############################################################################### # # Package: NaturalDocs::BinaryFile # ############################################################################### # # A package to manage Natural Docs' binary data files. # # Usage: # # - Only one data file can be managed with this package at a time. You must close the file before opening another # one. # ############################################################################### # This file is part of Natural Docs, which is Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Greg Valure # Natural Docs is licensed under the GPL use strict; use integer; package NaturalDocs::BinaryFile; use vars qw(@EXPORT @ISA); require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = ('BINARY_FORMAT'); ############################################################################### # Group: Format # # Topic: Standard Header # # > [UInt8: BINARY_FORMAT] # > [VersionInt: app version] # # The first byte is , which distinguishes binary configuration files from text ones, since Natural Docs # used to use text data files with the same name. # # The next section is the version of Natural Docs that wrote the file, as defined by AppVersion> # and written by ToBinaryFile()>. # # # Topic: Data Types # # All the integer data types are written most significant byte first, aka big endian. # # An AString16 is a UInt16 followed by that many 8-bit ASCII characters. It doesn't include a null character at the end. Undef # strings are represented by a zero for the UInt16 and nothing following it. # # # Constant: BINARY_FORMAT # # An 8-bit constant that's used as the first byte of binary data files. This is used so that you can easily distinguish between # binary and old-style text data files. It's not a character that would appear in plain text files. # use constant BINARY_FORMAT => pack('C', 0x06); # Which is ACK or acknowledge in ASCII. Is the cool spade character in DOS displays. ############################################################################### # Group: Variables # # handle: FH_BINARYDATAFILE # # The file handle used for the data file. # # # string: currentFile # # The for the current configuration file being parsed. # my $currentFile; ############################################################################### # Group: File Functions # # Function: OpenForReading # # Opens a binary file for reading. # # Parameters: # # minimumVersion - The minimum version of the file format that is acceptible. May be undef. # # Returns: # # The format or undef if it failed. It could fail for any of the following reasons. # # - The file doesn't exist. # - The file couldn't be opened. # - The file didn't have the proper header. # - Either the application or the file was from a development release, and they're not the exact same development release. # - The file's format was less than the minimum version, if one was defined. # - The file was from a later application version than the current. # sub OpenForReading #(FileName file, optional VersionInt minimumVersion) => VersionInt { my ($self, $file, $minimumVersion) = @_; if (defined $currentFile) { die "Tried to open binary file " . $file . " for reading when " . $currentFile . " was already open."; }; $currentFile = $file; if (open(FH_BINARYDATAFILE, '<' . $currentFile)) { # See if it's binary. binmode(FH_BINARYDATAFILE); my $firstChar; read(FH_BINARYDATAFILE, $firstChar, 1); if ($firstChar == ::BINARY_FORMAT()) { my $version = NaturalDocs::Version->FromBinaryFile(\*FH_BINARYDATAFILE); if (NaturalDocs::Version->CheckFileFormat($version, $minimumVersion)) { return $version; }; }; close(FH_BINARYDATAFILE); }; $currentFile = undef; return undef; }; # # Function: OpenForWriting # # Opens a binary file for writing and writes the standard header. Dies if the file cannot be opened. # sub OpenForWriting #(FileName file) { my ($self, $file) = @_; if (defined $currentFile) { die "Tried to open binary file " . $file . " for writing when " . $currentFile . " was already open."; }; $currentFile = $file; open (FH_BINARYDATAFILE, '>' . $currentFile) or die "Couldn't save " . $file . ".\n"; binmode(FH_BINARYDATAFILE); print FH_BINARYDATAFILE '' . ::BINARY_FORMAT(); NaturalDocs::Version->ToBinaryFile(\*FH_BINARYDATAFILE, NaturalDocs::Settings->AppVersion()); }; # # Function: Close # # Closes the current configuration file. # sub Close { my $self = shift; if (!$currentFile) { die "Tried to close a binary file when one wasn't open."; }; close(FH_BINARYDATAFILE); $currentFile = undef; }; ############################################################################### # Group: Reading Functions # # Function: GetUInt8 # Reads and returns a UInt8 from the open file. # sub GetUInt8 # => UInt8 { my $raw; read(FH_BINARYDATAFILE, $raw, 1); return unpack('C', $raw); }; # # Function: GetUInt16 # Reads and returns a UInt16 from the open file. # sub GetUInt16 # => UInt16 { my $raw; read(FH_BINARYDATAFILE, $raw, 2); return unpack('n', $raw); }; # # Function: GetUInt32 # Reads and returns a UInt32 from the open file. # sub GetUInt32 # => UInt32 { my $raw; read(FH_BINARYDATAFILE, $raw, 4); return unpack('N', $raw); }; # # Function: GetAString16 # Reads and returns an AString16 from the open file. Supports undef strings. # sub GetAString16 # => string { my $rawLength; read(FH_BINARYDATAFILE, $rawLength, 2); my $length = unpack('n', $rawLength); if (!$length) { return undef; }; my $string; read(FH_BINARYDATAFILE, $string, $length); return $string; }; ############################################################################### # Group: Writing Functions # # Function: WriteUInt8 # Writes a UInt8 to the open file. # sub WriteUInt8 #(UInt8 value) { my ($self, $value) = @_; print FH_BINARYDATAFILE pack('C', $value); }; # # Function: WriteUInt16 # Writes a UInt32 to the open file. # sub WriteUInt16 #(UInt16 value) { my ($self, $value) = @_; print FH_BINARYDATAFILE pack('n', $value); }; # # Function: WriteUInt32 # Writes a UInt32 to the open file. # sub WriteUInt32 #(UInt32 value) { my ($self, $value) = @_; print FH_BINARYDATAFILE pack('N', $value); }; # # Function: WriteAString16 # Writes an AString16 to the open file. Supports undef strings. # sub WriteAString16 #(string value) { my ($self, $string) = @_; if (length($string)) { print FH_BINARYDATAFILE pack('nA*', length($string), $string); } else { print FH_BINARYDATAFILE pack('n', 0); }; }; 1;