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# Package: NaturalDocs::Builder::HTMLBase
# A base package for all the shared functionality in <NaturalDocs::Builder::HTML> and
# <NaturalDocs::Builder::FramedHTML>.
# This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Greg Valure
# Natural Docs is licensed under the GPL
use Tie::RefHash;
use strict;
use integer;
package NaturalDocs::Builder::HTMLBase;
use base 'NaturalDocs::Builder::Base';
# Group: Package Variables
# These variables are shared by all instances of the package so don't change them.
# handle: FH_CSS_FILE
# The file handle to use when updating CSS files.
# Hash: abbreviations
# An existence hash of acceptable abbreviations. These are words that <AddDoubleSpaces()> won't put a second space
# after when followed by period-whitespace-capital letter. Yes, this is seriously over-engineered.
my %abbreviations = ( mr => 1, mrs => 1, ms => 1, dr => 1,
rev => 1, fr => 1, 'i.e' => 1,
maj => 1, gen => 1, pres => 1, sen => 1, rep => 1,
n => 1, s => 1, e => 1, w => 1, ne => 1, se => 1, nw => 1, sw => 1 );
# array: indexHeadings
# An array of the headings of all the index sections. First is for symbols, second for numbers, and the rest for each letter.
my @indexHeadings = ( '$#!', '0-9', 'A' .. 'Z' );
# array: indexAnchors
# An array of the HTML anchors of all the index sections. First is for symbols, second for numbers, and the rest for each letter.
my @indexAnchors = ( 'Symbols', 'Numbers', 'A' .. 'Z' );
# bool: saidUpdatingCSSFile
# Whether the status message "Updating CSS file..." has been displayed. We only want to print it once, no matter how many
# HTML-based targets we are building.
my $saidUpdatingCSSFile;
# Just a synonym for "1" so that setting the flag on <StringToHTML()> is clearer in the calling code.
use constant ADD_HIDDEN_BREAKS => 1;
# Group: ToolTip Package Variables
# These variables are for the tooltip generation functions only. Since they're reset on every call to <BuildContent()> and
# <BuildIndexPages()>, and are only used by them and their support functions, they can be shared by all instances of the
# package.
# int: tooltipLinkNumber
# A number used as part of the ID for each link that has a tooltip. Should be incremented whenever one is made.
my $tooltipLinkNumber;
# int: tooltipNumber
# A number used as part of the ID for each tooltip. Should be incremented whenever one is made.
my $tooltipNumber;
# hash: tooltipSymbolsToNumbers
# A hash that maps the tooltip symbols to their assigned numbers.
my %tooltipSymbolsToNumbers;
# string: tooltipHTML
# The generated tooltip HTML.
my $tooltipHTML;
# Group: Menu Package Variables
# These variables are for the menu generation functions only. Since they're reset on every call to <BuildMenu()> and are
# only used by it and its support functions, they can be shared by all instances of the package.
# hash: prebuiltMenus
# A hash that maps output directonies to menu HTML already built for it. There will be no selection or JavaScript in the menus.
my %prebuiltMenus;
# bool: menuNumbersAndLengthsDone
# Set when the variables that only need to be calculated for the menu once are done. This includes <menuGroupNumber>,
# <menuLength>, <menuGroupLengths>, and <menuGroupNumbers>, and <menuRootLength>.
my $menuNumbersAndLengthsDone;
# int: menuGroupNumber
# The current menu group number. Each time a group is created, this is incremented so that each one will be unique.
my $menuGroupNumber;
# int: menuLength
# The length of the entire menu, fully expanded. The value is computed from the <Menu Length Constants>.
my $menuLength;
# hash: menuGroupLengths
# A hash of the length of each group, *not* including any subgroup contents. The keys are references to each groups'
# <NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry> object, and the values are their lengths computed from the <Menu Length Constants>.
my %menuGroupLengths;
tie %menuGroupLengths, 'Tie::RefHash';
# hash: menuGroupNumbers
# A hash of the number of each group, as managed by <menuGroupNumber>. The keys are references to each groups'
# <NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry> object, and the values are the number.
my %menuGroupNumbers;
tie %menuGroupNumbers, 'Tie::RefHash';
# int: menuRootLength
# The length of the top-level menu entries without expansion. The value is computed from the <Menu Length Constants>.
my $menuRootLength;
# constants: Menu Length Constants
# Constants used to approximate the lengths of the menu or its groups.
# MENU_TITLE_LENGTH - The length of the title.
# MENU_SUBTITLE_LENGTH - The length of the subtitle.
# MENU_FILE_LENGTH - The length of one file entry.
# MENU_GROUP_LENGTH - The length of one group entry.
# MENU_TEXT_LENGTH - The length of one text entry.
# MENU_LINK_LENGTH - The length of one link entry.
# MENU_LENGTH_LIMIT - The limit of the menu's length. If the total length surpasses this limit, groups that aren't required
# to be open to show the selection will default to closed on browsers that support it.
use constant MENU_TITLE_LENGTH => 3;
use constant MENU_SUBTITLE_LENGTH => 1;
use constant MENU_FILE_LENGTH => 1;
use constant MENU_GROUP_LENGTH => 2; # because it's a line and a blank space
use constant MENU_TEXT_LENGTH => 1;
use constant MENU_LINK_LENGTH => 1;
use constant MENU_INDEX_LENGTH => 1;
use constant MENU_LENGTH_LIMIT => 35;
# Group: Implemented Interface Functions
# The behavior of these functions is shared between HTML output formats.
# Function: PurgeFiles
# Deletes the output files associated with the purged source files.
sub PurgeFiles
my $self = shift;
my $filesToPurge = NaturalDocs::Project->FilesToPurge();
# Combine directories into a hash to remove duplicate work.
my %directoriesToPurge;
foreach my $file (keys %$filesToPurge)
# It's possible that there may be files there that aren't in a valid input directory anymore. They won't generate an output
# file name so we need to check for undef.
my $outputFile = $self->OutputFileOf($file);
if (defined $outputFile)
$directoriesToPurge{ NaturalDocs::File->NoFileName($outputFile) } = 1;
foreach my $directory (keys %directoriesToPurge)
NaturalDocs::File->RemoveEmptyTree($directory, NaturalDocs::Settings->OutputDirectoryOf($self));
# Function: PurgeIndexes
# Deletes the output files associated with the purged source files.
# Parameters:
# indexes - An existence hashref of the index types to purge. The keys are the <TopicTypes> or * for the general index.
sub PurgeIndexes #(indexes)
my ($self, $indexes) = @_;
foreach my $index (keys %$indexes)
$self->PurgeIndexFiles($index, undef);
# Function: BeginBuild
# Creates the necessary subdirectories in the output directory.
sub BeginBuild #(hasChanged)
my ($self, $hasChanged) = @_;
foreach my $directory ( $self->JavaScriptDirectory(), $self->CSSDirectory(), $self->IndexDirectory() )
if (!-d $directory)
{ NaturalDocs::File->CreatePath($directory); };
# Function: EndBuild
# Synchronizes the projects CSS and JavaScript files.
sub EndBuild #(hasChanged)
my ($self, $hasChanged) = @_;
# Update the style sheets.
my $styles = NaturalDocs::Settings->Styles();
my $changed;
my $cssDirectory = $self->CSSDirectory();
my $mainCSSFile = $self->MainCSSFile();
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$styles; $i++)
my $outputCSSFile;
if (scalar @$styles == 1)
{ $outputCSSFile = $mainCSSFile; }
{ $outputCSSFile = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($cssDirectory, ($i + 1) . '.css'); };
my $masterCSSFile = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( NaturalDocs::Settings->ProjectDirectory(), $styles->[$i] . '.css' );
if (! -e $masterCSSFile)
{ $masterCSSFile = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( NaturalDocs::Settings->StyleDirectory(), $styles->[$i] . '.css' ); };
# We check both the date and the size in case the user switches between two styles which just happen to have the same
# date. Should rarely happen, but it might.
if (! -e $outputCSSFile ||
(stat($masterCSSFile))[9] != (stat($outputCSSFile))[9] ||
-s $masterCSSFile != -s $outputCSSFile)
if (!NaturalDocs::Settings->IsQuiet() && !$saidUpdatingCSSFile)
print "Updating CSS file...\n";
$saidUpdatingCSSFile = 1;
NaturalDocs::File->Copy($masterCSSFile, $outputCSSFile);
$changed = 1;
my $deleteFrom;
if (scalar @$styles == 1)
{ $deleteFrom = 1; }
{ $deleteFrom = scalar @$styles + 1; };
for (;;)
my $file = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($cssDirectory, $deleteFrom . '.css');
if (! -e $file)
{ last; };
unlink ($file);
$changed = 1;
if ($changed)
if (scalar @$styles > 1)
open(FH_CSS_FILE, '>' . $mainCSSFile);
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$styles; $i++)
print FH_CSS_FILE '@import URL("' . ($i + 1) . '.css");' . "\n";
# Update the JavaScript file.
my $jsMaster = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( NaturalDocs::Settings->JavaScriptDirectory(), 'NaturalDocs.js' );
my $jsOutput = $self->MainJavaScriptFile();
# We check both the date and the size in case the user switches between two styles which just happen to have the same
# date. Should rarely happen, but it might.
if (! -e $jsOutput ||
(stat($jsMaster))[9] != (stat($jsOutput))[9] ||
-s $jsMaster != -s $jsOutput)
NaturalDocs::File->Copy($jsMaster, $jsOutput);
