Robert Müller 3280f1824f Reset graphics container indices after deletion
Reduce duplicate code and improve correctness by passing indices of quad, buffer and text containers by reference and always setting them to `-1` after they are deleted.

Also check if index is `-1` before trying to delete it to reduce duplicate code when calling the methods.
2023-02-15 21:05:15 +01:00

1983 lines
61 KiB

/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
/* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */
#include <base/math.h>
#include <base/system.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <engine/graphics.h>
#include <engine/storage.h>
#include <engine/textrender.h>
// ft2 texture
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include <limits>
// TODO: Refactor: clean this up
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
struct SFontSizeChar
int m_ID;
// these values are scaled to the pFont size
// width * font_size == real_size
float m_Width;
float m_Height;
float m_CharWidth;
float m_CharHeight;
float m_OffsetX;
float m_OffsetY;
float m_AdvanceX;
float m_aUVs[4];
FT_UInt m_GlyphIndex;
typedef vector4_base<unsigned char> STextCharQuadVertexColor;
struct STextCharQuadVertex
m_Color.r = m_Color.g = m_Color.b = m_Color.a = 255;
float m_X, m_Y;
// do not use normalized floats as coordinates, since the texture might grow
float m_U, m_V;
STextCharQuadVertexColor m_Color;
struct STextCharQuad
STextCharQuadVertex m_aVertices[4];
struct STextureSkyline
// the height of each column
std::vector<int> m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn;
struct CFontSizeData
int m_FontSize;
FT_Face *m_pFace;
std::map<int, SFontSizeChar> m_Chars;
#define MIN_FONT_SIZE 6
#define MAX_FONT_SIZE 128
class CFont
delete[] m_apTextureData[0];
delete[] m_apTextureData[1];
for(auto &FtFallbackFont : m_vFtFallbackFonts)
void InitFontSizes()
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_FONT_SIZES; ++i)
m_aFontSizes[i].m_FontSize = i + MIN_FONT_SIZE;
m_aFontSizes[i].m_pFace = &this->m_FtFace;
CFontSizeData *GetFontSize(int Pixelsize)
int FontSize = (Pixelsize >= MIN_FONT_SIZE ? (Pixelsize > MAX_FONT_SIZE ? MAX_FONT_SIZE : Pixelsize) : MIN_FONT_SIZE);
return &m_aFontSizes[FontSize - MIN_FONT_SIZE];
void *m_pBuf;
char m_aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
FT_Face m_FtFace;
struct SFontFallBack
void *m_pBuf;
char m_aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
FT_Face m_FtFace;
std::vector<SFontFallBack> m_vFtFallbackFonts;
CFontSizeData m_aFontSizes[NUM_FONT_SIZES];
IGraphics::CTextureHandle m_aTextures[2];
// keep the full texture, because opengl doesn't provide texture copying
uint8_t *m_apTextureData[2];
// width and height are the same
int m_aCurTextureDimensions[2];
STextureSkyline m_aTextureSkyline[2];
struct STextString
int m_QuadBufferObjectIndex;
int m_QuadBufferContainerIndex;
size_t m_QuadNum;
int m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex;
std::vector<STextCharQuad> m_vCharacterQuads;
struct STextContainer
STextContainer() { Reset(); }
CFont *m_pFont;
int m_FontSize;
STextString m_StringInfo;
// keep these values to calculate offsets
float m_AlignedStartX;
float m_AlignedStartY;
float m_X;
float m_Y;
int m_Flags;
int m_LineCount;
int m_GlyphCount;
int m_CharCount;
int m_MaxLines;
float m_StartX;
float m_StartY;
float m_LineWidth;
float m_UnscaledFontSize;
int m_RenderFlags;
bool m_HasCursor;
bool m_HasSelection;
bool m_SingleTimeUse;
void Reset()
m_pFont = NULL;
m_FontSize = 0;
m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferObjectIndex = m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex = m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex = -1;
m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum = 0;
m_AlignedStartX = m_AlignedStartY = m_X = m_Y = 0.f;
m_Flags = m_LineCount = m_CharCount = m_GlyphCount = 0;
m_MaxLines = -1;
m_StartX = m_StartY = 0.f;
m_LineWidth = -1.f;
m_UnscaledFontSize = 0.f;
m_RenderFlags = 0;
m_HasCursor = false;
m_HasSelection = false;
m_SingleTimeUse = false;
class CTextRender : public IEngineTextRender
IGraphics *m_pGraphics;
IGraphics *Graphics() { return m_pGraphics; }
unsigned int m_RenderFlags;
std::vector<STextContainer *> m_vpTextContainers;
std::vector<int> m_vTextContainerIndices;
int m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex;
SBufferContainerInfo m_DefaultTextContainerInfo;
std::vector<CFont *> m_vpFonts;
CFont *m_pCurFont;
std::chrono::nanoseconds m_CursorRenderTime;
int GetFreeTextContainerIndex()
if(m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex == -1)
int Index = (int)m_vTextContainerIndices.size();
return Index;
int Index = m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex;
m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex = m_vTextContainerIndices[Index];
m_vTextContainerIndices[Index] = Index;
return Index;
void FreeTextContainerIndex(int &Index)
m_vTextContainerIndices[Index] = m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex;
m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex = Index;
Index = -1;
void FreeTextContainer(int &Index)
STextContainer &GetTextContainer(int Index)
dbg_assert(Index >= 0, "Text container index was invalid.");
if(Index >= (int)m_vpTextContainers.size())
int Size = (int)m_vpTextContainers.size();
for(int i = 0; i < (Index + 1) - Size; ++i)
m_vpTextContainers.push_back(new STextContainer());
return *m_vpTextContainers[Index];
int WordLength(const char *pText)
const char *pCursor = pText;
if(*pCursor == 0)
return pCursor - pText;
if(*pCursor == '\n' || *pCursor == '\t' || *pCursor == ' ')
return pCursor - pText + 1;
ColorRGBA m_Color;
ColorRGBA m_OutlineColor;
ColorRGBA m_SelectionColor;
CFont *m_pDefaultFont;
FT_Library m_FTLibrary;
void SetRenderFlags(unsigned int Flags) override
m_RenderFlags = Flags;
unsigned int GetRenderFlags() override
return m_RenderFlags;
void Grow(unsigned char *pIn, unsigned char *pOut, int w, int h, int OutlineCount)
for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < w; x++)
int c = pIn[y * w + x];
for(int sy = -OutlineCount; sy <= OutlineCount; sy++)
for(int sx = -OutlineCount; sx <= OutlineCount; sx++)
int GetX = x + sx;
int GetY = y + sy;
if(GetX >= 0 && GetY >= 0 && GetX < w && GetY < h)
int Index = GetY * w + GetX;
if(pIn[Index] > c)
c = pIn[Index];
pOut[y * w + x] = c;
void InitTextures(int Width, int Height, IGraphics::CTextureHandle (&aTextures)[2], uint8_t *(&aTextureData)[2])
size_t NewTextureSize = (size_t)Width * (size_t)Height * 1;
void *pTmpTextData = malloc(NewTextureSize);
void *pTmpTextOutlineData = malloc(NewTextureSize);
mem_copy(pTmpTextData, aTextureData[0], NewTextureSize);
mem_copy(pTmpTextOutlineData, aTextureData[1], NewTextureSize);
Graphics()->LoadTextTextures(Width, Height, aTextures[0], aTextures[1], pTmpTextData, pTmpTextOutlineData);
void UnloadTextures(IGraphics::CTextureHandle (&aTextures)[2])
Graphics()->UnloadTextTextures(aTextures[0], aTextures[1]);
void IncreaseFontTextureImpl(CFont *pFont, int TextureIndex, int NewDimensions)
unsigned char *pTmpTexBuffer = new unsigned char[NewDimensions * NewDimensions];
mem_zero(pTmpTexBuffer, (size_t)NewDimensions * NewDimensions * sizeof(unsigned char));
