/* copyright (c) 2007 magnus auvinen, see licence.txt for more info */ #ifndef ENGINE_IF_OTHER_H #define ENGINE_IF_OTHER_H /* Title: Engine Interface */ #include #include "e_keys.h" enum { SERVER_TICK_SPEED=50, MAX_CLIENTS=16, SNAP_CURRENT=0, SNAP_PREV=1, MASK_NONE=0, MASK_SET, MASK_ZERO, SNDFLAG_LOOP=1, SNDFLAG_POS=2, SNDFLAG_ALL=3, MAX_NAME_LENGTH=32 }; enum { SRVFLAG_PASSWORD = 0x1, SRVFLAG_TUNED = 0x2, SRVFLAG_MOD = 0x4 }; /* Structure: SNAP_ITEM */ typedef struct { int type; int id; int datasize; } SNAP_ITEM; /* Structure: CLIENT_INFO */ typedef struct { const char *name; int latency; } CLIENT_INFO; typedef struct PERFORMACE_INFO_t { const char *name; struct PERFORMACE_INFO_t *parent; struct PERFORMACE_INFO_t *first_child; struct PERFORMACE_INFO_t *next_child; int tick; int64 start; int64 total; int64 biggest; int64 last_delta; } PERFORMACE_INFO; void perf_init(); void perf_next(); void perf_start(PERFORMACE_INFO *info); void perf_end(); void perf_dump(); int gfx_init(); void gfx_shutdown(); void gfx_swap(); int gfx_window_active(); int gfx_window_open(); void gfx_set_vsync(int val); void gfx_mask_op(int mask, int write); void gfx_clear_mask(int fill); int snd_init(); int snd_shutdown(); int snd_update(); int map_load(const char *mapname); void map_unload(); void map_set(void *m); /* #include "e_if_client.h" #include "e_if_server.h" #include "e_if_snd.h" #include "e_if_gfx.h" #include "e_if_inp.h" #include "e_if_msg.h" #include "e_if_mod.h"*/ /* Section: Map */ /* Function: map_is_loaded Checks if a map is loaded. Returns: Returns 1 if the button is pressed, otherwise 0. */ int map_is_loaded(); /* Function: map_num_items Checks the number of items in the loaded map. Returns: Returns the number of items. 0 if no map is loaded. */ int map_num_items(); /* Function: map_find_item Searches the map for an item. Arguments: type - Item type. id - Item ID. Returns: Returns a pointer to the item if it exists, otherwise it returns NULL. */ void *map_find_item(int type, int id); /* Function: map_get_item Gets an item from the loaded map from index. Arguments: index - Item index. type - Pointer that recives the item type (can be NULL). id - Pointer that recives the item id (can be NULL). Returns: Returns a pointer to the item if it exists, otherwise it returns NULL. */ void *map_get_item(int index, int *type, int *id); /* Function: map_get_type Gets the index range of an item type. Arguments: type - Item type to search for. start - Pointer that recives the starting index. num - Pointer that recives the number of items. Returns: If the item type is not in the map, start and num will be set to 0. */ void map_get_type(int type, int *start, int *num); /* Function: map_get_data Fetches a pointer to a raw data chunk in the map. Arguments: index - Index to the data to fetch. Returns: A pointer to the raw data, otherwise 0. */ void *map_get_data(int index); /* Function: map_get_data_swapped TODO Arguments: arg1 - desc Returns: See Also: */ void *map_get_data_swapped(int index); /* Section: Network (Server) */ /* Function: snap_new_item Creates a new item that should be sent. Arguments: type - Type of the item. id - ID of the item. size - Size of the item. Returns: A pointer to the item data, otherwise 0. Remarks: The item data should only consist pf 4 byte integers as they are subject to byte swapping. This means that the size argument should be dividable by 4. */ void *snap_new_item(int type, int id, int size); /* Section:Section: Network (Client) */ /* Function: snap_num_items Check the number of items in a snapshot. Arguments: snapid - Snapshot ID to the data to fetch. * SNAP_PREV for previous snapshot. * SNAP_CUR for current snapshot. Returns: The number of items in the snapshot. */ int snap_num_items(int snapid); /* Function: snap_get_item Gets an item from a snapshot. Arguments: snapid - Snapshot ID to the data to fetch. * SNAP_PREV for previous snapshot. * SNAP_CUR for current snapshot. index - Index of the item. item - Pointer that recives the item info. Returns: Returns a pointer to the item if it exists, otherwise NULL. */ void *snap_get_item(int snapid, int index, SNAP_ITEM *item); /* Function: snap_find_item Searches a snapshot for an item. Arguments: snapid - Snapshot ID to the data to fetch. * SNAP_PREV for previous snapshot. * SNAP_CUR for current snapshot. type - Type of the item. id - ID of the item. Returns: Returns a pointer to the item if it exists, otherwise NULL. */ void *snap_find_item(int snapid, int type, int id); /* Function: snap_invalidate_item Marks an item as invalid byt setting type and id to 0xffffffff. Arguments: snapid - Snapshot ID to the data to fetch. * SNAP_PREV for previous snapshot. * SNAP_CUR for current snapshot. index - Index of the item. */ void snap_invalidate_item(int snapid, int index); /* Function: snap_input Sets the input data to send to the server. Arguments: data - Pointer to the data. size - Size of the data. Remarks: The data should only consist of 4 bytes integer as they are subject to byte swapping. */ void snap_input(void *data, int size); /* Function: snap_set_staticsize Tells the engine how big a specific item always will be. This helps the engine to compress snapshots better. Arguments: type - Item type size - Size of the data. Remarks: Size must be in a multiple of 4. */ void snap_set_staticsize(int type, int size); /* message packing */ enum { MSGFLAG_VITAL=1, MSGFLAG_FLUSH=2 }; /* message sending */ /* Function: server_send_msg TODO Arguments: arg1 - desc Returns: See Also: */ int server_send_msg(int client_id); /* client_id == -1 == broadcast */ /* Function: client_send_msg TODO Arguments: arg1 - desc Returns: See Also: */ int client_send_msg(); /* undocumented graphics stuff */ /* server snap id */ /* Function: snap_new_id TODO Arguments: arg1 - desc Returns: See Also: */ int snap_new_id(); /* Function: snap_free_id TODO Arguments: arg1 - desc Returns: See Also: */ void snap_free_id(int id); /* other */ /* Function: map_unload_data TODO Arguments: arg1 - desc Returns: See Also: */ void map_unload_data(int index); #endif