# Group: Section Functions
# function: BuildTitle
# Builds and returns the HTML page title of a file.
# Parameters:
# sourceFile - The source <FileName> to build the title of.
# Returns:
# The source file's title in HTML.
sub BuildTitle #(sourceFile)
my ($self, $sourceFile) = @_;
# If we have a menu title, the page title is [menu title] - [file title]. Otherwise it is just [file title].
my $title = NaturalDocs::Project->DefaultMenuTitleOf($sourceFile);
my $menuTitle = NaturalDocs::Menu->Title();
if (defined $menuTitle && $menuTitle ne $title)
{ $title .= ' - ' . $menuTitle; };
$title = $self->StringToHTML($title);
return $title;
# function: BuildMenu
# Builds and returns the side menu of a file.
# Parameters:
# sourceFile - The source <FileName> to use if you're looking for a source file.
# indexType - The index <TopicType> to use if you're looking for an index.
# isFramed - Whether the menu will appear in a frame. If so, it assumes the <base> HTML tag is set to make links go to the
# appropriate frame.
# Both sourceFile and indexType may be undef.
# Returns:
# The side menu in HTML.
sub BuildMenu #(FileName sourceFile, TopicType indexType, bool isFramed) -> string htmlMenu
my ($self, $sourceFile, $indexType, $isFramed) = @_;
if (!$menuNumbersAndLengthsDone)
$menuGroupNumber = 1;
$menuLength = 0;
%menuGroupLengths = ( );
%menuGroupNumbers = ( );
$menuRootLength = 0;
my $outputDirectory;
if ($sourceFile)
{ $outputDirectory = NaturalDocs::File->NoFileName( $self->OutputFileOf($sourceFile) ); }
elsif ($indexType)
{ $outputDirectory = NaturalDocs::File->NoFileName( $self->IndexFileOf($indexType) ); }
{ $outputDirectory = NaturalDocs::Settings->OutputDirectoryOf($self); };
# Comment needed for UpdateFile().
my $output = '<!--START_ND_MENU-->';
if (!exists $prebuiltMenus{$outputDirectory})
my $segmentOutput;
($segmentOutput, $menuRootLength) =
$self->BuildMenuSegment($outputDirectory, $isFramed, NaturalDocs::Menu->Content());
my $titleOutput;
my $menuTitle = NaturalDocs::Menu->Title();
if (defined $menuTitle)
if (!$menuNumbersAndLengthsDone)
{ $menuLength += MENU_TITLE_LENGTH; };
$menuRootLength += MENU_TITLE_LENGTH;
$titleOutput .=
'<div class=MTitle>'
. $self->StringToHTML($menuTitle);
my $menuSubTitle = NaturalDocs::Menu->SubTitle();
if (defined $menuSubTitle)
if (!$menuNumbersAndLengthsDone)
{ $menuLength += MENU_SUBTITLE_LENGTH; };
$menuRootLength += MENU_SUBTITLE_LENGTH;
$titleOutput .=
'<div class=MSubTitle>'
. $self->StringToHTML($menuSubTitle)
. '</div>';
$titleOutput .=
$prebuiltMenus{$outputDirectory} = $titleOutput . $segmentOutput;
$output .= $titleOutput . $segmentOutput;
{ $output .= $prebuiltMenus{$outputDirectory}; };
# Highlight the menu selection.
if ($sourceFile)
# Dependency: This depends on how BuildMenuSegment() formats file entries.
my $outputFile = $self->OutputFileOf($sourceFile);
my $tag = '<div class=MFile><a href="' . $self->MakeRelativeURL($outputDirectory, $outputFile) . '">';
my $tagIndex = index($output, $tag);
if ($tagIndex != -1)
my $endIndex = index($output, '</a>', $tagIndex);
substr($output, $endIndex, 4, '');
substr($output, $tagIndex, length($tag), '<div class=MFile id=MSelected>');
elsif ($indexType)
# Dependency: This depends on how BuildMenuSegment() formats index entries.
my $outputFile = $self->IndexFileOf($indexType);
my $tag = '<div class=MIndex><a href="' . $self->MakeRelativeURL($outputDirectory, $outputFile) . '">';
my $tagIndex = index($output, $tag);
if ($tagIndex != -1)
my $endIndex = index($output, '</a>', $tagIndex);
substr($output, $endIndex, 4, '');
substr($output, $tagIndex, length($tag), '<div class=MIndex id=MSelected>');
# If the completely expanded menu is too long, collapse all the groups that aren't in the selection hierarchy or near the
# selection. By doing this instead of having them default to closed via CSS, any browser that doesn't support changing this at
# runtime will keep the menu entirely open so that its still usable.
if ($menuLength > MENU_LENGTH_LIMIT())
my $menuSelectionHierarchy = $self->GetMenuSelectionHierarchy($sourceFile, $indexType);
my $toExpand = $self->ExpandMenu($sourceFile, $indexType, $menuSelectionHierarchy, $menuRootLength);
$output .=
'<script language=JavaScript><!--' . "\n"
# Using ToggleMenu here causes IE to sometimes say display is nothing instead of "block" or "none" on the first click.
# Whatever. This is just as good.
. 'if (document.getElementById)'
. '{';
if (scalar @$toExpand)
$output .=
'for (var menu = 1; menu < ' . $menuGroupNumber . '; menu++)'
. '{'
. 'if (menu != ' . join(' && menu != ', @$toExpand) . ')'
. '{'
. 'document.getElementById("MGroupContent" + menu).style.display = "none";'
. '};'
. '};'
$output .=
'for (var menu = 1; menu < ' . $menuGroupNumber . '; menu++)'
. '{'
. 'document.getElementById("MGroupContent" + menu).style.display = "none";'
. '};'
$output .=
. '// --></script>';
# Comment needed for UpdateFile().
$output .= '<!--END_ND_MENU-->';
$menuNumbersAndLengthsDone = 1;
return $output;
# Function: BuildMenuSegment
# A recursive function to build a segment of the menu. *Remember to reset the <Menu Package Variables> before calling this
# for the first time.*
# Parameters:
# outputDirectory - The output directory the menu is being built for.
# isFramed - Whether the menu will be in a HTML frame or not. Assumes that if it is, the <base> HTML tag will be set so that
# links are directed to the proper frame.
# menuSegment - An arrayref specifying the segment of the menu to build. Either pass the menu itself or the contents
# of a group.
# Returns:
# The array ( menuHTML, length ).
# menuHTML - The menu segment in HTML.
# groupLength - The length of the group, *not* including the contents of any subgroups, as computed from the
# <Menu Length Constants>.
sub BuildMenuSegment #(outputDirectory, isFramed, menuSegment)
my ($self, $outputDirectory, $isFramed, $menuSegment) = @_;
my ($output, $groupLength);
foreach my $entry (@$menuSegment)
if ($entry->Type() == ::MENU_GROUP())
my ($entryOutput, $entryLength) =
$self->BuildMenuSegment($outputDirectory, $isFramed, $entry->GroupContent());
my $entryNumber;
if (!$menuNumbersAndLengthsDone)
$entryNumber = $menuGroupNumber;
$menuGroupLengths{$entry} = $entryLength;
$menuGroupNumbers{$entry} = $entryNumber;
{ $entryNumber = $menuGroupNumbers{$entry}; };
$output .=
'<div class=MEntry>'
. '<div class=MGroup>'
. '<a href="javascript:ToggleMenu(\'MGroupContent' . $entryNumber . '\')"'
. ($isFramed ? ' target="_self"' : '') . '>'
. $self->StringToHTML($entry->Title())
. '</a>'
. '<div class=MGroupContent id=MGroupContent' . $entryNumber . '>'
. $entryOutput
. '</div>'
. '</div>'
. '</div>';
$groupLength += MENU_GROUP_LENGTH;
elsif ($entry->Type() == ::MENU_FILE())
my $targetOutputFile = $self->OutputFileOf($entry->Target());
# Dependency: BuildMenu() depends on how this formats file entries.
$output .=
'<div class=MEntry>'
. '<div class=MFile>'
. '<a href="' . $self->MakeRelativeURL($outputDirectory, $targetOutputFile) . '">'
. $self->StringToHTML( $entry->Title(), ADD_HIDDEN_BREAKS)
. '</a>'
. '</div>'
. '</div>';
$groupLength += MENU_FILE_LENGTH;
elsif ($entry->Type() == ::MENU_TEXT())
$output .=
'<div class=MEntry>'
. '<div class=MText>'
. $self->StringToHTML( $entry->Title() )
. '</div>'
. '</div>';
$groupLength += MENU_TEXT_LENGTH;
elsif ($entry->Type() == ::MENU_LINK())
$output .=
'<div class=MEntry>'
. '<div class=MLink>'
. '<a href="' . $entry->Target() . '"' . ($isFramed ? ' target="_top"' : '') . '>'
. $self->StringToHTML( $entry->Title() )
. '</a>'
. '</div>'
. '</div>';
$groupLength += MENU_LINK_LENGTH;
elsif ($entry->Type() == ::MENU_INDEX())
my $indexFile = $self->IndexFileOf($entry->Target);
# Dependency: BuildMenu() depends on how this formats index entries.
$output .=
'<div class=MEntry>'
. '<div class=MIndex>'
. '<a href="' . $self->MakeRelativeURL( $outputDirectory, $self->IndexFileOf($entry->Target()) ) . '">'
. $self->StringToHTML( $entry->Title() )
. '</a>'
. '</div>'
. '</div>';
$groupLength += MENU_INDEX_LENGTH;
if (!$menuNumbersAndLengthsDone)
{ $menuLength += $groupLength; };
return ($output, $groupLength);
