Magnus Auvinen 9ba8e6cf38 moved docs
2007-05-22 15:06:55 +00:00

1259 lines
39 KiB

# Package: NaturalDocs::Settings
# A package to handle the command line and various other program settings.
# Usage and Dependencies:
# - The <Constant Functions> can be called immediately.
# - Prior to initialization, <NaturalDocs::Builder> must have all its output packages registered.
# - To initialize, call <Load()>. All functions except <InputDirectoryNameOf()> will then be available.
# - <GenerateDirectoryNames()> must be called before <InputDirectoryNameOf()> will work. Currently it is called by
# <NaturalDocs::Menu->LoadAndUpdate()>.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under the GPL
use Cwd ();
use NaturalDocs::Settings::BuildTarget;
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::Settings;
# Group: Variables
# The file handle used with <Settings.txt>.
# The file handle used with <PreviousSettings.nd>.
# array: inputDirectories
# An array of input directories.
my @inputDirectories;
# array: inputDirectoryNames
# An array of the input directory names. Each name corresponds to the directory of the same index in <inputDirectories>.
my @inputDirectoryNames;
# array: excludedInputDirectories
# An array of input directories to exclude.
my @excludedInputDirectories;
# array: removedInputDirectories
# An array of input directories that were once in the command line but are no longer.
my @removedInputDirectories;
# array: removedInputDirectoryNames
# An array of the removed input directories names. Each name corresponds to the directory of the same index in
# <removedInputDirectories>.
my @removedInputDirectoryNames;
# var: projectDirectory
# The project directory.
my $projectDirectory;
# array: buildTargets
# An array of <NaturalDocs::Settings::BuildTarget>s.
my @buildTargets;
# var: documentedOnly
# Whether undocumented code aspects should be included in the output.
my $documentedOnly;
# int: tabLength
# The number of spaces in tabs.
my $tabLength;
# bool: noAutoGroup
# Whether auto-grouping is turned off.
my $noAutoGroup;
# bool: isQuiet
# Whether the script should be run in quiet mode or not.
my $isQuiet;
# array: styles
# An array of style names to use, most important first.
my @styles;
# var: charset
# The character encoding of the source files, and thus the output.
my $charset;
# Group: Files
# File: Settings.txt
# The file that stores the Natural Docs build targets.
# Format:
# The file is plain text. Blank lines can appear anywhere and are ignored. Tags and their content must be completely
# contained on one line.
# > # [comment]
# The file supports single-line comments via #. They can appear alone on a line or after content.
# > Format: [version]
# > TabLength: [length]
# > Style: [style]
# The file format version, tab length, and default style are specified as above. Each can only be specified once, with
# subsequent ones being ignored. Notice that the tags correspond to the long forms of the command line options.
# > Source: [directory]
# > Input: [directory]
# The input directory is specified as above. As in the command line, either "Source" or "Input" can be used.
# > [Extension Option]: [opton]
# Options for extensions can be specified as well. The long form is used as the tag.
# > Option: [HeadersOnly], [Quiet], [Extension Option]
# Options that don't have parameters can be specified in an Option line. The commas are not required.
# > Output: [name]
# Specifies an output target with a user defined name. The name is what will be referenced from the command line, and the
# name "All" is reserved.
# *The options below can only be specified after an output tag.* Everything that follows an output tag is part of that target's
