/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_CLIENT_COMPONENTS_CHAT_H #define GAME_CLIENT_COMPONENTS_CHAT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class CChat : public CComponent { CLineInputBuffered<512> m_Input; static constexpr float CHAT_WIDTH = 200.0f; static constexpr float CHAT_HEIGHT_FULL = 200.0f; static constexpr float CHAT_HEIGHT_MIN = 50.0f; enum { MAX_LINES = 25 }; struct CLine { int64_t m_Time; float m_aYOffset[2]; int m_ClientID; int m_TeamNumber; bool m_Team; bool m_Whisper; int m_NameColor; char m_aName[64]; char m_aText[512]; bool m_Friend; bool m_Highlighted; STextContainerIndex m_TextContainerIndex; int m_QuadContainerIndex; char m_aSkinName[std::size(g_Config.m_ClPlayerSkin)]; CSkin::SSkinTextures m_RenderSkin; CSkin::SSkinMetrics m_RenderSkinMetrics; bool m_CustomColoredSkin; ColorRGBA m_ColorBody; ColorRGBA m_ColorFeet; bool m_HasRenderTee; float m_TextYOffset; int m_TimesRepeated; }; bool m_PrevScoreBoardShowed; bool m_PrevShowChat; CLine m_aLines[MAX_LINES]; int m_CurrentLine; enum { // client IDs for special messages CLIENT_MSG = -2, SERVER_MSG = -1, MODE_NONE = 0, MODE_ALL, MODE_TEAM, CHAT_SERVER = 0, CHAT_HIGHLIGHT, CHAT_CLIENT, CHAT_NUM, }; int m_Mode; bool m_Show; bool m_CompletionUsed; int m_CompletionChosen; char m_aCompletionBuffer[256]; int m_PlaceholderOffset; int m_PlaceholderLength; struct CRateablePlayer { int ClientID; int Score; }; CRateablePlayer m_aPlayerCompletionList[MAX_CLIENTS]; int m_PlayerCompletionListLength; struct CCommand { const char *m_pName; const char *m_pParams; CCommand() = default; CCommand(const char *pName, const char *pParams) : m_pName(pName), m_pParams(pParams) { } bool operator<(const CCommand &Other) const { return str_comp(m_pName, Other.m_pName) < 0; } bool operator<=(const CCommand &Other) const { return str_comp(m_pName, Other.m_pName) <= 0; } bool operator==(const CCommand &Other) const { return str_comp(m_pName, Other.m_pName) == 0; } }; std::vector m_vCommands; struct CHistoryEntry { int m_Team; char m_aText[1]; }; CHistoryEntry *m_pHistoryEntry; CStaticRingBuffer m_History; int m_PendingChatCounter; int64_t m_LastChatSend; int64_t m_aLastSoundPlayed[CHAT_NUM]; static void ConSay(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData); static void ConSayTeam(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData); static void ConChat(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData); static void ConShowChat(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData); static void ConEcho(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData); static void ConchainChatOld(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); bool LineShouldHighlight(const char *pLine, const char *pName); void StoreSave(const char *pText); public: CChat(); int Sizeof() const override { return sizeof(*this); } static constexpr float MESSAGE_PADDING_X = 5.0f; static constexpr float MESSAGE_TEE_SIZE = 7.0f; static constexpr float MESSAGE_TEE_PADDING_RIGHT = 0.5f; static constexpr float FONT_SIZE = 6.0f; static constexpr float MESSAGE_PADDING_Y = 1.0f; static constexpr float MESSAGE_ROUNDING = 3.0f; static_assert(FONT_SIZE + MESSAGE_PADDING_Y >= MESSAGE_ROUNDING * 2.0f, "Corners for background chat are too huge for this combination of font size and message padding."); bool IsActive() const { return m_Mode != MODE_NONE; } void AddLine(int ClientID, int Team, const char *pLine); void EnableMode(int Team); void DisableMode(); void Say(int Team, const char *pLine); void SayChat(const char *pLine); void RegisterCommand(const char *pName, const char *pParams, int flags, const char *pHelp); void Echo(const char *pString); void OnWindowResize() override; void OnConsoleInit() override; void OnStateChange(int NewState, int OldState) override; void OnRender() override; void RefindSkins(); void OnPrepareLines(); void Reset(); void OnRelease() override; void OnMessage(int MsgType, void *pRawMsg) override; bool OnInput(const IInput::CEvent &Event) override; void OnInit() override; void RebuildChat(); }; #endif