# Function: BuildContent
# Builds and returns the main page content.
# Parameters:
# sourceFile - The source <FileName>.
# parsedFile - The parsed source file as an arrayref of <NaturalDocs::Parser::ParsedTopic> objects.
# Returns:
# The page content in HTML.
sub BuildContent #(sourceFile, parsedFile)
my ($self, $sourceFile, $parsedFile) = @_;
my $output;
my $i = 0;
while ($i < scalar @$parsedFile)
my $anchor = $self->SymbolToHTMLSymbol($parsedFile->[$i]->Symbol());
my $scope = NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($parsedFile->[$i]->Type())->Scope();
# The anchors are closed, but not around the text, so the :hover CSS style won't accidentally kick in.
my $headerType;
if ($i == 0)
{ $headerType = 'h1'; }
elsif ($scope == ::SCOPE_START() || $scope == ::SCOPE_END())
{ $headerType = 'h2'; }
{ $headerType = 'h3'; };
$output .=
'<div class=C' . NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($parsedFile->[$i]->Type(), 0, 1)
. ($i == 0 ? ' id=MainTopic' : '') . '>'
. '<div class=CTopic>'
. '<' . $headerType . ' class=CTitle>'
. '<a name="' . $anchor . '"></a>'
. $self->StringToHTML( $parsedFile->[$i]->Title(), ADD_HIDDEN_BREAKS)
. '</' . $headerType . '>';
my $hierarchy;
if (NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo( $parsedFile->[$i]->Type() )->ClassHierarchy())
$hierarchy = $self->BuildClassHierarchy($sourceFile, $parsedFile->[$i]->Symbol());
my $summary;
if ($i == 0 || $scope == ::SCOPE_START() || $scope == ::SCOPE_END())
$summary .= $self->BuildSummary($sourceFile, $parsedFile, $i);
my $hasBody;
if (defined $hierarchy || defined $summary ||
defined $parsedFile->[$i]->Prototype() || defined $parsedFile->[$i]->Body())
$output .= '<div class=CBody>';
$hasBody = 1;
$output .= $hierarchy;
if (defined $parsedFile->[$i]->Prototype())
$output .= $self->BuildPrototype($parsedFile->[$i]->Type(), $parsedFile->[$i]->Prototype(), $sourceFile);
if (defined $parsedFile->[$i]->Body())
$output .= $self->NDMarkupToHTML( $sourceFile, $parsedFile->[$i]->Body(), $parsedFile->[$i]->Symbol(),
$parsedFile->[$i]->Package(), $parsedFile->[$i]->Type(),
$parsedFile->[$i]->Using() );
$output .= $summary;
if ($hasBody)
{ $output .= '</div>'; };
$output .=
'</div>' # CTopic
. '</div>' # CType
. "\n\n";
return $output;
# Function: BuildSummary
# Builds a summary, either for the entire file or the current class/section.
# Parameters:
# sourceFile - The source <FileName> the summary appears in.
# parsedFile - A reference to the parsed source file.
# index - The index into the parsed file to start at. If undef or zero, it builds a summary for the entire file. If it's the
# index of a <TopicType> that starts or ends a scope, it builds a summary for that scope
# Returns:
# The summary in HTML.
sub BuildSummary #(sourceFile, parsedFile, index)
my ($self, $sourceFile, $parsedFile, $index) = @_;
my $completeSummary;
if (!defined $index || $index == 0)
$index = 0;
$completeSummary = 1;
# Skip the scope entry.
if ($index + 1 >= scalar @$parsedFile)
{ return undef; };
my $scope = NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($parsedFile->[$index]->Type())->Scope();
# Return nothing if there's only one entry.
if (!$completeSummary && ($scope == ::SCOPE_START() || $scope == ::SCOPE_END()) )
{ return undef; };
my $indent = 0;
my $inGroup;
# In a nice efficiency twist, these buggers will hold the opening div tags if true, undef if false. Not that this script is known
# for its efficiency. Not that Perl is known for its efficiency. Anyway...
my $isMarkedAttr;
my $entrySizeAttr = ' class=SEntrySize';
my $descriptionSizeAttr = ' class=SDescriptionSize';
my $output =
. '<div class=Summary><div class=STitle>Summary</div>'
# Not all browsers get table padding right, so we need a div to apply the border.
. '<div class=SBorder>'
. '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=STable>';
while ($index < scalar @$parsedFile)
my $topic = $parsedFile->[$index];
my $scope = NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($topic->Type())->Scope();
if (!$completeSummary && ($scope == ::SCOPE_START() || $scope == ::SCOPE_END()) )
{ last; };
# Remove modifiers as appropriate for the current entry.
if ($scope == ::SCOPE_START() || $scope == ::SCOPE_END())
$indent = 0;
$inGroup = 0;
$isMarkedAttr = undef;
elsif ($topic->Type() eq ::TOPIC_GROUP())
if ($inGroup)
{ $indent--; };
$inGroup = 0;
$isMarkedAttr = undef;
$output .=
'<tr' . $isMarkedAttr . '><td' . $entrySizeAttr . '>'
. '<div class=S' . ($index == 0 ? 'Main' : NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($topic->Type(), 0, 1)) . '>'
. '<div class=SEntry>';
# Add any remaining modifiers to the HTML in the form of div tags. This modifier approach isn't the most elegant
# thing, but there's not a lot of options. It works.
if ($indent)
{ $output .= '<div class=SIndent' . $indent . '>'; };
# Add the entry itself.
my $toolTipProperties;
# We only want a tooltip here if there's a protoype. Otherwise it's redundant.
if (defined $topic->Prototype())
my $tooltipID = $self->BuildToolTip($topic->Symbol(), $sourceFile, $topic->Type(),
$topic->Prototype(), $topic->Summary());
$toolTipProperties = $self->BuildToolTipLinkProperties($tooltipID);
$output .=
'<a href="#' . $self->SymbolToHTMLSymbol($parsedFile->[$index]->Symbol()) . '" ' . $toolTipProperties . '>'
. $self->StringToHTML( $parsedFile->[$index]->Title(), ADD_HIDDEN_BREAKS)
. '</a>';
# Close the modifiers.
if ($indent)
{ $output .= '</div>'; };
$output .=
'</div>' # Entry
. '</div>' # Type
. '</td><td' . $descriptionSizeAttr . '>'
. '<div class=S' . ($index == 0 ? 'Main' : NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($topic->Type(), 0, 1)) . '>'
. '<div class=SDescription>';
# Add the modifiers to the HTML yet again.
if ($indent)
{ $output .= '<div class=SIndent' . $indent . '>'; };
if (defined $parsedFile->[$index]->Body())
$output .= $self->NDMarkupToHTML($sourceFile, $parsedFile->[$index]->Summary(),
$parsedFile->[$index]->Symbol(), $parsedFile->[$index]->Package(),
$parsedFile->[$index]->Type(), $parsedFile->[$index]->Using());
# Close the modifiers again.
if ($indent)
{ $output .= '</div>'; };
$output .=
'</div>' # Description
. '</div>' # Type
. '</td></tr>';
# Prepare the modifiers for the next entry.
if ($scope == ::SCOPE_START() || $scope == ::SCOPE_END())
$indent = 1;
$inGroup = 0;
elsif ($topic->Type() eq ::TOPIC_GROUP())
if (!$inGroup)
$inGroup = 1;
if (!defined $isMarkedAttr)
{ $isMarkedAttr = ' class=SMarked'; }
{ $isMarkedAttr = undef; };
$entrySizeAttr = undef;
$descriptionSizeAttr = undef;
$output .=
. '</div>' # Border
. '</div>' # Summary
. "<!--END_ND_SUMMARY-->";
return $output;
# Function: BuildPrototype
# Builds and returns the prototype as HTML.
# Parameters:
# type - The <TopicType> the prototype is from.
# prototype - The prototype to format.
# file - The <FileName> the prototype was defined in.
# Returns:
# The prototype in HTML.
sub BuildPrototype #(type, prototype, file)
my ($self, $type, $prototype, $file) = @_;
my $language = NaturalDocs::Languages->LanguageOf($file);
my $prototypeObject = $language->ParsePrototype($type, $prototype);
my $output;
if ($prototypeObject->OnlyBeforeParameters())
$output =
# A blockquote to scroll it if it's too long.
# A surrounding table as a hack to make the div form-fit.
. '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td>'
. $self->ConvertAmpChars($prototypeObject->BeforeParameters())
. '</td></tr></table>'
. '</blockquote>';
my $params = $prototypeObject->Parameters();
my $beforeParams = $prototypeObject->BeforeParameters();
my $afterParams = $prototypeObject->AfterParameters();
# Determine what features the prototype has and its length.
my ($hasType, $hasTypePrefix, $hasNamePrefix, $hasDefaultValue, $hasDefaultValuePrefix);
my $maxParamLength = 0;
foreach my $param (@$params)
my $paramLength = length($param->Name());
if ($param->Type())
$hasType = 1;
$paramLength += length($param->Type()) + 1;
if ($param->TypePrefix())
$hasTypePrefix = 1;
$paramLength += length($param->TypePrefix()) + 1;
if ($param->NamePrefix())
$hasNamePrefix = 1;
$paramLength += length($param->NamePrefix());
if ($param->DefaultValue())
$hasDefaultValue = 1;
# The length of the default value part is either the longest word, or 1/3 the total, whichever is longer. We do this
# because we don't want parameter lines wrapping to more than three lines, and there's no guarantee that the line will
# wrap at all. There's a small possibility that it could still wrap to four lines with this code, but we don't need to go
# crazy(er) here.
my $thirdLength = length($param->DefaultValue()) / 3;
my @words = split(/ +/, $param->DefaultValue());
my $maxWordLength = 0;
foreach my $word (@words)
if (length($word) > $maxWordLength)
{ $maxWordLength = length($word); };
$paramLength += ($maxWordLength > $thirdLength ? $maxWordLength : $thirdLength) + 1;
if ($param->DefaultValuePrefix())
$hasDefaultValuePrefix = 1;
$paramLength += length($param->DefaultValuePrefix()) + 1;
if ($paramLength > $maxParamLength)
{ $maxParamLength = $paramLength; };
my $useCondensed = (length($beforeParams) + $maxParamLength + length($afterParams) > 80 ? 1 : 0);
my $parameterColumns = 1 + $hasType + $hasTypePrefix + $hasNamePrefix +
$hasDefaultValue + $hasDefaultValuePrefix + $useCondensed;
$output =
'<blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td>'
