/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include "map.h" #include CMap::CMap() = default; void *CMap::GetData(int Index) { return m_DataFile.GetData(Index); } int CMap::GetDataSize(int Index) { return m_DataFile.GetDataSize(Index); } void *CMap::GetDataSwapped(int Index) { return m_DataFile.GetDataSwapped(Index); } void CMap::UnloadData(int Index) { m_DataFile.UnloadData(Index); } void *CMap::GetItem(int Index, int *pType, int *pID) { return m_DataFile.GetItem(Index, pType, pID); } int CMap::GetItemSize(int Index) { return m_DataFile.GetItemSize(Index); } void CMap::GetType(int Type, int *pStart, int *pNum) { m_DataFile.GetType(Type, pStart, pNum); } void *CMap::FindItem(int Type, int ID) { return m_DataFile.FindItem(Type, ID); } int CMap::NumItems() { return m_DataFile.NumItems(); } void CMap::Unload() { m_DataFile.Close(); } bool CMap::Load(const char *pMapName) { IStorage *pStorage = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); if(!pStorage) return false; return m_DataFile.Open(pStorage, pMapName, IStorage::TYPE_ALL); } bool CMap::IsLoaded() { return m_DataFile.IsOpen(); } SHA256_DIGEST CMap::Sha256() { return m_DataFile.Sha256(); } unsigned CMap::Crc() { return m_DataFile.Crc(); } int CMap::MapSize() { return m_DataFile.MapSize(); } IOHANDLE CMap::File() { return m_DataFile.File(); } extern IEngineMap *CreateEngineMap() { return new CMap; }