# options until the next output tag.
# > Format: [format]
# The output format of the target.
# > Directory: [directory]
# > Location: [directory]
# > Folder: [directory]
# The output directory of the target. All are synonyms.
# > Style: [style]
# The style of the output target. This overrides the default and is optional.
# File: PreviousSettings.nd
# Stores the previous command line settings.
# Format:
# > [VersionInt: app version]
# The file starts with the standard <BINARY_FORMAT> <VersionInt> header.
# > [UInt8: tab length]
# > [UInt8: documented only (0 or 1)]
# > [UInt8: no auto-group (0 or 1)]
# > [AString16: charset]
# >
# > [UInt8: number of input directories]
# > [AString16: input directory] [AString16: input directory name] ...
# A count of input directories, then that number of directory/name pairs.
# > [UInt8: number of output targets]
# > [AString16: output directory] [AString16: output format command line option] ...
# A count of output targets, then that number of directory/format pairs.
# Revisions:
# 1.33:
# - Added charset.
# 1.3:
# - Removed headers-only, which was a 0/1 UInt8 after tab length.
# - Change auto-group level (1 = no, 2 = yes, 3 = full only) to no auto-group (0 or 1).
# 1.22:
# - Added auto-group level.
# 1.2:
# - File was added to the project. Prior to 1.2, it didn't exist.
# Group: Action Functions
# Function: Load
# Loads and parses all settings from the command line and configuration files. Will exit if the options are invalid or the syntax
# reference was requested.
sub Load
my ($self) = @_;
# Function: Save
# Saves all settings in configuration files to disk.
sub Save
my ($self) = @_;
# Function: GenerateDirectoryNames
# Generates names for each of the input directories, which can later be retrieved with <InputDirectoryNameOf()>.
# Parameters:
# hints - A hashref of suggested names, where the keys are the directories and the values are the names. These take
# precedence over anything generated. You should include names for directories that are no longer in the command
# line. This parameter may be undef.
sub GenerateDirectoryNames #(hints)
my ($self, $hints) = @_;
my %usedNames;
if (defined $hints)
# First, we have to convert all non-numeric names to numbers, since they may come from a pre-1.32 menu file. We do it
# here instead of in NaturalDocs::Menu to keep the naming scheme centralized.
my @names = values %$hints;
my $hasNonNumeric;
foreach my $name (@names)
if ($name !~ /^[0-9]+$/)
$hasNonNumeric = 1;
if ($hasNonNumeric)
# Hash mapping old names to new names.
my %conversion;
# The sequential number to use. Starts at two because we want 'default' to be one.
my $currentNumber = 2;
# If there's only one name, we set it to one no matter what it was set to before.
if (scalar @names == 1)
{ $conversion{$names[0]} = 1; }
# We sort the list first because we want the end result to be predictable. This conversion could be happening on many
# machines, and they may not all specify the input directories in the same order. They need to all come up with the
# same result.
@names = sort @names;
foreach my $name (@names)
if ($name eq 'default')
{ $conversion{$name} = 1; }
$conversion{$name} = $currentNumber;
# Convert them to the new names.
foreach my $directory (keys %$hints)
$hints->{$directory} = $conversion{ $hints->{$directory} };
# Now we apply all the names from the hints.
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @inputDirectories; $i++)
if (exists $hints->{$inputDirectories[$i]})
$inputDirectoryNames[$i] = $hints->{$inputDirectories[$i]};
$usedNames{ $hints->{$inputDirectories[$i]} } = 1;
delete $hints->{$inputDirectories[$i]};
# Any remaining hints are saved as removed directories.
while (my ($directory, $name) = each %$hints)
push @removedInputDirectories, $directory;
push @removedInputDirectoryNames, $name;
# Now we generate names for anything remaining.
my $nameCounter = 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @inputDirectories; $i++)
if (!defined $inputDirectoryNames[$i])
while (exists $usedNames{$nameCounter})
{ $nameCounter++; };
$inputDirectoryNames[$i] = $nameCounter;
$usedNames{$nameCounter} = 1;
# Group: Information Functions
# Function: InputDirectories
# Returns an arrayref of input directories. Do not change.
# This will not return any removed input directories.
sub InputDirectories
{ return \@inputDirectories; };
# Function: InputDirectoryNameOf
# Returns the generated name of the passed input directory. <GenerateDirectoryNames()> must be called once before this
# function is available.
# If a name for a removed input directory is available, it will be returned as well.
sub InputDirectoryNameOf #(directory)
my ($self, $directory) = @_;
my $name;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @inputDirectories && !defined $name; $i++)
if ($directory eq $inputDirectories[$i])
{ $name = $inputDirectoryNames[$i]; };
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @removedInputDirectories && !defined $name; $i++)
if ($directory eq $removedInputDirectories[$i])
{ $name = $removedInputDirectoryNames[$i]; };
return $name;