# Stupid hack to get it to work right in IE.
. '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>'
. '<td class=PBeforeParameters ' . ($useCondensed ? 'colspan=' . $parameterColumns : 'nowrap') . '>'
. $self->ConvertAmpChars($beforeParams);
if ($beforeParams && $beforeParams !~ /[\(\[\{\<]$/)
{ $output .= ' '; };
$output .=
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$params; $i++)
if ($useCondensed)
$output .= '</tr><tr><td> </td>';
elsif ($i > 0)
# Go to the next row and and skip the BeforeParameters cell.
$output .= '</tr><tr><td></td>';
if ($language->TypeBeforeParameter())
if ($hasTypePrefix)
my $htmlTypePrefix = $self->ConvertAmpChars($params->[$i]->TypePrefix());
$htmlTypePrefix =~ s/ $/ /;
$output .=
'<td class=PTypePrefix nowrap>'
. $htmlTypePrefix
. '</td>';
if ($hasType)
$output .=
'<td class=PType nowrap>'
. $self->ConvertAmpChars($params->[$i]->Type()) . ' '
. '</td>';
if ($hasNamePrefix)
$output .=
'<td class=PParameterPrefix nowrap>'
. $self->ConvertAmpChars($params->[$i]->NamePrefix())
. '</td>';
$output .=
'<td class=PParameter nowrap' . ($useCondensed && !$hasDefaultValue ? ' width=100%' : '') . '>'
. $self->ConvertAmpChars($params->[$i]->Name())
. '</td>';
else # !$language->TypeBeforeParameter()
$output .=
'<td class=PParameter nowrap>'
. $self->ConvertAmpChars( $params->[$i]->NamePrefix() . $params->[$i]->Name() )
. '</td>';
if ($hasType || $hasTypePrefix)
my $typePrefix = $params->[$i]->TypePrefix();
if ($typePrefix)
{ $typePrefix .= ' '; };
$output .=
'<td class=PType nowrap' . ($useCondensed && !$hasDefaultValue ? ' width=100%' : '') . '>'
. ' ' . $self->ConvertAmpChars( $typePrefix . $params->[$i]->Type() )
. '</td>';
if ($hasDefaultValuePrefix)
$output .=
'<td class=PDefaultValuePrefix>'
. ' ' . $self->ConvertAmpChars( $params->[$i]->DefaultValuePrefix() ) . ' '
. '</td>';
if ($hasDefaultValue)
$output .=
'<td class=PDefaultValue width=100%>'
. ($hasDefaultValuePrefix ? '' : ' ') . $self->ConvertAmpChars( $params->[$i]->DefaultValue() )
. '</td>';
if ($useCondensed)
{ $output .= '</tr><tr>'; };
$output .=
'<td class=PAfterParameters ' . ($useCondensed ? 'colspan=' . $parameterColumns : 'nowrap') . '>'
. $self->ConvertAmpChars($afterParams);
if ($afterParams && $afterParams !~ /^[\)\]\}\>]/)
{ $output .= ' '; };
$output .=
. '</tr></table>'
# Hack.
. '</td></tr></table></blockquote>';
return $output;
# Function: BuildFooter
# Builds and returns the HTML footer for the page.
sub BuildFooter
my $self = shift;
my $footer = NaturalDocs::Menu->Footer();
if (defined $footer)
if (substr($footer, -1, 1) ne '.')
{ $footer .= '.'; };
$footer =~ s/\(c\)/©/gi;
$footer =~ s/\(tm\)/™/gi;
$footer =~ s/\(r\)/®/gi;
$footer .= ' Generated by <a href="' . NaturalDocs::Settings->AppURL() . '">Natural Docs</a>.'
$footer = 'Generated by <a href="' . NaturalDocs::Settings->AppURL() . '">Natural Docs</a>';
return '<!--START_ND_FOOTER-->' . $footer . '<!--END_ND_FOOTER-->';
# Function: BuildToolTip
# Builds the HTML for a symbol's tooltip and stores it in <tooltipHTML>.
# Parameters:
# symbol - The target <SymbolString>.
# file - The <FileName> the target's defined in.
# type - The symbol <TopicType>.
# prototype - The target prototype, or undef for none.
# summary - The target summary, or undef for none.
# Returns:
# If a tooltip is necessary for the link, returns the tooltip ID. If not, returns undef.
sub BuildToolTip #(symbol, file, type, prototype, summary)
my ($self, $symbol, $file, $type, $prototype, $summary) = @_;
if (defined $prototype || defined $summary)
my $htmlSymbol = $self->SymbolToHTMLSymbol($symbol);
my $number = $tooltipSymbolsToNumbers{$htmlSymbol};
if (!defined $number)
$number = $tooltipNumber;
$tooltipSymbolsToNumbers{$htmlSymbol} = $number;
$tooltipHTML .=
'<div class=CToolTip id="tt' . $number . '">'
. '<div class=C' . NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($type, 0, 1) . '>';
if (defined $prototype)
$tooltipHTML .= $self->BuildPrototype($type, $prototype, $file);
if (defined $summary)
# Remove links, since people can't/shouldn't be clicking on tooltips anyway.
$summary =~ s/<\/?(?:link|url)>//g;
# The fact that we don't have scope or using shouldn't matter because we removed the links.
$summary = $self->NDMarkupToHTML($file, $summary, undef, undef, $type, undef);
# XXX - Hack. We want to remove e-mail links as well, but keep their obfuscation. So we leave the tags in there for
# the NDMarkupToHTML call, then strip out the link part afterwards. The text obfuscation should still be in place.
$summary =~ s/<\/?a[^>]+>//g;
$tooltipHTML .= $summary;
$tooltipHTML .=
. '</div>';
return 'tt' . $number;
{ return undef; };
# Function: BuildToolTips
# Builds and returns the tooltips for the page in HTML.
sub BuildToolTips
my $self = shift;
return "\n<!--START_ND_TOOLTIPS-->\n" . $tooltipHTML . "<!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->\n\n";
# Function: BuildClassHierarchy
# Builds and returns a class hierarchy diagram for the passed class, if applicable.
# Parameters:
# file - The source <FileName>.
# class - The class <SymbolString> to build the hierarchy of.
sub BuildClassHierarchy #(file, symbol)
my ($self, $file, $symbol) = @_;
my @parents = NaturalDocs::ClassHierarchy->ParentsOf($symbol);
@parents = sort { ::StringCompare($a, $b) } @parents;
my @children = NaturalDocs::ClassHierarchy->ChildrenOf($symbol);
@children = sort { ::StringCompare($a, $b) } @children;
if (!scalar @parents && !scalar @children)
{ return undef; };
my $output =
'<div class=ClassHierarchy>';
if (scalar @parents)
$output .='<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>';
foreach my $parent (@parents)
$output .= $self->BuildClassHierarchyEntry($file, $parent, 'CHParent', 1);
$output .= '</td></tr></table><div class=CHIndent>';
$output .=
'<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>'
. $self->BuildClassHierarchyEntry($file, $symbol, 'CHCurrent', undef)
. '</td></tr></table>';
if (scalar @children)
$output .=
'<div class=CHIndent>'
. '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>';
if (scalar @children <= 5)
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @children; $i++)
{ $output .= $self->BuildClassHierarchyEntry($file, $children[$i], 'CHChild', 1); };
for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++)
{ $output .= $self->BuildClassHierarchyEntry($file, $children[$i], 'CHChild', 1); };
$output .= '<div class=CHChildNote><div class=CHEntry>' . (scalar @children - 4) . ' other children</div></div>';
$output .=
. '</div>';
if (scalar @parents)
{ $output .= '</div>'; };
$output .=
return $output;
# Function: BuildClassHierarchyEntry
# Builds and returns a single class hierarchy entry.
# Parameters:
# file - The source <FileName>.
# symbol - The class <SymbolString> whose entry is getting built.
# style - The style to apply to the entry, such as <CHParent>.
# link - Whether to build a link for this class or not. When building the selected class' entry, this should be false. It will
# automatically handle whether the symbol is defined or not.
sub BuildClassHierarchyEntry #(file, symbol, style, link)
my ($self, $file, $symbol, $style, $link) = @_;
my @identifiers = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->IdentifiersOf($symbol);
my $name = join(NaturalDocs::Languages->LanguageOf($file)->PackageSeparator(), @identifiers);
$name = $self->StringToHTML($name);
my $output = '<div class=' . $style . '><div class=CHEntry>';
if ($link)
my $target = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable->Lookup($symbol, $file);
if (defined $target)
my $targetFile;
if ($target->File() ne $file)
{ $targetFile = $self->MakeRelativeURL( $self->OutputFileOf($file), $self->OutputFileOf($target->File()), 1 ); };
# else leave it undef
my $targetTooltipID = $self->BuildToolTip($symbol, $target->File(), $target->Type(),
$target->Prototype(), $target->Summary());
my $toolTipProperties = $self->BuildToolTipLinkProperties($targetTooltipID);
$output .= '<a href="' . $targetFile . '#' . $self->SymbolToHTMLSymbol($symbol) . '" '
. 'class=L' . NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($target->Type(), 0, 1) . ' ' . $toolTipProperties . '>'
. $name . '</a>';
{ $output .= $name; };
{ $output .= $name; };
$output .= '</div></div>';
return $output;
# Function: OpeningBrowserStyles
# Returns the JavaScript that will add opening browser styles if necessary.
sub OpeningBrowserStyles
my $self = shift;
'<script language=JavaScript><!--' . "\n"