for(int y = 0; y < pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex]; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex]; ++x)
pTmpTexBuffer[x + y * NewDimensions] = pFont->m_apTextureData[TextureIndex][x + y * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex]];
delete[] pFont->m_apTextureData[TextureIndex];
pFont->m_apTextureData[TextureIndex] = pTmpTexBuffer;
pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex] = NewDimensions;
pFont->m_aTextureSkyline[TextureIndex].m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn.resize(NewDimensions, 0);
void IncreaseFontTexture(CFont *pFont)
int NewDimensions = pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0] * 2;
IncreaseFontTextureImpl(pFont, 0, NewDimensions);
IncreaseFontTextureImpl(pFont, 1, NewDimensions);
InitTextures(NewDimensions, NewDimensions, pFont->m_aTextures, pFont->m_apTextureData);
int AdjustOutlineThicknessToFontSize(int OutlineThickness, int FontSize)
if(FontSize > 48)
OutlineThickness *= 4;
else if(FontSize >= 18)
OutlineThickness *= 2;
return OutlineThickness;
void UploadGlyph(CFont *pFont, int TextureIndex, int PosX, int PosY, int Width, int Height, const unsigned char *pData)
for(int y = 0; y < Height; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < Width; ++x)
pFont->m_apTextureData[TextureIndex][x + PosX + ((y + PosY) * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex])] = pData[x + y * Width];
Graphics()->UpdateTextTexture(pFont->m_aTextures[TextureIndex], PosX, PosY, Width, Height, pData);
// 128k * 2 of data used for rendering glyphs
unsigned char ms_aGlyphData[(1024 / 4) * (1024 / 4)];
unsigned char ms_aGlyphDataOutlined[(1024 / 4) * (1024 / 4)];
bool GetCharacterSpace(CFont *pFont, int TextureIndex, int Width, int Height, int &PosX, int &PosY)
if(pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex] < Width)
return false;
if(pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex] < Height)
return false;
// skyline bottom left algorithm
std::vector<int> &vSkylineHeights = pFont->m_aTextureSkyline[TextureIndex].m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn;
// search a fitting area with less pixel loss
int SmallestPixelLossAreaX = 0;
int SmallestPixelLossAreaY = pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex] + 1;
int SmallestPixelLossCurPixelLoss = pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex] * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex];
bool FoundAnyArea = false;
for(size_t i = 0; i < vSkylineHeights.size(); i++)
int CurHeight = vSkylineHeights[i];
int CurPixelLoss = 0;
// find width pixels, and we are happy
int AreaWidth = 1;
for(size_t n = i + 1; n < i + Width && n < vSkylineHeights.size(); ++n)
if(vSkylineHeights[n] <= CurHeight)
CurPixelLoss += CurHeight - vSkylineHeights[n];
// if the height changed, we will use that new height and adjust the pixel loss
CurPixelLoss = 0;
CurHeight = vSkylineHeights[n];
for(size_t l = i; l <= n; ++l)
CurPixelLoss += CurHeight - vSkylineHeights[l];
// if the area is too high, continue
if(CurHeight + Height > pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex])
// if the found area fits our needs, check if we can use it
if(AreaWidth == Width)
if(SmallestPixelLossCurPixelLoss >= CurPixelLoss)
if(CurHeight < SmallestPixelLossAreaY)
SmallestPixelLossCurPixelLoss = CurPixelLoss;
SmallestPixelLossAreaX = (int)i;
SmallestPixelLossAreaY = CurHeight;
FoundAnyArea = true;
if(CurPixelLoss == 0)
PosX = SmallestPixelLossAreaX;
PosY = SmallestPixelLossAreaY;
for(int i = PosX; i < PosX + Width; ++i)
vSkylineHeights[i] = PosY + Height;
return true;
return false;
void RenderGlyph(CFont *pFont, CFontSizeData *pSizeData, int Chr)
FT_Bitmap *pBitmap;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
unsigned int px, py;
FT_Face FtFace = pFont->m_FtFace;
FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(FtFace, 0, pSizeData->m_FontSize);
FT_UInt GlyphIndex = 0;
GlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(FtFace, (FT_ULong)Chr);
if(GlyphIndex == 0)
for(CFont::SFontFallBack &FallbackFont : pFont->m_vFtFallbackFonts)
FtFace = FallbackFont.m_FtFace;
FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(FtFace, 0, pSizeData->m_FontSize);
GlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(FtFace, (FT_ULong)Chr);
if(GlyphIndex != 0)
if(GlyphIndex == 0)
const int ReplacementChr = 0x25a1; // White square to indicate missing glyph
FtFace = pFont->m_FtFace;
GlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(FtFace, (FT_ULong)ReplacementChr);
if(GlyphIndex == 0)
dbg_msg("textrender", "font has no glyph for either %d or replacement char %d", Chr, ReplacementChr);
if(FT_Load_Glyph(FtFace, GlyphIndex, FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP))
dbg_msg("textrender", "error loading glyph %d", Chr);
pBitmap = &FtFace->glyph->bitmap;
unsigned int RealWidth = pBitmap->width;
unsigned int RealHeight = pBitmap->rows;
// adjust spacing
int OutlineThickness = 0;
if(RealWidth > 0)
OutlineThickness = AdjustOutlineThicknessToFontSize(1, pSizeData->m_FontSize);
x += (OutlineThickness + 1);
y += (OutlineThickness + 1);
unsigned int Width = RealWidth + x * 2;
unsigned int Height = RealHeight + y * 2;
int X = 0;
int Y = 0;
if(Width > 0 && Height > 0)
// prepare glyph data
mem_zero(ms_aGlyphData, Width * Height);
for(py = 0; py < pBitmap->rows; py++)
for(px = 0; px < pBitmap->width; px++)
ms_aGlyphData[(py + y) * Width + px + x] = pBitmap->buffer[py * pBitmap->width + px];
// upload the glyph
while(!GetCharacterSpace(pFont, 0, (int)Width, (int)Height, X, Y))
UploadGlyph(pFont, 0, X, Y, (int)Width, (int)Height, ms_aGlyphData);
Grow(ms_aGlyphData, ms_aGlyphDataOutlined, Width, Height, OutlineThickness);
while(!GetCharacterSpace(pFont, 1, (int)Width, (int)Height, X, Y))
UploadGlyph(pFont, 1, X, Y, (int)Width, (int)Height, ms_aGlyphDataOutlined);
// set char info
SFontSizeChar *pFontchr = &pSizeData->m_Chars[Chr];
int BMPHeight = pBitmap->rows + y * 2;
int BMPWidth = pBitmap->width + x * 2;
pFontchr->m_ID = Chr;
pFontchr->m_Height = Height;
pFontchr->m_Width = Width;
pFontchr->m_CharHeight = RealHeight;
pFontchr->m_CharWidth = RealWidth;
pFontchr->m_OffsetX = (FtFace->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX >> 6);
pFontchr->m_OffsetY = -((FtFace->glyph->metrics.height >> 6) - (FtFace->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY >> 6));
pFontchr->m_AdvanceX = (FtFace->glyph->advance.x >> 6);
pFontchr->m_aUVs[0] = X;
pFontchr->m_aUVs[1] = Y;
pFontchr->m_aUVs[2] = pFontchr->m_aUVs[0] + BMPWidth;
pFontchr->m_aUVs[3] = pFontchr->m_aUVs[1] + BMPHeight;
pFontchr->m_GlyphIndex = GlyphIndex;
SFontSizeChar *GetChar(CFont *pFont, CFontSizeData *pSizeData, int Chr)
std::map<int, SFontSizeChar>::iterator it = pSizeData->m_Chars.find(Chr);
if(it == pSizeData->m_Chars.end())
// render and add character
SFontSizeChar &FontSizeChr = pSizeData->m_Chars[Chr];
RenderGlyph(pFont, pSizeData, Chr);
return &FontSizeChr;
return &it->second;
float Kerning(CFont *pFont, FT_UInt GlyphIndexLeft, FT_UInt GlyphIndexRight)
FT_Vector Kerning = {0, 0};
FT_Get_Kerning(pFont->m_FtFace, GlyphIndexLeft, GlyphIndexRight, FT_KERNING_DEFAULT, &Kerning);
return (Kerning.x >> 6);
m_pGraphics = 0;
