const char *pString) = 0;
extern IGameClient *CreateGameClient();