# IE 4 and 5 don't understand 'undefined', so you can't say '!= undefined'.
. 'if (browserType) {'
. 'document.write("<div class=" + browserType + ">");'
. 'if (browserVer) {'
. 'document.write("<div class=" + browserVer + ">"); }'
. '}'
. '// --></script>';
# Function: ClosingBrowserStyles
# Returns the JavaScript that will close browser styles if necessary.
sub ClosingBrowserStyles
my $self = shift;
'<script language=JavaScript><!--' . "\n"
. 'if (browserType) {'
. 'if (browserVer) {'
. 'document.write("</div>"); }'
. 'document.write("</div>");'
. '}'
. '// --></script>';
# Function: StandardComments
# Returns the standard HTML comments that should be included in every generated file. This includes <IEWebMark()>, so this
# really is required for proper functionality.
sub StandardComments
my $self = shift;
return "\n\n"
. '<!-- Generated by Natural Docs, version ' . NaturalDocs::Settings->TextAppVersion() . ' -->' . "\n"
. '<!-- ' . NaturalDocs::Settings->AppURL() . ' -->' . "\n\n"
. $self->IEWebMark() . "\n\n";
# Function: IEWebMark
# Returns the HTML comment necessary to get around the security warnings in IE starting with Windows XP Service Pack 2.
# With this mark, the HTML page is treated as if it were in the Internet security zone instead of the Local Machine zone. This
# prevents the lockdown on scripting that causes an error message to appear with each page.
# More Information:
# - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/sp2brows.mspx#EHAA
# - http://www.phdcc.com/xpsp2.htm#markoftheweb
sub IEWebMark
my $self = shift;
return '<!-- saved from url=(0026)http://www.naturaldocs.org -->';
# Group: Index Functions
# Function: BuildIndexPages
# Builds an index file or files.
# Parameters:
# type - The <TopicType> the index is limited to, or undef for none.
# index - An arrayref of sections, each section being an arrayref <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement> objects.
# The first section is for symbols, the second for numbers, and the rest for A through Z.
# beginPage - All the content of the HTML page up to where the index content should appear.
# endPage - All the content of the HTML page past where the index should appear.
# Returns:
# The number of pages in the index.
sub BuildIndexPages #(type, index, beginPage, endPage)
my ($self, $type, $indexSections, $beginPage, $endPage) = @_;
# Build the content.
my ($indexHTMLSections, $tooltipHTMLSections) = $self->BuildIndexSections($indexSections, $self->IndexFileOf($type, 1));
my $page = 1;
my $pageSize = 0;
my @pageLocations;
# The maximum page size acceptable before starting a new page. Note that this doesn't include beginPage and endPage,
# because we don't want something like a large menu screwing up the calculations.
use constant PAGESIZE_LIMIT => 50000;
# File the pages.
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$indexHTMLSections; $i++)
if (!defined $indexHTMLSections->[$i])
{ next; };
$pageSize += length($indexHTMLSections->[$i]) + length($tooltipHTMLSections->[$i]);
$pageLocations[$i] = $page;
if ($pageSize + length($indexHTMLSections->[$i+1]) + length($tooltipHTMLSections->[$i+1]) > PAGESIZE_LIMIT)
$pageSize = 0;
# Build the pages.
my $indexFileName;
$page = -1;
my $oldPage = -1;
my $tooltips;
my $firstHeading;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$indexHTMLSections; $i++)
if (!defined $indexHTMLSections->[$i])
{ next; };
$page = $pageLocations[$i];
# Switch files if we need to.
if ($page != $oldPage)
if ($oldPage != -1)
print INDEXFILEHANDLE '</table>' . $tooltips . $endPage;
$tooltips = undef;
$indexFileName = $self->IndexFileOf($type, $page);
open(INDEXFILEHANDLE, '>' . $indexFileName)
or die "Couldn't create output file " . $indexFileName . ".\n";
print INDEXFILEHANDLE $beginPage . $self->BuildIndexNavigationBar($type, $page, \@pageLocations)
. '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>';
$oldPage = $page;
$firstHeading = 1;
. '<td class=IHeading' . ($firstHeading ? ' id=IFirstHeading' : '') . '>'
. '<a name="' . $indexAnchors[$i] . '"></a>'
. $indexHeadings[$i]
. '</td>'
. '<td></td>'
. '</tr>'
. $indexHTMLSections->[$i];
$firstHeading = 0;
$tooltips .= $tooltipHTMLSections->[$i];
if ($page != -1)
print INDEXFILEHANDLE '</table>' . $tooltips . $endPage;
# Build a dummy page so there's something at least.
$indexFileName = $self->IndexFileOf($type, 1);
open(INDEXFILEHANDLE, '>' . $indexFileName)
or die "Couldn't create output file " . $indexFileName . ".\n";
. $self->BuildIndexNavigationBar($type, 1, \@pageLocations)
. 'There are no entries in the ' . lc( NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($type) ) . ' index.'
. $endPage;
return $page;
# Function: BuildIndexSections
# Builds and returns index's sections in HTML.
# Parameters:
# index - An arrayref of sections, each section being an arrayref <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement> objects.
# The first section is for symbols, the second for numbers, and the rest for A through Z.
# outputFile - The output file the index is going to be stored in. Since there may be multiple files, just send the first file. The
# path is what matters, not the file name.
# Returns:
# The arrayref ( indexSections, tooltipSections ).
# Index 0 is the symbols, index 1 is the numbers, and each following index is A through Z. The content of each section
# is its HTML, or undef if there is nothing for that section.
sub BuildIndexSections #(index, outputFile)
my ($self, $indexSections, $outputFile) = @_;
my $contentSections = [ ];
my $tooltipSections = [ ];
for (my $section = 0; $section < scalar @$indexSections; $section++)
if (defined $indexSections->[$section])
my $total = scalar @{$indexSections->[$section]};
for (my $i = 0; $i < $total; $i++)
my $id;
if ($i == 0)
if ($total == 1)
{ $id = 'IOnlySymbolPrefix'; }
{ $id = 'IFirstSymbolPrefix'; };
elsif ($i == $total - 1)
{ $id = 'ILastSymbolPrefix'; };
$contentSections->[$section] .= $self->BuildIndexElement($indexSections->[$section]->[$i], $outputFile, $id);
$tooltipSections->[$section] .= $self->BuildToolTips();
return ( $contentSections, $tooltipSections );
# Function: BuildIndexElement
# Converts a <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement> to HTML and returns it. It will handle all sub-elements automatically.
# Parameters:
# element - The <NaturalDocs::SymbolTable::IndexElement> to build.
# outputFile - The output <FileName> this is appearing in.
# id - The CSS ID to apply to the prefix.
# Recursion-Only Parameters:
# These parameters are used internally for recursion, and should not be set.
# symbol - If the element is below symbol level, the <SymbolString> to use.
# package - If the element is below package level, the package <SymbolString> to use.
# hasPackage - Whether the element is below package level. Is necessary because package may need to be undef.
sub BuildIndexElement #(element, outputFile, id, symbol, package, hasPackage)
my ($self, $element, $outputFile, $id, $symbol, $package, $hasPackage) = @_;
my $output;
# If we're doing a file sub-index entry...
if ($hasPackage)
my ($inputDirectory, $relativePath) = NaturalDocs::Settings->SplitFromInputDirectory($element->File());
$output =
$self->BuildIndexLink($self->StringToHTML($relativePath, ADD_HIDDEN_BREAKS), $symbol,
$package, $element->File(), $element->Type(), $element->Prototype(),
$element->Summary(), $outputFile, 'IFile')
# If we're doing a package sub-index entry...
elsif (defined $symbol)
my $text;
if ($element->Package())
$text = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->ToText($element->Package(), $element->PackageSeparator());
$text = $self->StringToHTML($text, ADD_HIDDEN_BREAKS);
{ $text = 'Global'; };
if (!$element->HasMultipleFiles())
$output .= $self->BuildIndexLink($text, $symbol, $element->Package(), $element->File(), $element->Type(),
$element->Prototype(), $element->Summary(), $outputFile, 'IParent');
$output .=
'<span class=IParent>'
. $text
. '</span>'
. '<div class=ISubIndex>';
my $fileElements = $element->File();
foreach my $fileElement (@$fileElements)
$output .= $self->BuildIndexElement($fileElement, $outputFile, $id, $symbol, $element->Package(), 1);
$output .=
# If we're doing a top-level symbol entry...
my $symbolText = $self->StringToHTML($element->SortableSymbol(), ADD_HIDDEN_BREAKS);
my $symbolPrefix = $self->StringToHTML($element->IgnoredPrefix());
$output .=
. '<td class=ISymbolPrefix' . ($id ? ' id=' . $id : '') . '>'
. ($symbolPrefix || ' ')
. '</td><td class=IEntry>';
if (!$element->HasMultiplePackages())
my $packageText;
if (defined $element->Package())
$packageText = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->ToText($element->Package(), $element->PackageSeparator());
$packageText = $self->StringToHTML($packageText, ADD_HIDDEN_BREAKS);
if (!$element->HasMultipleFiles())
$output .=
$self->BuildIndexLink($symbolText, $element->Symbol(), $element->Package(), $element->File(),
$element->Type(), $element->Prototype(), $element->Summary(), $outputFile, 'ISymbol');
if (defined $packageText)
$output .=
', <span class=IParent>'
. $packageText
. '</span>';
else # hasMultipleFiles but not mulitplePackages
$output .=
'<span class=ISymbol>'
. $symbolText
. '</span>';
if (defined $packageText)
$output .=
', <span class=IParent>'
. $packageText
. '</span>';
$output .=
'<div class=ISubIndex>';
my $fileElements = $element->File();
foreach my $fileElement (@$fileElements)
$output .= $self->BuildIndexElement($fileElement, $outputFile, $id, $element->Symbol(), $element->Package(), 1);
$output .=
else # hasMultiplePackages
$output .=
'<span class=ISymbol>'
. $symbolText
. '</span>'
. '<div class=ISubIndex>';
my $packageElements = $element->Package();
foreach my $packageElement (@$packageElements)
$output .= $self->BuildIndexElement($packageElement, $outputFile, $id, $element->Symbol());
$output .=
$output .= '</td></tr>';
return $output;
# Function: BuildIndexLink
# Builds and returns the HTML associated with an index link. The HTML will be the a href tag, the text, and the closing tag.