# Function: SplitFromInputDirectory
# Takes an input file name and returns the array ( inputDirectory, relativePath ).
# If the file cannot be split from an input directory, it will try to do it with the removed input directories.
sub SplitFromInputDirectory #(file)
my ($self, $file) = @_;
foreach my $directory (@inputDirectories, @removedInputDirectories)
if (NaturalDocs::File->IsSubPathOf($directory, $file))
{ return ( $directory, NaturalDocs::File->MakeRelativePath($directory, $file) ); };
return ( );
# Function: ExcludedInputDirectories
# Returns an arrayref of input directories to exclude. Do not change.
sub ExcludedInputDirectories
{ return \@excludedInputDirectories; };
# Function: BuildTargets
# Returns an arrayref of <NaturalDocs::Settings::BuildTarget>s. Do not change.
sub BuildTargets
{ return \@buildTargets; };
# Function: OutputDirectoryOf
# Returns the output directory of a builder object.
# Parameters:
# object - The builder object, whose class is derived from <NaturalDocs::Builder::Base>.
# Returns:
# The builder directory, or undef if the object wasn't found..
sub OutputDirectoryOf #(object)
my ($self, $object) = @_;
foreach my $buildTarget (@buildTargets)
if ($buildTarget->Builder() == $object)
{ return $buildTarget->Directory(); };
return undef;
# Function: Styles
# Returns an arrayref of the styles associated with the output.
sub Styles
{ return \@styles; };
# Function: ProjectDirectory
# Returns the project directory.
sub ProjectDirectory
{ return $projectDirectory; };
# Function: ProjectDataDirectory
# Returns the project data directory.
sub ProjectDataDirectory
{ return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($projectDirectory, 'Data', 1); };
# Function: StyleDirectory
# Returns the main style directory.
sub StyleDirectory
{ return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($FindBin::RealBin, 'Styles', 1); };
# Function: JavaScriptDirectory
# Returns the main JavaScript directory.
sub JavaScriptDirectory
{ return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($FindBin::RealBin, 'JavaScript', 1); };
# Function: ConfigDirectory
# Returns the main configuration directory.
sub ConfigDirectory
{ return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($FindBin::RealBin, 'Config', 1); };
# Function: DocumentedOnly
# Returns whether undocumented code aspects should be included in the output.
sub DocumentedOnly
{ return $documentedOnly; };
# Function: TabLength
# Returns the number of spaces tabs should be expanded to.
sub TabLength
{ return $tabLength; };
# Function: NoAutoGroup
# Returns whether auto-grouping is turned off.
sub NoAutoGroup
{ return $noAutoGroup; };
# Function: IsQuiet
# Returns whether the script should be run in quiet mode or not.
sub IsQuiet
{ return $isQuiet; };
# Function: CharSet
# Returns the character set, or undef if none.
sub CharSet
{ return $charset; };
# Group: Constant Functions
# Function: AppVersion
# Returns Natural Docs' version number as an integer. Use <TextAppVersion()> to get a printable version.
sub AppVersion
my ($self) = @_;
return NaturalDocs::Version->FromString($self->TextAppVersion());
# Function: TextAppVersion
# Returns Natural Docs' version number as plain text.
sub TextAppVersion
{ return '1.35'; };
# Function: AppURL
# Returns a string of the project's current web address.
sub AppURL
{ return 'http://www.naturaldocs.org'; };
# Group: Support Functions
# Function: ParseCommandLine
# Parses and validates the command line. Will cause the script to exit if the options ask for the syntax reference or
# are invalid.
sub ParseCommandLine
my ($self) = @_;
my %synonyms = ( 'input' => '-i',
'source' => '-i',
'excludeinput' => '-xi',
'excludesource' => '-xi',
'output' => '-o',
'project' => '-p',
'documentedonly' => '-do',
'style' => '-s',
'rebuild' => '-r',
'rebuildoutput' => '-ro',
'tablength' => '-t',
'quiet' => '-q',
'headersonly' => '-ho',
'help' => '-h',
'autogroup' => '-ag',
'noautogroup' => '-nag',
'charset' => '-cs',
'characterset' => '-cs' );
my @errorMessages;
my $valueRef;
my $option;
my @outputStrings;