m_Color = DefaultTextColor();
m_OutlineColor = DefaultTextOutlineColor();
m_SelectionColor = DefaultSelectionColor();
m_pCurFont = 0;
m_pDefaultFont = 0;
m_FTLibrary = 0;
m_RenderFlags = 0;
m_CursorRenderTime = time_get_nanoseconds();
virtual ~CTextRender()
for(auto *pTextCont : m_vpTextContainers)
delete pTextCont;
for(auto &pFont : m_vpFonts)
for(CFont::SFontFallBack &FallbackFont : pFont->m_vFtFallbackFonts)
delete pFont;
if(m_FTLibrary != 0)
void Init() override
m_pGraphics = Kernel()->RequestInterface<IGraphics>();
// print freetype version
int LMajor, LMinor, LPatch;
FT_Library_Version(m_FTLibrary, &LMajor, &LMinor, &LPatch);
dbg_msg("freetype", "freetype version %d.%d.%d (compiled = %d.%d.%d)", LMajor, LMinor, LPatch,
m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex = -1;
m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_Stride = sizeof(STextCharQuadVertex);
m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_VertBufferBindingIndex = -1;
SBufferContainerInfo::SAttribute *pAttr = &m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_vAttributes.back();
pAttr->m_DataTypeCount = 2;
pAttr->m_FuncType = 0;
pAttr->m_Normalized = false;
pAttr->m_pOffset = 0;
pAttr = &m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_vAttributes.back();
pAttr->m_DataTypeCount = 2;
pAttr->m_FuncType = 0;
pAttr->m_Normalized = false;
pAttr->m_pOffset = (void *)(sizeof(float) * 2);
pAttr = &m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_vAttributes.back();
pAttr->m_DataTypeCount = 4;
pAttr->m_FuncType = 0;
pAttr->m_Normalized = true;
pAttr->m_pOffset = (void *)(sizeof(float) * 2 + sizeof(float) * 2);
IStorage *pStorage = Kernel()->RequestInterface<IStorage>();
char aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
const char *pFontFile = "fonts/Icons.otf";
IOHANDLE File = pStorage->OpenFile(pFontFile, IOFLAG_READ, IStorage::TYPE_ALL, aFilename, sizeof(aFilename));
void *pBuf;
unsigned Size;
io_read_all(File, &pBuf, &Size);
LoadFont(aFilename, (unsigned char *)pBuf, Size);
CFont *LoadFont(const char *pFilename, const unsigned char *pBuf, size_t Size) override
CFont *pFont = new CFont();
str_copy(pFont->m_aFilename, pFilename);
if(FT_New_Memory_Face(m_FTLibrary, pBuf, Size, 0, &pFont->m_FtFace))
delete pFont;
return NULL;
dbg_msg("textrender", "loaded font from '%s'", pFilename);
pFont->m_pBuf = (void *)pBuf;
pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0] = 1024;
pFont->m_apTextureData[0] = new unsigned char[pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0] * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0]];
mem_zero(pFont->m_apTextureData[0], (size_t)pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0] * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0] * sizeof(unsigned char));
pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[1] = 1024;
pFont->m_apTextureData[1] = new unsigned char[pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[1] * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[1]];
mem_zero(pFont->m_apTextureData[1], (size_t)pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[1] * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[1] * sizeof(unsigned char));
InitTextures(pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0], pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0], pFont->m_aTextures, pFont->m_apTextureData);
pFont->m_aTextureSkyline[0].m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn.resize(pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0], 0);
pFont->m_aTextureSkyline[1].m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn.resize(pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[1], 0);
return pFont;
bool LoadFallbackFont(CFont *pFont, const char *pFilename, const unsigned char *pBuf, size_t Size) override
CFont::SFontFallBack FallbackFont;
FallbackFont.m_pBuf = (void *)pBuf;
str_copy(FallbackFont.m_aFilename, pFilename);
if(FT_New_Memory_Face(m_FTLibrary, pBuf, Size, 0, &FallbackFont.m_FtFace) == 0)
dbg_msg("textrender", "loaded fallback font from '%s'", pFilename);
return true;
return false;
CFont *GetFont(int FontIndex) override
if(FontIndex >= 0 && FontIndex < (int)m_vpFonts.size())
return m_vpFonts[FontIndex];
return NULL;
CFont *GetFont(const char *pFilename) override
for(auto &pFont : m_vpFonts)
if(str_comp(pFilename, pFont->m_aFilename) == 0)
return pFont;
return NULL;
void SetDefaultFont(CFont *pFont) override
dbg_msg("textrender", "default font set to '%s'", pFont->m_aFilename);
m_pDefaultFont = pFont;
m_pCurFont = m_pDefaultFont;
void SetCurFont(CFont *pFont) override
if(pFont == NULL)
m_pCurFont = m_pDefaultFont;
m_pCurFont = pFont;
void SetCursor(CTextCursor *pCursor, float x, float y, float FontSize, int Flags) override
mem_zero(pCursor, sizeof(*pCursor));
pCursor->m_FontSize = FontSize;
pCursor->m_StartX = x;
pCursor->m_StartY = y;
pCursor->m_X = x;
pCursor->m_Y = y;
pCursor->m_LineCount = 1;
pCursor->m_LineWidth = -1;
pCursor->m_Flags = Flags;
pCursor->m_GlyphCount = 0;
pCursor->m_CharCount = 0;
pCursor->m_MaxCharacterHeight = 0;
pCursor->m_LongestLineWidth = 0;
pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode = TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_NONE;
pCursor->m_PressMouseX = 0;
pCursor->m_PressMouseY = 0;
pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX = 0;
pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY = 0;
pCursor->m_SelectionStart = 0;
pCursor->m_SelectionEnd = 0;
pCursor->m_CursorCharacter = -1;
void MoveCursor(CTextCursor *pCursor, float x, float y) override
pCursor->m_X += x;
pCursor->m_Y += y;
void SetCursorPosition(CTextCursor *pCursor, float x, float y) override
pCursor->m_X = x;
pCursor->m_Y = y;
void Text(void *pFontSetV, float x, float y, float Size, const char *pText, float LineWidth) override
CTextCursor Cursor;
SetCursor(&Cursor, x, y, Size, TEXTFLAG_RENDER);
Cursor.m_LineWidth = LineWidth;
int OldRenderFlags = m_RenderFlags;
if(LineWidth <= 0)
TextEx(&Cursor, pText, -1);
float TextWidth(void *pFontSetV, float Size, const char *pText, int StrLength, float LineWidth, float *pAlignedHeight = NULL, float *pMaxCharacterHeightInLine = NULL) override
CTextCursor Cursor;
SetCursor(&Cursor, 0, 0, Size, 0);
Cursor.m_LineWidth = LineWidth;
int OldRenderFlags = m_RenderFlags;
if(LineWidth <= 0)
TextEx(&Cursor, pText, StrLength);
if(pAlignedHeight != NULL)
*pAlignedHeight = Cursor.m_AlignedFontSize;
if(pMaxCharacterHeightInLine != NULL)
*pMaxCharacterHeightInLine = Cursor.m_MaxCharacterHeight;
return Cursor.m_X;
int TextLineCount(void *pFontSetV, float Size, const char *pText, float LineWidth) override
CTextCursor Cursor;
SetCursor(&Cursor, 0, 0, Size, 0);
Cursor.m_LineWidth = LineWidth;
int OldRenderFlags = m_RenderFlags;
if(LineWidth <= 0)
TextEx(&Cursor, pText, -1);
return Cursor.m_LineCount;
void TextColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) override
m_Color.r = r;
m_Color.g = g;
m_Color.b = b;
m_Color.a = a;
void TextColor(ColorRGBA rgb) override { m_Color = rgb; }
void TextOutlineColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) override
m_OutlineColor.r = r;
m_OutlineColor.g = g;
m_OutlineColor.b = b;
m_OutlineColor.a = a;
void TextOutlineColor(ColorRGBA rgb) override { m_OutlineColor = rgb; }
void TextSelectionColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) override
m_SelectionColor.r = r;
m_SelectionColor.g = g;
m_SelectionColor.b = b;
m_SelectionColor.a = a;
void TextSelectionColor(ColorRGBA rgb) override { m_SelectionColor = rgb; }
ColorRGBA GetTextColor() override { return m_Color; }
ColorRGBA GetTextOutlineColor() override { return m_OutlineColor; }
ColorRGBA GetTextSelectionColor() override { return m_SelectionColor; }
void TextEx(CTextCursor *pCursor, const char *pText, int Length) override
int OldRenderFlags = m_RenderFlags;
int TextCont = -1;
CreateTextContainer(TextCont, pCursor, pText, Length);
m_RenderFlags = OldRenderFlags;
if(TextCont != -1)
if((pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_RENDER) != 0)
ColorRGBA TextColor = DefaultTextColor();
ColorRGBA TextColorOutline = DefaultTextOutlineColor();
RenderTextContainer(TextCont, TextColor, TextColorOutline);
bool CreateTextContainer(int &TextContainerIndex, CTextCursor *pCursor, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override
dbg_assert(TextContainerIndex == -1, "Text container index was not cleared.");
TextContainerIndex = -1;
CFont *pFont = pCursor->m_pFont;
// fetch pFont data
pFont = m_pCurFont;
return false;
bool IsRendered = (pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_RENDER) != 0;
TextContainerIndex = GetFreeTextContainerIndex();
STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex);
TextContainer.m_pFont = pFont;
TextContainer.m_SingleTimeUse = (m_RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_ONE_TIME_USE) != 0;
CFontSizeData *pSizeData = NULL;
float ScreenX0, ScreenY0, ScreenX1, ScreenY1;
float FakeToScreenX, FakeToScreenY;
int ActualSize;
float Size = pCursor->m_FontSize;
// calculate the font size of the displayed glyphs
Graphics()->GetScreen(&ScreenX0, &ScreenY0, &ScreenX1, &ScreenY1);
FakeToScreenX = (Graphics()->ScreenWidth() / (ScreenX1 - ScreenX0));
FakeToScreenY = (Graphics()->ScreenHeight() / (ScreenY1 - ScreenY0));
int ActualX = (int)((pCursor->m_X * FakeToScreenX) + 0.5f);
int ActualY = (int)((pCursor->m_Y * FakeToScreenY) + 0.5f);
TextContainer.m_AlignedStartX = ActualX / FakeToScreenX;
TextContainer.m_AlignedStartY = ActualY / FakeToScreenY;
TextContainer.m_X = pCursor->m_X;
TextContainer.m_Y = pCursor->m_Y;
TextContainer.m_Flags = pCursor->m_Flags;
int OldRenderFlags = m_RenderFlags;
if(pCursor->m_LineWidth <= 0)
TextContainer.m_RenderFlags = m_RenderFlags;
// same with size
ActualSize = (int)(Size * FakeToScreenY);
pSizeData = pFont->GetFontSize(ActualSize);
TextContainer.m_FontSize = pSizeData->m_FontSize;
AppendTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, pCursor, pText, Length);
if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.empty() && TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex == -1 && IsRendered)
return false;
TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.size();
if(Graphics()->IsTextBufferingEnabled() && IsRendered && !TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.empty())
if((TextContainer.m_RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_AUTOMATIC_QUAD_UPLOAD) == 0)
TextContainer.m_LineCount = pCursor->m_LineCount;
TextContainer.m_GlyphCount = pCursor->m_GlyphCount;
TextContainer.m_CharCount = pCursor->m_CharCount;
TextContainer.m_MaxLines = pCursor->m_MaxLines;
TextContainer.m_StartX = pCursor->m_StartX;
TextContainer.m_StartY = pCursor->m_StartY;
TextContainer.m_LineWidth = pCursor->m_LineWidth;
TextContainer.m_UnscaledFontSize = pCursor->m_FontSize;
return true;
void AppendTextContainer(int TextContainerIndex, CTextCursor *pCursor, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override
STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex);
CFontSizeData *pSizeData = NULL;
float ScreenX0, ScreenY0, ScreenX1, ScreenY1;
float FakeToScreenX, FakeToScreenY;
int ActualSize;
int GotNewLine = 0;
int GotNewLineLast = 0;
float DrawX = 0.0f, DrawY = 0.0f;
int LineCount = 0;
float CursorX, CursorY;
float Size = pCursor->m_FontSize;
// calculate the font size of the displayed glyphs
Graphics()->GetScreen(&ScreenX0, &ScreenY0, &ScreenX1, &ScreenY1);
FakeToScreenX = (Graphics()->ScreenWidth() / (ScreenX1 - ScreenX0));
FakeToScreenY = (Graphics()->ScreenHeight() / (ScreenY1 - ScreenY0));
int ActualX = (int)((pCursor->m_X * FakeToScreenX) + 0.5f);
int ActualY = (int)((pCursor->m_Y * FakeToScreenY) + 0.5f);
CursorX = ActualX / FakeToScreenX;
CursorY = ActualY / FakeToScreenY;
// same with size
ActualSize = (int)(Size * FakeToScreenY);
Size = ActualSize / FakeToScreenY;
pCursor->m_AlignedFontSize = Size;
pSizeData = TextContainer.m_pFont->GetFontSize(TextContainer.m_FontSize);
// string length
if(Length < 0)
Length = str_length(pText);
float Scale = 1.0f / pSizeData->m_FontSize;
const char *pCurrent = (char *)pText;
const char *pEnd = pCurrent + Length;
const char *pEllipsis = "";
SFontSizeChar *pEllipsisChr = nullptr;
if(pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_ELLIPSIS_AT_END)
if(pCursor->m_LineWidth != -1 && pCursor->m_LineWidth < TextWidth(0, pCursor->m_FontSize, pText, -1, -1.0f))
pEllipsisChr = GetChar(TextContainer.m_pFont, pSizeData, 0x2026); // …
if(pEllipsisChr == nullptr)
// no ellipsis char in font, just stop at end instead
pCursor->m_Flags &= ~TEXTFLAG_ELLIPSIS_AT_END;
pCursor->m_Flags |= TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END;
int RenderFlags = TextContainer.m_RenderFlags;
DrawX = pCursor->m_X;
DrawY = pCursor->m_Y;
DrawX = CursorX;
DrawY = CursorY;
LineCount = pCursor->m_LineCount;
FT_UInt LastCharGlyphIndex = 0;
size_t CharacterCounter = 0;
bool IsRendered = (pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_RENDER) != 0;
IGraphics::CQuadItem aCursorQuads[2];
bool HasCursor = false;
float CursorInnerWidth = (((ScreenX1 - ScreenX0) / Graphics()->ScreenWidth())) * 2;
float CursorOuterWidth = CursorInnerWidth * 2;
float CursorOuterInnerDiff = (CursorOuterWidth - CursorInnerWidth) / 2;
std::vector<IGraphics::CQuadItem> vSelectionQuads;
bool SelectionStarted = false;
bool SelectionUsedPress = false;
bool SelectionUsedRelease = false;
int SelectionStartChar = -1;
int SelectionEndChar = -1;
auto &&CheckInsideChar = [&](bool CheckOuter, int CursorX_, int CursorY_, float LastCharX, float LastCharWidth, float CharX, float CharWidth, float CharY) -> bool {
return (LastCharX - LastCharWidth / 2 <= CursorX_ &&
CharX + CharWidth / 2 > CursorX_ &&
CharY - Size <= CursorY_ &&
CharY > CursorY_) ||
(CheckOuter &&
CharY - Size > CursorY_);
auto &&CheckSelectionStart = [&](bool CheckOuter, int CursorX_, int CursorY_, int &SelectionChar, bool &SelectionUsedCase, float LastCharX, float LastCharWidth, float CharX, float CharWidth, float CharY) {
if(!SelectionStarted && !SelectionUsedCase)
if(CheckInsideChar(CheckOuter, CursorX_, CursorY_, LastCharX, LastCharWidth, CharX, CharWidth, CharY))
SelectionChar = CharacterCounter;
SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted;
SelectionUsedCase = true;
auto &&CheckOutsideChar = [&](bool CheckOuter, int CursorX_, int CursorY_, float CharX, float CharWidth, float CharY) -> bool {
return (CharX + CharWidth / 2 > CursorX_ &&
CharY - Size <= CursorY_ &&