# Parameters:
# text - The text of the link *in HTML*. Use <IndexSymbolToHTML()> if necessary.
# symbol - The partial <SymbolString> to link to.
# package - The package <SymbolString> of the symbol.
# file - The <FileName> the symbol is defined in.
# type - The <TopicType> of the symbol.
# prototype - The prototype of the symbol, or undef if none.
# summary - The summary of the symbol, or undef if none.
# outputFile - The HTML <FileName> this link will appear in.
# style - The CSS style to apply to the link.
sub BuildIndexLink #(text, symbol, package, file, type, prototype, summary, outputFile, style)
my ($self, $text, $symbol, $package, $file, $type, $prototype, $summary, $outputFile, $style) = @_;
$symbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($package, $symbol);
my $targetTooltipID = $self->BuildToolTip($symbol, $file, $type, $prototype, $summary);
my $toolTipProperties = $self->BuildToolTipLinkProperties($targetTooltipID);
return '<a href="' . $self->MakeRelativeURL( $outputFile, $self->OutputFileOf($file), 1 )
. '#' . $self->SymbolToHTMLSymbol($symbol) . '" ' . $toolTipProperties . ' '
. 'class=' . $style . '>' . $text . '</a>';
# Function: BuildIndexNavigationBar
# Builds a navigation bar for a page of the index.
# Parameters:
# type - The <TopicType> of the index, or undef for general.
# page - The page of the index the navigation bar is for.
# locations - An arrayref of the locations of each section. Index 0 is for the symbols, index 1 for the numbers, and the rest
# for each letter. The values are the page numbers where the sections are located.
sub BuildIndexNavigationBar #(type, page, locations)
my ($self, $type, $page, $locations) = @_;
my $output = '<div class=INavigationBar>';
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @indexHeadings; $i++)
if ($i != 0)
{ $output .= ' · '; };
if (defined $locations->[$i])
$output .= '<a href="';
if ($locations->[$i] != $page)
{ $output .= $self->RelativeIndexFileOf($type, $locations->[$i]); };
$output .= '#' . $indexAnchors[$i] . '">' . $indexHeadings[$i] . '</a>';
$output .= $indexHeadings[$i];
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
# Group: File Functions
# function: PurgeIndexFiles
# Removes all or some of the output files for an index.
# Parameters:
# type - The index <TopicType>.
# startingPage - If defined, only pages starting with this number will be removed. Otherwise all pages will be removed.
sub PurgeIndexFiles #(type, startingPage)
my ($self, $type, $page) = @_;
if (!defined $page)
{ $page = 1; };
for (;;)
my $file = $self->IndexFileOf($type, $page);
if (-e $file)
# function: OutputFileOf
# Returns the output file name of the source file. Will be undef if it is not a file from a valid input directory.
sub OutputFileOf #(sourceFile)
my ($self, $sourceFile) = @_;
my ($inputDirectory, $relativeSourceFile) = NaturalDocs::Settings->SplitFromInputDirectory($sourceFile);
if (!defined $inputDirectory)
{ return undef; };
my $outputDirectory = NaturalDocs::Settings->OutputDirectoryOf($self);
my $inputDirectoryName = NaturalDocs::Settings->InputDirectoryNameOf($inputDirectory);
$outputDirectory = NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( $outputDirectory,
'files' . ($inputDirectoryName != 1 ? $inputDirectoryName : ''), 1 );
# We need to change any extensions to dashes because Apache will think file.pl.html is a script.
# We also need to add a dash if the file doesn't have an extension so there'd be no conflicts with index.html,
# FunctionIndex.html, etc.
if (!($relativeSourceFile =~ tr/./-/))
{ $relativeSourceFile .= '-'; };
$relativeSourceFile =~ tr/ /_/;
$relativeSourceFile .= '.html';
return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths($outputDirectory, $relativeSourceFile);
# Function: IndexDirectory
# Returns the directory of the index files.
sub IndexDirectory
my $self = shift;
return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( NaturalDocs::Settings->OutputDirectoryOf($self), 'index', 1);
# function: IndexFileOf
# Returns the output file name of the index file.
# Parameters:
# type - The <TopicType> of the index.
# page - The page number. Undef is the same as one.
sub IndexFileOf #(type, page)
my ($self, $type, $page) = @_;
return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( $self->IndexDirectory(), $self->RelativeIndexFileOf($type, $page) );
# function: RelativeIndexFileOf
# Returns the output file name of the index file, relative to other index files.
# Parameters:
# type - The <TopicType> of the index.
# page - The page number. Undef is the same as one.
sub RelativeIndexFileOf #(type, page)
my ($self, $type, $page) = @_;
return NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($type, 1, 1) . (defined $page && $page != 1 ? $page : '') . '.html';
# function: CSSDirectory
# Returns the directory of the CSS files.
sub CSSDirectory
my $self = shift;
return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( NaturalDocs::Settings->OutputDirectoryOf($self), 'styles', 1);
# Function: MainCSSFile
# Returns the location of the main CSS file.
sub MainCSSFile
my $self = shift;
return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( $self->CSSDirectory(), 'main.css' );
# function: JavaScriptDirectory
# Returns the directory of the JavaScript files.
sub JavaScriptDirectory
my $self = shift;
return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( NaturalDocs::Settings->OutputDirectoryOf($self), 'javascript', 1);
# Function: MainJavaScriptFile
# Returns the location of the main JavaScript file.
sub MainJavaScriptFile
my $self = shift;
return NaturalDocs::File->JoinPaths( $self->JavaScriptDirectory(), 'main.js' );
# Group: Support Functions
# function:IndexTitleOf
# Returns the page title of the index file.
# Parameters:
# type - The type of index.
sub IndexTitleOf #(type)
my ($self, $type) = @_;
return ($type eq ::TOPIC_GENERAL() ? '' : NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($type) . ' ') . 'Index';
# function: MakeRelativeURL
# Returns a relative path between two files in the output tree and returns it in URL format.
# Parameters:
# baseFile - The base <FileName> in local format, *not* in URL format.
# targetFile - The target <FileName> of the link in local format, *not* in URL format.
# baseHasFileName - Whether baseFile has a file name attached or is just a path.
# Returns:
# The relative URL to the target.
sub MakeRelativeURL #(FileName baseFile, FileName targetFile, bool baseHasFileName) -> string relativeURL
my ($self, $baseFile, $targetFile, $baseHasFileName) = @_;
if ($baseHasFileName)
{ $baseFile = NaturalDocs::File->NoFileName($baseFile) };
my $relativePath = NaturalDocs::File->MakeRelativePath($baseFile, $targetFile);
return $self->ConvertAmpChars( NaturalDocs::File->ConvertToURL($relativePath) );
# Function: StringToHTML
# Converts a text string to HTML. Does not apply paragraph tags or accept formatting tags.
# Parameters:
# string - The string to convert.
# addHiddenBreaks - Whether to add hidden breaks to the string. You can use <ADD_HIDDEN_BREAKS> for this parameter
# if you want to make the calling code clearer.
# Returns:
# The string in HTML.
sub StringToHTML #(string, addHiddenBreaks)
my ($self, $string, $addHiddenBreaks) = @_;
$string =~ s/&/&/g;
$string =~ s/</</g;
$string =~ s/>/>/g;
# Me likey the fancy quotes. They work in IE 4+, Mozilla, and Opera 5+. We've already abandoned NS4 with the CSS
# styles, so might as well.
$string =~ s/^\'/‘/gm;
$string =~ s/([\ \(\[\{])\'/$1‘/g;
$string =~ s/\'/’/g;
$string =~ s/^\"/“/gm;
$string =~ s/([\ \(\[\{])\"/$1“/g;
$string =~ s/\"/”/g;
# Me likey the double spaces too. As you can probably tell, I like print-formatting better than web-formatting. The indented
# paragraphs without blank lines in between them do become readable when you have fancy quotes and double spaces too.
$string = $self->AddDoubleSpaces($string);
if ($addHiddenBreaks)
{ $string = $self->AddHiddenBreaks($string); };
return $string;
# Function: SymbolToHTMLSymbol
# Converts a <SymbolString> to a HTML symbol, meaning one that is safe to include in anchor and link tags. You don't need
# to pass the result to <ConvertAmpChars()>.
sub SymbolToHTMLSymbol #(symbol)
my ($self, $symbol) = @_;
my @identifiers = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->IdentifiersOf($symbol);
my $htmlSymbol = join('.', @identifiers);
# If only Mozilla was nice about putting special characters in URLs like IE and Opera are, I could leave spaces in and replace
# "<>& with their amp chars. But alas, Mozilla shows them as %20, etc. instead. It would have made for nice looking URLs.