# Sometimes $valueRef is set to $ignored instead of undef because we don't want certain errors to cause other,
# unnecessary errors. For example, if they set the input directory twice, we want to show that error and swallow the
# specified directory without complaint. Otherwise it would complain about the directory too as if it were random crap
# inserted into the command line.
my $ignored;
my $index = 0;
while ($index < scalar @ARGV)
my $arg = $ARGV[$index];
if (substr($arg, 0, 1) eq '-')
$option = lc($arg);
# Support options like -t2 as well as -t 2.
if ($option =~ /^([^0-9]+)([0-9]+)$/)
$option = $1;
splice(@ARGV, $index + 1, 0, $2);
# Convert long forms to short.
if (substr($option, 1, 1) eq '-')
# Strip all dashes.
my $newOption = $option;
$newOption =~ tr/-//d;
if (exists $synonyms{$newOption})
{ $option = $synonyms{$newOption}; }
if ($option eq '-i')
push @inputDirectories, undef;
$valueRef = \$inputDirectories[-1];
elsif ($option eq '-xi')
push @excludedInputDirectories, undef;
$valueRef = \$excludedInputDirectories[-1];
elsif ($option eq '-p')
if (defined $projectDirectory)
push @errorMessages, 'You cannot have more than one project directory.';
$valueRef = \$ignored;
{ $valueRef = \$projectDirectory; };
elsif ($option eq '-o')
push @outputStrings, undef;
$valueRef = \$outputStrings[-1];
elsif ($option eq '-s')
$valueRef = \$styles[0];
elsif ($option eq '-t')
$valueRef = \$tabLength;
elsif ($option eq '-cs')
$valueRef = \$charset;
elsif ($option eq '-ag')
push @errorMessages, 'The -ag setting is no longer supported. You can use -nag (--no-auto-group) to turn off '
. "auto-grouping, but there aren't multiple levels anymore.";
$valueRef = \$ignored;
# Options that aren't followed by content.
$valueRef = undef;
if ($option eq '-r')
elsif ($option eq '-ro')
elsif ($option eq '-do')
{ $documentedOnly = 1; }
elsif ($option eq '-q')
{ $isQuiet = 1; }
elsif ($option eq '-ho')
push @errorMessages, 'The -ho setting is no longer supported. You can have Natural Docs skip over the source file '
. 'extensions by editing Languages.txt in your project directory.';
elsif ($option eq '-nag')
{ $noAutoGroup = 1; }
elsif ($option eq '-?' || $option eq '-h')
{ push @errorMessages, 'Unrecognized option ' . $option; };
# Is a segment of text, not an option...
if (defined $valueRef)
# We want to preserve spaces in paths.
if (defined $$valueRef)
{ $$valueRef .= ' '; };
$$valueRef .= $arg;
push @errorMessages, 'Unrecognized element ' . $arg;
# Validate the style, if specified.
if ($styles[0])
my @stylePieces = split(/ +/, $styles[0]);
@styles = ( );
while (scalar @stylePieces)
if (lc($stylePieces[0]) eq 'custom')
push @errorMessages, 'The "Custom" style setting is no longer supported. Copy your custom style sheet to your '
. 'project directory and you can refer to it with -s.';
shift @stylePieces;
# People may use styles with spaces in them. If a style doesn't exist, we need to join the pieces until we find one that
# does or we run out of pieces.
my $extras = 0;
my $success;
while ($extras < scalar @stylePieces)
my $style;
if (!$extras)
{ $style = $stylePieces[0]; }
{ $style = join(' ', @stylePieces[0..$extras]); };
my $cssFile = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( $self->StyleDirectory(), $style . '.css' );
if (-e $cssFile)
push @styles, $style;
splice(@stylePieces, 0, 1 + $extras);
$success = 1;
$cssFile = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( $self->ProjectDirectory(), $style . '.css' );
if (-e $cssFile)
push @styles, $style;
splice(@stylePieces, 0, 1 + $extras);
$success = 1;
{ $extras++; };
if (!$success)
push @errorMessages, 'The style "' . $stylePieces[0] . '" does not exist.';
shift @stylePieces;
{ @styles = ( 'Default' ); };
