/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef ENGINE_SHARED_MEMHEAP_H #define ENGINE_SHARED_MEMHEAP_H #include #include #include class CHeap { struct CChunk { char *m_pMemory; char *m_pCurrent; char *m_pEnd; CChunk *m_pNext; }; enum { // how large each chunk should be CHUNK_SIZE = 1025 * 64, }; CChunk *m_pCurrent; void Clear(); void NewChunk(); void *AllocateFromChunk(unsigned int Size, unsigned Alignment); public: CHeap(); ~CHeap(); void Reset(); void *Allocate(unsigned Size, unsigned Alignment = alignof(std::max_align_t)); const char *StoreString(const char *pSrc); template T *Allocate(TArgs &&... Args) { return new(Allocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T))) T(std::forward(Args)...); } }; #endif