$htmlSymbol =~ tr/ \"<>\?&%/_/d;
return $htmlSymbol;
# Function: NDMarkupToHTML
# Converts a block of <NDMarkup> to HTML.
# Parameters:
# sourceFile - The source <FileName> the <NDMarkup> appears in.
# text - The <NDMarkup> text to convert.
# symbol - The topic <SymbolString> the <NDMarkup> appears in.
# package - The package <SymbolString> the <NDMarkup> appears in.
# type - The <TopicType> the <NDMarkup> appears in.
# using - An arrayref of scope <SymbolStrings> the <NDMarkup> also has access to, or undef if none.
# Returns:
# The text in HTML.
sub NDMarkupToHTML #(sourceFile, text, symbol, package, type, using)
my ($self, $sourceFile, $text, $symbol, $package, $type, $using) = @_;
my $dlSymbolBehavior;
if ($type == ::TOPIC_ENUMERATION())
{ $dlSymbolBehavior = NaturalDocs::Languages->LanguageOf($sourceFile)->EnumValues(); }
elsif (NaturalDocs::Topics->TypeInfo($type)->Scope() == ::SCOPE_ALWAYS_GLOBAL())
{ $dlSymbolBehavior = ::ENUM_GLOBAL(); }
{ $dlSymbolBehavior = ::ENUM_UNDER_PARENT(); };
my $output;
my $inCode;
my @splitText = split(/(<\/?code>)/, $text);
while (scalar @splitText)
$text = shift @splitText;
if ($text eq '<code>')
$output .= '<blockquote><pre class=CCode>';
$inCode = 1;
elsif ($text eq '</code>')
$output .= '</pre></blockquote>';
$inCode = undef;
elsif ($inCode)
$text =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
$output .= $text;
# Format non-code text.
# Convert quotes to fancy quotes.
$text =~ s/^\'/‘/gm;
$text =~ s/([\ \(\[\{])\'/$1‘/g;
$text =~ s/\'/’/g;
$text =~ s/^"/“/gm;
$text =~ s/([\ \(\[\{])"/$1“/g;
$text =~ s/"/”/g;
# Copyright symbols. Prevent conversion when part of (a), (b), (c) lists.
if ($text !~ /\(a\)/i)
{ $text =~ s/\(c\)/©/gi; };
# Trademark symbols.
$text =~ s/\(tm\)/™/gi;
$text =~ s/\(r\)/®/gi;
# Resolve and convert links.
$text =~ s/<link>([^<]+)<\/link>/$self->BuildTextLink($1, $package, $using, $sourceFile)/ge;
$text =~ s/<url>([^<]+)<\/url>/$self->BuildURLLink($1)/ge;
$text =~ s/<email>([^<]+)<\/email>/$self->BuildEMailLink($1)/eg;
# Add double spaces too.
$text = $self->AddDoubleSpaces($text);
# Paragraphs
$text =~ s/<p>/<p class=CParagraph>/g;
# Bulleted lists
$text =~ s/<ul>/<ul class=CBulletList>/g;
# Headings
$text =~ s/<h>/<h4 class=CHeading>/g;
$text =~ s/<\/h>/<\/h4>/g;
# Description Lists
$text =~ s/<dl>/<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList>/g;
$text =~ s/<\/dl>/<\/table>/g;
$text =~ s/<de>/<tr><td class=CDLEntry>/g;
$text =~ s/<\/de>/<\/td>/g;
if ($dlSymbolBehavior == ::ENUM_GLOBAL())
{ $text =~ s/<ds>([^<]+)<\/ds>/$self->MakeDescriptionListSymbol(undef, $1)/ge; }
elsif ($dlSymbolBehavior == ::ENUM_UNDER_PARENT())
{ $text =~ s/<ds>([^<]+)<\/ds>/$self->MakeDescriptionListSymbol($package, $1)/ge; }
else # ($dlSymbolBehavior == ::ENUM_UNDER_TYPE())
{ $text =~ s/<ds>([^<]+)<\/ds>/$self->MakeDescriptionListSymbol($symbol, $1)/ge; }
sub MakeDescriptionListSymbol #(package, text)
my ($self, $package, $text) = @_;
$text = NaturalDocs::NDMarkup->RestoreAmpChars($text);
my $symbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->FromText($text);
if (defined $package)
{ $symbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->Join($package, $symbol); };
. '<td class=CDLEntry>'
# The anchors are closed, but not around the text, to prevent the :hover CSS style from kicking in.
. '<a name="' . $self->SymbolToHTMLSymbol($symbol) . '"></a>'
. $text
. '</td>';
$text =~ s/<dd>/<td class=CDLDescription>/g;
$text =~ s/<\/dd>/<\/td><\/tr>/g;
$output .= $text;
return $output;
# Function: BuildTextLink
# Creates a HTML link to a symbol, if it exists.
# Parameters:
# text - The link text
# package - The package <SymbolString> the link appears in, or undef if none.
# using - An arrayref of additional scope <SymbolStrings> the link has access to, or undef if none.
# sourceFile - The <FileName> the link appears in.
# Returns:
# The link in HTML, including tags. If the link doesn't resolve to anything, returns the HTML that should be substituted for it.
sub BuildTextLink #(text, package, using, sourceFile)
my ($self, $text, $package, $using, $sourceFile) = @_;
my $plainText = $self->RestoreAmpChars($text);
my $symbol = NaturalDocs::SymbolString->FromText($plainText);
my $target = NaturalDocs::SymbolTable->References(::REFERENCE_TEXT(), $symbol, $package, $using, $sourceFile);
if (defined $target)
my $targetFile;
if ($target->File() ne $sourceFile)
{ $targetFile = $self->MakeRelativeURL( $self->OutputFileOf($sourceFile), $self->OutputFileOf($target->File()), 1 ); };
# else leave it undef
my $targetTooltipID = $self->BuildToolTip($target->Symbol(), $sourceFile, $target->Type(),
$target->Prototype(), $target->Summary());
my $toolTipProperties = $self->BuildToolTipLinkProperties($targetTooltipID);
return '<a href="' . $targetFile . '#' . $self->SymbolToHTMLSymbol($target->Symbol()) . '" '
. 'class=L' . NaturalDocs::Topics->NameOfType($target->Type(), 0, 1) . ' ' . $toolTipProperties . '>' . $text . '</a>';
return '<' . $text . '>';
# Function: BuildURLLink
# Creates a HTML link to an external URL. Long URLs will have hidden breaks to allow them to wrap.
# Parameters:
# url - The URL to link to.
# Returns:
# The HTML link, complete with tags.
sub BuildURLLink #(url)
my ($self, $url) = @_;
$url = $self->RestoreAmpChars($url);
if (length $url < 50)
{ return '<a href="' . $url . '" class=LURL>' . $self->ConvertAmpChars($url) . '</a>'; };
my @segments = split(/([\,\&\/])/, $url);
my $output = '<a href="' . $url . '" class=LURL>';
# Get past the first batch of slashes, since we don't want to break on things like http://.
$output .= $self->ConvertAmpChars($segments[0]);
my $i = 1;
while ($i < scalar @segments && ($segments[$i] eq '/' || !$segments[$i]))
$output .= $segments[$i];
# Now break on each one of those symbols.
while ($i < scalar @segments)
# Spaces don't wrap in IE for some reason. Need to use dashes as well.
if ($segments[$i] eq ',' || $segments[$i] eq '/' || $segments[$i] eq '&')
{ $output .= '<span class=HB>- </span>'; };
$output .= $self->ConvertAmpChars($segments[$i]);
$output .= '</a>';
return $output;
# Function: BuildEMailLink
# Creates a HTML link to an e-mail address. The address will be transparently munged to protect it (hopefully) from spambots.
# Parameters:
# address - The e-mail address.
# Returns:
# The HTML e-mail link, complete with tags.
sub BuildEMailLink #(address)
my ($self, $address) = @_;
my @splitAddress;
# Hack the address up. We want two user pieces and two host pieces.
my ($user, $host) = split(/\@/, $address);
my $userSplit = length($user) / 2;
push @splitAddress, substr($user, 0, $userSplit);
push @splitAddress, substr($user, $userSplit);
push @splitAddress, '@';
my $hostSplit = length($host) / 2;
push @splitAddress, substr($host, 0, $hostSplit);
push @splitAddress, substr($host, $hostSplit);
# Now put it back together again. We'll use spans to split the text transparently and JavaScript to split and join the link.
"<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"location.href='mai' + 'lto:' + '" . join("' + '", @splitAddress) . "'; return false;\" class=LEMail>"
. $splitAddress[0] . '<span style="display: none">.nosp@m.</span>' . $splitAddress[1]
. '<span>@</span>'
. $splitAddress[3] . '<span style="display: none">.nosp@m.</span>' . $splitAddress[4]
. '</a>';
# Function: BuildToolTipLinkProperties
# Returns the properties that should go in the link tag to add a tooltip to it. Because the function accepts undef, you can
# call it without checking if <BuildToolTip()> returned undef or not.
# Parameters:
# toolTipID - The ID of the tooltip. If undef, the function will return undef.
# Returns:
# The properties that should be put in the link tag, or undef if toolTipID wasn't specified.
sub BuildToolTipLinkProperties #(toolTipID)
my ($self, $toolTipID) = @_;
if (defined $toolTipID)
my $currentNumber = $tooltipLinkNumber;
return 'id=link' . $currentNumber . ' '
. 'onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, \'' . $toolTipID . '\', \'link' . $currentNumber . '\')" '
. 'onMouseOut="HideTip(\'' . $toolTipID . '\')"';
{ return undef; };
# Function: AddDoubleSpaces
# Adds second spaces after the appropriate punctuation with so they show up in HTML. They don't occur if there isn't at
# least one space after the punctuation, so things like class.member notation won't be affected.
# Parameters:
# text - The text to convert.
# Returns:
# The text with double spaces as necessary.
sub AddDoubleSpaces #(text)
my ($self, $text) = @_;
# Question marks and exclamation points get double spaces unless followed by a lowercase letter.
$text =~ s/ ([^\ \t\r\n] [\!\?]) # Must appear after a non-whitespace character to apply.
("|&[lr][sd]quo;|[\'\"\]\}\)]?) # Tolerate closing quotes, parenthesis, etc.
((?:<[^>]+>)*) # Tolerate tags
\ # The space
(?![a-z]) # Not followed by a lowercase character.