# Decode and validate the output strings.
my %outputDirectories;
foreach my $outputString (@outputStrings)
my ($format, $directory) = split(/ /, $outputString, 2);
if (!defined $directory)
{ push @errorMessages, 'The -o option needs two parameters: -o [format] [directory]'; }
if (!NaturalDocs::File->PathIsAbsolute($directory))
{ $directory = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths(Cwd::cwd(), $directory, 1); };
$directory = NaturalDocs::File->CanonizePath($directory);
if (! -e $directory || ! -d $directory)
# They may have forgotten the format portion and the directory name had a space in it.
if (-e ($format . ' ' . $directory) && -d ($format . ' ' . $directory))
push @errorMessages, 'The -o option needs two parameters: -o [format] [directory]';
$format = undef;
{ push @errorMessages, 'The output directory ' . $directory . ' does not exist.'; }
elsif (exists $outputDirectories{$directory})
{ push @errorMessages, 'You cannot specify the output directory ' . $directory . ' more than once.'; }
{ $outputDirectories{$directory} = 1; };
if (defined $format)
my $builderPackage = NaturalDocs::Builder->OutputPackageOf($format);
if (defined $builderPackage)
push @buildTargets,
NaturalDocs::Settings::BuildTarget->New(undef, $builderPackage->New(), $directory);
push @errorMessages, 'The output format ' . $format . ' doesn\'t exist or is not installed.';
$valueRef = \$ignored;
if (!scalar @buildTargets)
{ push @errorMessages, 'You did not specify an output directory.'; };
# Make sure the input and project directories are specified, canonized, and exist.
if (scalar @inputDirectories)
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @inputDirectories; $i++)
if (!NaturalDocs::File->PathIsAbsolute($inputDirectories[$i]))
{ $inputDirectories[$i] = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths(Cwd::cwd(), $inputDirectories[$i], 1); };
$inputDirectories[$i] = NaturalDocs::File->CanonizePath($inputDirectories[$i]);
if (! -e $inputDirectories[$i] || ! -d $inputDirectories[$i])
{ push @errorMessages, 'The input directory ' . $inputDirectories[$i] . ' does not exist.'; };
{ push @errorMessages, 'You did not specify an input (source) directory.'; };
if (defined $projectDirectory)
if (!NaturalDocs::File->PathIsAbsolute($projectDirectory))
{ $projectDirectory = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths(Cwd::cwd(), $projectDirectory, 1); };
$projectDirectory = NaturalDocs::File->CanonizePath($projectDirectory);
if (! -e $projectDirectory || ! -d $projectDirectory)
{ push @errorMessages, 'The project directory ' . $projectDirectory . ' does not exist.'; };
# Create the Data subdirectory if it doesn't exist.
NaturalDocs::File->CreatePath( NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($projectDirectory, 'Data', 1) );
{ push @errorMessages, 'You did not specify a project directory.'; };
# Make sure the excluded input directories are canonized, and add the project and output directories to the list.
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @excludedInputDirectories; $i++)
if (!NaturalDocs::File->PathIsAbsolute($excludedInputDirectories[$i]))
{ $excludedInputDirectories[$i] = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths(Cwd::cwd(), $excludedInputDirectories[$i], 1); };
$excludedInputDirectories[$i] = NaturalDocs::File->CanonizePath($excludedInputDirectories[$i]);
push @excludedInputDirectories, $projectDirectory;
foreach my $buildTarget (@buildTargets)
push @excludedInputDirectories, $buildTarget->Directory();
# Determine the tab length, and default to four if not specified.
if (defined $tabLength)
if ($tabLength !~ /^[0-9]+$/)
{ push @errorMessages, 'The tab length must be a number.'; };
{ $tabLength = 4; };
# Strip any quotes off of the charset.
$charset =~ tr/\"//d;
# Exit with the error message if there was one.
if (scalar @errorMessages)
print join("\n", @errorMessages) . "\nType NaturalDocs -h to see the syntax reference.\n";
# Function: PrintSyntax
# Prints the syntax reference.
sub PrintSyntax
my ($self) = @_;