CharY > CursorY_) ||
(CheckOuter &&
CharY <= CursorY_);
auto &&CheckSelectionEnd = [&](bool CheckOuter, int CursorX_, int CursorY_, int &SelectionChar, bool &SelectionUsedCase, float CharX, float CharWidth, float CharY) {
if(SelectionStarted && !SelectionUsedCase)
if(CheckOutsideChar(CheckOuter, CursorX_, CursorY_, CharX, CharWidth, CharY))
SelectionChar = CharacterCounter;
SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted;
SelectionUsedCase = true;
float LastSelX = DrawX;
float LastSelWidth = 0;
float LastCharX = DrawX;
float LastCharWidth = 0;
auto &&StartNewLine = [&]() {
DrawX = pCursor->m_StartX;
DrawY += Size;
DrawX = (int)((DrawX * FakeToScreenX) + 0.5f) / FakeToScreenX; // realign
DrawY = (int)((DrawY * FakeToScreenY) + 0.5f) / FakeToScreenY;
LastSelX = DrawX;
LastSelWidth = 0;
LastCharX = DrawX;
LastCharWidth = 0;
if(pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode != TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_NONE || pCursor->m_CursorMode != TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_NONE)
// if in calculate mode, also calculate the cursor
pCursor->m_CursorCharacter = -1;
while(pCurrent < pEnd && (pCursor->m_MaxLines < 1 || LineCount <= pCursor->m_MaxLines) && pCurrent != pEllipsis)
int NewLine = 0;
const char *pBatchEnd = pEnd;
if(pCursor->m_LineWidth > 0 && !(pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END) && !(pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_ELLIPSIS_AT_END))
int Wlen = minimum(WordLength((char *)pCurrent), (int)(pEnd - pCurrent));
CTextCursor Compare = *pCursor;
Compare.m_CalculateSelectionMode = TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_NONE;
Compare.m_X = DrawX;
Compare.m_Y = DrawY;
Compare.m_Flags &= ~TEXTFLAG_RENDER;
Compare.m_LineWidth = -1;
TextEx(&Compare, pCurrent, Wlen);
if(Compare.m_X - DrawX > pCursor->m_LineWidth)
// word can't be fitted in one line, cut it
CTextCursor Cutter = *pCursor;
Cutter.m_CalculateSelectionMode = TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_NONE;
Cutter.m_GlyphCount = 0;
Cutter.m_CharCount = 0;
Cutter.m_X = DrawX;
Cutter.m_Y = DrawY;
Cutter.m_Flags &= ~TEXTFLAG_RENDER;
Cutter.m_Flags |= TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END;
TextEx(&Cutter, pCurrent, Wlen);
int WordGlyphs = Cutter.m_GlyphCount;
Wlen = Cutter.m_CharCount;
NewLine = 1;
if(WordGlyphs <= 3 && GotNewLineLast == 0) // if we can't place 3 chars of the word on this line, take the next
Wlen = 0;
else if(Compare.m_X - pCursor->m_StartX > pCursor->m_LineWidth && GotNewLineLast == 0)
NewLine = 1;
Wlen = 0;
pBatchEnd = pCurrent + Wlen;
const char *pTmp = pCurrent;
int NextCharacter = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp);
while(pCurrent < pBatchEnd && pCurrent != pEllipsis)
pCursor->m_CharCount += pTmp - pCurrent;
pCurrent = pTmp;
int Character = NextCharacter;
NextCharacter = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp);
if(Character == '\n')
LastCharGlyphIndex = 0;
if(pCursor->m_MaxLines > 0 && LineCount > pCursor->m_MaxLines)
SFontSizeChar *pChr = GetChar(TextContainer.m_pFont, pSizeData, Character);
bool ApplyBearingX = !(((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_X_BEARING) != 0) || (CharacterCounter == 0 && (RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_FIRST_CHARACTER_X_BEARING) != 0));
float Advance = ((((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_ONLY_ADVANCE_WIDTH) != 0) ? (pChr->m_Width) : (pChr->m_AdvanceX + ((!ApplyBearingX) ? (-pChr->m_OffsetX) : 0.f)))) * Scale * Size;
float OutLineRealDiff = (pChr->m_Width - pChr->m_CharWidth) * Scale * Size;
float CharKerning = 0.f;
if((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_KERNING) != 0)
CharKerning = Kerning(TextContainer.m_pFont, LastCharGlyphIndex, pChr->m_GlyphIndex) * Scale * Size;
LastCharGlyphIndex = pChr->m_GlyphIndex;
if(pEllipsisChr != nullptr && pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_ELLIPSIS_AT_END && pCurrent < pBatchEnd && pCurrent != pEllipsis)
float AdvanceEllipsis = ((((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_ONLY_ADVANCE_WIDTH) != 0) ? (pEllipsisChr->m_Width) : (pEllipsisChr->m_AdvanceX + ((!ApplyBearingX) ? (-pEllipsisChr->m_OffsetX) : 0.f)))) * Scale * Size;
float CharKerningEllipsis = 0.f;
if((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_KERNING) != 0)
CharKerningEllipsis = Kerning(TextContainer.m_pFont, pChr->m_GlyphIndex, pEllipsisChr->m_GlyphIndex) * Scale * Size;
if(DrawX + CharKerning + Advance + CharKerningEllipsis + AdvanceEllipsis - pCursor->m_StartX > pCursor->m_LineWidth)
// we hit the end, only render ellipsis and finish
pTmp = pEllipsis;
NextCharacter = 0x2026;
if(pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END && (DrawX + CharKerning) + Advance - pCursor->m_StartX > pCursor->m_LineWidth)
// we hit the end of the line, no more to render or count
pCurrent = pEnd;
float BearingX = (!ApplyBearingX ? 0.f : pChr->m_OffsetX) * Scale * Size;
float CharWidth = pChr->m_Width * Scale * Size;
float BearingY = (((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_Y_BEARING) != 0) ? 0.f : (pChr->m_OffsetY * Scale * Size));
float CharHeight = pChr->m_Height * Scale * Size;
if((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_OVERSIZE) != 0)
if(CharHeight + BearingY > Size)
BearingY = 0;
float ScaleChar = (CharHeight + BearingY) / Size;
CharHeight = Size;
CharWidth /= ScaleChar;
float TmpY = (DrawY + Size);
float CharX = (DrawX + CharKerning) + BearingX;
float CharY = TmpY - BearingY;
// don't add text that isn't drawn, the color overwrite is used for that
if(m_Color.a != 0.f && IsRendered)
STextCharQuad &TextCharQuad = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.back();
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_X = CharX;
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Y = CharY;
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_U = pChr->m_aUVs[0];
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_V = pChr->m_aUVs[3];
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.r = (unsigned char)(m_Color.r * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.g = (unsigned char)(m_Color.g * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.b = (unsigned char)(m_Color.b * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.a = (unsigned char)(m_Color.a * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_X = CharX + CharWidth;
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_Y = CharY;
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_U = pChr->m_aUVs[2];
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_V = pChr->m_aUVs[3];
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_Color.r = (unsigned char)(m_Color.r * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_Color.g = (unsigned char)(m_Color.g * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_Color.b = (unsigned char)(m_Color.b * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_Color.a = (unsigned char)(m_Color.a * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_X = CharX + CharWidth;
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Y = CharY - CharHeight;
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_U = pChr->m_aUVs[2];