/$1$2$3 \ /gx;
# Periods get double spaces if it's not followed by a lowercase letter. However, if it's followed by a capital letter and the
# preceding word is in the list of acceptable abbreviations, it won't get the double space. Yes, I do realize I am seriously
# over-engineering this.
$text =~ s/ ([^\ \t\r\n]+) # The word prior to the period.
("|&[lr][sd]quo;|[\'\"\]\}\)]?) # Tolerate closing quotes, parenthesis, etc.
((?:<[^>]+>)*) # Tolerate tags
\ # The space
([^a-z]) # The next character, if it's not a lowercase letter.
/$1 . '.' . $2 . $3 . MaybeExpand($1, $4) . $4/gex;
sub MaybeExpand #(leadWord, nextLetter)
my ($leadWord, $nextLetter) = @_;
if ($nextLetter =~ /^[A-Z]$/ && exists $abbreviations{ lc($leadWord) } )
{ return ' '; }
{ return ' '; };
return $text;
# Function: ConvertAmpChars
# Converts certain characters to their HTML amp char equivalents.
# Parameters:
# text - The text to convert.
# Returns:
# The converted text.
sub ConvertAmpChars #(text)
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text =~ s/&/&/g;
$text =~ s/\"/"/g;
$text =~ s/</</g;
$text =~ s/>/>/g;
return $text;
# Function: RestoreAmpChars
# Restores all amp characters to their original state. This works with both <NDMarkup> amp chars and fancy quotes.
# Parameters:
# text - The text to convert.
# Returns:
# The converted text.
sub RestoreAmpChars #(text)
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text = NaturalDocs::NDMarkup->RestoreAmpChars($text);
$text =~ s/&[lr]squo;/'/g;
$text =~ s/&[lr]dquo;/"/g;
return $text;
# Function: AddHiddenBreaks
# Adds hidden breaks to symbols. Puts them after symbol and directory separators so long names won't screw up the layout.
# Parameters:
# string - The string to break.
# Returns:
# The string with hidden breaks.
sub AddHiddenBreaks #(string)
my ($self, $string) = @_;
# \.(?=.{5,}) instead of \. so file extensions don't get breaks.
# :+ instead of :: because Mac paths are separated by a : and we want to get those too.
$string =~ s/(\w(?:\.(?=.{5,})|:+|->|\\|\/))(\w)/$1 . '<span class=HB> <\/span>' . $2/ge;
return $string;
# Function: FindFirstFile
# A function that finds and returns the first file entry in the menu, or undef if none.
sub FindFirstFile
# Hidden parameter: arrayref
# Used for recursion only.
my ($self, $arrayref) = @_;
if (!defined $arrayref)
{ $arrayref = NaturalDocs::Menu->Content(); };
foreach my $entry (@$arrayref)
if ($entry->Type() == ::MENU_FILE())
return $entry;
elsif ($entry->Type() == ::MENU_GROUP())
my $result = $self->FindFirstFile($entry->GroupContent());
if (defined $result)
{ return $result; };
return undef;
# Function: ExpandMenu
# Determines which groups should be expanded.
# Parameters:
# sourceFile - The source <FileName> to use if you're looking for a source file.
# indexType - The index <TopicType> to use if you're looking for an index.
# selectionHierarchy - The <FileName> the menu is being built for. Does not have to be on the menu itself.
# rootLength - The length of the menu's root group, *not* including the contents of subgroups.
# Returns:
# An arrayref of all the group numbers that should be expanded. At minimum, it will contain the numbers of the groups
# present in <menuSelectionHierarchy>, though it may contain more.
sub ExpandMenu #(FileName sourceFile, TopicType indexType, NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry[] selectionHierarchy, int rootLength) -> int[] groupsToExpand
my ($self, $sourceFile, $indexType, $menuSelectionHierarchy, $rootLength) = @_;
my $toExpand = [ ];
# First expand everything in the selection hierarchy.
my $length = $rootLength;
foreach my $entry (@$menuSelectionHierarchy)
$length += $menuGroupLengths{$entry};
push @$toExpand, $menuGroupNumbers{$entry};
# Now do multiple passes of group expansion as necessary. We start from bottomIndex and expand outwards. We stop going
# in a direction if a group there is too long -- we do not skip over it and check later groups as well. However, if one direction
# stops, the other can keep going.
my $pass = 1;
my $hasSubGroups;
while ($length < MENU_LENGTH_LIMIT)
my $content;
my $topIndex;
my $bottomIndex;
if ($pass == 1)
# First pass, we expand the selection's siblings.
if (scalar @$menuSelectionHierarchy)
{ $content = $menuSelectionHierarchy->[0]->GroupContent(); }
{ $content = NaturalDocs::Menu->Content(); };
$bottomIndex = 0;
while ($bottomIndex < scalar @$content &&
!($content->[$bottomIndex]->Type() == ::MENU_FILE() &&
$content->[$bottomIndex]->Target() eq $sourceFile) &&
!($content->[$bottomIndex]->Type() != ::MENU_INDEX() &&
$content->[$bottomIndex]->Target() eq $indexType) )
{ $bottomIndex++; };
if ($bottomIndex == scalar @$content)
{ $bottomIndex = 0; };
$topIndex = $bottomIndex - 1;
elsif ($pass == 2)
# If the section we just expanded had no sub-groups, do another pass trying to expand the parent's sub-groups. The
# net effect is that groups won't collapse as much unnecessarily. Someone can click on a file in a sub-group and the
# groups in the parent will stay open.
if (!$hasSubGroups && scalar @$menuSelectionHierarchy)
if (scalar @$menuSelectionHierarchy > 1)
{ $content = $menuSelectionHierarchy->[1]->GroupContent(); }
{ $content = NaturalDocs::Menu->Content(); };
$bottomIndex = 0;
while ($bottomIndex < scalar @$content &&
$content->[$bottomIndex] != $menuSelectionHierarchy->[0])
{ $bottomIndex++; };
$topIndex = $bottomIndex - 1;
$bottomIndex++; # Increment past our own group.
$hasSubGroups = undef;
{ last; };
# No more passes.
{ last; };
while ( ($topIndex >= 0 || $bottomIndex < scalar @$content) && $length < MENU_LENGTH_LIMIT)
# We do the bottom first.
while ($bottomIndex < scalar @$content && $content->[$bottomIndex]->Type() != ::MENU_GROUP())
{ $bottomIndex++; };
if ($bottomIndex < scalar @$content)
my $bottomEntry = $content->[$bottomIndex];
$hasSubGroups = 1;
if ($length + $menuGroupLengths{$bottomEntry} <= MENU_LENGTH_LIMIT)
$length += $menuGroupLengths{$bottomEntry};
push @$toExpand, $menuGroupNumbers{$bottomEntry};
{ $bottomIndex = scalar @$content; };
# Top next.
while ($topIndex >= 0 && $content->[$topIndex]->Type() != ::MENU_GROUP())
{ $topIndex--; };
if ($topIndex >= 0)
my $topEntry = $content->[$topIndex];
$hasSubGroups = 1;
if ($length + $menuGroupLengths{$topEntry} <= MENU_LENGTH_LIMIT)
$length += $menuGroupLengths{$topEntry};
push @$toExpand, $menuGroupNumbers{$topEntry};
{ $topIndex = -1; };
return $toExpand;
# Function: GetMenuSelectionHierarchy
# Finds the sequence of menu groups that contain the current selection.
# Parameters:
# sourceFile - The source <FileName> to use if you're looking for a source file.
# indexType - The index <TopicType> to use if you're looking for an index.
# Returns:
# An arrayref of the <NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry> objects of each group surrounding the selected menu item. First entry is the
# group immediately encompassing it, and each subsequent entry works its way towards the outermost group.
sub GetMenuSelectionHierarchy #(FileName sourceFile, TopicType indexType) -> NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry[] selectionHierarchy
my ($self, $sourceFile, $indexType) = @_;
my $hierarchy = [ ];
$self->FindMenuSelection($sourceFile, $indexType, $hierarchy, NaturalDocs::Menu->Content());
return $hierarchy;
# Function: FindMenuSelection
# A recursive function that deterimes if it or any of its sub-groups has the menu selection.
# Parameters:
# sourceFile - The source <FileName> to use if you're looking for a source file.
# indexType - The index <TopicType> to use if you're looking for an index.
# hierarchyRef - A reference to the menu selection hierarchy.
# entries - An arrayref of <NaturalDocs::Menu::Entries> to search.
# Returns:
# Whether this group or any of its subgroups had the selection. If true, it will add any subgroups to the menu selection
# hierarchy but not itself. This prevents the topmost entry from being added.
sub FindMenuSelection #(FileName sourceFile, TopicType indexType, NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry[] hierarchyRef, NaturalDocs::Menu::Entry[] entries) -> bool hasSelection
my ($self, $sourceFile, $indexType, $hierarchyRef, $entries) = @_;
foreach my $entry (@$entries)
if ($entry->Type() == ::MENU_GROUP())
# If the subgroup has the selection...
if ( $self->FindMenuSelection($sourceFile, $indexType, $hierarchyRef, $entry->GroupContent()) )
push @$hierarchyRef, $entry;
return 1;
elsif ($entry->Type() == ::MENU_FILE())
if ($sourceFile eq $entry->Target())
{ return 1; };
elsif ($entry->Type() == ::MENU_INDEX())
if ($indexType eq $entry->Target)
{ return 1; };
return 0;
# Function: ResetToolTips
# Resets the <ToolTip Package Variables> for a new page.
# Parameters:
# samePage - Set this flag if there's the possibility that the next batch of tooltips may be on the same page as the last.
sub ResetToolTips #(samePage)
my ($self, $samePage) = @_;
if (!$samePage)
$tooltipLinkNumber = 1;
$tooltipNumber = 1;
$tooltipHTML = undef;
%tooltipSymbolsToNumbers = ( );