# Make sure all line lengths are under 80 characters.
"Natural Docs, version " . $self->TextAppVersion() . "\n"
. $self->AppURL() . "\n"
. "This program is licensed under the GPL\n"
. "--------------------------------------\n"
. "\n"
. "Syntax:\n"
. "\n"
. " NaturalDocs -i [input (source) directory]\n"
. " (-i [input (source) directory] ...)\n"
. " -o [output format] [output directory]\n"
. " (-o [output format] [output directory] ...)\n"
. " -p [project directory]\n"
. " [options]\n"
. "\n"
. "Examples:\n"
. "\n"
. " NaturalDocs -i C:\\My Project\\Source -o HTML C:\\My Project\\Docs\n"
. " -p C:\\My Project\\Natural Docs\n"
. " NaturalDocs -i /src/project -o HTML /doc/project\n"
. " -p /etc/naturaldocs/project -s Small -q\n"
. "\n"
. "Required Parameters:\n"
. "\n"
. " -i [dir]\n--input [dir]\n--source [dir]\n"
. " Specifies the input (source) directory. Required.\n"
. " Can be specified multiple times.\n"
. "\n"
. " -o [fmt] [dir]\n--output [fmt] [dir]\n"
. " Specifies the output format and directory. Required.\n"
. " Can be specified multiple times, but only once per directory.\n"
. " Possible output formats:\n";
$self->PrintOutputFormats(' - ');
. " -p [dir]\n--project [dir]\n"
. " Specifies the project directory. Required.\n"
. " There needs to be a unique project directory for every source directory.\n"
. "\n"
. "Optional Parameters:\n"
. "\n"
. " -s [style] ([style] [style] ...)\n--style [style] ([style] [style] ...)\n"
. " Specifies the CSS style when building HTML output. If multiple styles are\n"
. " specified, they will all be included in the order given.\n"
. "\n"
. " -do\n--documented-only\n"
. " Specifies only documented code aspects should be included in the output.\n"
. "\n"
. " -t [len]\n--tab-length [len]\n"
. " Specifies the number of spaces tabs should be expanded to. This only needs\n"
. " to be set if you use tabs in example code and text diagrams. Defaults to 4.\n"
. "\n"
. " -xi [dir]\n--exclude-input [dir]\n--exclude-source [dir]\n"
. " Excludes an input (source) directory from the documentation.\n"
. " Automatically done for the project and output directories. Can\n"
. " be specified multiple times.\n"
. "\n"
. " -nag\n--no-auto-group\n"
. " Turns off auto-grouping completely.\n"
. "\n"
. " -r\n--rebuild\n"
. " Rebuilds all output and data files from scratch.\n"
. " Does not affect the menu file.\n"
. "\n"
. " -ro\n--rebuild-output\n"
. " Rebuilds all output files from scratch.\n"
. "\n"
. " -q\n--quiet\n"
. " Suppresses all non-error output.\n"
. "\n"
. " -?\n -h\n--help\n"
. " Displays this syntax reference.\n";
# Function: PrintOutputFormats
# Prints all the possible output formats that can be specified with -o. Each one will be placed on its own line.
# Parameters:
# prefix - Characters to prefix each one with, such as for indentation.
sub PrintOutputFormats #(prefix)
my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
my $outputPackages = NaturalDocs::Builder::OutputPackages();
foreach my $outputPackage (@$outputPackages)
print $prefix . $outputPackage->CommandLineOption() . "\n";
# Function: LoadAndComparePreviousSettings
# Loads <PreviousSettings.nd> and compares the values there with those in the command line. If differences require it,
# sets <rebuildData> and/or <rebuildOutput>.
sub LoadAndComparePreviousSettings
my ($self) = @_;
my $fileIsOkay = 1;
my $fileName = NaturalDocs::Project->PreviousSettingsFile();
my $version;
if (!open(PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE, '<' . $fileName))
{ $fileIsOkay = undef; }
# See if it's binary.
my $firstChar;
if ($firstChar != ::BINARY_FORMAT())
$fileIsOkay = undef;
$version = NaturalDocs::Version->FromBinaryFile(\*PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE);
# The file format changed in 1.33.
if ($version > NaturalDocs::Settings->AppVersion() || $version < NaturalDocs::Version->FromString('1.33'))
$fileIsOkay = undef;
if (!$fileIsOkay)