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_V = pChr->m_aUVs[1];
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Color.r = (unsigned char)(m_Color.r * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Color.g = (unsigned char)(m_Color.g * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Color.b = (unsigned char)(m_Color.b * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Color.a = (unsigned char)(m_Color.a * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_X = CharX;
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_Y = CharY - CharHeight;
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_U = pChr->m_aUVs[0];
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_V = pChr->m_aUVs[1];
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_Color.r = (unsigned char)(m_Color.r * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_Color.g = (unsigned char)(m_Color.g * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_Color.b = (unsigned char)(m_Color.b * 255.f);
TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_Color.a = (unsigned char)(m_Color.a * 255.f);
// calculate the full width from the last selection point to the end of this selection draw on screen
float SelWidth = (CharX + maximum(Advance, CharWidth - OutLineRealDiff / 2)) - (LastSelX + LastSelWidth);
float SelX = (LastSelX + LastSelWidth);
if(pCursor->m_CursorCharacter == -1 && CheckInsideChar(CharacterCounter == 0, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, CharacterCounter == 0 ? std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() : LastCharX, LastCharWidth, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY))
pCursor->m_CursorCharacter = CharacterCounter;
if(pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode == TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_CALCULATE)
if(CharacterCounter == 0)
CheckSelectionStart(true, pCursor->m_PressMouseX, pCursor->m_PressMouseY, SelectionStartChar, SelectionUsedPress, std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(), 0, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY);
CheckSelectionStart(true, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, SelectionEndChar, SelectionUsedRelease, std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(), 0, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY);
// if selection didn't start and the mouse pos is at least on 50% of the right side of the character start
CheckSelectionStart(false, pCursor->m_PressMouseX, pCursor->m_PressMouseY, SelectionStartChar, SelectionUsedPress, LastCharX, LastCharWidth, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY);
CheckSelectionStart(false, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, SelectionEndChar, SelectionUsedRelease, LastCharX, LastCharWidth, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY);
CheckSelectionEnd(false, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, SelectionEndChar, SelectionUsedRelease, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY);
CheckSelectionEnd(false, pCursor->m_PressMouseX, pCursor->m_PressMouseY, SelectionStartChar, SelectionUsedPress, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY);
if(pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode == TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_SET)
if((int)CharacterCounter == pCursor->m_SelectionStart)
SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted;
SelectionStartChar = CharacterCounter;
SelectionUsedPress = true;
if((int)CharacterCounter == pCursor->m_SelectionEnd)
SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted;
SelectionEndChar = CharacterCounter;
SelectionUsedRelease = true;
if(pCursor->m_CursorMode != TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_NONE)
if((int)CharacterCounter == pCursor->m_CursorCharacter)
HasCursor = true;
aCursorQuads[0] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(SelX - CursorOuterInnerDiff, DrawY, CursorOuterWidth, Size);
aCursorQuads[1] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(SelX, DrawY + CursorOuterInnerDiff, CursorInnerWidth, Size - CursorOuterInnerDiff * 2);
pCursor->m_MaxCharacterHeight = maximum(pCursor->m_MaxCharacterHeight, CharHeight + BearingY);
if(NextCharacter == 0 && (RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_LAST_CHARACTER_ADVANCE) != 0 && Character != ' ')
DrawX += BearingX + CharKerning + CharWidth;
DrawX += Advance + CharKerning;
if(SelectionStarted && IsRendered)
vSelectionQuads.emplace_back(SelX, DrawY, SelWidth, Size);
LastSelX = SelX;
LastSelWidth = SelWidth;
LastCharX = CharX;
LastCharWidth = CharWidth;
if(DrawX > pCursor->m_LongestLineWidth)
pCursor->m_LongestLineWidth = DrawX;
GotNewLine = 1;
GotNewLineLast = 1;
GotNewLineLast = 0;
if(!TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.empty() && IsRendered)
TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.size();
// setup the buffers
size_t DataSize = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.size() * sizeof(STextCharQuad);
void *pUploadData = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.data();
if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferObjectIndex != -1 && (TextContainer.m_RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_AUTOMATIC_QUAD_UPLOAD) == 0)
Graphics()->RecreateBufferObject(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferObjectIndex, DataSize, pUploadData, TextContainer.m_SingleTimeUse ? IGraphics::EBufferObjectCreateFlags::BUFFER_OBJECT_CREATE_FLAGS_ONE_TIME_USE_BIT : 0);
Graphics()->IndicesNumRequiredNotify(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum * 6);
if(pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode == TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_CALCULATE)
pCursor->m_SelectionStart = -1;
pCursor->m_SelectionEnd = -1;
CheckSelectionEnd(true, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, SelectionEndChar, SelectionUsedRelease, std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), 0, DrawY + Size);
CheckSelectionEnd(true, pCursor->m_PressMouseX, pCursor->m_PressMouseY, SelectionStartChar, SelectionUsedPress, std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), 0, DrawY + Size);
else if(pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode == TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_SET)
if((int)CharacterCounter == pCursor->m_SelectionStart)
SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted;
SelectionStartChar = CharacterCounter;
SelectionUsedPress = true;
if((int)CharacterCounter == pCursor->m_SelectionEnd)
SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted;
SelectionEndChar = CharacterCounter;
SelectionUsedRelease = true;
if(pCursor->m_CursorMode != TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_NONE)
if(pCursor->m_CursorMode == TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_CALCULATE && pCursor->m_CursorCharacter == -1 && CheckOutsideChar(true, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), 0, DrawY + Size))
pCursor->m_CursorCharacter = CharacterCounter;
if((int)CharacterCounter == pCursor->m_CursorCharacter)
HasCursor = true;
aCursorQuads[0] = IGraphics::CQuadItem((LastSelX + LastSelWidth) - CursorOuterInnerDiff, DrawY, CursorOuterWidth, Size);
aCursorQuads[1] = IGraphics::CQuadItem((LastSelX + LastSelWidth), DrawY + CursorOuterInnerDiff, CursorInnerWidth, Size - CursorOuterInnerDiff * 2);
bool HasSelection = !vSelectionQuads.empty() && SelectionUsedPress && SelectionUsedRelease;
if((HasSelection || HasCursor) && IsRendered)
Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex == -1)
TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex = Graphics()->CreateQuadContainer(false);
Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex, aCursorQuads, 2);
Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex, vSelectionQuads.data(), (int)vSelectionQuads.size());
TextContainer.m_HasCursor = HasCursor;
TextContainer.m_HasSelection = HasSelection;
pCursor->m_SelectionStart = SelectionStartChar;
pCursor->m_SelectionEnd = SelectionEndChar;
pCursor->m_SelectionStart = -1;
pCursor->m_SelectionEnd = -1;
// even if no text is drawn the cursor position will be adjusted
pCursor->m_X = DrawX;
pCursor->m_LineCount = LineCount;
pCursor->m_Y = DrawY;
bool CreateOrAppendTextContainer(int &TextContainerIndex, CTextCursor *pCursor, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override
if(TextContainerIndex == -1)
return CreateTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, pCursor, pText, Length);
AppendTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, pCursor, pText, Length);
return true;
// just deletes and creates text container
RecreateTextContainer(CTextCursor *pCursor, int &TextContainerIndex, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override
CreateTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, pCursor, pText, Length);
void RecreateTextContainerSoft(CTextCursor *pCursor, int &TextContainerIndex, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override
STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex);
TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum = 0;
// the text buffer gets then recreated by the appended quads
AppendTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, pCursor, pText, Length);
void DeleteTextContainer(int &TextContainerIndex) override
if(TextContainerIndex == -1)
STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex);
Graphics()->DeleteBufferContainer(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex, true);
void UploadTextContainer(int TextContainerIndex) override
STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex);
size_t DataSize = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.size() * sizeof(STextCharQuad);
void *pUploadData = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.data();
TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferObjectIndex = Graphics()->CreateBufferObject(DataSize, pUploadData, TextContainer.m_SingleTimeUse ? IGraphics::EBufferObjectCreateFlags::BUFFER_OBJECT_CREATE_FLAGS_ONE_TIME_USE_BIT : 0);
m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_VertBufferBindingIndex = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferObjectIndex;
TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex = Graphics()->CreateBufferContainer(&m_DefaultTextContainerInfo);
Graphics()->IndicesNumRequiredNotify(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum * 6);
void RenderTextContainer(int TextContainerIndex, const ColorRGBA &TextColor, const ColorRGBA &TextOutlineColor) override
STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex);
CFont *pFont = TextContainer.m_pFont;
if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex != -1)
Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerEx(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex, TextContainer.m_HasCursor ? 2 : 0, -1, 0, 0);
Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum > 0)
// render buffered text
Graphics()->RenderText(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex, TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum, pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0], pFont->m_aTextures[0].Id(), pFont->m_aTextures[1].Id(), TextColor, TextOutlineColor);
// render tiles
float UVScale = 1.0f / pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0];
for(size_t i = 0; i < TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum; ++i)
STextCharQuad &TextCharQuad = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads[i];
Graphics()->SetColor(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.r / 255.f * TextOutlineColor.r, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.g / 255.f * TextOutlineColor.g, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.b / 255.f * TextOutlineColor.b, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.a / 255.f * TextOutlineColor.a);
Graphics()->QuadsSetSubset(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_U * UVScale, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_V * UVScale, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_U * UVScale, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_V * UVScale);
IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_X, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Y, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_X - TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_X, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Y - TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Y);
Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1);
if(TextColor.a != 0)
for(size_t i = 0; i < TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum; ++i)
STextCharQuad &TextCharQuad = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads[i];
unsigned char CR = (unsigned char)((float)(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.r) * TextColor.r);
unsigned char CG = (unsigned char)((float)(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.g) * TextColor.g);
unsigned char CB = (unsigned char)((float)(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.b) * TextColor.b);
unsigned char CA = (unsigned char)((float)(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.a) * TextColor.a);
Graphics()->ChangeColorOfQuadVertices((int)i, CR, CG, CB, CA);
// render non outlined
// reset
Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex != -1)
auto CurTime = time_get_nanoseconds();
if((CurTime - m_CursorRenderTime) > 500ms)
Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerEx(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex, 0, 1, 0, 0);
Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerEx(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex, 1, 1, 0, 0);
if((CurTime - m_CursorRenderTime) > 1s)
m_CursorRenderTime = time_get_nanoseconds();
Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
void RenderTextContainer(int TextContainerIndex, const ColorRGBA &TextColor, const ColorRGBA &TextOutlineColor, float X, float Y) override
STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex);
// remap the current screen, after render revert the change again
float ScreenX0, ScreenY0, ScreenX1, ScreenY1;
Graphics()->GetScreen(&ScreenX0, &ScreenY0, &ScreenX1, &ScreenY1);
if((TextContainer.m_RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_PIXEL_ALIGMENT) == 0)
float FakeToScreenX = (Graphics()->ScreenWidth() / (ScreenX1 - ScreenX0));