# We need to reparse everything because --documented-only may have changed.
# We need to rebuild everything because --tab-length may have changed.
my $raw;
# [UInt8: tab expansion]
# [UInt8: documented only (0 or 1)]
# [UInt8: no auto-group (0 or 1)]
# [AString16: charset]
my ($prevTabLength, $prevDocumentedOnly, $prevNoAutoGroup, $prevCharsetLength)
= unpack('CCCn', $raw);
if ($prevTabLength != $self->TabLength())
# We need to rebuild all output because this affects all text diagrams.
if ($prevDocumentedOnly == 0)
{ $prevDocumentedOnly = undef; };
if ($prevNoAutoGroup == 0)
{ $prevNoAutoGroup = undef; };
if ($prevDocumentedOnly != $self->DocumentedOnly() ||
$prevNoAutoGroup != $self->NoAutoGroup())
my $prevCharset;
read(PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE, $prevCharset, $prevCharsetLength);
if ($prevCharset ne $charset)
{ NaturalDocs::Project->RebuildEverything(); };
# [UInt8: number of input directories]
my $inputDirectoryCount = unpack('C', $raw);
while ($inputDirectoryCount)
# [AString16: input directory] [AString16: input directory name] ...
my $inputDirectoryLength = unpack('n', $raw);
my $inputDirectory;
read(PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE, $inputDirectory, $inputDirectoryLength);
my $inputDirectoryNameLength = unpack('n', $raw);
my $inputDirectoryName;
read(PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE, $inputDirectoryName, $inputDirectoryNameLength);
# Not doing anything with this for now.
# [UInt8: number of output targets]
my $outputTargetCount = unpack('C', $raw);
# Keys are the directories, values are the command line options.
my %previousOutputDirectories;
while ($outputTargetCount)
# [AString16: output directory] [AString16: output format command line option] ...
my $outputDirectoryLength = unpack('n', $raw);
my $outputDirectory;
read(PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE, $outputDirectory, $outputDirectoryLength);
my $outputCommandLength = unpack('n', $raw);
my $outputCommand;
read(PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE, $outputCommand, $outputCommandLength);
$previousOutputDirectories{$outputDirectory} = $outputCommand;
# Check if any targets were added to the command line, or if their formats changed. We don't care if targets were
# removed.
my $buildTargets = $self->BuildTargets();
foreach my $buildTarget (@$buildTargets)
if (!exists $previousOutputDirectories{$buildTarget->Directory()} ||
$buildTarget->Builder()->CommandLineOption() ne $previousOutputDirectories{$buildTarget->Directory()})
# Function: SavePreviousSettings
# Saves the settings into <PreviousSettings.nd>.
sub SavePreviousSettings
my ($self) = @_;
open (PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE, '>' . NaturalDocs::Project->PreviousSettingsFile())
or die "Couldn't save " . NaturalDocs::Project->PreviousSettingsFile() . ".\n";
NaturalDocs::Version->ToBinaryFile(\*PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE, NaturalDocs::Settings->AppVersion());
# [UInt8: tab length]
# [UInt8: documented only (0 or 1)]
# [UInt8: no auto-group (0 or 1)]
# [AString16: charset]
# [UInt8: number of input directories]
my $inputDirectories = $self->InputDirectories();
print PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE pack('CCCnA*C', $self->TabLength(), ($self->DocumentedOnly() ? 1 : 0),
($self->NoAutoGroup() ? 1 : 0), length($charset), $charset,
scalar @$inputDirectories);
foreach my $inputDirectory (@$inputDirectories)
my $inputDirectoryName = $self->InputDirectoryNameOf($inputDirectory);
# [AString16: input directory] [AString16: input directory name] ...
print PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE pack('nA*nA*', length($inputDirectory), $inputDirectory,
length($inputDirectoryName), $inputDirectoryName);
# [UInt8: number of output targets]
my $buildTargets = $self->BuildTargets();
print PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE pack('C', scalar @$buildTargets);
foreach my $buildTarget (@$buildTargets)
my $buildTargetDirectory = $buildTarget->Directory();
my $buildTargetCommand = $buildTarget->Builder()->CommandLineOption();
# [AString16: output directory] [AString16: output format command line option] ...
print PREVIOUS_SETTINGS_FILEHANDLE pack('nA*nA*', length($buildTargetDirectory), $buildTargetDirectory,
length($buildTargetCommand), $buildTargetCommand);