float FakeToScreenY = (Graphics()->ScreenHeight() / (ScreenY1 - ScreenY0));
int ActualX = (int)(((TextContainer.m_X + X) * FakeToScreenX) + 0.5f);
int ActualY = (int)(((TextContainer.m_Y + Y) * FakeToScreenY) + 0.5f);
float AlignedX = ActualX / FakeToScreenX;
float AlignedY = ActualY / FakeToScreenY;
X = AlignedX - TextContainer.m_AlignedStartX;
Y = AlignedY - TextContainer.m_AlignedStartY;
Graphics()->MapScreen(ScreenX0 - X, ScreenY0 - Y, ScreenX1 - X, ScreenY1 - Y);
RenderTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, TextColor, TextOutlineColor);
Graphics()->MapScreen(ScreenX0, ScreenY0, ScreenX1, ScreenY1);
void UploadEntityLayerText(void *pTexBuff, int ImageColorChannelCount, int TexWidth, int TexHeight, int TexSubWidth, int TexSubHeight, const char *pText, int Length, float x, float y, int FontSize) override
if(FontSize < 1)
const char *pCurrent = (char *)pText;
const char *pEnd = pCurrent + Length;
CFont *pFont = m_pDefaultFont;
FT_Bitmap *pBitmap;
int WidthLastChars = 0;
while(pCurrent < pEnd)
const char *pTmp = pCurrent;
int NextCharacter = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp);
unsigned int px, py;
FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(pFont->m_FtFace, 0, FontSize);
if(FT_Load_Char(pFont->m_FtFace, NextCharacter, FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP))
dbg_msg("textrender", "error loading glyph %d", NextCharacter);
pCurrent = pTmp;
pBitmap = &pFont->m_FtFace->glyph->bitmap;
int SlotW = pBitmap->width;
int SlotH = pBitmap->rows;
int SlotSize = SlotW * SlotH;
// prepare glyph data
mem_zero(ms_aGlyphData, SlotSize);
if(pBitmap->pixel_mode == FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY)
for(py = 0; py < (unsigned)SlotH; py++)
for(px = 0; px < (unsigned)SlotW; px++)
ms_aGlyphData[(py)*SlotW + px] = pBitmap->buffer[py * pBitmap->width + px];
uint8_t *pImageBuff = (uint8_t *)pTexBuff;
for(int OffY = 0; OffY < SlotH; ++OffY)
for(int OffX = 0; OffX < SlotW; ++OffX)
int ImgOffX = clamp(x + OffX + WidthLastChars, x, (x + TexSubWidth) - 1);
int ImgOffY = clamp(y + OffY, y, (y + TexSubHeight) - 1);
size_t ImageOffset = ImgOffY * (TexWidth * ImageColorChannelCount) + ImgOffX * ImageColorChannelCount;
size_t GlyphOffset = (OffY)*SlotW + OffX;
for(size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)ImageColorChannelCount; ++i)
if(i != (size_t)ImageColorChannelCount - 1)
*(pImageBuff + ImageOffset + i) = 255;
*(pImageBuff + ImageOffset + i) = *(ms_aGlyphData + GlyphOffset);
WidthLastChars += (SlotW + 1);
pCurrent = pTmp;
int AdjustFontSize(const char *pText, int TextLength, int MaxSize, int MaxWidth) override
int WidthOfText = CalculateTextWidth(pText, TextLength, 0, 100);
int FontSize = 100.f / ((float)WidthOfText / (float)MaxWidth);
if(MaxSize > 0 && FontSize > MaxSize)
FontSize = MaxSize;
return FontSize;
float GetGlyphOffsetX(int FontSize, char TextCharacter) override
CFont *pFont = m_pDefaultFont;
FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(pFont->m_FtFace, 0, FontSize);
const char *pTmp = &TextCharacter;
int NextCharacter = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp);
FT_Int32 FTFlags = 0;
if(FT_Load_Char(pFont->m_FtFace, NextCharacter, FTFlags))
dbg_msg("textrender", "error loading glyph %d in GetGlyphOffsetX", NextCharacter);
return -1;
return (float)(pFont->m_FtFace->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX >> 6);
return 0;
int CalculateTextWidth(const char *pText, int TextLength, int FontWidth, int FontHeight) override
CFont *pFont = m_pDefaultFont;
const char *pCurrent = (char *)pText;
const char *pEnd = pCurrent + TextLength;
int WidthOfText = 0;
FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(pFont->m_FtFace, FontWidth, FontHeight);
while(pCurrent < pEnd)
const char *pTmp = pCurrent;
int NextCharacter = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp);
FT_Int32 FTFlags = 0;
if(FT_Load_Char(pFont->m_FtFace, NextCharacter, FTFlags))
dbg_msg("textrender", "error loading glyph %d in CalculateTextWidth", NextCharacter);
pCurrent = pTmp;
WidthOfText += (pFont->m_FtFace->glyph->metrics.width >> 6) + 1;
pCurrent = pTmp;
return WidthOfText;
bool SelectionToUTF8OffSets(const char *pText, int SelStart, int SelEnd, int &OffUTF8Start, int &OffUTF8End) override
const char *pIt = pText;
OffUTF8Start = -1;
OffUTF8End = -1;
int CharCount = 0;
const char *pTmp = pIt;
int Character = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp);
if(Character == -1)
return false;
if(CharCount == SelStart)
OffUTF8Start = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText));
if(CharCount == SelEnd)
OffUTF8End = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText));
pIt = pTmp;
if(CharCount == SelStart)
OffUTF8Start = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText));
if(CharCount == SelEnd)
OffUTF8End = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText));
return OffUTF8Start != -1 && OffUTF8End != -1;
bool UTF8OffToDecodedOff(const char *pText, int UTF8Off, int &DecodedOff) override
const char *pIt = pText;
DecodedOff = -1;
int CharCount = 0;
if((int)(intptr_t)(pIt - pText) == UTF8Off)
DecodedOff = CharCount;
return true;
const char *pTmp = pIt;
int Character = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp);
if(Character == -1)
return false;
pIt = pTmp;
if((int)(std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText) == UTF8Off)
DecodedOff = CharCount;
return true;
return false;
bool DecodedOffToUTF8Off(const char *pText, int DecodedOff, int &UTF8Off) override
const char *pIt = pText;
UTF8Off = -1;
int CharCount = 0;
const char *pTmp = pIt;
int Character = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp);
if(Character == -1)
return false;
if(CharCount == DecodedOff)
UTF8Off = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText));
return true;
pIt = pTmp;
if(CharCount == DecodedOff)
UTF8Off = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText));
return UTF8Off != -1;
void OnWindowResize() override
bool HasNonEmptyTextContainer = false;
for(auto *pTextContainer : m_vpTextContainers)
if(pTextContainer->m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex != -1)
dbg_msg("textrender", "Found non empty text container with index %d with %d quads", pTextContainer->m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex, (int)pTextContainer->m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum);
HasNonEmptyTextContainer = true; // NOLINT(clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores)
dbg_assert(!HasNonEmptyTextContainer, "text container was not empty");
for(auto &pFont : m_vpFonts)
// reset the skylines
for(int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
for(int &k : pFont->m_aTextureSkyline[j].m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn)
k = 0;
mem_zero(pFont->m_apTextureData[j], (size_t)pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[j] * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[j] * sizeof(unsigned char));
Graphics()->UpdateTextTexture(pFont->m_aTextures[j], 0, 0, pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[j], pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[j], pFont->m_apTextureData[j]);
IEngineTextRender *CreateEngineTextRender() { return new CTextRender; }